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Pacific Science, vol. 70, no. 4 (2016)

From Identity and Distribution of Introduced Slugs ( Veronicellidae) in the Hawaiian and Samoan Islands in this issue. Photographs and drawings of three veronicellid species dissected to show structures used to distinguish them. 1: Veronicella cubensis (representative specimen from Hawai‘i); 2: Laevicaulis alte (representative specimen from Hawai‘i); 3: Sarasinula plebeia [no live specimen was available for dissection; this illustration is of the “plesiotype” of Thomé (1971) in the Muséum nationale d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, mnhn 21307]. Key reproductive structures that differ among the species: a, penis; b, digitiform gland papilla; c, digitiform tubules.

Pacific Science, vol. 70 no. 4 is now available and contains the following articles:

  • Spatial Scale, Genetic Structure, and Speciation of Hawaiian Endemic Yeasts by Marc-André Lachance, Julie D. Collens, Xiao Feng Peng, Alison M. Wardlaw, Lucie Bishop, Lily Y. Hou, and William T. Starmer
  • Alien Insects Dominate the Plant-Pollinator Network of a Hawaiian Coastal Ecosystem by Kimberly Shay, Donald R. Drake, Andrew D. Taylor, Heather F. Sahli, Melody Euaparadorn, Michelle Akamine, Jennifer Imamura, Doug Powless, and Patrick Aldrich
  • Avian Abundances on Yap, Federated States of Micronesia, after Typhoon Sudall by W. Douglas Robinson and Tara R. Robinson
  • Habitat Use and Status of the Bokikokiko or Christmas Island Warbler (Acrocephalus aequinoctialis) by Eric A. VanderWerf, Ray Pierce, Ratita Bebe, and Katareti Taabu
  • Temporal Variation in Macro-Moth Abundance and Species Richness in a Lowland Fijian Forest by Siteri Tikoca, Simon Hodge, Sarah Pene, John Clayton, Marika Tuiwawa, and Gilianne Brodie
  • Seasonal Growth Fluctuations of Four Species of Neritid Gastropods in an Upper Mangrove Estuary, Ishigaki Island, Japan by Yoshitake Takada
  • Identity and Distribution of Introduced Slugs (Veronicellidae) in the Hawaiian and Samoan Islands by Jaynee R. Kim, Kenneth A. Hayes, Norine W. Yeung, and Robert H. Cowie
  • Eleotris bosetoi ( Teleostei: Gobioidei: Eleotridae), a New Species of Freshwater Fish from the Solomon Islands by Marion I. Mennesson, Philippe Keith, Brendan C. Ebner, and Philippe Gerbeaux
  • First Record of Bryozoan Amathia (= Zoobotryon) verticillata (Bryozoa: Vesiculariidae) from Taiwan by Dan Minchin, Ta-Kang Liu, and Muhan Cheng

Continue reading “Pacific Science, vol. 70, no. 4 (2016)”

Asian Perspectives, vol. 55, no. 1 (2016)

From Palaeoecology and Forager Subsistence Strategies during the Pleistocene – Holocene Transition: A Reinvestigation of the Zooarchaeological Assemblage from Spirit Cave, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand in this issue. Cut marks present on a right rib of a Sambar deer ( Rusa unicolor) ( L ayer 2a — S C-00078). Image A taken at 1x magnification on a Nikon SMZ1500 stereomicroscope attached to a SPOT Insight FireWire digital camera; close-up image B taken at 2x. Macro-photograph courtesy of Hannah G. Van Vlack.

In Palaeoecology and Forager Subsistence Strategies during the
Pleistocene–Holocene Transition: A Reinvestigation of the
Zooarchaeological Assemblage from Spirit Cave, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand authors Cyler Conrad, Charles Higham, Masaki Eda, and Ben Marwick write:

This reanalysis uses the zooarchaeological assemblage recovered from Spirit Cave to understand hunter-gatherer use and occupation at the site during the Pleistocene – Holocene transition. W e analyze bone fragmentation, sample size, and relative abundance to establish the preservation and overall composition of the remaining fauna. Identification of several new taxa, including roundleaf bats (Hipposideros larvatus and bicolor), elongated tortoise (Indotestudo elongata), black marsh turtle (Siebenrockiella crassicollis), Burmese hare ( Lepus cf. peguensis) and a potential red junglefowl ( Phasianidae — ?Gallus gallus) provide insights into hunter-gatherer occupation, palaeoecology, and subsistence strategies between 12,000 and 7000 years b.p.

This issue of Asian Perspectives also features the following scholarly works: Continue reading “Asian Perspectives, vol. 55, no. 1 (2016)”

Hawaiian Journal of History, Vol. 50 (2016)

From Portraits of Kalaupapa Residents by Father Joseph Julliotte, SS.CC. from this issue. Fathers and Brothers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary missioned to the Kalaupapa Settlement. Pictured left to right: Brother Sylvanus Van Volsem, Brother Aloysius (Louis) Leisen, Father Wendelin Mollers, Father Paul-Marie (Joseph) Julliotte, Brother Severin Baltes, and Brother Laurence Bergmans at the grave of Father Damien De Veuster, Kalawao, Molokai, 1902. Collection of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts U.S. Province.

In the Notes & Queries section in volume 50 of the Hawaiian Journal of History author Stuart W.H. Ching writes about a collection of glass plate negatives housed  within St. Patrick Monastery in Honolulu.

…This archives contains the collective memory of a religious congregation of priests and lay brothers. Its members were the first Roman Catholic missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands, arriving in 1827. Historical records and visual images found in the Sacred Hearts provincial archives document the Congregation’s personnel and activities as well and that of the communities in which they served. Kalaupapa was one such community for which the Sacred Hearts Congregation left a written and visual record.

Continue reading “Hawaiian Journal of History, Vol. 50 (2016)”

Biography Vol. 39 No. 2 (2016)

Figure 6. From page 48 of Bhimayana: Experiences of Untouchability, by Srividya Natarajan and S. Anand; Art by Durgabai Vyam and Subhash Vyam. © Copyright 2011 and reproduced by permission of the authors.
From Radical Graphics: Martin Luther King, Jr., B. R. Ambedkar, and Comics Auto/Biography in this issue. Figure 6. From page 48 of Bhimayana: Experiences of Untouchability, by Srividya Natarajan and S. Anand; Art by Durgabai Vyam and Subhash Vyam. © Copyright 2011 and reproduced by permission of the authors.

This quarter’s Biography contains the following interdisciplinary scholarly works including Pramod K. Nayar’s article on ‘radical’ graphic novels:

From Radical Graphics: Martin Luther King, Jr., B. R. Ambedkar, and Comics Auto/Biography in this issue. Figure 2. From page 58 of King: A Comics Biography, by Ho Che Anderson. © Copyright 2010, and reproduced by courtesy of Fantagraphics.

In the midst of the memoir boom of the late twentieth century, a sub-genre
in a wholly new medium made its presence felt: the graphic memoir and auto/biography. Using Ho Che Anderson’s King (1993–2002, published in a single edition in 2010) about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and S. Anand and Srividya Natarajan’s Bhimayana (2011, with art by Durgabai Vyam and Subhash Vyam), about the Indian social reformer, maker of the Indian Constitution, and leader of the so-called “untouchables” (“lower-castes” in the Hindu social order, now called “Dalits”), Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, I will argue that graphic auto/biography offers a new mode in which to talk about social issues like racism and caste-based oppression.

Continue reading “Biography Vol. 39 No. 2 (2016)”

Buddhist-Christian Studies, Vol. 36 (2016)

The latest issue of this annual journal devoted to Buddhism and Christianity and their historical and contemporary interrelationships feature the following peer-reviewed works:

Find the full text of the issue at Project MUSE

Old Buddhist Texts: New Womanist Though

  • In the Company of Friends: Womanist Readings of Buddhist Poems
    by Melanie L. Harris
  • Freedom on My Mind: Buddhist-Womanist Dialogue
    by Keri Day
  • Practice in Buddhist-Womanist Thought
    by Carolyn M. Jones Medine
  • Womanist Approaches to the Therīgathā and the Therīgathā’s Influence on Womanism
    by Linda E. Thomas
  • Wombu: An Intellectual Exercise in Womanist and Buddhist Reading
    by Tracey Elaine Hucks

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, Vol. 36 (2016)”

Philosophy East and West, vol. 66, no. 4 (2016)

This quarter’s journal of comparative Eastern and Western philosophies includes the following scholarly works:

Special Feature: Li Zehou on Michael Sandel

On Li Zehou’s Philosophy: An Introduction by Three Translators
by Paul J. D’Ambrosio, Robert A. Carleo III, and Andrew Lambert

A Response to Michael Sandel and Other Matters
by Li Zehou, translated by Paul J. D’Ambrosio and Robert A. Carleo III Continue reading “Philosophy East and West, vol. 66, no. 4 (2016)”

Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 3 (2016)

From the Stefan Hübner article, “Images of the Sporting “Civilizing Mission”: The Far Eastern Championship Games (1913–1934) and Visions of Modernization in English-Language Philippine Newspapers” in this issue. Le Petit Journal’s cartoon “En Chine” was published on 16 January 1898 shortly after China accepted Germany’s lease of Jiaozhou Bay.

