News and Events

Cross-Currents, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2019)

The new issue of Cross-Currents includes two special sections.

“Diasporic Art and Korean Identity,” is the fruit of a two-day conference held at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in May 2017 and explores new delineations of the political, social, cultural, and emotional landscapes inhabited by Koreans living in diaspora.

“Air-Water-Land-Human: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Health and Environment in East Asia” presents new directions for thinking through connections between health, well-being, and environment in the region.

Diasporic Art and Korean Identity

Painting in Hijoo Son article, Cross-Currents 8-1
From “The Diasporic Intimacy and Transindividuality of Artists
Himan Sŏk (1914–2003) and Jun Ch’ae (1926– )” by Hijoo Son, this issue. Left: Jun Ch’ae, Public Opinion (Yoron), 2002. Oil on canvas, 90 cm x
65.5 cm. Right: Jun Ch’ae, Glass Marbles (Yuri kusŭl), 2002. Acrylic on canvas, 162 cm x 130 cm. Source: Gyeongnam Art Museum.



Hijoo Son, Jooyeon Rhee

The Forgotten Childhoods of Korea: Ounie Lecomte’s A Brand New Life (2009) and So Yong Kim’s Treeless Mountain (2009)

Ji-Yoon An

Performing in the “Cultural Borderlands”: Gender, Trauma, and Performance Practices of a North Korean Women’s Musical Troupe in South Korea

Iain Sands

The Diasporic Intimacy and Transindividuality of Artists Himan Sŏk (1914–2003) and Jun Ch’ae (1926–)

Hijoo Son

Air-Water-Land-Human: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Health and Environment in East Asia

Figure 1 &2 in Air/Qi Connections and China’s Smog Crisis: Notes from the History of Science by Ruth Rogaski, Cross-Currents 8-1
From “Air/Qi Connections and China’s Smog Crisis: Notes from the History of Science” by Ruth Rogaski, this issue. Left: Beijing University statue of a taijiquan practitioner wearing a face mask. Source: ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images. Right: Doing taijiquan in the smog. Source: AP Photo.



Ruth Rogaski

Cholera and the Environment in Nineteenth-Century Japan

William Johnston

Danger in the Air: Tuberculosis Control and BCG Vaccination in the Republic of China, 1930–1949

Mary Augusta Brazelton

Air/Qi Connections and China’s Smog Crisis: Notes from the History of Science

Ruth Rogaski

“Swimming in Poison”: Reimagining Endocrine Disruption through China’s Environmental Hormones

Janelle Lamoreaux

Sacred Trash and Personhood: Living in Daily Waste-Management Infrastructures in the Eastern Himalayas

Bo Wang

U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal, Vol. 54, 2018

This issue includes the following scholarly articles:

Introduction: Representing Youth and Gender in Japanese Popular Culture Century
Jennifer Coates 

Rethinking the Young Female Cinema Audience: 
Postwar Cinema-Going in Kansai, 1945-1952

Jennifer Coates 

Marketing the Panpan in Japanese Popular Culture: Youth, Sexuality, and Power
Irene González-López 

The Desire and Disgust of Sweets: Consuming
Femininities through Shōjo Manga
Grace En-Yi Ting 

Beyond Borders: Shōjo Manga and Gender
Fusami Ogi 

About the Journal

The U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, biannual publication, available in print and online that promotes scholarly exchange on social, cultural, political, and economic issues pertaining to gender and Japan. The U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal encourages comparative study among Japan, the United States, and other countries. We welcome contributions from all academic fields in the social sciences and humanities and proposals for special issues. Our mission is to foster the work of young researchers and to ensure that the achievements of established scholars are not forgotten.

Biography Vol. 42 No. 1 (2019)

From the front cover: He mau palapala aina, a me na niele e pili ana. Hookahi ke pai ana. Lahaina, 1840. Library of Congress,


The International Year in Review is a collection of short, site-specific essays on the year’s most influential publications in life writing. This year’s collection includes entries from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Estonia, France, the Gulf Cooperation Council, India, Italy, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, the Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, South Africa, Spain, the UK, and two essays from the US, one on biography and one on memoir.


Editors’ Notes

Essays as Life Writing: The Year in Australia
Kylie Cardell

The Tercentenary of Maria Theresa (1717–1780): The Year in Austria and Germany
Tobias Heinrich

The Brazilian “I/Eye” at the IABA Global Conference: The Year in Brazil
Sergio da Silva Barcellos

Musicians’ Lives and National Identity: The Year in Canada
Alana Bell

Independent Biographical Documentaries: The Year in China
Chen Shen

Testigo de barbarie y resistencia: El año en Colombia
Gabriel Jaime Murillo-Arango

Life Writing’s Coming of Age: The Year in Estonia
Leena Kurvet-Käosaar and Maarja Hollo

The Ghosts of World War II: The Year in France
Joanny Moulin

Selves and Identities in the Arabian Gulf: The Year in the Gulf Cooperation Council
Szidonia Haragos

What the Stars Tell: The Year in India
Pramod K. Nayar

Biographies from the Alps to Capri: The Year in Italy
Ilaria Serra

Emergent Subjectivities: The Year in Korea
Heui-Yung Park

Archiving the Political, Narrating the Personal: The Year in Lebanon
Sleiman El Hajj

Politics and Violence: The Year in Mexico
Gerardo Necoechea Gracia

Mediators as the Subject of Dutch Biography: The Year in the Netherlands
Hans Renders and David Veltman

Voices against Erasure, Loss, and Dehumanization: The Year in Palestine
Adam Yaghi

A Time of Great Biographies—Gombrowicz and Herbert: The Year in Poland
Paweł Rodak

“No Coward Soul is Mine”: The Year in Portugal
Cláudia Faria

Auto/Biography After Disaster: The Year in Puerto Rico
Ricia Anne Chansky

Cultural Figures and the Biographical Turn: The Year in Romania
Ioana Luca

“Born-Frees” on South Africa’s Memory Traps: The Year in South Africa
Nick Mdika Tembo

Auto/Biography and Conflict: The Year in Spain
Ana Belén Martínez García

“The necessary disloyalty”: The Year in the UK
Tom Overton

#MeToo and the Memoir Boom: The Year in the US
Leigh Gilmore

American Biography: The Year in the US
Carl Rollyson

Annual Bibliography of Works about Life Writing, 2017–2018

About the Journal

For over forty years, Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly has explored the theoretical, generic, historical, and cultural dimensions of life writing.


Single issue sales and annual subscriptions for both individuals and institutions available here.


Unsolicited manuscripts between 2,500 to 7,500 words are welcome. Email inquiries and editorial correspondence to

Journal of Korean Religions Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)

Vol. 10 No. 1 is a special issue on Buddhism in the Colonial Period with Guest Editor Richard D. McBride II. From the Guest Editor’s Introduction:

The Korean colonial period (1910-1945) was a time of tumultuous transformation, not merely because Korea lost its sovereignty and suffered the humiliation of being subjugated by Japan–a country that Korean elites had long viewed  as culturally inferior–but because a whole host of social, educational, cultural, economic, and political changes were instituted that altered the fabric of life irrevocably. Although progressive reformers sought to introduce some changes by means of a failed coup d’état in 1884 (Kapsin chŏngbyŏn), and other reformers encouraged King Kojong (r. 1863-1907) to make changes known collectively as the Kabo Reforms (Kabo kaehyŏk, 1894-1896) in the late Chosŏn period and during the short-lived Great Han Empire (1897-1910), radical changes and challenges to traditional ways of life occurred primarily in the colonial period.

The Remains from Ancient Times: Newly Formed Connections with Buddhist Culture Designated as ‘‘Art’’ or ‘‘CulturalAssets’’
Hee-jung Kang

The Making of Modern Monastic Families in Colonial Korea: An Examination of Master-Disciple Relations in Monks’ Household Registers
Jeongeun Park

Must Read Texts for Buddhists and the Modernization of Korean Buddhist Ritual
Richard D.McBride II

Accounting for North Korea: Korean Reunification, the CCIA, and the Korean Christians Federation
Paul S. Cha


Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society – Volume 12:1 (2019)

Figure 1: Location of the Dejing dialect area where Yang is spoken
Location of the Dejing dialect area where Yang is spoken, a figure in Eric Jackson’s “Two-Part Negation in Yang Zhuang” this issue.

The first issue of Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society‘s 12th volume is complete and available on the university open-access platform, ScholarSpace.

Research Papers (Peer-Reviewed)

Spatial Relations along the In-On Continuum in Thai Sign Language
Cassie Wallace

Vietnamese Initial Consonant Clusters in Quốc Ngữ Documents from the 17th to Early 19th Centuries
Duc Nghieu Vu

Types and Functions of Reduplication in Palembang
Mardheya Alsamadani and Samar Taibah

Request Modifications Used by Chinese Learners and Native Speakers of Thai
Yingyot Kanchina and Sujaritlak Deepadung

Two-part Negation in Yang Zhuang
Eric Jackson

Tonal Variation in Pyen
Christina Scotte Hornéy

The Labial Causative In Trans-Himalayan
Guillaume Jacques

Non-finite Clauses in Thai
Pornsiri Singhapreecha

Data Papers, Book Reviews, and Other Notes

Proposing a Facilitated Participatory Approach for Southeast Asian Minority Language Orthography Design
Sigrid Lew

Tones in the Cuoi Language of Tan Ki District in Nghe An Province, Vietnam
Huu Hoanh Nguyen and Van Loi Nguyen

Book Notice: Mainland Southeast Asian Languages – A Concise Typological Introduction, by N. J. Enfield

In Memoriam: Thomas M. Tehan (1951-2019)
Brian Migliazza

A View on Proto-Karen Phonology and Lexicon
Theraphan Luangthongkum

China Review International Vol. 24 No. 2 (2017)

Volume 24 Number 2 of China Review International begins with one feature review and 19 more reviews of scholarly literature in Chinese Studies.


A Matter of Life and Death: The Translator Fou Lei (reviewing Mingyuan Hu, Fou Lei: An Insistence on Truth)
Reviewed by John Minford


Roger T. Ames and Jinhua Jia, editors, Li Zehou and Confucian Philosophy
Reviewed by Anna Ghiglione

David G. Atwill, Islamic Shangri-La: Inter-Asian Relations and Lhasa’s Muslim Communities, 1600 to 1960
Reviewed by Morris Rossabi

Rostislav Berezkin, Many Faces of Mulian: The Precious Scrolls of Late Imperial China
Reviewed by Daniel L. Overmyer

Franck Billé and Sören Urbansky, editors, Yellow Perils: China Narratives in the Contemporary World
Reviewed by David Martinez-Robles

Renee Y. Chow, Changing Chinese Cities: The Potentials of Field Urbanism
Reviewed by Perry P. J. Yang

Stephen Durrant, Wai-yee Li, Michael Nylan, and Hans van Ess, The Letter to Ren An & Sima Qian’s Legacy
Reviewed by Allan H. Barr

Rania Huntington, Ink and Tears: Memory, Mourning, and Writing in the Yu Family
Reviewed by Cathy Silber

Roger B. Jeans, editor, The Letters and Diaries of Colonel John Hart Caughey, 1944–1945: With Wedemeyer in World War II China
Reviewed by Peter Chenmain Wang

Pei-Chia Lan, Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US
Reviewed by Yu-chin Tseng

Gina Marchetti, Citing China: Politics, Postmodernism, and World Cinema
Reviewed by Yingjin Zhang

Max Oidtmann, Forging the Golden Urn: The Qing Empire and the Politics of Reincarnation in Tibet
Reviewed by Yingcong Dai

Patrick Fuliang Shan, Yuan Shikai: A Reappraisal 

Reviewed by Qiang Fang

Zhihua Shen and Yafeng Xia, A Misunderstood Friendship: Mao Zedong, Kim Il-sung, and Sino-North Korean Relations, 1949–1976
Reviewed by Adam Cathcart

Wendy Swartz, Reading Philosophy, Writing Poetry: Intertextual Modes of Making Meaning in Early Medieval China
Reviewed by Ping Wang

Kenneth M. Swope, On the Trail of the Yellow Tiger: War, Trauma, and Social Dislocation in Southwest China during the Ming-Qing Transition
Reviewed by Jodi L. Weinstein

Cai Xiang, Revolution & Its Narratives: China’s Socialist Literary and Cultural Imaginaries, 1949–1966
Reviewed by Yiju Huang

Victor Cunrui Xiong, Capital Cities and Urban Form in Pre-modern China: Luoyang, 1038 BCE to 938 CE  

Reviewed by Dong Wang

Xiaowei Zheng, The Politics of Rights and the 1911 Revolution in China
Reviewed by Edward McCord

Li Zhi, edited and translated by Rivi Handler-Spitz, Pauline C. Lee, and Haun Saussy, A Book to Burn & a Book to Keep (Hidden): Selected Writings
Reviewed by Nanxiu Qian

Works Received 

About the Journal

Every quarter, China Review International presents timely, English-language reviews of recently published China-related books and monographs. Its multidisciplinary scope and international coverage make it an indispensable tool for all those interested in Chinese culture and civilization, and enable the sinologist to keep abreast of cutting-edge scholarship in Chinese studies.


Individual and institutional subscriptions available through UH Press.


China Review International publishes reviews of recent scholarly literature and “state-of-the-art” articles in all fields of Chinese studies. Reviews are generally published by invitation only; however, unsolicited reviews will be considered for publication based on merit and guidelines can be found here.

China Review International
Vol. 24. No. 2 (2017)

Journal of World History, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2018)

This issue of the Journal of World History includes the following scholarly articles:

Daud Shah and Dar ul-Islam: Transnational Elements of Socio-religious Reforms among Muslims in the Madras Presidency*
By Sundara Vadlamudi

Colonial British India witnessed a large increase in the formation of socio-religious reform movements during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The major religious groups in British India sought to address the criticisms of Christian missionaries, enact responses to changing social and economic conditions under British imperialism, and attempt to resolve problems in their communities. This article examines the work of Daud Shah, an advocate for socio-religious reforms among Tamil-speaking Muslims in the Madras Presidency and the Bay of Bengal littoral. Existing research on Shah has examined his work within the context of social and political developments within the colonial Madras Presidency. This article argues that a proper assessment of Shah’s contribution to socio-religious reform can only be made by including the transnational aspects of his reform efforts, including sources of his religious knowledge and the impact of his actions on the diasporic community of Tamil Muslims in the Indian Ocean.

Divide to Unite: Ou Jujia, New Guangdong, and Provincial Consciousness in 1900s China
By Ying-Kit Chan

Under the “revolution paradigm” of existing Chinese historiography, Han Chinese intellectuals of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are viewed as either supporting or resisting monarchical rule in Qing China (1644–1912). This article examines the implications of Guangdong intellectual Ou Jujia’s (1870–1912) magnum opus, New Guangdong, for late Qing politics. New Guangdong called for Guangdong’s independence from the Qing so that it could later reunite with other provinces as a federated China. Although Ou Jujia’s attempts to launch an independence movement had remained marginal to the reformist and revolutionary visions of governance and national unity, he embedded provincial consciousness in the modern, Western-inspired language of federalism. By suggesting that Guangdong could become a unique model province of a reformed China, Ou Jujia defined the “province” as the basic unit of Chinese federalism and made it central to discussions of China’s future in the 1900s.

Mysterious Ships, Troublesome Loans, and Rumors of War: The Tokugawa Arrest of Suetsugu Heizō Shigetomo
By Timothy Romans

By the late seventeenth century, independent maritime organizations such as the Suetsugu could not survive the changing dynamics of an East Asian maritime world that became increasingly polarized by Tokugawa Japan and the Qing Empire. Through their alliance to the Zheng family, the Suetsugu sought to maintain an independent network of merchants, smugglers, and pirates. Suetsugu connections to the Zheng family expanded Tokugawa commercial relations to ports throughout Asia. However, when the Qing conquered China in the mid-seventeenth century, Tokugawa Japan came to increasingly fear war with this emerging empire. The activities of the Zheng family and their allies, the Suetsugu, nearly brought East Asia to the brink of conflict in 1676. Instead of risking war with the Qing Empire, the Tokugawa chose to arrest and banish Suetsugu Heizō IV to maintain the stability of their regime within a multipolar international framework that was East Asia’s new reality.

Taking Children, Ruling Colonies: Child Removal and Colonial Subjugation in Australia, Canada, French Indochina, and the United States, 1870–1950s
By Christina Firpo and Margaret Jacobs

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the French colonial government in Indochina and the settler colonial nations of the United States, Australia, and Canada all engaged in the systematic removal of Indigenous and/or mixed-race children from their families. All four governments placed the children in institutions that were meant to sever ties to their home communities, re-educate and assimilate them, and then slot them into particular roles in the colonial social order. By comparing child removal programs in these four colonial contexts, we contend that diverse colonial administrations used child removal as a key strategy of governance to address various political and demographic problems. In the settler colonial nations, child removal functioned primarily as a means of eliminating Indigenous identities, cultures, and land claims. In Indochina, the French carried out child removal to create a French colonial elite that would reside permanently in the colony. This comparative approach reveals significant insight into colonial practices, including authorities’ preoccupation with intimate family lives and children’s upbringing, how officials and reformers turned   to benevolent discourses to describe violent and coercive practices, how Indigenous women suffered from particular vilification, and how authorities removed Indigenous and/or mixed-race children to manage racial dynamics. The article particularly demonstrates the value of collaborative and comparative scholarship.

Plus book reviews.


Journal of World History Vol. 29 Issue 4
Journal of World History, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2018)

Republic of Apples, Democracy of Oranges: New Eco-Poetry from China and the United States (MĀNOA 31:1)

Qutang Gorge Entrance II, Daixi, 2003. Photograph by Linda Butler. In June 2003, when the reservoir formed, the confluence of the Daixi tributary and the Yangtze River disappeared beneath the waters, which washed over the feet of the distant mountains. The ruins of Daixi town also vanished.
Qutang Gorge Entrance II, Daixi, 2003. In June 2003, when the reservoir formed, the confluence of the Daixi tributary and the Yangtze River disappeared beneath the waters, which washed over the feet of the distant mountains. The ruins of Daixi town also vanished. Photograph by Linda Butler, this issue.

