Call for Submissions: Filipino American National Historical Society Journal

The Filipino American National Historical Society Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed annual journal that publishes, disseminates, and promotes research related to Filipino American history. The journal publishes research by community-based and academic historians, as well as personal histories.

From the editors:

FANHS Journal, Volume 12, 2024 is calling for submissions that focus on the theme of “Building Bridges” with a deadline of March 25, 2024. This issue carries forward the themes from Volume 10 and 11, “Collaborating with Our Ancestors” by drawing on Uncle Fred’s 1996 signature article “The Bridge Generation and Building Bridges ” (FANHS Journal, 1996, Vol. 4).

We envision this volume will reflect the theme of “Building Bridges” through both the content itself and the means through which contributors and editors have collaborated to create that content. “Bridges” calls forth the Bridge Generation, second-generation Filipino Americans born before 1945, who have been foundational to FANHS and to Filipino American history. The theme of “bridging” will highlight the contributions of the Bridge Generation while also making connections to the histories and contributions of multiple generations that have continued to emerge as “bridges” in the post-1945 eras of Filipino American history.  

Uncle Fred’s 1996 article reminds us that “The Bridge Generation was born between 2 World Wars and the [Great] Depression in the middle[,] during that harrowing period of American history into a Pinoy community, always in a state of acculturation…” How have similarly “harrowing periods” or significant local, national, global, and transnational events shaped the histories of Filipino Americans born after 1945? What patterns and contrasts might we see across our diverse histories? In the spirit of being expansive of the many bridges we are building, and the multiple generations born and raised in the post-1945 period of U.S. History, we invite people to submit articles that resonate with the theme of “building bridges.”

Contributions to this volume may encompass building bridges across:

  • Multiple generations and collaborations that pair wisdom with youth voice
  • Academic and community approaches to telling our histories and stories
  • Diverse experiences and stories of growing up Brown
  • Past FANHS Journal articles and present day context
  • Geographic diversity
  • Ideas and action

The editors would be particularly excited to see contributions that address histories in the following areas:

  • Filipino language and cultural program(s) in the United States
  • Influxes of Filipinos post-1965
  • 1.5, 3rd, 4th, and later generations of Filipino Americans
  • Visual or performing arts and artists
  • Solidarity and organizational activism
  • Anti-Martial Law movements based in the United States

Finally, we welcome contributions in multiple formats and modalities, including:

  • Written work (e.g., essays, poems, articles)
  • Visual work (e.g., photo essays, prints and other artistic work, video)
  • Mixed modalities (e.g., pictorial essays, zines)
  • Audio (e.g, recorded monologues, abridged oral histories with an accompanying article)

For more information, please see the Author Guidelines.

Whether you are submitting a written, visual, or audio contribution, we are looking for contributions that address the following sections:

 Type of contributionDescription or ExampleSuggested word count
ArtworkArtwork used for the cover or design throughout the FANHS Journal (i.e. photography, visual art, multimedia images)1 page or less 250 words
Collaborating with our Ancestors Tributes and dialogues between past and presentTributes paid to those who have passed and a space for intergenerational conversations between authors of today and classic pieces around enduring issues.  5-10 pages 1250-2500 words
Talk Stories Stories and oral histories  Written conversation or transcription of an oral history/interview of a single person or multiple people. Edited transcription of question-and-answer interview (the full transcription and recording of the interview can be archived with FANHS National).  10-15 pages 2500-3750 words
 Community Research Personal or community research in context  Personal histories, short anecdotes, or community stories situated in larger historical and social contexts.  5-15 pages 1250-3750 words
Academic Article Original scholarship of research or theoryArticle sharing original research or theory, connected to larger research conversations.15-25 pages 3750-6250 words
Reviews Critical assessment of books, films and resources  Reviews and shares publications, books, films, resources related to Filipino American history (full listings can be shared on FANHS website).2-5 pages 500-1250 words
FANHS in Action Contributions that Move Community ForwardPieces that highlight enacting the mission or goals of FANHS, resources and strategies for connecting and activism.2-5 pages 500-1250 words

For more information or questions, please contact

Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) Journal

About the Journal

The Filipino American National Historical Society Journal is the only journal devoted exclusively to the identification, gathering, preservation, and dissemination of Filipino American history and culture in the U.S. Learn more here.

Submissions Due

March 25, 2024

Links for Authors

Author Guidelines

Submit Your Contribution 



Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research – Inaugural Issue

The Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research, a joint venture between the Society for Hawaiian Archaeology (SHA) and the Easter Island Foundation (EIF), has published its inaugural issue freely available to all readers.

For three decades, both societies have been committed to promoting research and dialogue on the archaeology of Polynesia. While distribution of previous publications was limited to members, this journal is now open access.

Co-editors Dr. Mara Mulrooney (board member of the EIF and current president of SHA) and Dr. Jillian Swift (board member and publications chair of SHA) developed this journal as a forum to bring together important research and conversations around archaeology, history, and heritage management in Polynesia.

3D printed replicas created by TAO students to help create educational opportunities within  the local museum featured in “Terevaka Archaeological Outreach (TAO) 2022–2023 Field Report:  Expansion” in this first issue by Shepardson et al 2023.
3D printed replicas created by TAO students to help create educational opportunities within  the local museum featured in “Terevaka Archaeological Outreach (TAO) 2022–2023 Field Report: Expansion” in this first issue by Shepardson et al 2023.

From the Editors Mara Mulrooney and Jillian Swift:

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research (JPAR). We have been working with colleagues at the University of Hawai‘i Press for the past two years to establish and launch this open-access journal that focuses on the region of Polynesia with a particular emphasis on publishing the results of research by archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, and other researchers working in the region. For more than three decades, both the Society for Hawaiian Archaeology (SHA) and the

Easter Island Foundation (EIF) have been committed to promoting research and dialogue on the archaeology of Polynesia. Over the past 30 years, more than 33 volumes of the Rapa Nui Journal were published by the EIF and its founding editor Georgia Lee, and 15 volumes of Hawaiian Archaeology and four special publications were published by SHA (all volumes of both journals are now freely available on the University of Hawai‘i’s eVols digital archive, available at It is with mixed emotions that we say farewell to these two long-standing forums and embark on a new journey in partnership with SHA, EIF, and UH Press. While JPAR replaces these recently retired journals, it carries on the legacies of these significant regional publications. It is hoped that JPAR will serve as a forum to bring together important research and conversations around archaeology, history, and heritage management in Polynesia that are of significant relevance to both organizations. We are especially grateful for the continued support of our members, support from whom allows us to produce an entirely open-access journal at no cost to authors.

Front cover of the Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research volume 1

Table of Contents


From the Editors
Mara Mulrooney and Jillian Swift


Archaeological Approaches for Understanding the Marquesan Stone Pounder ke’a tuki popoi
Michelle J. Richards

Report on Midden Exposed by Coastal Erosion in Lapakahi State Historical Park, North Kohala District, Hawai‘i Island
Mark D. McCoy, Tracy Tam-Sing, Martha Yent, and K. Ann Horsburgh

EDXRF Analysis of Lithics from Lapakahi State Historical Park, Kohala District, Hawai‘i Island
Danielle Ciccone, Adam Johnson, Steven Lundblad, and Peter Mills

Reports and Commentaries:

Bottling Paradise: The Future of Glass Bottle Archaeology in Hawai‘i
Anthony K. Alvarez, Max Pinsonneault, and Daina Nicole Avila

