Journals: Chinese Studies International, Journal of Burma Studies, Oceanic Linguistics + more

Journal of Burma Studies 28-2 cover

Journal of Burma Studies

Special Issue: PopMyanmar

Volume 28, Number 2 (2024)

The Special issue is introduced by editor Jane Ferguson who states:

Given the tremendous, enduring Burmese interest in—and affection for—local and transnational popular culture, The Journal of Burma Studies is proud to present this special issue: PopMyanmar. Various platforms for popular culture distribution, from print media to music to the internet, are embedded in everyday practices. Pop culture’s modes and meanings of consumption are constantly refashioned through history, taste, and caprice. Yet it is not free for all: these artifacts are still beholden to the political economy at large. Popular culture, as an essential part of modern society’s mainstream, is thus a reflection of its dominant values. As a site for cultural contestation, pop culture can influence imaginings for new political futures.

Find this introduction, articles and more at Project MUSE.

Journal of Korean Religions, The Contemporary Pacific, U.S. Japan Women’s Journal + more

ATJ 41-1 cover
Front cover of Biography volume 46, number 2 (2024)


Volume 46, Number 2 (2023)

Editor Craig Howes discusses this edition and unique collection of writing:

[F]rom its first issue in 1978, Biography has been principally a forum journal, dedicated to publishing unsolicited articles from a wide variety of disciplines, and solicited reviews of recent critical and theoretical publications devoted to some aspect of life writing.  This issue continues the tradition, and renews this commitment. Seven very substantial articles and twenty-one reviews—nothing else. But a quick comparison of our first and latest issues reveals that some things have changed, largely in response to changes in the field itself. Although Biography declared itself an An Interdisciplinary Quarterly from the start, all of the first six articles dealt with American, English, and French literary or historical subjects. The current issue’s seven articles deal with religious, psychoanalytic, broadcast, graphic, and social media texts from a far wider range of geographic locations—North America and Western Europe, but also the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and Western Asia, with glances at Africa and South and Eastern Asia for important context.

Find this Editors’ Note, articles, reviews, and more at Project MUSE.

Front cover of The Contemporary Pacific volume 35 numbers 1 and 2
JKR 15.1

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society

Volume 17, Number 1 (2024)

Voice And Pronominal Forms In Kayan (Uma Nyaving)
Alexander D. Smith, Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine, and Carly J. Sommerlot

Chronology of Registrogenesis in Khmer: Analyses of Poetry and Inscriptions
Sireemas Mapong

Classifiers and Definiteness in Longdu (Min Chinese)
Joanna Ut-Seong Sio

Notes on the sociopolitical history of nomenclatures in Northeast India
Pauthang Haokip

Remembering Michel Ferlus (1935-2024)
Alexis Michaud and Minh Châu Nguyên

Find these research papers, data paper, reviews, bibliographies, remembrances, and more at eVols.

PEW 74-2 cover
USJWJ 65 cover

Journals: After(Life) Narratives of #MeToo, Digital Korean Studies, Playwright Betsuyaku Minoru + More

AP 62-2 cover

Asian Perspectives

Volume 62, Number 2 (2023)

What’s in a Hearth? Preliminary Findings from the Margal Hunter-Gatherer Habitation in the Eastern Mongolian Gobi Desert
Sarah Pleuger, Bastian Breitenfeld, Altanbayar Zoljargal, Albert Russell Nelson, William Honeychurch, and Chunag Amartuvshin

The Mid-Second Millennium A.D. Submerged Iron Production Village of Pontada in Lake Matano, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Shinatria Adhityatama, Triwurjani, Dida Yurnaldi, Joko Wahyudiono, Ahmad Surya Ramadhan, Muslim Dimas Khoiru Dhony, Suryatman, Abdullah Abbas, Darfin, Alqiz Lukman, Aldhi Wahyu Pratama, and David Bulbeck

Iron Production Industry in Western Chongqing During the Late Ming Dynasty: A Perspective from Smelting Related Materials
Li Yuniu, Sun Zhigang, Qiu Tian, Bai Jiujiang, and Huang Wan

The Archaeology of Ancient Japanese Gardens
Richard Pearson

Find these articles, reviews, and more at Project MUSE.


