Journals: Biography International Year in Review, Journal of Burma Studies Contribution to Pyu Studies + more 

Here was Once the Sea: An Anthology of Southeast Asian Ecowriting


Here was Once the Sea: An Anthology of Southeast Asian Writing

Volume 35 Number 2 (2023)

Guest Editors Rina Garcia Chua, Esther Vincent Xueming, and Ann Ang discussion their vision with this unique collection of writing:

This anthology represents a chorus of offerings, first and foremost to the land and the sea, and second to you, our readers, as an invitation to attend to the urgencies and travails of our homes. On the one hand, while the anthology is comprised mostly of anglophone texts, which reflect the aspirations of regional writers to speak across borders and to the globe at large, the English of these pages is inhabited by meanings and associations that make the language our own. This can be seen in the use of indigenous names of plants and places in the works of Annisa Hidayat, Diana Rahim, and Mohamed Shaker, or through rhymes and sounds in the poems of Natalie Foo Mei-Yi and Teresa Mei Chuc. At other times, the native language emerges like weeds, surprising and demanding to be noticed, as in Enbah Nilah’s use of Tamil, which persists as linguistic, cultural, and historical memory in a legacy of erasure.

Find this editorial note, poems, statements, art, and more at Project MUSE.

Journals: When is a Qin Tomb not a Qin Tomb, Akan Relations in West Africa, the Queen of Kunqu, Kodi Phonology + More

Asian Perspectives

Volume 61, Number 2 (2022)

The new issue contains the following articles:

A Unique Burial of the Fourth Millennium B.C.E. and
the Earliest Burial Traditions in Mongolia 220

Susanne Reichert, Nasan-Ochir Erdene-Ochir,
and Jan Bemmann

When is a Qin Tomb not a Qin Tomb? Cultural
(De)construction in the Middle Han River Valley

Glenda Chao

Recent Rock Art Sites from West Sumatra, Indonesia
Karina Arifin and R. Cecep Eka Permana

A Ceramic and Plant and Parasite Microfossil Record from
Andarayan, Cagayan Valley, Philippines Reveals Cultigens and
Human Helminthiases Spanning the Last ca. 2080 Years

Mark Horrocks, John Peterson, and Bronwen Presswell

Bioarchaeology in Central Asia: Growing from Legacies to
Enhance Future Research

Elissa A. Bullion, Zhuldyz Tashmanbetova, and
Alicia R.Ventresca Miller

Find more special features and articles at Project MUSE.

Asian Theatre Journal

Volume 39, Number 2 (2022)

The new issue includes an Editor’s Note from Editor Siyuan Liu remembering scholar Dr. Po-Hsien Chun who taught and held seminars in theater and performance studies. Chun had recently published a review in Asian Theatre Journal Volume 37 Number 2 (Fall 2020) of Tokyo Listening: Sound and Sense in a Contemporary City by Lorraine Plourde. Liu states:

The third winner of last year’s AAP emerging scholar competition, Po-Hsien Chu, was also scheduled to publish his essay in the current issue, although he decided to postpone the revision to focus on his teaching as a visiting assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Sadly, we will not have a chance to read his work as he passed away unexpectedly earlier this year. I would like to direct our readers to AAP’s remembrance of Po-Hsien, which describes him as “a brilliant scholar of Sinophone theater and performance, a nurturer of the field of Sinophone Studies, a generous and witty collaborator, a punctilious teacher, and above all, a cherished colleague who made scholarly fellowship into an art.”

Find more reviews and articles at Project MUSE.

Biography vol. 45 no. 1 front cover

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society

Volume 15 Number 2 (2022)

The new issue contains the following articles:

Notes on Kodi Phonology
Joseph Lovestrand, Misriani Balle, and Owen Edwards

Identifying (In)Definiteness in Vietnamese Noun Phrase
Trang Phan and Gennaro Chierchia

A Preliminary phonology and Latin-based orthography of Para Naga (Jejara), Northwest Myanmar
Melissa Lubbe, Tiffany Priest, and Sigrid Lew

Examining Main Clause Similarity and Frequency Effects in the Production of Tagalog Relative Clauses
Nozomi Tanaka, Paul Ivan, and Kamil Dean

The Dynamics of Language Shift among Lawa-Speaking Families in Northern Thailand
Rakkhun Panyawuthakrai and Mayuree Thawornpat

Find more articles at eVols.

