Journals: Founders of Asian Theatre, a Comparative Study of Empire + More

ATJ 40-1

Asian Theatre Journal

Volume 40, Number 1 (2023)

This new issue commemorates key individuals in Asian theatre. Editor Siyuan Liu explains:

This issue starts with two long-planned articles in ATJ’s ‘founders of the field’ series that started with two clusters of articles in 2011 (28.2) and 2013 (30.2), followed by a number of ‘founding mothers’ articles between 2014 and 2017 (31.1, 32.2, 33.2, 34.1), continuing in this issue with Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei’s profile of Betty Bernhard and Julie Iezzi’s article on Jonah Salz. Sorgenfrei focuses on Bernard’s extraordinary capacity in discovering and promoting aspects of Indian performance to the world through fundraising and sponsoring international engagements by India artists, students training and productions of India plays with Indian artists at Pomona College, as well as several research based films and videos, all of which made Bernard, as Sorgenfrei puts it, ‘an important influencer well before that concept became a social media meme.’

The second ