Journals: Seabirds Vulnerable to Climate Change, Anger in a Non-Ideal World, Living the Way of Tea + more

Asian Perspectives

Volume 62, Number 1 (2023)

The new issue shares the following introduction and welcomes a new editor:

You will note that several articles in this issue focus on the identification and interpretation of specific materials and technologies. The topics covered by four of the articles include rock art in early Mongolia, bone tools in prehistoric eastern China, metallurgy at the Han empire’s southern periphery, and plant remains and parasite microfossils in pre-contact New Zealand. A fifth article relies on settlement pattern and demographic data from Neolithic and Bronze Age China to draw insightful comparisons between the developmental trajectories of two distant regions.

We take this opportunity to welcome Cristina Castillo as the journal’s new Book Review Editor and thank Michèle Demandt for serving as the first editor dedicated to this important section of the journal. Michèle streamlined many of the editorial procedures for the book reviews. We wish her the best in all her future professional and personal endeavors.

Find this editorial, research articles, and more at Project MUSE.

bio 45-3 cover


Volume 45, Number 3 (2022)

Editor Craig Howes honors founder George Simson in the introduction of this latest issue:

I am mentioning this constant in the life of Biography and the Center because when considering the contents of this “regular” issue, I realized that what began as an aspiration has with great effort become the norm. The five articles in this installment
feature writers and subjects from South Africa, Uganda, Lebanon, India, and France, representing an equally diverse range of approaches to life writing — whether through fashion, documentaries, oral histories, photographs, memoirs,
biographies, or “anti-biographies.”

I believe that George would find some of the theoretical approaches or topics puzzling—certainly far afield from biography as he understood and loved it. But I know he would be very happy that his dream of a journal that made its best effort to be international has been realized. And it will continue to do so.

Read this introduction, articles, reviews, and more at Project MUSE.

Oceanic Linguistics 62-1 cover

Oceanic Linguistics

Volume 62, Number 1 (2023)

The new issue contains the following articles:

Variable Copying Sites in Truku Cə- Reduplication
Hui-Shan Lin

Voice and Pluractionality in Äiwoo
Åshild Næss

Comitative Constructions in Reefs–Santa Cruz
Åshild Næss, Valentina Alfarano, Brenda H. Boerger, and Anders Vaa

Preverbal Determiners and the Passive in Moriori
John Middleton

Some Remarks on Sagart’s New Evidence for a Numeral-Based Phylogeny of Austronesian
Alexander D. Smith

Find these and more articles and squibs at Project MUSE.

Pacific Science

Volume 76, Number 3 (2022)

The new issue contains the following articles:

Prioritization of Restoration Needs for Seabirds in the U.S. Tropical Pacific Vulnerable to Climate Change
Lindsay C. Young and Eric A. VanderWerf

A Third Pond on the Mauna Kea Summit Plateau
Norbert Schorghofer, Matthias Leopold, and Fritz L. Klasner

Lake Tagimaucia Montane Lake as a Potential Late Holocene Environmental Archive in Fiji’s Volcanic Highlands
James Terry, Kunal Singh, and Michelle McKeown

South(east) by Southwest: Identifi cation of a New Halocaridina rubra Holthuis, 1963 (Decapoda: Atyidae) Genetic Group From O‘ahu, Hawai‘i
Scott R. Santos, Livable Hawai‘i Kai Hui, Mike N. Yamamoto, Thomas Y. Iwai Jr., and Annette W. Tagawa

Landscape Configuration Influences ‘Ōma‘o (Myadestes obscurus)
Song Diversity

Nicole M. Fernandez, Kristina L. Paxton, Eben H. Paxton, Adam A. Pack, and Patrick J. Hart

Find more articles at Project MUSE.

Rapa Nui Journal

Volume 33, Number 1 & 2 (2020)

The new issue contains the following articles, reports, and news:

Mana Tupuna: Honoring the Ancestors Abroad
Phineas Kelly

Rapa Nui in the Hans Helfritz Collection at the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum
Tania Basterrica Brockman and Betty Haoa Rapahango

Con-ticci and the Bennett Monolith of Mocachi
Andrea Ballesteros Danel

Identifying Places and People in Walter Lehmann’s Photograph Collection of Rapa Nui (Easter Island, 1911)
Cristián Moreno Pakarati and Rafał Wieczorek

Terevaka Archaeological Outreach (TAO) 2020 Project Report: Digital Repatriation
Britton L. Shepardson

Find more articles, reports, and news on Easter Island at Project MUSE.

Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers

Number 84 (2022)

The new issue includes the following articles:

The Geographer as Bibliophile
Michael Pretes

Canyonlands National Park: A Multiple-Use Test Case
Tate Pashibin, Geoffrey Buckley, and Yolonda Youngs

Donald W. Meinig’s Southwest at Half-Century, a Reflection
and Appreciation

Daniel D. Arreola, Richard L. Nostrand, William Wyckoff, Craig
Colten, and Paul F. Starrs

Portland’s Post-Industrial Neighborhoods
Mark D. Bjelland and Madelyn Vander Veen

Weighted OWA Operators in Spatial MultiCriteria Decision-

Soheil Boroushaki

Find more articles, research notes, book reviews, abstracts, meeting reports, and awards at Project MUSE.

Early Release Articles: Korean Studies (December 2017)

University of Hawai’i Press and Korean Studies present the following early release articles through a partnership with Project MUSE.


Young Barbara’s Devotion and Death: Reading Father Ch’oe’s Field Report of 1850 by Deberniere J. Torrey


Women and Buddhist Philosophy: Engaging Zen Master Kim Iryŏp by Jin Y. Park (University of Hawai`i Press: 2017), reviewed by Jungshim Lee

All Korean Studies early release articles may be viewed online here.

Please note: Early release manuscripts have been through our rigorous peer-review process, accepted for publication, and copyedited. These articles will be published in a forthcoming issue of the journal. These articles have not yet been through the full production process and therefore may contain errors. These articles will be removed from the early release page once they are published as part of an issue.

The next complete volume of Korean Studies will appear in 2018. Sign up for new issue email alerts from Project MUSE here.

Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 8, no. 2 (October 2017)

Journal of Korean Religions vol. 8, no. 2, a special issue on Religion and Media in Korea, features the following articles by scholars.

Special Issue: Religion and Media in Korea

Guest Editors: Kyuhoon Cho, Sam Han, and Jin Kyu Park

In contemporary social life, religion and media cannot be said to be separated. Contrary to the long-lasting understanding that the two are independent from each other, the spheres of religion and media are closely intertwined. Dynamic and increasing connections have been observed and reported by a range of scholars. Indeed, the scholarly interest in the relationship is a fairly recent one. Only thirty years ago, religion was just a blind spot within media studies (Hoover and Venturelli 1996). Similarly, media were an overlooked issue in religious studies.

Special issue articles include:

  • A History of Religious Broadcasting in Korea from a Religious Politics Standpoint: Focusing on the Period of a Protestant Broadcasting Monopoly
    by Sungmin Lee
  • The Role of Newspapers in the Early Korean Protestant Community: An Analysis of The Korean Christian Advocate and The Christian News
    by Minjung Noh
  • Religion in the Press: The Construction of Religion in the Korean News Media
    by Kyuhoon Cho
  • The Culture-Religion Nexus: (Neo-)Durkheimianism and Mediatized Confucianism in Korean “Piety Travel”
    by Sam Han
  • Authenticity, Brand Culture, and Templestay in the Digital Era: The Ambivalence and In-Betweenness of Korean Buddhism
    by Seung Soo Kim

Continue reading “Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 8, no. 2 (October 2017)”

Early Release Article: Korean Studies (November 2017)

University of Hawai’i Press is proud to present the early release of the following article from Korean Studies through a partnership with Project MUSE.


Implicit Political and Economic Liberties in the Thought of Tasan Chŏng Yagyong by Yi Jongwoo

Abstract: Two types of implicit liberty were the foremost features of the philosophy produced by Tasan Chŏng Yagyong (1762–1836), a Confucian scholar of the Chosŏn dynasty in Korea. The first was political liberty, which enabled people to select and dismiss their ruler. Tasan’s notion of political liberty included a stern admonition to rulers and local officials, stipulating that if they collected unfair taxes from the people, the people had the right to take necessary actions to survive. The second was economic liberty, which enabled people to relocate to another village for financial reasons in the hamlet- field system. Under the well-field system, rulers distributed their farmland among the people equally for their personal use, and therefore they were not tenant farmers. Economic liberty was implicit and advocated that the people lead lives that were consistent with Confucian moral principles.

Browse all Korean Studies early release articles online here.