Journals: Shanghai Fever, Divinatory Practices in Burma, Peculiar Molting Behavior of Hermit Crabs + more

China Review International

Volume 27, Number 2 (2020)

The new issue includes the following feature, “Shanghai between Modernity and Postmodernity.” Author Lei Ping explains in the introduction:

Shanghai, an unequivocally distinctive cosmopolitan city, has been a critical subject of scholarly studies and popular interest since the nineteenth century. “Shanghai fever” (Shanghaire), coupled with Shanghai nostalgia, became a sensational literary, cinematic, and cultural phenomenon in the 1990s and has continued throughout the turn of the twenty-first century as the post-Mao era unfolds. After a few temporarily dormant years following the culmination of the fervor, Shanghai has reemerged in recent global scholarship as a path to understand Chinese modernity and China’s rise to the world’s second largest economy. The question as to what kind of pivotal role Shanghai plays in conjuring the so-called China’s lost modernity causes a resurfacing of intellectual debates about Shanghai—“the other China.”

Find more reviews at Project MUSE.

Journal of Burma Studies

Special Issue: Astrological and Divinatory Practices in Burma

Volume 26, Number 2 (2022)

The new special issue is introduced by editors Aurore Candier and Jane M. Ferguson stating:

This special issue of The Journal of Burma Studies is part of a collective and multidisciplinary project which explores astrological and divinatory knowledge and practices in Burma. These practices include fortune telling, divinatory, and therapeutic techniques, and they serve a broader system for the interpretation of past, present, and future events. In Burma, as elsewhere in South and Southeast Asia, astrology and divination rationales are part of social thinking and are also embedded in religious fields (Vernant 1974:10; Guenzi 2021:9). The collective aim of these four articles is to investigate the articulation between astrology, divination, religion, power, and discourse in Burma.

Find this special section and more at Project MUSE.

Journal of Korean Religions

Special Section: Korean Religions and COVID Restrictions

Volume 13, Number 2 (2022)

The new issue includes a special section, “Korean Religions and COVID Restrictions.” Editor Don Baker introduces the section:

In this issue, we have three articles delving into how Korea’s Christian communities—Catholic and Protestant—have dealt with a problem of the present: the COVID-19 pandemic. Christians place a lot of importance on regular weekly meetings for worship. The South Korean government, on the other hand, was concerned about those religious gatherings serving as venues for the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus. Different Christian organizations in Korea responded in different ways to their government’s demand that they prioritize concern for public health and temporarily change the way their congregations gather for ritual expressions of their faith.

Find this special section and more at Project MUSE.

jwh 33-3
Pacific Science Cover volume 76 number 2 2022 April

Pacific Science

Volume 76, Number 2 (2022)

The new issue includes the following articles and reviews:

Spatial Ecology of Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae, Cetacea-Balaenopteridae) from the Mexican Central Pacific
Christian D. Ortega-Ortiz, Andrea B. Cuevas-Soltero,
Reyna Xóchitl García-Valencia, Astrid Frisch-Jordán, Katherina Audley, Aramis Olivos-Ortiz, and Marco A. Liñán-Cabello

Pacific Hibiscus (Malvaceae) in Sect. Lilibiscus. 1. Hibiscus kokio and Related Species from the Hawaiian Archipelago
Lex A.J. Thomson and Brock Mashburn

Peculiar Molting Behavior of Large Hermit Crabs
Rise Ohashi and Naoki Kamezaki

Efficiency and Efficacy of DOC-200 Versus Tomahawk Traps for Controlling Small Indian Mongoose, Herpestes auropunctatus (Carnivora: Herpestidae) in Wetland Wildlife Sanctuaries
Lisa S. Roerk, Lindsey Nietmann, and Aaron J. Works

Status of Forest Birds on Tinian Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, with an Emphasis on the Tinian Monarch (Monarcha takatsukasae) (Passeriformes; Monarchidae)
R. L. Spaulding, Richard J. Camp, Paul C. Banko, Nathan C. Johnson, and Angela D. Anders

Find more research articles at Project MUSE.


U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal

Special Issue: Girls and Literature

Volume 62 (2022)

Guest Editors Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase and Wakako Suzuki present the special issue stating:

We are pleased to present this special issue of the U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal (no. 62) on “Girls and Literature.” This issue evolved from a panel titled “The Shōjo Genre and Gendered Discursive Practices: The Rise and Decline of Girls’ Novels in Japan” at the Association for Japanese Literary Studies (AJLS) annual conference held at Emory University in January 2020. Our goal was to discuss issues of genre categorization in literature, particularly as they pertain to shōjo shōsetsu, or girls’ fiction (short stories, novellas, and novels).

