Call for Submissions: Filipino American National Historical Society Journal

The Filipino American National Historical Society Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed annual journal that publishes, disseminates, and promotes research related to Filipino American history. The journal publishes research by community-based and academic historians, as well as personal histories.

From the editors:

FANHS Journal, Volume 12, 2024 is calling for submissions that focus on the theme of “Building Bridges” with a deadline of March 25, 2024. This issue carries forward the themes from Volume 10 and 11, “Collaborating with Our Ancestors” by drawing on Uncle Fred’s 1996 signature article “The Bridge Generation and Building Bridges ” (FANHS Journal, 1996, Vol. 4).

We envision this volume will reflect the theme of “Building Bridges” through both the content itself and the means through which contributors and editors have collaborated to create that content. “Bridges” calls forth the Bridge Generation, second-generation Filipino Americans born before 1945, who have been foundational to FANHS and to Filipino American history. The theme of “bridging” will highlight the contributions of the Bridge Generation while also making connections to the histories and contributions of multiple generations that have continued to emerge as “bridges” in the post-1945 eras of Filipino American history.  

Uncle Fred’s 1996 article reminds us that “The Bridge Generation was born between 2 World Wars and the [Great] Depression in the middle[,] during that harrowing period of American history into a Pinoy community, always in a state of acculturation…” How have similarly “harrowing periods” or significant local, national, global, and transnational events shaped the histories of Filipino Americans born after 1945? What patterns and contrasts might we see across our diverse histories? In the spirit of being expansive of the many bridges we are building, and the multiple generations born and raised in the post-1945 period of U.S. History, we invite people to submit articles that resonate with the theme of “building bridges.”

Contributions to this volume may encompass building bridges across:

  • Multiple generations and collaborations that pair wisdom with youth voice
  • Academic and community approaches to telling our histories and stories
  • Diverse experiences and stories of growing up Brown
  • Past FANHS Journal articles and present day context
  • Geographic diversity
  • Ideas and action

The editors would be particularly excited to see contributions that address histories in the following areas:

  • Filipino language and cultural program(s) in the United States
  • Influxes of Filipinos post-1965
  • 1.5, 3rd, 4th, and later generations of Filipino Americans
  • Visual or performing arts and artists
  • Solidarity and organizational activism
  • Anti-Martial Law movements based in the United States

Finally, we welcome contributions in multiple formats and modalities, including:

  • Written work (e.g., essays, poems, articles)
  • Visual work (e.g., photo essays, prints and other artistic work, video)
  • Mixed modalities (e.g., pictorial essays, zines)
  • Audio (e.g, recorded monologues, abridged oral histories with an accompanying article)

For more information, please see the Author Guidelines.

Whether you are submitting a written, visual, or audio contribution, we are looking for contributions that address the following sections:

 Type of contributionDescription or ExampleSuggested word count
ArtworkArtwork used for the cover or design throughout the FANHS Journal (i.e. photography, visual art, multimedia images)1 page or less 250 words
Collaborating with our Ancestors Tributes and dialogues between past and presentTributes paid to those who have passed and a space for intergenerational conversations between authors of today and classic pieces around enduring issues.  5-10 pages 1250-2500 words
Talk Stories Stories and oral histories  Written conversation or transcription of an oral history/interview of a single person or multiple people. Edited transcription of question-and-answer interview (the full transcription and recording of the interview can be archived with FANHS National).  10-15 pages 2500-3750 words
 Community Research Personal or community research in context  Personal histories, short anecdotes, or community stories situated in larger historical and social contexts.  5-15 pages 1250-3750 words
Academic Article Original scholarship of research or theoryArticle sharing original research or theory, connected to larger research conversations.15-25 pages 3750-6250 words
Reviews Critical assessment of books, films and resources  Reviews and shares publications, books, films, resources related to Filipino American history (full listings can be shared on FANHS website).2-5 pages 500-1250 words
FANHS in Action Contributions that Move Community ForwardPieces that highlight enacting the mission or goals of FANHS, resources and strategies for connecting and activism.2-5 pages 500-1250 words

For more information or questions, please contact

Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) Journal

About the Journal

The Filipino American National Historical Society Journal is the only journal devoted exclusively to the identification, gathering, preservation, and dissemination of Filipino American history and culture in the U.S. Learn more here.

Submissions Due

March 25, 2024

Links for Authors

Author Guidelines

Submit Your Contribution 



American Academy of Religion + Call for Papers

Join the University of Hawai‘i Press at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas, from Nov. 18-21. The press will be showcasing its religion book and journal titles at Booth 823.

Call for Papers: Buddhist-Christian Studies

The Society of Buddhist-Christian Studies hosts it annual meeting concurrent to the American Academy of Religion. The society’s official journal, Buddhist-Christian Studies, invites submissions for the 2024 issue.

Buddhist-Christian Studies publishes scholarly articles that invite dialogue between concepts, doctrines, beliefs and practices in Buddhism and Christianity. Possible topics include aspects of anthropology, ethics, ritual practices and worship, historical Buddhist/Christian encounters, key figures in Buddhist Christian dialogue, and comparative textual analysis. For more information, and to submit an article for peer review, please contact the co-editors: Thomas Cattoi,; and Kristin Johnston Largen,

Typical length of an article is between 5,000-7,000 words, and the due date for submission is March 1.

University of Hawai‘i Press Journals logo

In addition to Buddhist-Christian Studies, the press publishes and distributed three notable journals in the field. Find author guidelines for related journals at UH Press’s website: 

Philosophy East & West

Publishing in Academic Journals: Pro Tips from an Editor

An experienced editor offers authors practical advice about navigating the journal publishing process in an open access guide, “Publishing in Academic Journals: Pro Tips from U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal.”

Alisa Freedman gathers her experience as editor-in-chief of U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal from 2016-2022 to create this pragmatic how-to guide that details the process from submission to publication, what to expect and when, and who does what. Her suggestions draw from the humanities and qualitative social sciences, but the advice is also useful to scholars in other fields. 

This guide addresses the following common questions and more:

  • How long it takes to publish a peer reviewed article
  • How to choose the right journal for your article
  • How a journal article’s structure differs from a dissertation chapter
  • What happens when two reviewers offer differing recommendations
  • Obtaining permissions to use images in an article
  • What happens after an article is accepted for publication

Thanks to Alisa Freedman for illuminating this editing and production process for prospective authors! Find the publishing guide on Project MUSE.


Call for Papers: U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal

The U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal welcomes contributions from all academic fields in the social sciences and humanities. The journal publishes new research, review articles, and translations. Manuscripts should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words, including the alphabetical list of Works Cited and endnotes. Submissions will be reviewed by the USJWJ editors and anonymously by outside reviewers. Please review the complete Submission Guidelines.

Call For Papers: U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal

Established in 1988, the U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, biannual publication, available in print and online, that promotes scholarly exchange on social, cultural, political, and economic issues pertaining to gender and Japan. The U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal encourages comparative study among Japan, the United States, and other countries. We welcome contributions from all academic fields in the social sciences and humanities. The journal publishes new research, review articles, and translations.

All articles are printed in English, and all submissions must be in English following the submission guidelines available from the journal home page. Manuscripts should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words, including the alphabetical list of Works Cited and endnotes. Submissions will be reviewed by the USJWJ editors and anonymously by outside reviewers. The review process takes around three months. Please review the complete Submission Guidelines, available online.

Submit manuscripts digitally to Jennifer Cullen,

Subscribe to the U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal through UH Press or browse full-text issues online via Project MUSE and JSTOR.

Editor-in-Chief: Noriko Mizuta, The International Institute for Media and Women’s Studies

Managing Editor: Jennifer Cullen, Northeastern University

Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS

Student and Community Abstracts
Guest Editor: May Kealoha, PhD
Co-Editor: Jillian Inouye, PhD, FAAN

Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal cover

This special issue will feature abstracts of papers from students and/or community members who are interested in disseminating new knowledge and practices for Asian and Pacific Islanders. 