Asian Theatre Journal

Special Section: Betsuyaku Minoru

Volume 40, Number 2 (2023)

Editor Siyuan Liu discusses the special section in the introduction:

This issue starts with a special section on the Japanese playwright Betsuyaku Minoru (1937–2020), known in the west for his plays during the avant-garde angura (underground), or little theatre movement, of the 1960s and 1970s. Guest-edited by David Jortner, this special section updates our knowledge of his long career since then, with a translation of his play Yattekita Godō (Godot Came, 2007) by John K. Gillespie, together with two essays by Gillespie and Roger Pulvers.

Read more translations, reviews, reports, and articles at Project MUSE.

Front cover of Biography volume 45-4 (2023)


Special Edition: After(Life) Narratives of #MeToo

Guest Editors: Rebecca Wanzo and Carol A. Stabile

Volume 45, Number 4 (2022)

#MeToo: A Biography
Rebecca Wanzo and Carol A. Stabile

Micro-disclosures for Macro-erasures: #MeToo in the Academy
Roopika Risam

#MeToo Storytelling: Confession, Testimony, and Life Writing
Leigh Gilmore

“If it didn’t hurt so bad, I’d kill myself, but I’ll let Ed Buck do it for now”: #Justice4Gemmel and Black Queer Narratives in the Age and Afterlife of #MeToo
Terrance Wooten

The Afterlives of #MeToo: A Roundtable Discussion with Māhealani Ahia, Michelle Cho, Pallavi Guha, Régine Michelle Jean-Charles, Kahala Johnson, and Ever E. Osorio
Greta LaFleur, Dana Seitler, Māhealani Ahia, Michelle Cho, Pallavi Guha, Régine Michelle Jean-Charles, Kahala Johnson, and Ever E. Osorio

Read these articles and more at Project MUSE.

Journals: When is a Qin Tomb not a Qin Tomb, Akan Relations in West Africa, the Queen of Kunqu, Kodi Phonology + More

Asian Perspectives

Volume 61, Number 2 (2022)

The new issue contains the following articles:

A Unique Burial of the Fourth Millennium B.C.E. and
the Earliest Burial Traditions in Mongolia 220

Susanne Reichert, Nasan-Ochir Erdene-Ochir,
and Jan Bemmann

When is a Qin Tomb not a Qin Tomb? Cultural
(De)construction in the Middle Han River Valley

Glenda Chao

Recent Rock Art Sites from West Sumatra, Indonesia
Karina Arifin and R. Cecep Eka Permana

A Ceramic and Plant and Parasite Microfossil Record from
Andarayan, Cagayan Valley, Philippines Reveals Cultigens and
Human Helminthiases Spanning the Last ca. 2080 Years

Mark Horrocks, John Peterson, and Bronwen Presswell

Bioarchaeology in Central Asia: Growing from Legacies to
Enhance Future Research

Elissa A. Bullion, Zhuldyz Tashmanbetova, and
Alicia R.Ventresca Miller

Find more special features and articles at Project MUSE.

Asian Theatre Journal

Volume 39, Number 2 (2022)

The new issue includes an Editor’s Note from Editor Siyuan Liu remembering scholar Dr. Po-Hsien Chun who taught and held seminars in theater and performance studies. Chun had recently published a review in Asian Theatre Journal Volume 37 Number 2 (Fall 2020) of Tokyo Listening: Sound and Sense in a Contemporary City by Lorraine Plourde. Liu states:

The third winner of last year’s AAP emerging scholar competition, Po-Hsien Chu, was also scheduled to publish his essay in the current issue, although he decided to postpone the revision to focus on his teaching as a visiting assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Sadly, we will not have a chance to read his work as he passed away unexpectedly earlier this year. I would like to direct our readers to AAP’s remembrance of Po-Hsien, which describes him as “a brilliant scholar of Sinophone theater and performance, a nurturer of the field of Sinophone Studies, a generous and witty collaborator, a punctilious teacher, and above all, a cherished colleague who made scholarly fellowship into an art.”

Find more reviews and articles at Project MUSE.

Biography vol. 45 no. 1 front cover

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society

Volume 15 Number 2 (2022)

The new issue contains the following articles:

Notes on Kodi Phonology
Joseph Lovestrand, Misriani Balle, and Owen Edwards

Identifying (In)Definiteness in Vietnamese Noun Phrase
Trang Phan and Gennaro Chierchia

A Preliminary phonology and Latin-based orthography of Para Naga (Jejara), Northwest Myanmar
Melissa Lubbe, Tiffany Priest, and Sigrid Lew

Examining Main Clause Similarity and Frequency Effects in the Production of Tagalog Relative Clauses
Nozomi Tanaka, Paul Ivan, and Kamil Dean

The Dynamics of Language Shift among Lawa-Speaking Families in Northern Thailand
Rakkhun Panyawuthakrai and Mayuree Thawornpat

Find more articles at eVols.

Interview: JSEALS Editor-in-Chief Mark J. Alves

The newest Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (JSEALS) Special Publication recently launched is titled “A Cuoi Language Description and Extensive Glossary.” UH Press spoke to Editor-in-Chief, Mark J. Alves about this new special issue.

Alves took over as JSEALS head editor in 2015 from Paul Sidwell, who ran it from its first publication in 2009. Alves was the co-editor for the 2022 JSEALS Special Publication “Vietnamese Linguistics: State of the Field,” in which he also contributed an article “Lexical Evidence of the Vietic Household Before and After Language contact with Sinitic” and a co-authored paper with James Kirby “Exploring Statistical Regularities in the Syllable Canon of Sino-Vietnamese Loanmorph Phonology”. He also recently published “The Ðông Sơn Speech Community: Evidence for Vietic” in the interdisciplinary journal Crossroads and “The Vietic languages: a phylogenetic analysis” (co-authored with Paul Sidwell), both in 2021.

University of Hawai‘i Press: Can you tell our readers some of the research, impacts, or projects you have been involved with outside of JSEALS that have enhanced your work with the journal?

Mark J. Alves: In working with the International Conference of Austroasiatic Linguistics (ICAAL) group, I contributed two chapters (one of my own and one co-authored chapter) to “Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective” (ed. by Mathias Jenny, Paul Sidwell, and Mark Alves) in 2020 and a chapter on the Pacoh language in “The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages” (ed. by Mathias Jenny and Paul Sidwell) in 2014. For the World Loanword Database (WOLD) through the Max Planck Institute (MPI), I contributed Vietnamese data for the database and the chapter on loanwords in Vietnamese in the resulting book “Loanwords in the World’s Languages: A Comparative Handbook” (2009, ed. by Martin Haspelmath & Uri Tadmor).

UHP: What are some of the challenges you have faced during the pandemic, and have those continued to be an issue with the creation of articles and research now?

MJA: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I have not travelled to Asia since 2019, but I have maintained academic activity through the internet. I have participated in more conferences and have given more invited presentations in the last few years (e.g., 8 presentations in 2022) than I would have if only in-person presentations were the standard. However, I think the limitations on linguistic fieldwork is showing itself in reduced numbers of papers submitted to JSEALS on recently collected data in the field. Plenty of my colleagues are bemoaning the lost time from what they could have done had the pandemic not created so many challenges in travelling to the field. Time will tell how this situation will resolve itself.

UHP: JSEALS recently introduced a new Special Issue, “A Cuoi Language Description and Extensive Glossary.”  How did this come about?  Why did you devote an entire issue to this topic?

MJA: I have been in contact with Vietnamese fieldwork linguists for many years, and when I found that Professor Nguyen Huu Hoanh was interested in publishing his extensive data and description of the Cuoi language, I was extremely pleased. The Cuoi language deserved a JSEALS Special Publication because there had never been a complete published description of the language nor such a large amount of lexical data: over 3,000 words in two dialects, along with Vietnamese translations.

UHP: Why was it important to publish “A Cuoi Language Description and Extensive Glossary” now?

MA: In the Ethnologue, Cuoi has an endangerment status of “shifting”, meaning that there is decreasing amount of usage of Cuoi among younger speakers. Language maintenance among such minority language groups is difficult. Whether or not the Cuoi language can survive in future generations, at the very least, it has been documented and the data shared in publication.

UHP: How do you hope that readers will utilize this special issue in their own work?

MJA: The ways that this data could be used are (a) comparing the language data with neighboring languages in the region for a broader understanding of language typology in the region, (b) exploring historical linguistic questions of the history of the Vietnamese language, and/or (c) building on the linguistic description and lexicon to continue to work with the Cuoi people, whether for linguistic or anthropological queries. I hope that this publication encourages other linguists to devote time to fieldwork of this depth among minority languages in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

UHP: Is there anything else you would like to add? 

MJA: Linguistic researchers in the Greater Southeast Asian region are strongly encouraged to submit their work to JSEALS, whether full double-blind-reviewed research articles, “Data / Notes / Review” papers, or full JSEALS Special Publications. JSEALS has played an important role in publishing of Southeast Asian linguistics since changes of Open-Access Asia-Pacific Linguistics publisher and of loss of the Mon-Khmer Studies journal. Since 2009, JSEALS has published about 190 journal articles, and in the 10 JSEALS Special Publications, several dozen more articles have been published by an international range of scholars. Clearly, JSEALS contributes to Southeast Asian linguistic research, and we need submitted works to continue to such positive progress.

general cover of JSEALS


The Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society accepts submissions written in English that deal with general linguistic issues which further the lively debate that characterizes the annual SEALS conferences. Devoted to a region of extraordinary linguistic diversity, the journal features papers on the languages of Southeast Asia, including Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Hmong-Mien, Tibeto-Burman, and Tai-Kadai.

Topics may include descriptive, theoretical, or historical linguistics, dialectology, sociolinguistics, and anthropological linguistics, among other areas of linguistics of languages of Southeast Asia. JSEALS also admits data papers, reports, and notes, subject to an internal review process.
Although we normally expect that JSEALS articles will have been presented and discussed at the SEALS conference, submission is open to all, regardless of participation in SEALS meetings. Each original article undergoes double-blind review by at least two scholars, usually a member of the Advisory Board and one or more independent referees.

JSEALS publishes fully open access content, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited. Authors retain copyright of their material. The journal does not charge Article Processing Fees.

Honoring David L. Rolsten, Sonic Narratives in Modern Korea  + Girls in Japanese Literature


Volume 41, Number 1 (2022)

Special Issue: Honoring David L. Rolston

Associate Editor Catherine Swatek and Editorial Board Member Robert E. Hegel remember Rolston in the following introduction:

Given his publication record, one might assume that David L. Rolston is a scholar of narrative fiction. For his first major publication, David served as editor of How to Read the Chinese Novel, a milestone in providing English-language readers a glimpse of reading practices and practical criticism contemporaneous with Ming and Qing novels themselves. Not merely the compiler of the translations that comprise six of the book’s seven chapters, David’s work can be seen throughout the volume, from adding innumerable notes and explanations to the “How to Read” (dufa讀法) translations; to writing essays on the sources, history, and formal aspects of traditional fiction criticism; to compiling explanatory appendices and an extensive bibliography for each of the masterworks covered. This project was completed before David finished his Chicago doctorate.

Find more special features and articles at Project MUSE.

Korean Studies 46 (2022)

Korean Studies

Volume 46, Number 2 (2021)

Special Section: “Music That Moves: Sonic Narratives in Modern Korea”

This Special Section features discussion on 1960’s protect songs to K-pop idols. Editor Cheehyung Harrison Kim notes:

Culture is at once a medium through which we make sense of the
world (for good or ill), a field of empowerment for the underprivileged, and a source of hegemony for the state and corporations. This cultural complexity is discernible in South Korea’s current political landscape, and it is also the very theme explored in this volume’s Special Section “Music That Moves: Sonic Narratives in Modern Korea,” dexterously guest edited by Dafna Zur and Susan Hwang. In Katherine Lee’s elegant piece on the World Vision Korean Orphan Choir, musical performance is at the heart of transnational religiosity and Cold War politics. Transnationalism is also the framework of Dafna Zur and Yoon Joo Hwang’s original research on children’s music during the colonial period, when the merger between western style of songwriting and Korean emotionality unevenly transpired in the genre of tongyo. Music as a field of popular resistance is the core of Pil Ho Kim’s audacious piece on South Korea’s 1960s protest songs, which, for Kim, is a pre-minjung expression of the multitude. Susan Hwang’s emotionally prodigious article, too, is on the resistive and resilient aspect of music, which, in the aftermath of the 1980 Kwangju Uprising, served as a crucial repertoire for the counter-state. From the opposite side, music as practice of hegemonic efficacy is dealt with in Alexandra Leonzini and Peter Moody’s intricate article on North Korea’s sonic culture, as it is done in Roald Maliangkay’s perspicacious study on South Korea’s use of K-pop in marketing. Whether the hegemonic entity is the state or a corporation, music is, in these two articles, a potent medium of influence.