Please note: Early release manuscripts have been through our rigorous peer-review process, accepted for publication, and copyedited. These articles will be published in a forthcoming issue of the journal. These articles have not yet been through the full production process and therefore may contain errors. These articles will be removed from the early release page once they are published as part of an issue.

Stay tuned for more early release articles from UH Press journals.

Philosophy East and West, vol. 67, no. 4 (October 2017)

This quarter’s journal of comparative Eastern and Western philosophies is a Special Issue entitled: Eleventh East-West Philosophers’ Conference, “State-of-the-Art on Comparative Philosophy” with guest editor Ron Bontekoe and includes the following scholarly works:

In Memoriam

Remembering Jiyuan Yu
by Chenyang Li

special issue articles

Some Opening Remarks on the Exclusionary Tendency in Western Philosophy
by Ron Bontekoe

The Place of Philosophy
by Danielle Macbeth

Response to Danielle Macbeth, “The Place of Philosophy”
by Stephen C. Angle

Reply to Stephen Angle
by Danielle Macbeth

Ethnocentrism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary Philosophy
by Brian Bruya

Continue reading “Philosophy East and West, vol. 67, no. 4 (October 2017)”

Philosophy East and West, vol. 67, no. 3 (July 2017)

This quarter’s journal of comparative Eastern and Western philosophies includes the following scholarly works:


The Strong Case for Vegetarianism in Pātañjala Yoga
by Jonathan Dickstein

Heidegger and Mullā Sadrā on the Meaning of Metaphysics
by Muhammad U. Faruque

The Prescriptive Dialectics of Li 禮 and Yi 義 in the Lienü zhuan 列女傳
by César Guarde-Pazo

Sūksma and the Clear and Distinct Light: The Path to Epistemic Enhancement in Yogic and Cartesian Meditation
by Gary Jaeger

Continue reading “Philosophy East and West, vol. 67, no. 3 (July 2017)”

Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 8, no. 1 (April 2017)

Journal of Korean Religions vol. 8, no. 1, a special issue on The 1,400th Anniversary of Wŏnhyo’s Birth, features the following articles by scholars.

Special Issue: The 1,400th Anniversary of Wŏnhyo’s Birth

Robert E. Buswell Jr. and Eun-su Cho, Guest Editors

The year 2017 marks the 1,400th anniversary of the birth of Wŏnhyo 元曉 (‘‘Break of Dawn’’; 617–686), a towering figure in the Korean religious and intellectual firmament. Wŏnhyo was an important vaunt courier in the development of Korean Buddhism and it is no exaggeration to say that it was he who created the Silla tradition of the religion. Indeed, few others have exerted the depth and breadth of influence over the subsequent development of Korean Buddhism as did Wŏnhyo. His oeuvre is among the largest in the entire Korean intellectual tradition, comprising some one hundred works, of which over twenty are extant.

Special issue articles include:

  • Human Nature and Buddha Nature in Wŏnhyo
    by Jong Wook Kim
  • Towards a Buddhist Ethics of Emptiness: Wŏnhyo on Transgression and Repentance in the Mahayana Repentance of the Six Senses
    by Eun-su Cho
  • Wŏnhyo’s View of This World
    by Seunghak Koh
  • The Meaning of the Explicit and Inexplicit Approaches in Wŏnhyo’s System of the Two Hindrances
    by Charles Muller
  • Kingship as ‘‘Dharma-Protector’’: A Comparative Study of Wŏnhyo’s and Huizhao’s Views on the Golden Light Sutra
    by Sumi Lee
  • Wŏnhyo: Buddhist Commentator Par Excellence
    by Robert E. Buswell Jr.

Continue reading “Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 8, no. 1 (April 2017)”

Philosophy East and West, vol. 67, no. 2 (April 2017)

This quarter’s journal of comparative Eastern and Western philosophies includes the following scholarly works:


Zhijue as Appreciation and Realization in Zhu Xi: An Examination through Hun and Po
by Eiho Baba

The Self-Chariots of Liberation: Plato’s Phaedrus, the, and the Mahābhārata in Search of Eternal Being
by Nina Budziszewska

The Metaphysics and Unnamability of the Dao in the Daodejing and Wittgenstein
by Leo K. C. Cheung

Solving for the Triad: Xunzi and Wendell Berry on Sustainable Agriculture as Ethical Practice
by Matthew Duperon

