Journals: Chinese Studies International, Journal of Burma Studies, Oceanic Linguistics + more

Journal of Burma Studies 28-2 cover

Journal of Burma Studies

Special Issue: PopMyanmar

Volume 28, Number 2 (2024)

The Special issue is introduced by editor Jane Ferguson who states:

Given the tremendous, enduring Burmese interest in—and affection for—local and transnational popular culture, The Journal of Burma Studies is proud to present this special issue: PopMyanmar. Various platforms for popular culture distribution, from print media to music to the internet, are embedded in everyday practices. Pop culture’s modes and meanings of consumption are constantly refashioned through history, taste, and caprice. Yet it is not free for all: these artifacts are still beholden to the political economy at large. Popular culture, as an essential part of modern society’s mainstream, is thus a reflection of its dominant values. As a site for cultural contestation, pop culture can influence imaginings for new political futures.

Find this introduction, articles and more at Project MUSE.

Behind the Journal: FANHS Hosts Virtual Events on 2/23 and 4/6 – Register Today!

Join the Filipino American National Historical Society Journal editors for a two-part interactive Zoom event celebrating the recent issue focused on the theme, “Bridges.”

“Bridges” was inspired by Fred Cordova’s classic 1996 published piece, “The Bridge Generation and Building Bridges.”  Engage with select authors as they share insights and stories behind their work in a lively talk story session.

Session 1: The Bridge Generation
Date: Sunday, February 23, 2025
Time: 1:00 PM HST/ 3:00 PM PST/ 5:00 PM CST/ 6:00 PM EST (1 hour event)
Register here to receive ZOOM link 

This session will honor the legacy of FANHS leader Peter Jamero and focus on pieces that educate readers about the Bridge Generation.

Session 2: Building Bridges
Date: Sunday, April 6, 2025
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM PST
Register here to receive ZOOM link

This session will explore pieces that build connections across the diversity of our community, including generations, geography, and ethnicities.

For more information, please contact

Now in Print!

The FANHS Journal is now available digitally via Project MUSE and in print via subscription with the University of Hawai‘i Press.

Read Volume 12

Find the “Bridges” issue online at Project MUSE


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Journals: Buddhist-Christian Studies, Journal of Korean Religions + More

Buddhist-Christian Studies

Volume 44 (2024)

Editors Thomas Cattoi and Kristin Johnston Largen introduce this issue:

[T]he articles in this issue include several that offer a variety of perspectives on the thought of Thich Nhat Hanh for the sake of a more peaceful and just world. Another article examines whether and how certain interpretations of Theravāda Buddhist doctrines can lead to racist practices and policies. Yet another article looks at the current realities of Buddhist chaplains in the United States, both what they can offer in terms of a unique perspective on spiritual care and also the ways in which they are discriminated in a system that has been so dominated by Christian practitioners. And this is only the beginning. We hope that you will enjoy the breath of perspectives—scholarly, reflective, and practical —evidenced by this issue’s outstanding authors.

Find these articles, review, news and views and more at Project MUSE.

Cover Jounral of Korean religions JKR 15.2
PEW 74-4 cover

Filipino American National Historical Society Journal: Bridges (Vol. 12, 2024) – Now in Print!

Filipino American National Historical Society Journal (FANHS) Volume 12

The new issue of the Filipino American National Historical Society Journal, Volume 12, focuses on the theme of bridges, taking inspiration from the 1994 speech by founding FANHS president Fred Cordova that honors the Bridge Generation, or second generation of Filipino Americans, for their pioneering work. As guest editor Lily Ann B. Villaraza writes in her introduction to the issue:

Bridges teach us to meet trepidation with tenacity and resolve; they challenge us to face our fears and to move with intention and purpose. Some of these works bridge us to the past; others call on us to think about our collective future. Some of the works bring marginalized narratives to the forefront; others demonstrate connection across generation, ocean, and time. All of these works, in one way or another, bridge our personal understanding of the Filipino American experience to other people’s understanding of the Filipino American experience.

The issue is now available digitally via Project MUSE and in print via subscription with the University of Hawai‘i Press.

Volume 12

From the Editor
Lily Ann B. Villaraza


In Memoriam: Alex Edillor
Herb Delute


The Bridge Generation and Building Bridges
Fred Cordova

The Bridge Generation and Building Bridges in the Twenty-First Century
Terese Guinsatao Monberg, Patricia Espiritu Halagao

FANHS 1st Conference: “Growing Up Brown” Transcript
Loréa Acuszaar

Loréa T. Acuszaar Biography
Karen Johnstone


Growing Up Filipino: Perspectives from a Third-Generation Filipina Born and Raised in America
Darva (Otlang) Gruber

In Search of My Soul; Filial Piety (Poetry)
Andres Tangalin

Growing Up as Bridge Generation Members: Two Daughters in Chicago
Barbara M. Posadas

Bergano Versus City of Virginia Beach
Allan Bergano, Edwina Lapa Bergano

An Intergenerational Roundtable: Passing on Filipino American History and Identity
Peter Jamero

The Mind Reading Act
Maritess Zurbano


From Rizal Day to Philippines Fest: Bridging Filipino Organizations and Celebrations Past and Present Using The Filipino Student Bulletin
John Sapida

Kayumanggi Volunteers at Agbayani Village (Multimedia)
Manuel Galeste


Filipino Americans with Disabilities: Bridging Two Worlds Together through Research
Joseph Abueg

The Forgotten Generation: The Bridge Generation in Comparison to Manong/Manang-Generation Filipino Americans
Peter Jamero Sr., Jay Colond

Building Bridges among Filipinos in Kodiak, Alaska
Joefe B. Santarita

Recipe for Resourcefulness, Resistance, and Resilience: From Survival Gardens to Decolonial Filipina/o/x Foodways in Hawaiʻi
Shannon Cristobal


Moving Mountains, Oceans, and Deserts: Connecting FilAm Communities in Orange County and Inland Empire
Michael R. Manalo-Pedro, Cynthia Abundabar Ting, Gabbie Vera Cruz Aquino-Adriatico

Student-Innovated (R)evolution: Cross-National Filipinx American Educational Activism
Marissa Halagao, Tianna Mae Andersen, Mariah Iris Ramo, Raymart Billete


About the Artists

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Read Volume 11 on Project MUSE

Call for Submissions: Filipino American National Historical Society Journal, Volume 13

The Filipino American National Historical Society Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed annual journal that publishes, disseminates, and promotes research related to Filipino American history. The journal publishes research by community-based and academic historians, as well as personal histories.

From the editors:

FANHS Journal, Volume 13 is calling for submissions of papers based on presentations given at the FANHS Biennial Conference in Houston, Texas held July 17-20, 2024. 

We encourage all who presented at the conference to submit your work in one of the following formats and modalities:

  • Written work (e.g., essays, poems, articles)
  • Visual work (e.g., photo essays, prints and other artistic work, video)
  • Mixed modalities (e.g., videos, pictorial essays, zines)
  • Audio (e.g, recorded monologues, abridged oral histories with an accompanying article)

For more information, please see the journal’s Author Guidelines.

Whether you are submitting a written, visual, or audio contribution, we are looking for contributions that address the following sections:

 Type of contributionDescription or ExampleSuggested word count
ArtworkArtwork used for the cover or design throughout the FANHS Journal (i.e. photography, visual art, multimedia images)1 page or less 250 words
Collaborating with our Ancestors Tributes and dialogues between past and presentTributes paid to those who have passed and a space for intergenerational conversations between authors of today and classic pieces from past FANHS Journals around enduring issues.5-10 pages 1250-2500 words
Talk Stories Stories and oral histories  Written conversation or transcription of an oral history/interview of a single person or multiple people. Edited transcription of question-and-answer interview (the full transcription and recording of the interview can be archived with FANHS National).10-15 pages 2500-3750 words
 Community Research Personal or community research in contextPersonal histories, short anecdotes, or community stories situated in larger historical and social contexts.  5-15 pages 1250-3750 words
Academic Article Original scholarship of research or theoryArticle sharing original research or theory, connected to larger research conversations.15-25 pages 3750-6250 words
Critical assessment of books, films and resources
Reviews and shares publications, books, films, resources related to Filipino American history (full listings can be shared on FANHS website).2-5 pages 500-1250 words
FANHS in Action Contributions that Move Community ForwardPieces that highlight enacting the mission or goals of FANHS, resources, and strategies for connecting and activism.2-5 pages 500-1250 words

For more information or questions, please contact

cover for FAHNS Volume 13

Volume 12 will be published in October 2024 in print and on Project MUSE.

Submissions Due

Jan. 15, 2025

Links for Authors

Author Guidelines

Submit Your Contribution 


About the Journal

The Filipino American National Historical Society Journal is the only journal devoted exclusively to the identification, gathering, preservation, and dissemination of Filipino American history and culture in the U.S. The society was founded in Seattle, Washington in 1982 by Dorothy Laigo Cordova and Fred Cordova, and now hosts 40+ regional chapters nationwide.


OA Journal Language Documentation & Conservation Gets a Redesign

Language Documentation & Conservation (LD&C) unveils a comprehensive website redesign that enhances the journal’s aesthetic appeal and functionality, elevating the experience for authors, readers, and staff alike.

This project includes the launch of new logos, a refreshed layout for journal articles, and an entirely new website, all thoughtfully crafted to reflect the journal’s connection to the Hawai‘i.

The new LD&C logo was designed in concert with corresponding logos for the affiliated International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC) and the forthcoming journal section Indigenous Language Rights & Realities (ILR&R), emphasizing the relationship between all three. Each logo represents natural elements significant to Hawaiian culture and place, portraying the palapalai fern, ʻilima flower, and the ʻōhiʻa lehua flower, respectively.

The journal’s PDF layouts have been restructured to present articles in a clean and professional format, reflective of the high-quality research we are proud to publish. The new layout can be seen currently in articles published in Volume 18.

The new website makes it easier to navigate LD&C’s extensive archives, submit manuscripts, and engage with the latest research. This redesign marks a significant milestone in LD&C’s ongoing commitment to excellence and dedication to fostering a vibrant and inclusive scholarly environment.

For more information, please visit the new website at

LD&C is sponsored by the National Foreign Language Resource Center and published by the University of Hawai‘i Press.

LD&C is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal focusing on topics related to language documentation and conservation, sponsored by the National Foreign Language Resource Center.

A formal Indigenous driven academic publishing space that privileges and centers the work of Indigenous and Non-Dominant scholars (e.g. elders, language speakers-learners, knowledge holders, cultural practitioners, educators, researchers, advocates, etc.) from a variety of cultural, intellectual, and/or institutional traditions and practices. Coming soon.

The International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation series, or ICLDC, has, since its inception in 2009, become the flagship conference for the field of language documentation.


Journal of Korean Religions, The Contemporary Pacific, U.S. Japan Women’s Journal + more

ATJ 41-1 cover
Front cover of Biography volume 46, number 2 (2024)


Volume 46, Number 2 (2023)

Editor Craig Howes discusses this edition and unique collection of writing:

[F]rom its first issue in 1978, Biography has been principally a forum journal, dedicated to publishing unsolicited articles from a wide variety of disciplines, and solicited reviews of recent critical and theoretical publications devoted to some aspect of life writing.  This issue continues the tradition, and renews this commitment. Seven very substantial articles and twenty-one reviews—nothing else. But a quick comparison of our first and latest issues reveals that some things have changed, largely in response to changes in the field itself. Although Biography declared itself an An Interdisciplinary Quarterly from the start, all of the first six articles dealt with American, English, and French literary or historical subjects. The current issue’s seven articles deal with religious, psychoanalytic, broadcast, graphic, and social media texts from a far wider range of geographic locations—North America and Western Europe, but also the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and Western Asia, with glances at Africa and South and Eastern Asia for important context.

Find this Editors’ Note, articles, reviews, and more at Project MUSE.

Front cover of The Contemporary Pacific volume 35 numbers 1 and 2
JKR 15.1

Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society

Volume 17, Number 1 (2024)

Voice And Pronominal Forms In Kayan (Uma Nyaving)
Alexander D. Smith, Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine, and Carly J. Sommerlot

Chronology of Registrogenesis in Khmer: Analyses of Poetry and Inscriptions
Sireemas Mapong

Classifiers and Definiteness in Longdu (Min Chinese)
Joanna Ut-Seong Sio

Notes on the sociopolitical history of nomenclatures in Northeast India
Pauthang Haokip

Remembering Michel Ferlus (1935-2024)
Alexis Michaud and Minh Châu Nguyên

Find these research papers, data paper, reviews, bibliographies, remembrances, and more at eVols.

PEW 74-2 cover
USJWJ 65 cover

Journal of World History Special Issue: World History and Ethnic Studies – Free!

The World History Association hosts its annual meeting at San Francisco State University from June 27 to 29, on the theme “CURRENTS.” The Journal of World History offers this accompanying special collection, “World History and Ethnic Studies: A Convergence Whose Time Has Come” free on the Project MUSE platform through September 30. Select World History titles will also be 30% off from July 1 through Sept 30, 2024.

The 11 articles collected by associate editor Laura J. Mitchell in “World History and Ethnics Studies” demonstrate the potential for thinking across the fields of world history and ethnic studies, an approach that includes critiques of canonical world history.

Members of an American Congressional committee were investigating the Japanese picture brides at the immigration station of Angel Island. This photograph was taken on July 25, 1920. Courtesy of Getty Images, and featured in “Japanese American Migration and the Making of Model Women for Japanese Expansion in Brazil and Manchuria, 1871-1945” by Sidney X. Lu in this special collection.

In her introduction to the issue, Mitchell  writes:

This year’s digital-only special issue brings interdisciplinarity into relief by exploring the relationship between world history and ethnic studies—related fields that benefit from mutual interrogation, as this collection shows. The context of 2024—both globally and in the U.S., where most subscribers to the Journal of World History are based—compells questions about the composition of the nation, historic constructions of identity along racial, linguistic, and gendered lines, the articulation and mobilization of power within societies and across polities, and enduring dynamics of imperial conquest and resistance. As scholars, teachers, and world citizens we are confronted with the continued rise in authoritarian politics; wars in Israel-Palestine, Ukraine, and Sudan; significant elections in India, South Africa, and the U.S.; and student protest movements challenging the status quo in the U.S., Europe, and the Arab world. So evidence-based understanding about the historical functions of race, ethnicity, cultural movements, and state power are especially relevant.

Read the special issue here.

World History and Ethnic Studies

A Convergence Whose TIme Has Come

A Convergence Whose Time Has Come
Laura J. Mitchell

Africans and Asians: Historiography and the Long View of Global Interaction
Maghan Keita

Dispatches from Havana: The Cold War, Afro-Asian Solidarities, and Culture Wars in Pakistan
Ali Raza

Japanese American Migration and the Making of Model Women for Japanese Expansion in Brazil and Manchuria, 1871-1945
Sidney X. Lu

Reviving the Reconquista in Southeast Asia: Moros and the Making of the Philippines, 1565–1662
Ethan P. Hawkley

Between the Red Sea Slave Trade and the Goa Inquisition: The Odyssey of Gabriel, a Sixteenth-Century Ethiopian Jew
Matteo Salvadore

International Conscience, the Cold War, and Apartheid: The NAACP’s Alliance with the Reverend Michael Scott for South West Africa’s Liberation, 1946–1951
Carol Anderson

Singing the Civilizing Mission in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms: The Fisk Jubilee Singers in Nineteenth-Century Germany*
Kira Thurman

African Americans and the Lynching of Foreign Nationals in the United States
William D. Carrigan and Clive Webb

China and the Spirit of Booker T. Washington: Applying Lessons from the Southern Black American Experience in Rural Republican China, 1920–1940
Melvin Barnes Jr.

Aliens in Their Native Lands: The Persistence of Internal Colonial Theory
John R. Chávez

Taking Children, Ruling Colonies: Child Removal and Colonial Subjugation in Australia, Canada, French Indochina, and the United States, 1870–1950s
Christina Firpo and Margaret Jacobs

Learn more about the WHA conference here.


Journals: Biography International Year in Review, Journal of Burma Studies Contribution to Pyu Studies + more 

Front cover of Biography volume 46 number 1 (2023)
Here was Once the Sea: An Anthology of Southeast Asian Ecowriting


Here was Once the Sea: An Anthology of Southeast Asian Writing

Volume 35 Number 2 (2023)

Guest Editors Rina Garcia Chua, Esther Vincent Xueming, and Ann Ang discussion their vision with this unique collection of writing:

This anthology represents a chorus of offerings, first and foremost to the land and the sea, and second to you, our readers, as an invitation to attend to the urgencies and travails of our homes. On the one hand, while the anthology is comprised mostly of anglophone texts, which reflect the aspirations of regional writers to speak across borders and to the globe at large, the English of these pages is inhabited by meanings and associations that make the language our own. This can be seen in the use of indigenous names of plants and places in the works of Annisa Hidayat, Diana Rahim, and Mohamed Shaker, or through rhymes and sounds in the poems of Natalie Foo Mei-Yi and Teresa Mei Chuc. At other times, the native language emerges like weeds, surprising and demanding to be noticed, as in Enbah Nilah’s use of Tamil, which persists as linguistic, cultural, and historical memory in a legacy of erasure.

Find this editorial note, poems, statements, art, and more at Project MUSE.

Presenting Chinese Studies International: A Scholarly Review Journal

China Review International: A Journal of Reviews of Scholarly Literature in Chinese Studies is now Chinese Studies International: A Scholarly Review Journal.