Please submit your abstracts in the format of formal papers. The format should contain these or other approved headings of:  Introduction, Problem/Significance of Topic, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Recommendations  all relative to Asian/Pacific Islanders and nursing and health. Papers should be one to two pages in length and will be peer reviewed. For this special issue, we are particularly interested in the following but not limited to topics that are:

  • Culturally specific
  • Focuses on equity and diversity
  • Pilot studies
  • Evidence based practice projects
  • Description of community programs
  • Suggestions for policy changes to improve health/education for Asian and Pacific Islanders
  • Other related topics 

Original and empirical pilot studies using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods are welcome. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal is the only journal focused specifically on health and health care of and for this group. This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles that include, but are not limited to: 

  • Methods, interventions, instrumentation, and educational techniques that are unique to this group. 
  • Theoretical foundations that increase understanding of the unique response to changes in health and illness. 
  • Bio psychosocial, spiritual, and ecological impacts on practice, education, and research.
  • Policy issues as a result of rigorous research outcomes. 

Author Guidelines

All submitted papers must be written in English and contain only original work, which has not been published by or is currently under review at another journal (electronic or print). Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal rules governing the formatting of the final submission can be found at: 

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through

For more detailed guidelines, go to

The authors must select as “Special Issue” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. 

All papers will be peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers. Requests for additional information should be addressed to the guest editors. 

For more detailed, go to

Article Processing Charge

There is no charge for submitting a paper to Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal

Upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be charged a one-time Article Processing Charge of $100 for first author members; first author student members $80; and nonmember rates would be $150

Editorial Contact Information

Contact the guest editor with queries about appropriate topics or works in progress for the special issue: 

May Kealoha, PhD, MPHKapi’olani Community College Nursing Department.
Jillian Inouye, PhD, FAANEmeritus Professor, University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine.

Contact the editor with questions about the manuscript submission process: 

Jillian Inouye Editor in Chief


Pacific Science: Call for Submissions

20% Discount: Subscribe and submit now with code

Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2021 and welcomes submissions as we approach this important moment.

The University of Hawai‘i Press has increased access to published research in Pacific Science to better support both authors and readers.

Article-by-Article Publishing

This year (2020), Pacific Science will move to an article-by-article publishing model, reducing publication times from submission until online publication in both the BioOne and Project MUSE content databases. All authors are encouraged to submit color images with their articles, which will be included in the online version at no additional charge. All articles will be included in the print issues on a quarterly basis.

No Fees, Open Access Discount

Thanks to increased online usage, Pacific Science no longer charges submission fees or page charges for accepted articles that do not require the Open Access publishing option.

If authors would like to make their article Open Access upon publication, there is a one-time fee of $1,800, which also now includes the option to have images printed in color.

For a limited time, we are providing a discount code that will save you 20% on the Open Access publishing fee. This reduces the fee to only $1,440. The 20% discount is also good on subscription orders through April 30. Subscriptions may be ordered through our website. The discount code to use is PS2020J.


Please review the submission guidelines on our website by clicking on the tab labeled “AUTHOR GUIDELINES.”

Journal topics may focus on biogeography, ecology, evolution, geology and volcanology, oceanography, paleontology, and systematics.  Manuscript submissions on topics such as Pacific biodiversity, conservation, and sustainability are also encouraged. In addition to publishing original research, the journal also accepts review articles, which provide a synthesis of current knowledge.

Submissions may be emailed directly to Editor Curtis Daehler, Dept. of Botany at the University of Hawai‘i

Pacific Science-Call for Submissions

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Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region is edited by Curtis Daehler, Dept. of Botany, University of Hawai‘i.