Republic of Apples, Democracy of Oranges presents nearly 100 poets and translators from China and the U.S.―the two countries most responsible for global carbon dioxide emissions and the primary contributors to extreme climate change. These poetic voices express the altered relationship that now exists between the human and non-human worlds, a situation in which we witness everyday the ways environmental destruction is harming our emotions and imaginations.

“What can poetry say about our place in the natural world today?” ecologically minded poets ask. “How do we express this new reality in art or sing about it in poetry?” And, as poet Forrest Gander wonders, “how might syntax, line break, or the shape of the poem on the page express an ecological ethics?”

Eco-poetry freely searches for possible answers. Sichuan poet Sun Wenbo writes:

… I feel so liberated I start writing about
the republic of apples and democracy of oranges. When I see
apples have not become tanks, oranges not bombs,
I know I’ve not become a slave of words after all.

The Chinese poets are from throughout the PRC and Taiwan, both minority and majority writers, from big cities and rural provinces, such as Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and Xinjiang Uyghur, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions. The American poets are both emerging and established, from towns and cities across the U.S.

Included are images by celebrated photographer Linda Butler documenting the Three Gorges Dam, on the Yangtze River, and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, on the Mississippi River Basin.

Cornell East Asia Clearance Sale

The University of Hawaii Press will no longer be selling Cornell East Asia Series (CEAS) titles after June 17th. This is your last chance to purchase these titles from our website at significant discounts!

View all sale titles on our On Sale page!

On Sale:

1943: China at the Crossroads Paperback 9781939161802 $25.00$5.00
1956: Mao’s China and the Hungarian Crisis Hardback 9781933947907 $65.00$10.00
1956: Mao’s China and the Hungarian Crisis Paperback 9781933947709 $39.00$5.00
A Handbook to Classical Japanese Hardback 9781933947044 $59.00$10.00
A Moment’s Grace: Stories of Korea in Transition Hardback 9781933947181 $52.00$10.00
A Moment’s Grace: Stories of Korea in Transition Paperback 9781933947488 $25.00$5.00
After Apocalypse: Four Japanese Plays of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Paperback 9780939657711 $24.00$5.00
Ankoku Buto: The Premodern and Postmodern Influences on the Dance of Utter Darkness Paperback 9780939657490 $17.00$5.00
Annotated Japanese Literary Gems. Volume 1: Stories by Tawada Yoko, Hayashi Kyoko, Nakagami Kenji Hardback 9781885445339 $41.00$10.00
Annotated Japanese Literary Gems. Volume 1: Stories by Tawada Yoko, Hayashi Kyoko, Nakagami Kenji Paperback 9781885445308 $19.00$5.00
Annotated Japanese Literary Gems. Volume 2: Stories by Natsume Soseki, Tomioka Taeko, and Inoue Yasushi Hardback 9781933947051 $41.00$10.00
Annotated Japanese Literary Gems. Volume 2: Stories by Natsume Soseki, Tomioka Taeko, and Inoue Yasushi Paperback 9781933947358 $19.00$5.00
Another Stage: Kanze Nobumitsu and the Late Muromachi Noh Theater Hardback 9781933947839 $55.00$10.00
Another Stage: Kanze Nobumitsu and the Late Muromachi Noh Theater Paperback 9781933947631 $29.00$5.00
Anthology of Kokugaku Scholars: 1690-1898 Hardback 9781939161642 $65.00$10.00
Anthology of Kokugaku Scholars: 1690-1898 Paperback 9781939161840 $45.00$5.00
Asian Regionalism Paperback 9781885445070 $21.00$5.00
Back to Heaven: Selected Poems of Ch’on Sang Pyong Hardback 9781885445698 $20.00$10.00
Back to Heaven: Selected Poems of Ch’on Sang Pyong Paperback 9781885445773 $10.00$5.00
Backed Against the Sea Hardback 9780939657865 $28.00$10.00
Backed Against the Sea Paperback 9780939657674 $13.00$5.00
Barbed Wire and Rice: Poems and Songs from Japanese Prisoner-of-War Camps Hardback 9781939161635 $35.00$10.00
Barbed Wire and Rice: Poems and Songs from Japanese Prisoner-of-War Camps Paperback 9781939161833 $17.00$5.00
Capital and Countryside in Japan, 300-1180: Japanese Historians Interpreted in English Hardback 9781885445391 $59.00$10.00
Capital and Countryside in Japan, 300-1180: Japanese Historians Interpreted in English Paperback 9781885445292 $25.00$5.00
Charisma and Community Formation in Medieval Japan: The Case of the Yugyo-ha (1300-1700) Paperback 9781885445025 $20.00$5.00
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China on the Margins Paperback 9781933947464 $25.00$5.00
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Chinese Walls in Time and Space: A Multidisciplinary Perspective Hardback 9781933947143 $66.00$10.00
Chinese Walls in Time and Space: A Multidisciplinary Perspective Paperback 9781933947440 $25.00$5.00
Conflict in Modern Japanese History: The Neglected Tradition Paperback 9781885445230 $25.00$5.00
Contradictions Hardback 9781885445360 $40.00$10.00
Contradictions Paperback 9781885445261 $20.00$5.00
Dance of the Butterflies: Chinese Poetry from the Japanese Court Tradition Hardback 9781885445353 $53.00$10.00
Dance of the Butterflies: Chinese Poetry from the Japanese Court Tradition Paperback 9781885445254 $25.00$5.00
Day-Shine: Poems by Chong Hyon-Jong Hardback 9781885445544 $24.00$10.00
Day-Shine: Poems by Chong Hyon-Jong Paperback 9781885445940 $12.00$5.00
Deathsong of the River: A Reader’s Guide to the Chinese TV Series Heshang Paperback 9780939657544 $10.00$5.00
Deconstructing Nationality Hardback 9781885445346 $53.00$10.00
Deconstructing Nationality Paperback 9781885445247 $25.00$5.00
Description and Explanation in Korean Linguistics Hardback 9781885445568 $45.00$10.00
Description and Explanation in Korean Linguistics Paperback 9781885445988 $20.00$5.00
Disarming the Allies of Imperialism: The State, Agitation, and Manipulation during China’s Nationalist Revolution, 1922-1929 Hardback 9781885445322 $55.00$10.00
Disarming the Allies of Imperialism: The State, Agitation, and Manipulation during China’s Nationalist Revolution, 1922-1929 Paperback 9781885445315 $26.00$5.00
Dragonflies: Fiction by Chinese Women in the Twentieth Century Paperback 9781885445155 $21.00$5.00
Dragons, Tigers and Dogs: Qing Crisis Management and the Boundaries of State Power in Late Imperial China Hardback 9781885445438 $55.00$10.00
Dragons, Tigers and Dogs: Qing Crisis Management and the Boundaries of State Power in Late Imperial China Paperback 9781885445148 $26.00$5.00
Dramatic Representations of Filial Piety: Five Nohs in Translation Paperback 9781885445971 $16.00$5.00
Early One Spring: An Intermediate Chinese Reader to Accompany the Film Video February Paperback 9781885445124 $10.00$5.00
Endless War: Fiction and Essays by Wang Wen-Hsing Hardback 9781933947280 $65.00$10.00
Endless War: Fiction and Essays by Wang Wen-Hsing Paperback 9781933947587 $25.00$5.00
Family Change and the Life Course in Japan Paperback 9780939657445 $10.00$5.00
Farmers’ Dance: Poems by Shin Kyong-Nim Paperback 9781885445056 $10.00$5.00
Five Plays by Kishida Kunio Paperback 9781885445513 $18.00$5.00
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Gendered Landscapes: Short Fiction by Modern and Contemporary Korean Women Novelists Paperback 9781939161871 $35.00$5.00
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Han Sorya and North Korean Literature: The Failure of Socialist Realism in the DPRK Paperback 9780939657698 $20.00$5.00
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Informal Empire in Crisis: British Diplomacy and the Chinese Customs Succession, 1927-1929 Hardback 9780939657797 $28.00$10.00
Informal Empire in Crisis: British Diplomacy and the Chinese Customs Succession, 1927-1929 Paperback 9780939657742 $10.00$5.00
International Perspectives on Yanagita Kunio and Japanese Folklore Studies Paperback 9780939657377 $15.00$5.00
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Inventing Nanjing Road: Commercial Culture in Shanghai, 1900-1945 Paperback 9781885445032 $20.00$5.00
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Japan’s Renaissance: The Politics of the Muromachi Bakufu Paperback 9781885445087 $20.00$5.00
Kitahara Hakushu: His Life and Poetry Paperback 9780939657650 $10.00$5.00
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Landlords, Peasants and Intellectuals in Modern Korea Paperback 9781885445285 $25.00$5.00
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Like Clouds or Mists: Studies and Translations of No Plays of the Genpei War Paperback 9781933947594 $29.00$5.00
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Riding Waves and Writing Places; Author John Clark Records Hawai’i

John R. Kukeakalani Clark is the author of ten books about Hawaii’s beaches, surf spots, and ocean lore, including North Shore Place Names: Kahuku to Ka‘ena and Hawaiian Surfing: Traditions from the Past. He is also a former lifeguard and a retired deputy fire chief of the Honolulu Fire Department. We decided to ask John what had inspired him to start writing about the islands.