Find more articles, discussions, and reviews at Project MUSE.

2021 American Academy of Religion Meeting

The annual American Academy of Religion meeting (held jointly with the Society of Biblical Literature) continues through Tuesday, November 23. If you’re attending in person, be sure to pick up the Publishers Weekly “Religion & Spirituality” supplement and check out our ad on page 15, shown below. Even if you’re not in San Antonio, use the conference discount code AAR2021 to order recent religion titles, those in our religion-related book series, and titles such as Places by the late Buddhist nun, Setouchi Jakuchō. (Coupon code good through December 31, 2021.)

Click image to open the PW ad as a PDF; then click on each book cover to link to its web page.

Image of ad that shows 20 book covers; click to link to PDF

Philosophy East and West, vol. 68, no. 2 (April 2018)

Philosophy East and West vol. 68, no. 2 includes the following scholarly works:


Life without Belief: A Madhyamaka Defense of the Livability of Pyrrhonism
by Robin Brons

Creatio ex nihilo and Ancient Chinese Philosophy: A Revisiting of Robert Neville’s Thesis
by Yonghua Ge

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Johanan Alemanno, al-Ghazālī’s The Niche
of Lights
by Scott Michael Girdner

Promising Across Lives to Save Non-Existent Beings: Identity, Rebirth, and the Bodhisattva’s Vow
by Stephen E. Harris

Kumārila and Knows-Knows
by Daniel Immerman

Nishida Kitarō’s Philosophy of Absolute Nothingness (Zettaimu no tetsugaku) and Modern Theoretical Physics
by Agnieszka Kozyra

Sounding out Différance: Derrida, Saussure, and Bhartr. hari
by Charles Li

Tradition and Modernity in Liang Shuming’s Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophies
by Philippe Major

Artistic Production and the Making of the Artist: Applying Nishida Kitarō to Discussions of Authorship
by Kyle Peters

An Approach to Comparative Phenomenology: Nishida’s Place of Nothingness and Merleau-Ponty’s Negativity
by Maria Carmen López Sáenz

Transmitting the Sage’s “Heart” (II): Instructing Absolute Practice—The Perfection of the Perfect Teaching in Mou Zongsan’s Reconstruction of the Confucian Daotong
by Rafael Suter

The Commentary Tradition on Suhrawardī
by L. W. Cornelis van Lit

Incommensurability and Comparative Philosophy
by Xinli Wang

Plus commentary and discussion, a featured review, print book reviews, books received, and online book reviews.

Find the full text of the issue at Project MUSE

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About the Journal

Promoting academic literacy on non-Western traditions of philosophy, Philosophy East and West has for over half a century published the highest-quality scholarship that locates these cultures in their relationship to Anglo-American philosophy.


Single issue sales and annual subscriptions for both individuals and institutions available here.


The journal welcomes specialized articles in Asian philosophy and articles that seek to illuminate, in a comparative manner, the distinctive characteristics of the various philosophical traditions in the East and West. See the submission guidelines here.

Journal of Daoist Studies, Vol. 11 (2018)

The 2018 issue of JDS includes the following five articles::

A Daoist Exploration of Shenming
by Sharon Small

Losing What “Me”? An Existentialist Look at the Ego in the Zhuangzi
by Gabriele Libera

Daoist Seals, Part 2: Classifying Different Types
by Shih-Shan Susan Huang

Immortals and Alchemists: Spirit-Writing and Self-Cultivation in Ming Daoism
by Ilia Mozias

Daoist Ritual Manuals in Vietnam: Self-Cultivation, Cosmic Steps, and Healing Talismans
by Ekaterina Zavidovskaia

The following sections also appear in volume 11 (2018):

Find the full text of the issue at Project MUSE

Readers may receive free e-mail alerts of new content posted online: sign up here.

About the Journal

The Journal of Daoist Studies (JDS) is an annual publication dedicated to the scholarly exploration of Daoism in all its different dimensions. Each issue has three main parts: Academic Articles on history, philosophy, art, society, and more (limit 8,500 words); Forum on Contemporary Practice on issues of current activities both in China and other parts of the world (limit 5,000 words); and News of the Field, presenting publications, dissertations, conferences and websites.


