Warehouses Close for Annual Inventory: Order by June 12

Last day for orders is June 12! Closed for Inventory June 13 to June 30

With all the activity at the end of fiscal year, we’re late with this alert: Our warehouses will close for annual inventory and the last day for orders is Wednesday, June 12. Please place your web orders before midnight, Hawai‘i Standard Time (HST), in order to be fulfilled this month. We will reopen for ordering on July 1. In the meantime, browsing and the wishlist option will remain in place. Mahalo for your patience!





Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers

Founded in 1935, the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (APCG) has a rich history of promoting geographical education and research. Its Yearbook includes abstracts of papers from its annual meetings, a selection of full-length peer-reviewed articles, and book reviews. Since 1952 the APCG has also been the Pacific Coast Regional Division (including Hawai‘i) of the Association of American Geographers.


Volume 85 (2023)

Find the newest issue of Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers by clicking here.


Volume 82 (2020)

Find this FREE issue on Project Muse


Submit to the journal

Click here for more information


Recommend to your library

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CONTACT THE JOURNAL: craig.revels@cwu.edu

Celebrating Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa (Philippines National Language Month)



Cover of Let's Speak Ilokano book
Cover of Conversational Tagalog book
Cover of Modern Tagalog book
Cover of Intermediate Tagalog book
Cover of Tagalog Dictionary book

Cover of Tagalog Structures book
Cover of Handbook of Tagalog Verbs book

Cover of Tagalog Bestsellers of the Twentieth Century book

Cover of How My Sons Lost Their Tagalog book

Cover of Bikol Dictionary book, as open access

Cover of Kapampangan Dictionary book, as open access
Cover of Cebuano for Beginners book, as open access
Cover of Spoken Pangasinan book, as open access

Cover of Hiligaynon Dictionary, as open access
Cover of Ilokano Dictionary book, as open access
Cover of the Journal Documentation & Conservation
Cover of Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
Oregon beautiful picture
Cover of Journal Oceanic Linguistics

Hawaiʻi Conservation Conference 2021









Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS

Student and Community Abstracts
Guest Editor: May Kealoha, PhD
Co-Editor: Jillian Inouye, PhD, FAAN

Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal cover

This special issue will feature abstracts of papers from students and/or community members who are interested in disseminating new knowledge and practices for Asian and Pacific Islanders. 

Please submit your abstracts in the format of formal papers. The format should contain these or other approved headings of:  Introduction, Problem/Significance of Topic, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Recommendations  all relative to Asian/Pacific Islanders and nursing and health. Papers should be one to two pages in length and will be peer reviewed. For this special issue, we are particularly interested in the following but not limited to topics that are:

  • Culturally specific
  • Focuses on equity and diversity
  • Pilot studies
  • Evidence based practice projects
  • Description of community programs
  • Suggestions for policy changes to improve health/education for Asian and Pacific Islanders
  • Other related topics 

Original and empirical pilot studies using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods are welcome. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal is the only journal focused specifically on health and health care of and for this group. This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles that include, but are not limited to: 

  • Methods, interventions, instrumentation, and educational techniques that are unique to this group. 
  • Theoretical foundations that increase understanding of the unique response to changes in health and illness. 
  • Bio psychosocial, spiritual, and ecological impacts on practice, education, and research.
  • Policy issues as a result of rigorous research outcomes. 

Author Guidelines

All submitted papers must be written in English and contain only original work, which has not been published by or is currently under review at another journal (electronic or print). Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal rules governing the formatting of the final submission can be found at: 

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines https://kahualike.manoa.hawaii.edu/apin/styleguide.html

All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through https://kahualike.manoa.hawaii.edu/apin/

For more detailed guidelines, go to https://kahualike.manoa.hawaii.edu/apin/policies.html

The authors must select as “Special Issue” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. 

All papers will be peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers. Requests for additional information should be addressed to the guest editors. 

For more detailed, go to https://kahualike.manoa.hawaii.edu/university-press/

Article Processing Charge

There is no charge for submitting a paper to Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal

Upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be charged a one-time Article Processing Charge of $100 for first author members; first author student members $80; and nonmember rates would be $150

Editorial Contact Information

Contact the guest editor with queries about appropriate topics or works in progress for the special issue: 

May Kealoha, PhD, MPHKapi’olani Community College Nursing Department.
Email:  kealohab@hawaii.edu 
Jillian Inouye, PhD, FAANEmeritus Professor, University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine.
Email: jinouye@hawaii.edu

Contact the editor with questions about the manuscript submission process: 

Jillian Inouye Editor in Chief

Email: jinouye@hawaii.edu

UH Press to publish The Journal of Burma Studies in partnership with the Northern Illinois University, Center for Burma Studies

The University of Hawai‘i Press will publish and distribute The Journal of Burma Studies, one of the only scholarly peer-reviewed journals that focus exclusively on Burma/Myanmar. This new partnership with the Center for Burma Studies at Northern Illinois University begins with volume 23, 2019. The complete content of the journal is available online in Project MUSE.