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U.S. Japan Women’s Journal

Volume 62 (2022)

Special Issue: Girls and Literature

As expressed by authors Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase and Wakako Suzuki in the introduction:

The literary genre shōjo shōsetsu emerged in conjunction with the rise of girls’ education in the Meiji period. Early stories were meant to educate readers to become “good wives and wise mothers.” Accordingly, shōjo shōsetsu endured restrictions on the narratives they could tell, limiting the breadth of their authors’ artistic and literary possibilities. Shōjo shōsetsu evolved and diversified in the postwar era and, especially starting in the 1980s, became a means for young female authors to empower themselves. Shōjo shōsetsu have declined in popularity recently as readers consume stories more broadly across media and genres. The goal of this special issue is to contemplate the function, meanings, and problems of shōjo shōsetsu. Instead of merely confining ourselves to a rigid, unified notion of shōjo shōsetsu, we consider shōjo characters from the wider literary world, investigating their roles, functions, and cultural implications.

The new issue includes the following articles:

Introduction: Girls and Literature

Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase and Wakako Suzuki

Trees That Grow Kimono (1895)

Wakamatsu Shizuko 若松賤子
Translated by Wakako Suzuki

Kawabata Yasunari’s The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa as the
Territory of the Dispossessed Girl

Barbara Hartley

Love and Sexuality in Postwar Girls’ Culture: Examining
Tomishima Takeo’s Junior Fictiona

Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase

Countdown to the Demise of Girls’ Novels

Kume Yoriko 久米依子
Translated and Introduced by Barbara Hartley

Find more articles at Project MUSE.

New Journal Special Issues: The Religiosity of Tonghak, Vietnamese Linguistics + More

Oregon beautiful picture

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society

Special Issue:

Vietnamese Linguistics: State of the Field

The new issue features the following introduction by Trang Phan, John Phan, and Mark J. Alves

The current issue is the result of a workshop held at the Harvard Yenching Institute in April of 2021, entitled Vietnamese Linguistics, Typology and Language Universals, and which featured nineteen linguists working on diverse aspects of the Vietnamese language, ranging from semantics to historical phonology. Our purpose in gathering was to take stock of the great leaps in Vietnamese linguistic research that have occurred over the past few decades, to bring together cutting-edge research from each subdiscipline, and to begin a new collaborative dialogue on Vietnamese linguistics, typology, and language universals. Most of all, it was our belief that the time had come to reconsider Vietnamese linguistics as a unified field of inquiry. As a result, a new academic organization was founded: the International Society of Vietnamese Linguistics.
In the past twenty years, research into the Vietnamese language has advanced exponentially, in tandem with developments in our understanding of syntax, semantics, phonetics, and phonology—both on the synchronic and diachronic levels. Specific work on the Vietnamese language now informs and even leads broader linguistic inquiry in a number of unprecedented ways. These new developments invite a concentration of state-the-field research into a single volume, one that will serve not only to summarize current issues in each subdiscipline of Vietnamese linguistics, but also to initiate a longer, more collaborative conversation about the Vietnamese language.
Our goals in this special issue are thus twofold: first, we seek to provide a snapshot of current research into Vietnamese syntax, semantics, phonology, and phonetics, from both the historical and synchronic points of view, that may serve as a resource for linguists interested in exploring our current understanding of the Vietnamese language. Second, we hope that this issue will also serve as an invitation to all linguists working on the Vietnamese language or related languages to contribute to a broader, more cosmopolitan discussion—one in which discoveries of one subdiscipline may serve to inform or enlighten another.

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New Journal Issues: Water as a Symbol of the Great Dao, #KeepOurLanguagesStrong + More

cover image



Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (JSEALS)

Papers from the 30th Conference of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society: Special Publication (2021)

The new issue is introduced by Editor in Chief Mark Alves, who states:

The volume contains 21 papers in total: five papers on historical linguistics, eleven papers on syntax and/or morphology, and five papers on phonetics/phonology. The languages covered in this volume are spoken in throughout the greater Southeast Asian region: Mainland Southeast Asia, Insular Southeast Asia, Southern China, and the Indian Subcontinent. The papers range from detailed descriptions of linguistic aspects of understudied languages to probing questions related to multiple groups of languages in the region.

Find more research articles and reviews at eVols.