Continue reading “Philosophy East and West, vol. 67, no. 2 (April 2017)”

Philosophy East and West, vol. 67, no. 1 (2017)

This quarter’s journal of comparative Eastern and Western philosophies includes the following scholarly works:

Special Feature: Joseph Chan’s Confucian Perfectionism

Confucian Authority, Political Right, and Democracy
by Sungmoon Kim

Confucian Justification of Limited Government: Comments on Joseph Chan’s Confucian Perfectionism
by Stephen C. Angle

Institutional Structures and Idealism of Character
by David B. Wong

Education as a Human Right: A Confucian Perspective
by Chenyang Li

Democracy without Autonomy: Moral and Personal Autonomy in Democratic Confucianism
by Yvonne Chiu

On How to Construct a Confucian Democracy for Modern Times (or Why Democratic Practices Must Not Sight of the Ideal)
by Roger T. Ames

Confucian Perfectionism: A Response to Kim, Angle, Wong, Li, Chiu, and Ames
by Joseph Chan

Continue reading “Philosophy East and West, vol. 67, no. 1 (2017)”

Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 7, no. 2 (2016)

Journal of Korean Religions vol. 7, no. 1 , Urban Aspirations in Seoul, features the following articles by scholars:

Special Issue: Urban Aspirations in Seoul

Jin-Heon Jung and Peter van der Veer, Guest Editors

This special issue invites readers to examine dynamic religious aspirations in the urban contexts of South Korea. Focusing on religious practices, adaptations, and material constructions in the making of Seoul, these articles contribute to the growing scholarly discussion on the relationship between the urban and the religious/sacred in the context of Asian cities and beyond (e.g., van der Veer 2015, Goh and van der Veer 2016). This special issue is the culmination of an interdisciplinary research team—the Seoul Lab—which contributed to the larger comparative urban research project of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity undertaken in Mumbai, Shanghai, and Singapore.

Special issue articles include:

  • Engaged Buddhism for the Curative Self among Young Jungto Buddhist Practitioners in South Korea
    by Hyun Mee Kim and Si Hyun Choi
  • Ummah in Seoul: The Creation of Symbolic Spaces in the Islamic Central Masjid of Seoul
    by Doyoung Song
  • The Politics of Officially Recognizing Religions and the Expansion of Urban ‘‘Social Work’’ in Colonial Korea
    by Michael Kim
  • Punching Korean Protestantism: Challenging from within through a Televised Theological Roundtable
    by Seung Min Hong
  • The Religious-Political Aspirations of North Korean Migrants and Protestant Churches in Seoul
    by Jin-Heon Jung

Continue reading “Journal of Korean Religions, vol. 7, no. 2 (2016)”

Philosophy East and West, vol. 66, no. 4 (2016)

This quarter’s journal of comparative Eastern and Western philosophies includes the following scholarly works:

Special Feature: Li Zehou on Michael Sandel

On Li Zehou’s Philosophy: An Introduction by Three Translators
by Paul J. D’Ambrosio, Robert A. Carleo III, and Andrew Lambert

A Response to Michael Sandel and Other Matters
by Li Zehou, translated by Paul J. D’Ambrosio and Robert A. Carleo III Continue reading “Philosophy East and West, vol. 66, no. 4 (2016)”

Philosophy East and West, vol. 66, no. 3 (2016)

This special issue of Philosophy East and West is dedicated to the inaugural meeting of the World Consortium for Research in Confucian Cultures, convened at the University of Hawai‘i and the East-West Center, October 8-12, 2014, on the theme “Confucian Values in a Changing World Cultural Order,” to explore the contributions of Confucian thought to world culture.

One feature at the inaugural conference was a special panel dedicated to the philosophy of Li Zehou 李泽厚, one of the most renowned and influential philosophers of our time. This dedicated issue opens with the following works on Li Zehou:

Li Zehou and Pragmatism
by Catherine Lynch

Approaches to Global Ethics: Michael Sandel’s Justice and Li Zehou’s Harmony
by Kurtis G. Hagen

Li Zehou’s Lunyu jindu (Reading the Analects today)
by Michael Nylan

Li Zehou’s Reconception of the Confucian Ethics of Emotion
By Jinhua Jia

The issue also includes a new Author Meets Critics section, additional articles,  a comment and discussion section,  and book reviews.

Continue reading “Philosophy East and West, vol. 66, no. 3 (2016)”