UH Press Interim Director and Publisher, Joel Cosseboom, said: “We are pleased to partner with the NIU Center for Burma Studies on this important and unique journal.”

Edited by Catherine Raymond from Northern Illinois University, Center for Burma Studies and Jane M. Ferguson from Australian National University, The Journal of Burma Studies seeks to publish the best scholarly research focused on Burma/Myanmar and its minority and diasporic cultures from a variety of disciplines, ranging from art history and religious studies, to economics and law.

Dr. Ferguson looks forward to collaborating with UH Press to launch innovative and engaging issues of The Journal of Burma Studies. “University of Hawai‘i Press has consistently produced some of the most exciting publications on Southeast Asia as well as Burma/Myanmar Studies, so I am delighted that JBS will now work with them,” she said.

The journal is jointly sponsored by the Burma Studies Group and the Center for Burma Studies at Northern Illinois University. Published since 1997, the journal draws together research and critical reflection on Burma/Myanmar from scholars across Asia, North America and Europe.

Content is available on the Project MUSE platform.

Subscribe at: https://uhpress.hawaii.edu/title/jbs/

Submit your manuscript at: https://jbs.scholasticahq.com/for-authors

The Journal of Burma Studies joins UH Press’s extensive list of Asian and Southeast Asian studies journals including: Asian Perspectives, Korean Studies, Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Review of Japanese Culture and Society, and others.

About UH Press

 The University of Hawai‘i Press supports the mission of the university through the publication of books and journals of exceptional merit. It strives to advance knowledge through the dissemination of scholarship—new information, interpretations, methods of analysis—with a primary focus on Asian, Hawaiian, Pacific, Asian American and global studies. It also serves the public interest by providing high-quality books and resource materials of educational value on topics related to Hawai‘i’s people, culture, and natural environment. Through its publications the Press seeks to stimulate public debate and educate both within and outside the classroom.

About Northern Illinois University, Center for Burma Studies

 Founded in 1987, the Center collects and preserves information and artifacts of all kinds concerning the study of the peoples and cultures of Burma/Myanmar, and makes these materials broadly available for research and study.

The Center enjoys a unique relationship with the Burma Studies Foundation, which assures that all Burma/Myanmar-related items donated to the foundation will be offered to the center for inclusion and conservation within the university’s collections. Oversight by the foundation combines strong support of the center with lasting responsibility to the field of Burma/Myanmar studies.

The Center for Burma Studies is a non-political, non-degree granting, administrative and academic unit within Northern Illinois University. The Center has the following goals:

  • The maintenance and expansion of a comprehensive research library to sustain the field of Burma studies
  • The collection, care, and exhibition of the arts of Burma
  • The support and promotion of undergraduate and graduate teaching concerning Burma
  • The organization and hosting of self-supporting national and international conferences on Burma studies
  • The publication of relevant scholarship on Burma
  • The care and enhancement of archival resources such as photographs, music records, oral histories, personal papers, and field notes
  • The promotion of outreach activities to schools and communities
  • Encouraging the performance of Burmese arts
  • The securing of educational opportunities through scholarships, internships, and fellowships

UH Press wins $90K grant for open-access publishing

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the University of Hawaiʻi a $90,000 grant to digitize 100 out-of-print University of Hawaiʻi Press books for open access.

The project is part of the Humanities Open Book Program, a joint initiative between the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

“We’re grateful to the Mellon Foundation and the NEH for supporting our open-access initiatives,” said Trond Knutsen, UH Press digital publishing manager. “Now, with the advent of digital technology, these works can become available to a new generation of readers around the world.”

UH Press selected the 100 titles—representing fields such as Asian studies, Pacific studies, linguistics, anthropology, and history—based on their contemporary scholarly relevance, historical significance, and practical value for teaching and research purposes.

“This initiative will be an enormous contribution to the advance of scholarship globally, but particularly for colleagues and students in places in Asia and the Pacific where libraries are inadequate and access to printed scholarly sources is difficult,” said Barbara Watson Andaya, chair of the UH Mānoa Asian studies program.

Revitalizing UH Press’s backlist

Beginning in 2018, the digitized titles will be hosted on a custom open-access portal where readers will be able to download them in EPUB and PDF formats. A print-on-demand option will also be offered for select titles.

“We hope this project will be only the beginning of a long-term effort to revitalize UH Press’s backlist,” said UH System President David Lassner. “This project will magnify the reach and influence of scholarly work done here at the University of Hawaiʻi, and support educational and cultural initiatives in the Asia and Pacific regions.”

UH Press currently offers more than 800 titles online through library e-book vendors, and more than 350 scholarly monographs through Hawaiʻi Scholarship Online, a partnership with Oxford University Press and University Press Scholarship Online.