The March  Journal of World History volume 27 number 3 special issue “Preaching the Civilizing Mission and Modern Cultural Encounters” features the following articles by world history scholars:

  • Sartorial Settlement: The Mission Field and Transformation in Colonial Natal, 1850–1897
    by T.J. Tallie
  • Civilization and Russification in Tsarist Central Asia, 1860–1917
    by Ulrich Hofmeister
  • Singing the Civilizing Mission in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms: The Fisk Jubilee Singers in Nineteenth-Century Germany
    by Kira Thurman
  • From Transformation to Negotiation: A Female Mission in a “City of Schools”
    by Julia Hauser
  • Images of the Sporting “Civilizing Mission”: The Far Eastern Championship Games (1913–1934) and Visions of Modernizing in English-Language Philippine Newspapers
    by Stefan Hübner
  • “Not Far from the Kingdom of God”: Shamanism and Colonial Control in Russia’s Eastern Borderlands, 1853–1917
    by Jesse D. Murray
  • Book Reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 3 (2016)”

October 2016 UH Press Author Events

Several University of Hawai‘i Press authors will be presenting their works this month and next. These events are free and the public is invited to attend. Books will be available for sale and signing, unless otherwise noted.

brownenglishdept-flyerTuesday, October 4, 3:00 to 4:30 pm, Kuykendall Hall 410, UH Mānoa
Assistant professor of religion Marie Alohalani Brown discusses life-writing and her recent book, Facing the Spears of Change: The Life and Legacy of John Papa ‘Ī‘ī. Her talk is part of the UHM English Department Colloquium series.

Thursday, October 6, noon to 1:15 pm, Henke Hall 325, UH Mānoamorales-forasong_100dpi
At this Center for Biographical Research brown bag talk, Rodney Morales  addresses the role that research plays in his fiction, particularly his new novel, For a Song. In fabricating stories that ring true, he not only focuses on documentable events, actual persons, and observable landscapes, as histories and biographies do, but also finds ways to breathe life into them. (See the fall semester Brown Bag Biography schedule here.)

hasinger-astro_basicallybksFriday, October 7, 6:00 to 7:00 pm, Basically Books, Hilo
For this First Friday event in downtown Hilo, UHM Institute for Astronomy director Günther Hasinger expands our understanding of space and time and looks at recent advances in astrophysics, as covered in his book, Astronomy’s Limitless Journey: A Guide to Understanding the Universe.

Wednesday, October 12, 6:30 to 7:30 pm, Kapolei Public Library
baird-dolphinswhales_100dpiMarine biologist Robin W. Baird of Cascadia Research Collective (Olympia, Washington) discusses results from his soon-to-be-published The Lives of Hawai‘i’s Dolphins and Whales: Natural History and Conservation, which includes findings from years of research using satellite tagging, genetics, and photo identification to study resident whales and dolphins in Hawai‘i. (Note: Books will not be available for sale.)

Thursday, October 13, 7:30 to 8:30 pm, Kapi‘olani Community College Hale ‘Ōhi‘a (cafeteria)
Hawaiian Historical Society hosts Marie Alohalani Brown as their program’s featured speaker to present her biography of John brown-facingthespears_100dpiPapa ‘Ī‘ī, Facing the Spears of Change. Doors open at 7 pm for light refreshments and the talk follows at 7:30.

Saturday, October 22, 9:00 to 11:00 am, Wahiawa Botanical Garden KawakamiCOVER12b.indd
The Wahiawa Historical Society honors former longtime resident Barbara Kawakami on the publication of Picture Bride Stories.

Wednesday, October 26, 5:30 to 7:30 pm, King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center, 417 S. King Street
Dr. Marie Alohalani Brown again shares her work and insight on Hawaiian statesman John Papa ‘Ī‘ī; this time to a downtown Honolulu audience. See more details and register on Eventbrite.

Events to come in November include Rodney Morales at Native Books/Nā Mea Hawai‘i on November 5, 2:30 to 4 pm, and discussions with editors Aya Kimura and Krisnawati Suryanata, along with chapter contributors, to highlight Food and Power in Hawai‘i. A book launch for Food and Power in Hawai‘i is scheduled for November 4, 2:30 to 4:00 pm at UHM Saunders Hall 443. Check our Facebook page for updates.

Korean Studies, vol. 40 (2016)

This issue of Korean Studies contains the following works or scholarship.


Globality and Universality: Toward a New Horizon Beyond East and West: Observations on Moral Pragmatics, Its Rhetoric and Domain
Kim Uchang

Confucianism and Civilization: Tasan Chŏng Yagyong’s Views of Japan, the Ryūkyūs, and Tsushima
Don Baker

Funeral Capitalism: Commodification and Digital Marketing of Funeral Services in Contemporary Korea
Gil-Soo Han

Pak Tonji and the Vagaries of Government Service in Koryŏ and Chosŏn, 1360–1412
Kenneth R. Robinson Continue reading “Korean Studies, vol. 40 (2016)”

Archives of Asian Art, vol. 66, no. 2 (2016)

From this issue: Sekino Jun’ichirō, Fukuroi: Annual Growth Rings / Fukuroi: nenrin, from New Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō / Shin Tōkaidō gojūsan tsugi, no. 28, 1960. Woodblock print. Palmer Museum of Art of Pennsylvania State University, Gift of Bruce and Marilyn Shobaken, UC.

Archives of Asian Art, volume 66, number 2 features the the following essays and works:

Chinese Glass Paintings in Bangkok Monasteries
Jessica Lee Patterson, 153

The Pagoda in Kherlen-Bars: New Understandings of Khitan-Period Toweing Pagodas
Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt, 187

Continue reading “Archives of Asian Art, vol. 66, no. 2 (2016)”