This current issue, Volume 28, opens with this note from editor Ming-Bao Yue:

The journal launched in 1994 under the editorship of Roger T. Ames (Professor Emeritus) with the goal to serve the “Sinological community by keeping it abreast of published scholarhip in all areas of Chinese studies in a timely way.” The journal aimed to be inclusive, providing English-language reviews of current literature across the boundaries of both language and discipline, drawing scholars from differing geographical and political perspectives into conversation.

The updated title better reflects the new trends and changes in the field of Chinese Studies that articulate well with the evolving mission of this official journal of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s Center for Chinese Studies.

The updated title also signals a shift to keep pace with the times: Once a quarterly print journal, Chinese Studies International will now publish online continuously throughout each year with the same volume of content. This allows the journal to be more timely, greatly decreasing the duration to publication. This online format also allows the journal to better serve its largest audience. In academic year 2023-24, China Review International content was accessed more than 75,000 times in more than 100 institutions from nearly 20 countries.

The journal is sponsored by the Center for Chinese Studies, College of Arts, Languages & Letters, University of Hawai‘i

Project MUSE S20 Subscribe to Open Access S20

Chinese Studies International is proud to participate in the inaugural Project MUSE S20 program, an equitable open access model for scholarly journals.

Chinese Studies International

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Interested in reviewing a book for Chinese Studies International? Review author guidelines here.


Pacific Science Pays Tribute to Dieter Mueller-Dumbois

Dr. Dieter Mueller-Dombois at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. Photograph taken by Nicholas Tomasello.
Dr. Dieter Mueller-Dombois at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. Photograph taken by Nicholas Tomasello

The new issue of Pacific Science pays tribute to Dr. Dieter Mueller-Dombois, who is best known for his work studying the ōhi‘a forests of Hawai‘i for over fifty years.

The double issue complies new articles reflecting Mueller-Dombois’s research, with many papers written by his students and those influenced by his work. Editor David Duffy—along with researchers James D. Jacobi, Donald R. Drake, Kanehiro Kitayama and Peter Vitousek—remembers Mueller-Dombois in this volume:

“We were all saddened to learn of the passing of Professor Dieter Mueller-Dombois on July 19, 2022. He was a giant in the field of ecology and an inspiration to countless students, colleagues, and friends to learn to appreciate and work to preserve the composition, structure, and function of our natural ecosystems…

He was also a passionate teacher and his classes and field trips at the university were highly popular and focused on teaching appreciation of Hawai‘i’s natural ecosystems and methods to study vegetation. During his time at the University of Hawai‘i he taught thousands of undergraduate students and successfully chaired 17 MS and 18 PhD graduate students…

During his career he served as an inspirational model for a new generation of people involved with conservation in Hawai‘i, as well as throughout the Pacific. Many of those that he mentored are now continuing to expand his legacy as they serve in important natural resource research, management, and administration roles. While his knowledge, leadership, and friendship will be sorely missed, we all need to build upon his inspiring career and continue to strive to ensure that natural ecosystems conservation is appreciated and effective throughout Hawai‘i, the greater Pacific island nations, as well as globally.”

Call for Submissions

Pacific Science is the official journal of the Pacific Science Association. Appearing quarterly since 1947, Pacific Science is an international, multidisciplinary journal reporting research on the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific basin. It focuses on biogeography, ecology, evolution, geology and volcanology, oceanography, paleontology, and systematics. Manuscript submissions on topics such as Pacific biodiversity, conservation, and sustainability are also encouraged. In addition to publishing original research, the journal features review articles providing a synthesis of current knowledge.

Contributions to the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific area are welcomed from authors in all parts of the world. Manuscripts should be submitted online. Authors will receive a confirmation of their submission.

Electronic Submissions
Submit manuscript online at

Table of Contents

Tribute to Professor Dieter Mueller-Dombois
James D. Jacobi, Donald R. Drake, David Duffy, Kanehiro Kitayama, and Peter Vitousek

Climate-Induced Forest Mortality in the Tropical Pacific Islands: What Do We Really Know?
Hans Juergen Boehmer and Stephen Galvin

Microclimatic Effects of Ko- (Sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum) Row Planting
in the Leeward Kohala Field System, Hawai‘i Island
Michael W. Burnett, Duncan Coleman, Gabriel Saiz, Kiara Bacasen, Marina Luccioni, Ke-haulani Marshall, and Peter M. Vitousek

‘Ōhi‘a lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha): A Most Resilient and Persistent Foundation Species in Hawaiian Forests
James D. Jacobi, Hans Juergen Boehmer, Lucas Berio Fortini, Samuel M. ‘Ohukani’ōhi’a Gon III, Linda Mertelmeyer, and Jonathan Price

A 60-Year Record of Plant Colonization on Alpine Lava Flows, Maunaloa,Hawai‘i: Climate Change, Substrate Control, and Human Disturbance
James O. Juvik, Brett T. Rodomsky, Jessica A. Kirkpatrick, Marie M. McKenzie, John E. Barnes, Sonia P. Juvik, Kathryn Y. Akamine, John P. Lockwood, and Dieter Mueller-Dombois

Changes in Community Composition and Functional Traits After Cyclones and Fire in a Pacific Rainforest
Gunnar Keppel, Thomas Ibanez, and Edward L. Webb

A Comparative Study of the Floristic Diversity and Structure of Relictual Littoral and Swamp Forests in the Island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific)
Solène Fabre Barroso, Olivier Flores, Pauline Palmas, Robin Pouteau, and Jean-Yves Meyer

Shrub Dieback and El Niño Drought in Hawai‘i: Life Stage Demography and Population Rejuvenation
Robert A. Wright and Dieter Mueller-Dombois

Hawaiian Subalpine Plant Communities: Implications of Climate Change
Alison Ainsworth and Donald R. Drake

Gap Model Simulation of Metrosideros-Cibotium Stand Structure and Displacement Dieback
Philip J. Burton and Steven G. Cumming

Landscape Development From Point Zero
Reinhard F. Hüttl and Werner Gerwin

Vegetation Succession Following Clearcutting of Lowland Hawaiian Rainforest on the Island of Hawai’i
Dennis H. Grossman and R. Flint Hughes

A Conversation on the UH Botany Department, Vegetation Ecology, and Life with Professor Emeritus Dr. Dieter Mueller-Dombois
Georgia Hart-Fredeluces and David Duffy

Read Pacific Science online at Project MUSE, BioOne, or ScholarSpace

Join Mānoa journal at AWP in Kansas City, MO

Join Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Literature at the Association for Writing Programs (AWP) Conference & Bookfair in Kansas City, MO from Feb. 7-10.


Stop by the Mānoa table located at #T3313 to talk story, peruse and purchase titles, and get a discount on subscriptions.


Rajiv Mohabir guest edits the next Mānoa volume, Karahee from the Cane Fields: Writing from the Coolie Diaspora. Join Rajiv on these two panels on Thursday, Feb. 8:

Speaking Mosaics: Hybrid Narratives & the Prism of Identity 

Panelists: Marissa Landrigan, Rajiv Mohabir, Monica Prince, Adriana Es Ramirez, Caitlyn Hunter

9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., Room 2504AB, Kansas City Convention Center, Level 2 T129

Accustomed to wielding multiple perspectives, many BIPOC, queer, and neurodivergent writers are drawn to fragmented or hybrid forms: multimodal cross-genre mosaics of personal experience, and cultural, social, political, or natural history. Our panelists work across poetry, performance, nonfiction, and folklore, and will explore the craft and challenges of fragmented forms, offering inspiration and motivation to embrace hybridity as a way to claim space for historically marginalized communities.

Fragmented Inheritances: Lyric Essay and Intergenerational Trauma

Panelists: Joanna Penn Cooper, Kiki Petrosino, James Allen Hall, Rajiv Mohabir

10:35 a.m. to 11:50 a.m., Room 2503AB, Kansas City Convention Center, Level 2, T154

Lauded essayists discuss experiments with form, including fragmentary approaches to narrative, and how they leave space for both readers and writers to approach subject matter about difficult legacies. How does the use of fragments allow ways into incomplete or contested family and cultural narratives around war trauma; religious persecution; racial, sexual, and gender identity; and violence? How might fragmented narrative further the possibilities for sharing and transmuting difficult legacies?

Subscribe to Mānoa

A one-year subscription gets you copies of two new issues, Here was Once the Sea guest edited by Rina Garcia Chua, Esther Vincent Xueming, and Ann Ang and Karahee of the Cane Fields guest edited by Rajiv Mohabir.

A two-year subscription additionally includes two additional issues from series editor S. Shankar.

Subscribe to Mānoa here.

Explore Mānoa Journal

For the next three months, enjoy these two pieces from Here was Once the Sea freely available on Project MUSE.

Here was Once the Sea: An Anthology of Southeast Asian Ecowriting
Rina Garcia Chua, Esther Vincent Xueming, and Ann Ang

Finding Faults and Dragons
Alexandra Bichara