Annual subscriptions for both individuals and institutions are available here.  Subscribers receive online access to the complete back content of the journal.jds 2016


To submit your manuscript, please contact us at Articles are reviewed by two anonymous readers and accepted after approval. A model file with editorial instructions is available upon request. Deadline for articles is September 1 for publication in February of the following year. More information is available at the journal’s website.

Philosophy East and West, vol. 68, no. 1 (January 2018)

Philosophy East and West vol. 68, no. 1 kicks off the new year with its first release of online book reviews at Project MUSE and the following print articles on comparative Eastern and Western philosophies:


“Striking Similarities”: Ibn Sīnā’s Takhyīl and Kant’s Aesthetic Judgment
by Balqis al-Karaki

Logos and Dao Revisited: A Non-Metaphysical Interpretation
by Steven Burik

A Chinese Way of Thinking
by Mark Gamsa

Hegel and Islam
by M.A.R. Habib

The Rise of Modern Science: Islam and the West
by Maisarah Hasbullah and Mohd Hazim Shah Abdul Murad

Grounded on Nothing: The Spirit of Radical Criticism in Nishida’s Philosophy
by Yūjin Itabashi

Ibn Sīnā’s Solution to Kant’s Challenging View of Existence
by Mirsaeid Mousavi Karimi

Is the Empathy-Induced Motivation to Help Egoistic or Altruistic: Insights from the Neo-Confucian Cheng Hao
by Yat-hung Leung 梁逸鴻

The Poetics of the Body in Islamic Mysticism
by Katharine Loevy

Stoics and Daoists on Freedom as Doing Necessary Things
by David Machek

No-Self in Sām. khya: A Comparative Look at Classical Sām. khya and Theravāda Buddhism
by Douglas Osto

Transmitting the Sage’s “Heart” (I): Unsealing Moral Autonomy— Intellectual Intuition and Mou Zongsan’s Reconstruction of the “Continuity of the Way” (Daotong)
by Rafael Suter

Plus commentary and discussion, a featured review, print book reviews, books received, and online book reviews.

Find the full text of the issue at Project MUSE

PEW68_1COVER (2)About the Journal

Promoting academic literacy on non-Western traditions of philosophy, Philosophy East and West has for over half a century published the highest-quality scholarship that locates these cultures in their relationship to Anglo-American philosophy.


Single issue sales and annual subscriptions for both individuals and institutions available here.


The journal welcomes specialized articles in Asian philosophy and articles that seek to illuminate, in a comparative manner, the distinctive characteristics of the various philosophical traditions in the East and West. See the submission guidelines here.

Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 8, no. 2 (October 2017)

Journal of Korean Religions vol. 8, no. 2, a special issue on Religion and Media in Korea, features the following articles by scholars.

Special Issue: Religion and Media in Korea

Guest Editors: Kyuhoon Cho, Sam Han, and Jin Kyu Park

In contemporary social life, religion and media cannot be said to be separated. Contrary to the long-lasting understanding that the two are independent from each other, the spheres of religion and media are closely intertwined. Dynamic and increasing connections have been observed and reported by a range of scholars. Indeed, the scholarly interest in the relationship is a fairly recent one. Only thirty years ago, religion was just a blind spot within media studies (Hoover and Venturelli 1996). Similarly, media were an overlooked issue in religious studies.

Special issue articles include:

  • A History of Religious Broadcasting in Korea from a Religious Politics Standpoint: Focusing on the Period of a Protestant Broadcasting Monopoly
    by Sungmin Lee
  • The Role of Newspapers in the Early Korean Protestant Community: An Analysis of The Korean Christian Advocate and The Christian News
    by Minjung Noh
  • Religion in the Press: The Construction of Religion in the Korean News Media
    by Kyuhoon Cho
  • The Culture-Religion Nexus: (Neo-)Durkheimianism and Mediatized Confucianism in Korean “Piety Travel”
    by Sam Han
  • Authenticity, Brand Culture, and Templestay in the Digital Era: The Ambivalence and In-Betweenness of Korean Buddhism
    by Seung Soo Kim

Continue reading “Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 8, no. 2 (October 2017)”

Religion and Philosophy Journals from the University of Hawai`i Press

00_BCS 37_c1 and c4_REVA scholarly journal devoted to Buddhism and Christianity and their historical and contemporary interrelationships, Buddhist-Christian Studies presents thoughtful articles, conference reports, and book reviews. It also includes sections on comparative methodology and historical comparisons, as well as ongoing discussions from two dialogue conferences: the Theological Encounter with Buddhism, and the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.

Submission guidelines for BCS are available online. 


jdsThe Journal of Daoist Studies (JDS) is an annual publication dedicated to the scholarly exploration of Daoism in all its different dimensions. Each issue has three main parts: Academic Articles on history, philosophy, art,society, and more (limit 8,500 words); Forum on Contemporary Practice on issues of current activities both in China and other parts of the world (limit 5,000 words); and News of the Field, presenting publications, dissertations, conferences and websites.

For submission guidelines please contact


jksThe Journal of Korean Religions is the only English-language academic journal dedicated to the study of Korean religions. It aims to stimulate interest in and research on Korean religions across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Launched in 2010 by the Institute for the Study of Religion at Sogang University in Korea, it is peer-reviewed and published twice yearly, in April and October.

Submission guidelines for JKR are available online.


Promoting academic literacy on non-Western traditions of philosophy, Philosophy East PEWand West has for over half a century published the highest-quality scholarship that locates these cultures in their relationship to Anglo-American philosophy. Philosophy defined in its relationship to cultural traditions broadly integrates the professional discipline with literature, science, and social practices. Each issue includes debates on issues of contemporary concern and critical reviews of the most recent publications.

Submission guidelines for PEW are available online.



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Early Release Articles: Philosophy East and West, September 2017

University of Hawai’i Press is proud to present the early release of the following articles from Philosophy East and West: A Quarterly of Comparative Philosophy through a partnership with Project MUSE.


Browse all abstracts and HTML versions of Philosophy East and West early release articles online here.

Please note: Early release manuscripts have gone through a rigorous peer-review process and will appear in a future issue of the journal. However, articles have not yet been through the full production process and therefore appear in their original manuscript form, which may contain errors. These articles will be removed from the early release page once they are published as part of an issue.

Stay tuned for more early release articles from UH Press journals in 2017.

Early Release Articles: Philosophy East and West, July 2017

University of Hawai’i Press is proud to present the early release of the following articles from Philosophy East and West: A Quarterly of Comparative Philosophy through a partnership with Project MUSE.


Browse all abstracts and HTML versions of Philosophy East and West early release articles online here.

Please note: Early release manuscripts have gone through a rigorous peer-review process and will appear in a future issue of the journal. However, articles have not yet been through the full production process and therefore appear in their original manuscript form, which may contain errors. These articles will be removed from the early release page once they are published as part of an issue.

Stay tuned for more early release articles from UH Press journals in 2017.

Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 8, no. 1 (April 2017)

Journal of Korean Religions vol. 8, no. 1, a special issue on The 1,400th Anniversary of Wŏnhyo’s Birth, features the following articles by scholars.

Special Issue: The 1,400th Anniversary of Wŏnhyo’s Birth

Robert E. Buswell Jr. and Eun-su Cho, Guest Editors

The year 2017 marks the 1,400th anniversary of the birth of Wŏnhyo 元曉 (‘‘Break of Dawn’’; 617–686), a towering figure in the Korean religious and intellectual firmament. Wŏnhyo was an important vaunt courier in the development of Korean Buddhism and it is no exaggeration to say that it was he who created the Silla tradition of the religion. Indeed, few others have exerted the depth and breadth of influence over the subsequent development of Korean Buddhism as did Wŏnhyo. His oeuvre is among the largest in the entire Korean intellectual tradition, comprising some one hundred works, of which over twenty are extant.

Special issue articles include:

  • Human Nature and Buddha Nature in Wŏnhyo
    by Jong Wook Kim
  • Towards a Buddhist Ethics of Emptiness: Wŏnhyo on Transgression and Repentance in the Mahayana Repentance of the Six Senses
    by Eun-su Cho
  • Wŏnhyo’s View of This World
    by Seunghak Koh
  • The Meaning of the Explicit and Inexplicit Approaches in Wŏnhyo’s System of the Two Hindrances
    by Charles Muller
  • Kingship as ‘‘Dharma-Protector’’: A Comparative Study of Wŏnhyo’s and Huizhao’s Views on the Golden Light Sutra
    by Sumi Lee
  • Wŏnhyo: Buddhist Commentator Par Excellence
    by Robert E. Buswell Jr.

Continue reading “Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 8, no. 1 (April 2017)”

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