Appearing quarterly since 1947, Pacific Science is an international, multidisciplinary journal reporting research on the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific basin. It focuses on biogeography, ecology, evolution, geology and volcanology, oceanography, paleontology, and systematics. In addition to publishing original research, the journal features review articles providing a synthesis of current knowledge. The official journal of the Pacific Science Association. Continue reading “Pacific Science-Call for Submissions”

Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal-Call for Papers

Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal Special Issue on Transforming Health for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
Guest Editors: Mary Frances Oneha, PhD; Nafanua Braginsky, PhD, DNP; Mahealani Suapaia, PhD; Kamomilani Wong, PhD
Co-Editor: Jillian Inouye, Ph.D., FAAN
Deadline: December 31, 2018

This special issue will feature articles related to transforming health and policy for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.  Researchers, educators, practitioners, policy makers, academics, graduate students, and administrators from all countries who are interested in disseminating new knowledge towards the improvement of health for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are welcome.

Please submit your manuscripts in the form of formal papers. For this special issue, we are particularly interested in the following:

    • Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander research, practice, policy, education as well as others on:

    • Culturally specific care that improves health and achieves equity.
    • Community and primary care practice innovations.
    • Comparative or state of the science review on the health status of specific Islander groups not otherwise reported.
    • Ideas on policy changes to improve the health and well-being of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders.
    • Other related topics

Original and empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods are welcome. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal is the only journal focused specifically on health and health care of and for this group. This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles that include, but are not limited to:

    • Methods, interventions, instrumentation, and educational techniques that are unique to this group.
    • Theoretical foundations that increase understanding of the unique response to changes in health and illness.
    • Bio psychosocial, spiritual, and ecological impacts on practice, education, and research.
    • Policy issues as a result of rigorous research outcomes.

Author Guidelines

All submitted papers must be written in English and contain only original work, which has not been published by or is currently under review at another journal (electronic or print). Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal rules governing the formatting of the final submission can be found online.

Article Processing Charge

There is no charge for submitting a paper to Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal.

Upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be charged a one-time Article Processing Charge of $300. For members of the Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association Inc. you will receive a discounted rate of $200.

Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal: Official Journal of the Asian American / Pacific Islander Nurses Association has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

cover image Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal

About the Journal

Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal: Official Journal of the Asian American / Pacific Islander Nurses Association features research papers, empirical and theoretical articles, editorials, abstracts of recent dissertations, and conference summaries that relate to nursing care written by scientists and researchers in nursing and the social sciences.

Call for Papers: Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal

Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal Special Issue on Technology and Health
Guest Editor: Reimund Serafica, PhD
Co-Editor: Jillian Inouye, Ph.D., FAAN
Deadline: September 30, 2018

The special issue on technology and health will feature articles related to the use of technology and health for Asian-Pacific Islanders. The title of this special issue, Asian / Pacific Island Technology and Health, welcome manuscripts from the United States, Asian and Pacific Island countries. Researchers, educators, graduate students, practitioners and administrators which report the health of Asian populations and health care approaches using technology are welcome.

Please submit your manuscripts in the form of formal papers. For this special issue on Technology, we are particularly interested in the following:

  • Studies on health of Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Asian-Americans with a goal on improving health and achieving equity.
  • Studies of regionally or culturally determined primary care practices.
  • Comparative or review of the state of lifestyle behaviors, common symptoms and their management.

Original and empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods are welcome. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles that include, but are not limited to:

  • Methods, interventions, instrumentation, and educational techniques that are unique to this group.
  • Theoretical foundations that increase understanding the unique response to changes in health and illness.
  • Bio psychosocial, spiritual, and ecological impacts on practice, education, and research.
  • Policy issues as a result of rigorous research outcomes.

Complete information on how to prepare and submit articles and proposals may be found online.

Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal: Official Journal of the Asian American / Pacific Islander Nurses Association has been accepted for inclusion in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

cover image Asian / Pacific Island Nursing JournalAbout the Journal

Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal: Official Journal of the Asian American / Pacific Islander Nurses Association features research papers, empirical and theoretical articles, editorials, abstracts of recent dissertations, and conference summaries that relate to nursing care written by scientists and researchers in nursing and the social sciences.


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