“As stewards of scholarship, we find it important to keep our books widely accessible,” said Joel Cosseboom, UH Press interim director and publisher. “This grant will move us forward in disseminating knowledge while also highlighting our incredible backlist, which includes some of the best research among university presses.”

UH Press, which is celebrating 70 years of publishing, is a member of the Association of American University Presses and the Hawaiʻi Book Publishers Association.

About The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Founded in 1969, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation endeavors to strengthen, promote, and, where necessary, defend the contributions of the humanities and the arts to human flourishing and to the well-being of diverse and democratic societies by supporting exemplary institutions of higher education and culture as they renew and provide access to an invaluable heritage of ambitious, path-breaking work. Additional information is available at mellon.org.

UH Press publishes open-access Hawaiian language journal

The University of Hawaiʻi Press now publishes the new, open-access resource for Hawaiian scholars, Palapala: a journal for Hawaiian language and literature.

The entirety of Palapala volume 1, issue 1, which includes contemporary research in both Hawaiian and English, is freely available at the UH Press website.

“We are honored to offer, through a collaboration with the UHlibrary and the support of the university, an online journal of such scholarly importance to Hawaiʻi,” said Joel CosseboomUHPress interim director.

Palapala joins UH Press’s extensive list of Hawaiian studies titles, including The Hawaiian Journal of HistoryKanaka ʻŌiwi Methodologies and the Hawaiian Dictionary. It is the first peer-reviewed Hawaiian language journal to be published exclusively online.

“In spite of a vast and complex body of literature written in Hawaiian and a growing number of speakers, there has not been, until now, an academic journal dedicated to either the study of the language or the literature produced in it,” said Palapala editor Jeffrey “Kapali” Lyon of the UH Mānoa Department of Religion.

Palapala is intended to fill that gap as a peer-reviewed journal that allows scholars of Hawaiian from around the globe to present the results of their research through a centralized, scholarly archive dedicated to cherishing, preserving and advancing our knowledge of the native language of Hawaiʻi nei,” Lyon said.

The inaugural issue also features reprints from the Hawaiian alphabet, first published in 1822, and an anonymous 1857 account about translating the Bible into Hawaiian.

“We are excited to publish the first issue of Palapala,” said Pamela WilsonUH Press journals manager. “This journal truly aligns with our mission to be a Native Hawaiian place of learning and an indigenous-serving institution.”

Palapala editorial board, submission guidelines and more

Palapala receives support from UH Mānoa’s UH Press and the following departments: College of Arts & HumanitiesHawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian KnowledgeCollege of Languages, Linguistics and Literature and UH Hilo’s Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani, College of Hawaiian Language.

The journal’s editorial board includes UH faculty members Joseph “Keola” Donaghykuʻualoha hoʻomanawanui and Hiapokeikikāne K. Perreira, as well as ʻŌiwi Parker Jones of the University of Oxford. UH Mānoa graduate student Jane Au will serve as managing editor for the 2018 volume, and UH alumna Keiko “Kiele” Gonzalez will continue as the journal’s copyeditor.

Palapala submissions guidelines, print requests and more details may be found at the UH Press website.

UH Press presents new open-access content for language scholars

Three open-access journals for language scholars will be made available through University of Hawaiʻi Press.

UH Press, publisher of scholarly journals and books since 1947, will assist in making the content of Language Documentation and Conservation (LD&C), the Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (JSEALS) and Palapala: a journal for Hawaiian language and literature widely accessible online.

Through a long-standing partnership with UH Press, Language Documentation and Conservation is exclusively available in electronic formatLD&C is edited by Nicholas Thieberger from the University of Melbourne and sponsored by the National Foreign Language Resource Center.

In addition, UH Press assists the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society in the publication of their journal online. Edited by Mark Alves from Montgomery College, JSEALS adds to the language and linguistics journals available from UH Press, which also include Oceanic Linguistics.

The first issue of Palapala is set to arrive in March 2017. This open-access journal, edited by Jeffrey (Kapali) Lyon at the UH Mānoa Department of Religion, receives support from UH Press and the following departments:

The editorial boards for all three open-access, peer-reviewed journals include UH faculty.

“We are delighted to present such high-quality digital content to the public—be they students, translators or simply curious readers,” said Pamela WilsonUH Press journals manager.

The open-access journals join approximately 75 new books and 22 journals UH Press plans to publish in 2017. The press also offers more than 800 titles annually through library e-book vendors.

UH Press has a long history of providing educators with language materials for the classroom,” said Joel CosseboomUH Press interim director. “Through these new open-access journals and our digital hosting platforms, language scholars may access the content from anywhere there is an internet connection.”

More information about the journals, including journal submission guidelines, is available online. New journal content is also posted regularly on the UH Press journals blog.