Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 32 (2012)

EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION by Wakoh Shannon Hickey, vii


Just Peace: A Buddhist-Christian Path to Liberation
Kyeongil Jung, 3


A “Hypostatic Union” of Two Practices but One Person?
Paul F. Knitter, 19

Fulfilling Mitzvot through the Practice of Lovingkindness and Wisdom
David J. Gilner, 27

Who Is a Buddhist?
James William Coleman, 33

“Yes, We’re Buddhists Too!”
Jan Willis, 39


Womanist: Definition
Alice Walker, 45

The Womanist-Buddhist Consultation as a Reading Community
Carolyn M. Jones Medine, 47

Canada and Pure Land, a New Field and Buddha-Land: Womanists and Buddhists Reading Together
Jennifer Leath, 57

Buddhist Meditation for the Recovery of the Womanist Self, or Sitting on the Mat Self-Love Realized
Melanie L. Harris, 67

“It Not the Only One”: Womanist Resources for Reflection in Buddhist Studies
Charles Hallisey, 73


Nuclear Power after Fukushima 2011: Buddhist and Promethean Perspectives
Graham Parkes, 89

Trungpa’s Barbarians and Merton’s Titan: Resuming a Dialogue on Spiritual Egotism
Steven R. Shippee, 109

NEWS AND VIEWS edited by Jonathan A. Seitz

The Annual Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
Sandra Costen Kunz, 129

Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Frederick J. Streng Book Award 2011, 131

Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Graduate Student Essay Winner 2011, 133

Report on the Ninth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference: “Hope: A Form of Delusion? Buddhist and Christian Perspectives”
Elizabeth J. Harris, 135

Report on the Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
Yōichi Yagi, trans. by Paul L. Swanson, 139

BOOK REVIEWS edited by Sid Brown

John Berthrong on John B. Cobb, Dialogue Comes of Age: Christian Encounters with Other Traditions, 143

Terry C. Muck on Paul Ingram, The Process of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, 146

John D’Arcy May on Gideon Goosen, Hyphenated Christians: Towards a Better Understanding of Dual Religious Belonging, and Rose Drew, Buddhist and Christian? An Exploration of Dual Belonging, 150

Rita M. Gross on Beata Grant, Eminent Nuns: Women Chan Masters of Seventeenth-Century China, 154

Sarah K. Pinnock on Elizabeth J. Harris, Buddhism for a Violent World, 157

Benjamin J. Chicka on B. Alan Wallace, Hidden Dimensions: The Unification of Physics and Consciousness, 161

Paul O. Ingram on Arata Miyamoto, Embodied Cross: Intercontextual Reading of Theologia Crucis, 164

John D’Arcy May on Keith Soko, A Mounting East-West Tension: Buddhist-Christian Dialogue on Human Rights, Social Justice, and a Global Ethic, 167

Donald K. Swearer on Joanna Cook, Meditation in Modern Buddhism: Renunciation and Change in Thai Monastic Buddhism, 171