Language Documentation & Conservation

Celebrating Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa (Philippines National Language Month)



Cover of Let's Speak Ilokano book
Cover of Conversational Tagalog book
Cover of Modern Tagalog book
Cover of Intermediate Tagalog book
Cover of Tagalog Dictionary book

Cover of Tagalog Structures book
Cover of Handbook of Tagalog Verbs book

Cover of Tagalog Bestsellers of the Twentieth Century book

Cover of How My Sons Lost Their Tagalog book

Cover of Bikol Dictionary book, as open access

Cover of Kapampangan Dictionary book, as open access
Cover of Cebuano for Beginners book, as open access
Cover of Spoken Pangasinan book, as open access

Cover of Hiligaynon Dictionary, as open access
Cover of Ilokano Dictionary book, as open access
Cover of the Journal Documentation & Conservation
Cover of Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
Oregon beautiful picture
Cover of Journal Oceanic Linguistics

New Journal Issues: Azalea, Journal of Burma Studies, JSEALS + More (May 2020)

Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture

Volume 13 (2020)

The special feature of this issue of Azalea carries a feast of research: eight essays on modern Korean poetry, thanks to the endeavors of the two guest editors, Jae Won Chung and Benoit Berthelier. From the beginning period of the 1920s, described by Ku In-mo and David Krolikoski, to the genealogy of modernism, written by Jae Won Edward Chung, to North Korean poetry, covered by Benoit Berthelier and Sonja Haeussler, to twenty-first-century South Korean poetry, examined by Cho Kang-sŏk and Ivanna Sang Een Yi, this feature evinces that the field of modern Korean poetry has gotten in firm stakes.

—Young-Jun Lee, editor

Journal of Burma Studies 24-1

The Journal of Burma Studies

Special Issue: Environment and Resources: Burma/Myanmar and the (Un)Natural

Volume 24, Issue 1 (2020)

[I]n this Special Issue of The Journal of Burma Studies (JBS) we have gathered together an interdisciplinary set of research articles surrounding questions of what nature is and what its resources might be. With the four authors’ varied focus on historical and contemporary Myanmar, this set of papers offers challenging new vistas for the exploration and interrogation of how resources and the environment have been approached and brokered by local and transnational actors.

—Jane M. Ferguson, editor

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society

Open Access

Volume 13, Issue 1 (2020)

This issue includes five research articles and one data paper:

  • Reduction in Burmese Compounds by Dan Cameron Burgdorf
  • Situation Types in Thai Sign Language by Cassie Wallace,
  • Variation of Oral and Nasal Stops by English and Japanese Learners of Thai by Sugunya Ruangjaroon
  • Reconsidering the Diachrony of Tone in Rma by Nathaniel A. Sims
  • A Look at Diachronic Phonological Processes in Inthii Oy by Jennifer L. Daniell
  • “Ethnolinguistic Notes on the Language Endangerment Status of Mintil, an Aslian Language” by Teckwyn Lim
JSEALS Special Publication: Studies in the Anthropology of Language in Mainland Southeast Asia

Studies in the Anthropology of Language in Mainland Southeast Asia

Open Access

New JSEALS Special Publication

The papers in this special issue were first written for a workshop held at the University of Sydney in August 2019, titled The Anthropology of Language in Mainland Southeast Asia. Of special interest in the workshop was the fact that only a tiny fraction of the area’s languages have national language status. These national languages are far better researched and understood than the vast majority of languages spoken in the area. New research on minority languages (mostly in descriptive and historical linguistics) is beginning to redress this imbalance, but much work remains if we are going to achieve a full picture of human language in mainland Southeast Asia.

—N. J. Enfield, Jack Sidnell, and Charles H. P. Zuckerman, editors

Korean Studies

Volume 44 (2020)

The new issue includes the following research articles:

  • How Did Buddhists Venerate the Avataṃsaka-sūtra in Late Premodern Korea? Insights from Two Manuscript Ritual Texts by Richard D. McBride II
  • A Population Genetic Perspective on Korean Prehistory by Choongwon Jeong
  • From Catch-up to Convergence? Re-casting the Trajectory of Capitalism in South Korea by Keun Lee, Ho-Chul Shin, Jongho Lee
  • Qing China’s Misguided Foreign Policy and the Struggle to Dominate Korea (According to the Russian Archive) by Larisa Zabrovskaia
  • Mobile North Korean Women and Long-Distance Motherhood: The (Re)Construction of Intimacy and the Ambivalence of Family by Sung Kyung Kim
  • North Korean Migrants in South Korea: “Multicultural” or “Global” Citizens? by Young-a Park
Language Documentation & Conservation

Language Documentation & Conservation

Open Access

Volume 14 (2020)

In May, Language Documentation & Conservation added two new articles:

  • What is “natural” speech? Comparing free narratives and Frog stories in Indonesia
    By Marian Klamer, Francesca R. Moro
  • Contrasting statistical indicators of Māori language revitalization: Conversational ability, speaking proficiency, and first language
    By Chris Lane

Find the 2019 LD&C annual report here.