Terevaka Archaeological Outreach (TAO) 2022–2023 Field Report: Program Expansion
Britton L. Shepardson, Alvaro Alexiz Espinoza Alvarez, Lexy Apaza Quispe, Hanna Araki Hey, Otea Araki Villaseca, Carlos Arriagada, Mahorangi Atan Hotu, Daniel Atariki Gajardo Troncoso, Sharlim Azumi Ccanto Pumaccahua, Frank Deivid Baca Curillo, Mauricio Baca Cabeza, Yonathan Baigorria, Jamie Bellian, Renato Berospi Huaman-Baji, Kaitlyn Bolland, Manurangi Castillo Pont-Hill, Brooklyn Christofis, Silvana Cruces, Marama Rangi Hetu’u Del Carmen Tepano Tikare, Miguel Duran Riroroko, Analía Gaete, Yeraldy Gallardo, Luz Gonzalez Mancilla, Andrés Guzman, Natalie Hansen, Anastasia Vaihoa’ata Haoa Delgado, Nainoa Haoa Paoa, John Alexander Huaman Montoya, Meri Icka Otero, Patricio Lagos, Gabriela Maldonado, Morgan Mallek, Sindbad Manae Boulineau, Mikaela Marcavillaca Bujaico, Heinui Mardones Riroroko, Mark McCoy, Atariki Mejias, Omar Monares, Fernanda Mondaca Rodriguez, Alonso Montoya Marcavillaca, Shelby Morgan, Princesa Moulton Atán, Ssunmy Navarro Huanca, Nehe-Nehe Vaihoa’ata Pate Tepano, Toui Rangi Quiroz, Yannely Quispe Huanca, Piero Ramos Olivera, Elisa Reinante Gutiérrez, Isabella Vaikaranga Reyes Pakarati, Sofia Riquelme Gutiérrez, Sydney Rittershaus, Po-patiri Rivera Pakarati, Juan José Rodriguez Moreno, Yilian Romero, Gabriela Salas Barria, Rodrigo Sallo Quispe, Andrew Svabik, Anapuakatiki Tepano Gutiérrez, Baruc Ote Rangi Ta’ava Nui Tepano Tuki, Amely Tiznado Soto, David Torres, Moeto Vai Kikiri Roa Tuki Teao, Tau ao Tuki Hey He, Rocío Vallejos Bermedo, Angeles Vargas Alvarez, Tau a hiro Vera Rapu, Valentina Vicencio, Max Willetts, Hiti Rau Williams Morales Hey, Jose Fernando Yucra Delgado, and Yanella Zapata

Book Reviews:

Rongorongo: Inscribed Objects from Rapa Nui
Reviewed by Rafał Wieczorek

Working with and for Ancestors: Collaboration in the Care and Study of Ancestral Remains
Reviewed by Rona Michi Ikehara-Quebral


Journals: CHINOPERL, Hawaiian Journal of History, Journal of Korean Religions + More

Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) Journal
JWH 34-4 cover
OL 62-2

Journals: After(Life) Narratives of #MeToo, Digital Korean Studies, Playwright Betsuyaku Minoru + More

AP 62-2 cover

Asian Perspectives

Volume 62, Number 2 (2023)

What’s in a Hearth? Preliminary Findings from the Margal Hunter-Gatherer Habitation in the Eastern Mongolian Gobi Desert
Sarah Pleuger, Bastian Breitenfeld, Altanbayar Zoljargal, Albert Russell Nelson, William Honeychurch, and Chunag Amartuvshin

The Mid-Second Millennium A.D. Submerged Iron Production Village of Pontada in Lake Matano, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Shinatria Adhityatama, Triwurjani, Dida Yurnaldi, Joko Wahyudiono, Ahmad Surya Ramadhan, Muslim Dimas Khoiru Dhony, Suryatman, Abdullah Abbas, Darfin, Alqiz Lukman, Aldhi Wahyu Pratama, and David Bulbeck

Iron Production Industry in Western Chongqing During the Late Ming Dynasty: A Perspective from Smelting Related Materials
Li Yuniu, Sun Zhigang, Qiu Tian, Bai Jiujiang, and Huang Wan

The Archaeology of Ancient Japanese Gardens
Richard Pearson

Find these articles, reviews, and more at Project MUSE.


Asian Theatre Journal

Special Section: Betsuyaku Minoru

Volume 40, Number 2 (2023)

Editor Siyuan Liu discusses the special section in the introduction:

This issue starts with a special section on the Japanese playwright Betsuyaku Minoru (1937–2020), known in the west for his plays during the avant-garde angura (underground), or little theatre movement, of the 1960s and 1970s. Guest-edited by David Jortner, this special section updates our knowledge of his long career since then, with a translation of his play Yattekita Godō (Godot Came, 2007) by John K. Gillespie, together with two essays by Gillespie and Roger Pulvers.

Read more translations, reviews, reports, and articles at Project MUSE.

Front cover of Biography volume 45-4 (2023)


Special Edition: After(Life) Narratives of #MeToo

Guest Editors: Rebecca Wanzo and Carol A. Stabile

Volume 45, Number 4 (2022)

#MeToo: A Biography
Rebecca Wanzo and Carol A. Stabile

Micro-disclosures for Macro-erasures: #MeToo in the Academy
Roopika Risam

#MeToo Storytelling: Confession, Testimony, and Life Writing
Leigh Gilmore

“If it didn’t hurt so bad, I’d kill myself, but I’ll let Ed Buck do it for now”: #Justice4Gemmel and Black Queer Narratives in the Age and Afterlife of #MeToo
Terrance Wooten

The Afterlives of #MeToo: A Roundtable Discussion with Māhealani Ahia, Michelle Cho, Pallavi Guha, Régine Michelle Jean-Charles, Kahala Johnson, and Ever E. Osorio
Greta LaFleur, Dana Seitler, Māhealani Ahia, Michelle Cho, Pallavi Guha, Régine Michelle Jean-Charles, Kahala Johnson, and Ever E. Osorio

Read these articles and more at Project MUSE.

Filipino American National Historical Society Journal—New Issue!

The new issue of the Filipino American National Historical Society Journal, Volume 11, is now available on Project MUSE.

The new issue features writers from the American South, Northeast, Pacific Northwest, California and Hawaiʻi, opening with a personal recollection of FANHS founder Dorothy Laigo Cordova. The “Collaborating with Our Ancestors” section pays tribute to the late Dawn Bohulano Mabalon, a mentor and model who blazed the trail for many Filipino American academics over the last 20 years. The “Talk Stories” section features a dialogue among friends and family on the evolution of an Indipino identity and community, as well as the life history of Ponce Cazem, who worked in Hollywood for some well-known stars before fighting for the United States during World War II. Research in this volume covers the development of Filipino American identity in the American South and the existence of the queer experience in Filipino American history. This volume highlights the photography of Abraham “Abe” Menor.

Read the issue on Project MUSE today:

From the Editor
Lily Ann B. Villaraza

Subscribe to get access to Volume 11

Recommend journal to your library

Read Volume 10 Free on Project MUSE

American Academy of Religion + Call for Papers

Join the University of Hawai‘i Press at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas, from Nov. 18-21. The press will be showcasing its religion book and journal titles at Booth 823.

Call for Papers: Buddhist-Christian Studies

The Society of Buddhist-Christian Studies hosts it annual meeting concurrent to the American Academy of Religion. The society’s official journal, Buddhist-Christian Studies, invites submissions for the 2024 issue.

Buddhist-Christian Studies publishes scholarly articles that invite dialogue between concepts, doctrines, beliefs and practices in Buddhism and Christianity. Possible topics include aspects of anthropology, ethics, ritual practices and worship, historical Buddhist/Christian encounters, key figures in Buddhist Christian dialogue, and comparative textual analysis. For more information, and to submit an article for peer review, please contact the co-editors: Thomas Cattoi,; and Kristin Johnston Largen,

Typical length of an article is between 5,000-7,000 words, and the due date for submission is March 1.

University of Hawai‘i Press Journals logo

In addition to Buddhist-Christian Studies, the press publishes and distributed three notable journals in the field. Find author guidelines for related journals at UH Press’s website: 

Philosophy East & West

Journal content from Hawaiʻi Book & Music Festival 2023 Authors

This year’s Hawai‘i Book & Music Festival will be held on Friday, Oct. 20 to Sunday, Oct. 22 at the UH Mānoa William S. Richardson School of Law. In celebration of this year’s festival, we feature the following University of Hawai‘i Press journal reviews and articles written by several of this year’s showcased authors: 

Article: In Search of Puka‘ōma‘oma‘o, Ka‘ahumanu’s Retreat in Mānoa Valley
Patrick V. Kirch, Jillian A. Swift, and Mark Oxley
Hawaiian Journal of History

Poem: He Mele Aloha
Brandy Nālani McDougall
The Contemporary Pacific

Article: The Death of Kwang Ja
Chris McKinney

Introduction: Mana from the Mauna
Bryan Kamaoli Kuwada and Noʻu Revilla

Poem: Aunty’s Candle
Mary Therese Perez Hattori

Poem: The Sorrowful Mysteries
Mary Therese Perez Hattori

Review: Korean and Korean American Life Writing in Hawai‘i: From the Land of the Morning Calm to Hawai‘i Nei by Heui-Yung Park
Joseph Han

Find more information about this year’s festival at:

New Journal: Filipino American National Historical Society Journal

University of Hawai‘i Press partners with the oldest, existing national Filipino American organization to publish its eponymous annual, the Filipino American National Historical Society Journal.

The Filipino American National Historical Society Journal is the only journal devoted exclusively to the identification, gathering, preservation, and dissemination of Filipino American history and culture in the US. The society was founded in Seattle, Washington, in 1982 by Dorothy Laigo Cordova and Fred Cordova, and now hosts 43 regional chapters nationwide.

The society and journal have long served as a primary informational resource for community organizations and educational institutions on Filipino American history, and hosted the first official Filipino American History Month in October 1992, long before the US Congress recognized the commemorative month in 2009.

Redesigned and under new leadership, the journal will publish Volume 11 in November 2023, alongside the journal’s 10-volume archive widely available for the first time via Project MUSE. As an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, each issue includes research by community-based and academic historians as well as personal histories. A new section, “Collaborating with Our Ancestors,” features tribute pieces and intergenerational conversations between past and present Filipino American academic and activist leaders.

The journal is led by Drs. Patricia Espiritu Halagao (College of Education, University of Hawai‘i—Mānoa) and Terese Guinsatao Monberg (Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, Michigan State University). Dr. Lily Ann B. Villaraza (Philippine Studies, City College of San Francisco), a national FANHS scholar, guest edits the forthcoming issue.

“We are so excited to publish the FANHS Journal with the University of Hawai’i Press. Working together, we can ensure that Filipino American history can be better documented and made more accessible to the masses,” said Dr. Kevin Nadal, president of the national society. “And because there are so many Filipino American historical narratives waiting to be told, we are looking forward to a long lasting partnership with such a prestigious publishing company to help us tell these stories.”

FANHS founder Dorothy Laigo Cordova adds, “I am excited to see the evolution of the FANHS Journal under its new editorial leadership and support the journal’s important role in promoting scholarship of Filipino American history.” 

For more information, visit, and recommend this journal to your library.

Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) Journal

Volume 11

Forthcoming on Project MUSE, November 2023

Contributions include:

Remembering the Past, Living the Present, Planning for the Future
By Dorothy Laigo Cordova

Dr. Dawn Bohulano Mabalon Adobo Cook Off
By Kay Dumlao Doherty

Mare Dawn is a Dr. Diva, Di Ba? (Poem)
By Emily Lawsin

Our Story Includes Indipinos
By Holly Calica and Richard Vendiola

From Hollywood to the Battlefield: Stories of a Filipino American Houseboy Becoming a Soldier
By Mark Cazem

Producing a Filipino American Identity in the Sunbelt South
By Audrey Idaikkadar

Queering Filipino American History: Exploring LGBTQ Filipina/x/o American THEIR/OURstories
By Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal

The Manang Generation and the Radical Origins of the Pinay Identity
By Stacey Anne Baterina Salinas