From the author:

“In 1970 I completed a two-year tour of duty in the Army and returned home to Hawaii. A friend of mine was working as a City and County of Honolulu lifeguard and told me they were looking for more guards. I applied and was hired immediately by Captain Aloha Kaeo. He assigned me and another guard, Daryl Picadura, to Sandy Beach as its first full-time lifeguards.

“Daryl and I made a lot of rescues, and early in 1972 I decided we should be pro-active and try to reach people, especially our visitors, before they reached the beach. I thought we might be able to do it through a book, so I started writing, first about Sandy Beach, and then about all the other beaches on Oahu. I have a BA in Hawaiian Studies from UHM, so in addition to the water safety information, I included some Hawaiian history about the beaches with a focus on the moolelo, the stories, behind their names.

“Later in 1972 I gave up my job as a lifeguard and joined the Honolulu Fire Department, but I continued to work on my manuscript. The UH Press published my first book, Beaches ofOahu, in 1977. One book led to another and during my 33 years with HFD, I wrote six more books. I continued to write even after I retired at the end of 2005, and as of 2018, I have written 10 books on Hawaii’s beaches, surf spots and shoreline place names.”



Enjoy these great titles!

Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture, Volume 12 (2019)

From Young-Jun Lee’s Editor’s Note

Last year, peace in Korea seemed imminent, thanks to cooperation between Trump and Kim, but now, with the subsequent failure of talks, that expectation has diminished. Still, perhaps because of that failure, it is very noisy in front of Seoul Station or at Gwanghwamun Square these days, where people gather every weekend to make their opinions known. This clamor can be seen as expressing Korea’s disorder, or it can be seen as evidence of Korea’s eagerness for change. Social energy in Korea is still very high. The same goes for Korean literature.

Writer in Focus: Kim Kyung-uk

Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton

Kim Kyung-uk
The Mailman, Olivia Hussey, and Robert Redford
Heaven’s Door
Mirror and Window
Excerpt from Man in the Mirror


Kong Sŏn-ok
Single Mother

Choi Jinyoung

Jeong Yi Hyun
Forever Summer

Yun Ko-Eun
The Chef’s Nail

Choi Eunyoung
Sister, My Little Soonae

Also in this issue:
Special Feature: Hansi by Ch’usa Kim Chŏng-hŭi,
Special Feature: Zainichi Literature and Film
Images by Too Bohnchang, an image index, and a Notes on Contributors section.



About the Journal

Azalea promotes Korean literature among English-language readers. Azalea introduces to the world new writers as well as promising translators, providing the academic community of Korean studies with well-translated texts for college courses. Writers from around the world also share their experience of Korean literature or culture with wider audiences.

From the Backstage of Publishing: Memories of Milton Murayama

headshot of Milton MurayamaOriginally this post was a way to mark this month’s Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month by sharing personal memories from an editorial perspective of a pioneering Asian American literary icon, Milton Murayama. It has grown to include other remembrances from a marketing perspective. We are all proud to be the publisher of his bestselling novels.

Masako Ikeda, Acquisitions:

I only met Milton Murayama once, at the Asian American studies conference held in Honolulu in 1991. I tagged along with Sharon Yamamoto, who acquired his manuscripts for Five Years on a Rock and then Plantation Boy. Nothing at that meeting was particularly memorable as I sort of stood in the background, but I ended up enjoying serving as his managing editor for those two books. We wrote letters back and forth and continued to do so even as the century changed. Most of the time all he said in his letters was that he wanted to buy copies of his books or he was writing a new book, which wouldn’t be finished for a while.

After Five Years our production department held onto an old computer drive knowing that Milton had not updated his system and refused to do so. Our marketing staff coaxed him a number of times: “Milton, I’ll help you set it all up.” He kept sending me hard copy manuscripts with perforations on both ends along with five-inch floppy disks. The manuscript wasn’t complete so he wanted everything back, including the floppy disks, which he couldn’t find anymore. Right before he sent the 4 books by Murayama, standing upright on deskvery final manuscript, which eventually became Dying in a Strange Land, we had gotten rid of the drive, and there was no way to read his WordPerfect files. I ended up asking our Production staffer to keystroke everything, which she did in three days.

Communication with Milton was always interesting and often a little strange. He’d call to complain about the copy editor who didn’t understand that “Pidgin English doesn’t have ellipses points, or letter spaces in between.” He would also hesitate to say “Okay bye” and hang up the phone, so our conversation would go on for a long time with several seconds of dead silence breaking our talks in the most uncomfortable way.