Philosophy East and West PEW 70-2

Philosophy East & West

Volume 70, Issue 2 (2020)

This issue of Philosophy East & West opens with a remembrance of Gerald James Larson, known more widely as Gerry Larson, who passed away suddenly on April 27, 2019 at the age of 81. His death was unexpected because he was just getting ready to leave for India in connection with a meeting centered on his recently published magnum opus Classical Yoga Philosophy and the Legacy of Sāṁkhya. Sadly, he experienced some sharp abdominal pain and passed away two weeks later.

Read Joseph Prabhu’s reflect on Gerry Larson and the issue’s articles, discussions, and reviews here.

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society – Papers from the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association 25

JSEALS: Papers from the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association 25

This special publication of the Journal of Southeast Asian Linguistics, edited by Henry Y. Chang and Hui-chuan J. Huang, grew out of the 25th annual meeting of AFLA held at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 10-12 May, 2018.

Contributions in this volume cover a wide variety of topics in Austronesian linguistics. Chen and Jiang argue that in Bunun, -in- is an existential past tense marker while =in is a change-of-state marker at the discourse level, in contrast to the dominant view in the literature. Focusing on the prosody of Kanakanavu, Cheng spells out a number of phonological conditions and identifies the morphemes that could either attract or repel prominence. Socolof and Shimoyama propose a split ergative analysis of Māori genitive relative construction while showing that this construction is more widely distributed than generally described. Sommerlot’s article shows that the ber-V-nya constructions in Indonesian do not fit into any functions of these affixes in previous descriptions and they instead resemble a type of presentational-there construction. Tanenbaum adopts a syntactically-grounded account of Tagalog second-position clitics, based on obligatory V-to-C head movement. Wu explores the constructions of noun incorporation (NI) in Northern Paiwan, including both lexical and syntactic NI, and examines their morphosyntactic behaviors. Yang and Wong study how Malay məN- prefixation interacts with reduplication and propose a new markedness constraint against word-initial nasals to account for the data.

Ways of talking about the past: The semantics of –in- and =in in Bunun
By Sihwei Chen and Haowen Jiang

More on Kanakanavu word-level prosody: Cyclic and postcyclic processes
By Yi-Yang Cheng

The distribution of the Māori genitive relative construction
By Michael Socolof and Junko Shimoyama

A presentational construction in Indonesian
By Carly J. Sommerlot

Untangling the Tagalog clitic cluster
By Russell Tanenbaum

Two types of noun incorporation in Northern Paiwan
By Chunming Wu

Malay verbal reduplication with the məN- prefix
By Meng Yang and Deborah J.M. Wong

This open-access special publication and the first articles in Vol. 13 issue 1 are available via ScholarSpace.

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society – Volume 12:2 (2019) + Papers from the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association 24

Figure 5 in this issue’s “The Munda Maritime Hypothesis” by Felix Rau and Paul Sidwell: Archaeological sites in the Mahanadi-Brahmani Delta.

The second issue of Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society‘s 12th volume is complete and available on the university open-access platform, ScholarSpace.

JSEALS also offers a new special publication, Papers from the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association 24.

Research Articles (Peer-Reviewed)

The Compatibility between Expressive Elements: Kinship Terms, Pronouns, and Racial Slurs in Vietnamese
By Juliet Huynh and Suwon Yoon

Variation in the Voiced Coronals of Two Fataluku-speaking Villages
By Tyler M. Heston

The Vietnamese Polyfunctional Marker Mà as a Generalized Linker: A Multilevel Approach
By Danh Thành Do-Hurinville and Huy Linh Dao

The Munda Maritime Hypothesis
By Felix Rau and Paul Sidwell

Numeral Classifiers in Tai Lue (Xishuangbanna)
By Audra Phillips and William J. Hanna

Data Papers, Book Reviews, and Other Notes

Muak Sa-aak: Challenges of an Extensive Phoneme Inventory for a Contained Latin-Based Orthography
By Elizabeth Hall

Special Publication

Papers from the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association 24
By Matt Pearson


UH Press
Privacy Overview

University of Hawaiʻi Press Privacy Policy


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