Naimas!: The Rise of Filipino Foodways in Hawai‘i
By Shannon Cristobal

Building a Community Archive: Preserving and Uplifting Stories of Filipino Labor and Migration
By Christina Ayson Plank, Meleia Simon-Reynolds, Kathleen Cruz Gutierrez, Steve McKay, and Oliva Sawi

Journals: New research in Buddhist Christian Studies, Hawaiian History, Korean Religions + More

Front cover of Buddhist-Christian Studies volume 43 (2023)
Manoa 35-1 CHamoru

New CHamoru Literature

Volume 35, Number 1 (2023)

Hami Hu Ma’hasso Hamyo
Jay Baza Pascua

My First Time Alone in Ritidian’s Cave
Jacob l. Camacho

Yasmine Romero

Songs of the South
Humlåo Evans

Aunty’s Candle
Mary Therese Perez Hattori

Find more literature at Project MUSE.

Pacific Science

Volume 77, Number 1 (2023)

Impacts of Tropical Rainforest Conversion on Soil Nutrient Pools in Viti Levu, Fiji
Shipra Shah and Ami Sharma

Automated Recording Unit Detection Probabilities: Applications for Montane Nesting Seabirds
Andrew J. Titmus and Christopher A. Lepczyk

On the Origin and Current Distribution of the Oceania Snake-Eyed Skink (Cryptoblepharus poecilopleurus) in the Hawaiian Archipelago
Valentina Alvarez, Samuel R. Fisher, Anthony J. Barley, Kevin Donmoyer, Mozes P. K. Blom, Robert C. Thomson, and Robert N. Fisher

Abarenicola pacifica Burrowing Behavior and Its Implications for Zostera marina Seed Burial, Restoration, and Expansion
Ryley S. Crow, Rachel Merz, Megan Dethier, and Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria

Differences in Feeder Visitation by Invasive Rose-Ringed Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) Between Hawaiian Islands
Steven C. Hess, C. Jane Anderson, Eric A. Tillman, William P. Bukoski Aaron B. Shiels, Page E. Klug, Shane R. Siers, and Bryan M. Kluever

Find more research articles at Project MUSE.

Journals: New Research in Burma Studies, World History + Pacific Science

JBS 27-2 cover

The Journal of Burma Studies

Volume 27, Number 2 (2023)

The new issue focuses on military dictatorship and migrationin 2021 in Myanmar. In this introduction Editor Jane S. Ferguson explains:

 This issue offers a blend of research articles which are based on nuanced research and social analysis of everyday survival, law and development, and politics in the years leading up to the 2021 coup d’etat. These include issues of migration, whether to overseas work destinations or within Myanmar, the situation for education and its relationship with international donor organizations, the creation of work conditions within Myanmar’s Special Economic Zones, the organization of intensive banana agriculture for export in geographically contested areas, and finally an analysis of the political lead-up to the military coup.

Read more articles at Project MUSE.

JWH 34-3
Pacific Science 76-4 cover

Pacific Science

Volume 76, Number 4 (2022)

Population Size and Habitat Occupancy by the Endangered Mariana Crow
Robert J. Craig

Low Genetic Diversity in the Highly Morphologically Diverse Sida fallax Walp. (Malvaceae) Throughout the Pacific
Mersedeh Pejhanmehr, Mitsuko Yorkston, and Clifford W. Morden

Ingestion of Plastics in a Wild Population of the Pacific Fat Sleeper (Dormitator latifrons)
Fernando Isea-Leeón, Juan Diego Quispe, Alexandra Bermúudez-Medranda, Vanessa Acosta, Ana María Santana-Piñeros, Yanis Cruz-Quintana, Luz Marina Soto, Luciana Gomes-Barbosa, Luis Domínguez-Granda, and Carlos López

Evaluation of Reproductive Success of the Olive Ridley Turtle Lepidochelys olivacea (Testudinata: Cheloniidae) Using Different Incubation Treatments
J.L. Sandoval-Ramírez,  and E. Solana-Arellano