Milton passed away in July 2016, and I didn’t know it until a month later when we saw the obituary in the Sunday paper. I felt guilty for not staying in touch. I do think of him quite often just as I think about Sharon, his true editor, whose passing was almost fourteen years earlier.

Steven Hirashima, Marketing:

My fondest memories of Milton would be visiting his fudge brown three-story home in the hillside area of Glen Park of San Francisco. Whenever I was in town I would always make a point to book a visit. The ritual was always the same. I would call to say I’m leaving the hotel and heading for the Union Square BART Station. Once at Glen Park, I would call to say I arrived and no more than five minutes later Milton would arrive in his old Toyota and we would head up the steep and winding road to his “retreat in the hills.”

5 people, including Murayama and wife Dawn, wearing lei.
L to R: Steven Hirashima, Marie Hara, Milton Murayama, Dawn Murayama, Carol Abe after the “Revisiting Murayama” presentation, November 2008.

Overlooking the flatlands of the city with Candlestick Park and SFO to the west, I would always be given a tour as to what was updated or repurposed around the house since my last visit (the actor Lou Diamond Phillips’s childhood family had been a previous neighbor), from a newly reapportioned sunroom downstairs to a section outside with a bed of spring flowers to Milton’s designated writing room where tucked in a corner would be his antique word processor (a Commodore 64), which I almost convinced him to ditch in favor of a newfangled Mac but he never wavered and remained forever faithful to his trusty machine.

Any trip to the Murayamas would invariably end in the kitchen where Milton and Dawn were the most gracious of hosts. We would often gather around the large formal dinner table for spirited conversation from his next book project or his time in the 442nd, feasting on a bowl of delicious Alaskan King crab legs and steamed garlic brussels sprouts, masterfully prepared by Milton only minutes before. Looking back, they were wonderful and precious times. How I long for another afternoon with Milton. Until then, God Speed and Aloha.

Carol Abe, Marketing:

My very first encounter with Milton was in 1975, the year his original edition of All I Asking for Is My Body published, the green one with the bamboo forest on the cover and an overly large “$3” printed on the back All 5 of Murayama's books, surrounded by clippings and letterscover. He and wife Dawn lined up signings at Honolulu Book Shops, at which I was a bookstore clerk (we weren’t called “booksellers” until twenty years later). Of course I bought a copy with my generous employee discount and had it signed, but didn’t otherwise have a personal connection to him. Jump to 2008: I’d been at UH Press for ten years and we released Milton’s fourth and final novel in his tetralogy about the Oyama family. Steve Hirashima had switched to managing our Asian studies list and I did the same for our Hawai‘i, Pacific, and Asian American titles.

Dying in a Strange Land had a pub date of June but Milton called and said he would wait to visit in the fall, when it’d be cooler, and he only wanted to do low-key promotion of a few bookstore signings. Then, as now, the Press had no travel funds to support a book tour anyway. He finally decided November would be a good time to come and would do Maui and O‘ahu signings, but no readings or talks. So I booked a combination of Barnes & Noble and Borders stores that followed his wishes and filled his itinerary. We corresponded by snail mail and exchanged letters. In one of these, Milton revealed some of the real-life equivalents to the characters in his books. He wrote, “There’s more fact than fiction in my stories.”

After a fan of his scolded me for not paying for his travel and doing him justice, a series of serendipitous things happened that culminated in an event more befitting of a literary icon, “Revisiting Murayama: From Plantation to Diaspora.” Gary Pak, as it happened, had videotaped an interview with Milton that he still needed to screen; the amazing Marie Hara agreed to be co-organizer and was a conduit to both UHM English department and Bamboo Ridge; Craig Howes put me in touch with Phyllis 3 books opened to page showing author signed the bookLook, who had directed a play of All I Asking. The program developed further by recruiting Arnold Hiura, Lee Cataluna, and one of our student employees, Tricia Tolentino, all tied together with Steve as emcee. (And, by rolling the dice, we obtained funding from SEED and Hawai‘i Council for the Humanities, including an honorarium for Milton.)

During their visit, I had chauffeured Milton and Dawn to four or five appearances, perhaps being a bit manic in my driving. At the end, I asked Milton to sign my copy of Dying in a Strange Land. We all laughed warmly as I read his inscription: “It’s been fun getting to know you. I love smart flaky women, who’re also good drivers.” It was my honor and pleasure to have been a tiny part of his life.


Each of Milton’s novels can be read separately and not in sequence. Dying in a Strange Land is on sale now, at a very special price—click here to order.