Say hello to UH Press at AAS Booth 600

If you’re attending the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Toronto March 16-19, 2017, be sure to visit the University of Hawai’i Press at booth 600!

UH Press will have Asian studies books from our latest catalogs on display, as well as copies of the following journals:

We’re also proud to debut three online-only journals at AAS 2017:

Stop by and say hello as you browse through our display copies and catalogs. You may also pick up an order form at our booth or place your orders online at

We look forward to seeing you in cold, snowy Toronto!

Buddhist-Christian Studies, Vol. 36 (2016)

The latest issue of this annual journal devoted to Buddhism and Christianity and their historical and contemporary interrelationships feature the following peer-reviewed works:

Find the full text of the issue at Project MUSE

Old Buddhist Texts: New Womanist Though

  • In the Company of Friends: Womanist Readings of Buddhist Poems
    by Melanie L. Harris
  • Freedom on My Mind: Buddhist-Womanist Dialogue
    by Keri Day
  • Practice in Buddhist-Womanist Thought
    by Carolyn M. Jones Medine
  • Womanist Approaches to the Therīgathā and the Therīgathā’s Influence on Womanism
    by Linda E. Thomas
  • Wombu: An Intellectual Exercise in Womanist and Buddhist Reading
    by Tracey Elaine Hucks

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, Vol. 36 (2016)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 35 (2015)

Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Moving Forward
Thomas Cattoi and Carol Anderson, vii

Multiple Religious Belonging

Deep Listening and Virtuous Friendship: Spiritual Care in the Context of Religious Multiplicity
Duane R. Bidwell, 3

Like an Elephant Pricked by a Thorn: Buddhist Meditation Instructions as a Door to Deep Listening
Willa B. Miller, 15

Reflections on Jewish and Christian Encounters with Buddhism
Harold Kasimow, 21

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 35 (2015)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, 35 (2015)

Find the full text of the issue at Project MUSE

Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Moving Forward
Thomas Cattoi and Carol S. Anderson, vii
“Fifteen years into the twenty-first century and thirty-four years after the publication of its first issue, where does this transformed academic and cultural landscape leave a journal like Buddhist-Christian Studies? The dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity is now an integral part of the broad academic conversation in the fields of interreligious studies and comparative theology, as attested by the ongoing popularity and a growing number of interest groups at professional organizations such as the American Academy of Religion or the Catholic Theological Society of America. The Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies in North America and the European Network of Buddhist Christian Studies in Europe continue to foster academic conversation and exchange, and, as attested by this year’s News and Views section, the emergence of religious studies and interreligious dialogue in the Chinese academic world appears to be a promising development. Indeed, not only does the conversation take place at a speculative or theoretical level, but in an international context simultaneously marked by increasing secularism and religious violence, Buddhism and Christianity also offer a locus of resistance to a world where economic instability and intensifying climate change contribute to what is a de facto globalization of insecurity. At the same time, recent work in postcolonial approaches to the comparative study of religion has begun to impact religious dialogue by drawing attention to the history of the terms and assumptions that frame our questions. The journal hopes to continue to play an important role in bringing together some of the more important voices and contributions to this ongoing conversation and sharing them with the broader academic community.”

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, 35 (2015)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 34 (2014)

Editors’ Introduction
Rita M. Gross, Terry C. Muck

Introduction: Spiritual Friends in a Multifaith and Multisuffering World
Kyeongil Jung, 3

Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Looking Back, Looking Ahead, and Listening Ever More Deeply
Sallie B. King, 7

The Suffering of Economic Injustice

The Suffering of Economic Injustice: A Christian Perspective
Ulrich Duchrow, 27

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 34 (2014)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 33 (2013)

EDITORS’ INTRODUCTION by Wakoh Shannon Hickey and C. Denise Yarbrough vii


The Contemplative Classroom, or Learning by Heart in the Age of Google
Barbara Newman, 1

The Eternal Present: Slow Knowledge and the Renewal of Time
Douglas E. Christie, 13

Contemplative Studies and the Liberal Arts
Andrew O. Fort, 23

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 33 (2013)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 32 (2012)

EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION by Wakoh Shannon Hickey, vii


Just Peace: A Buddhist-Christian Path to Liberation
Kyeongil Jung, 3


A “Hypostatic Union” of Two Practices but One Person?
Paul F. Knitter, 19

Fulfilling Mitzvot through the Practice of Lovingkindness and Wisdom
David J. Gilner, 27

Who Is a Buddhist?
James William Coleman, 33

“Yes, We’re Buddhists Too!”
Jan Willis, 39
Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 32 (2012)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 31 (2011)

EDITORIAL by Mahinda Deegalle, vii


Chinese Buddhism and the Threat of Atheism in Seventeenth-Century Europe
Thierry Meynard, 1

A Buddhist Carol
Paul M. Keeling, 25

Hobbits as Buddhists and an Eye for an “I”
Paul Andrew Powell, 31

No-Self, Dōgen, the Senika Doctrine, and Western Views of Soul
Gerhard Faden, 41


Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 31 (2011)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 30 (2010)

EDITORIAL by Mahinda Deegalle, v


The Prospects for a Mahāyāna Theology of Emptiness: A Continuing Debate
John P. Keenan, 3

“Till Death Do Us Part”? Buddhist Insights on Christian Marriage
Wioleta Polinska, 29

ENBCS Conference Papers
edited by Perry Schmidt-Leukel

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 30 (2010)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 27 (2007)



Dependent Co-Origination and Universal Intersubjectivity, p. 3
Joseph Bracken, SJ

The Understanding and Experience of Compassion: Aquinas and the Dalai Lama
, p. 11
Judith Barad

Buddhist Women and Interfaith Work in the United States, p. 31
Kate Dugan

Dialogue and Solidarity in a Time of Globalization, p. 51
James Fredericks

Mahāyāna Interpretation of Christianity: A Case Study of Zhang Chunyi (1871–1955), p. 67
Lai Pan-chiu and So Yuen-tai

Christian-Buddhist Dialogue on Loving the Enemy, p. 89
Wioleta Polinska

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 27 (2007)”