Continuous Reproduction Causes Stable Population Structure of Antipatharian-Associated Shrimp Sandyella tricornuta (Decapoda: Palaemonidae)
Ariadna Ávilā-García, Carlos Sánchez, Leonardo Huato-Soberanis, Elizabeth Borda, and Jaime Gómez-Gutiérrez

A Survey of Terrestrial Vertebrates of Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands, Including Six New Island Records
Jenna M. McCullough, Lucas H. DeCicco, Mark W. Herr, Piokera Holland, Douglas Pikacha, Tyrone H. Lavery, Karen V. Olson, Devon A. DeRaad, Ikuo G. Tigulu, Xena M. Mapel, Lukas B. Klicka, Roy Famoo, Jonathan Hobete, Lazarus Runi, Gloria Rusa, Alan Tippet, David Boseto, Rafe M. Brown, Robert G. Moyle, and Michael J. Andersen

Find more articles at Project MUSE.

JOURNALS: New issues of Azalea, CHINOPERL + Philosophy East and West

Azalea 16


Special Features: The Long Korean War in Recent Korean Literature, Ch’oe Inhun, and Sejong Writing Competition

Volume 16 (2023)

In this new issue Editor Young-Jun Lee introduces the opening special feature, “The Long Korean War in Recent Korean Literature”:

While the Korean War may appear as a distant historical event to younger generations, seventy years after the armistice, its impact persists in the lives of South Koreans in ever-changing and menacing forms. The legacy of the war lies at the root of enduring ideological confrontations, provides the rationale for past dictatorships, and fuels present-day social tensions. Korean literature serves as a potent platform for preserving the memory of these historical legacies that continue to reverberate in the present. We extend our gratitude to Professor Seung Hee Jeon for guest-editing this special issue.

Find more poetry, fiction, images, the Sejong Writing Competition, and more at Project MUSE.

CHP 42-1 cover
PEW 73-2

Journal of World History seeks new editor

The Journal of World History, the official journal of the World History Association, published by the University of Hawai‘i Press and sponsored by the University of Hawai‘i History Department, is seeking an editor or a team of co-editors. The position will begin in January 2025, allowing a several month period of transition before the current editor, Matthew P. Romaniello, steps down from the position at the end of 2024. It will have an initial term of five years, renewable for three more.

Founded by Jerry Bentley and now in its 34th year, the Journal of World History publishes research into historical questions across any time period requiring the investigation of evidence on a global, comparative, cross-cultural, or transnational scale. It is devoted to the study of phenomena that transcend the boundaries of single states, regions, or cultures, such as large-scale population movements, long-distance trade, cross-cultural technology transfers, and the global spread of ideas. It is guided by an Editorial Board and an Advisory Board of scholars from around the world.

The responsibilities of the editor or co-editors will be:

  • Defining editorial policy
  • Overseeing and managing a rigorous review process
  • Making final decisions on the acceptance and rejection of articles
  • Editing articles accepted for publication
  • Shaping the direction of the Journal
  • Choosing and working with the Editorial Board
  • Working with the University of Hawai‘i Press journal production staff
  • Working with the journals’ two sponsors, the World History Association and the University of Hawai‘i History Department
  • Attending the World History Association annual meeting

To apply, please send a cv and a letter of application to Aaron Peterka, Interim Director of the World History Association: The deadline for applications is August 1.

In your letter, please address the following:

  • Your experience publishing, researching, and teaching in world history, and the way you see these as related
  • Your previous editorial and administrative experience
  • Your understanding of “world history” and the types of articles that belong in a journal dedicated to it.
  • Your vision for the Journal over the next five years
  • Your strategy for attracting high quality submissions, reviews of submissions, and book reviews from scholars diverse in terms of methodology, area of research, and institutional and geographic location
  • Your plan for engaging with developments in scholarly communication and research practice

A small amount of funding for travel related to the Journal will be provided, but if you may be able to obtain institutional backing for the position, including course release, please indicate this in your letter as well.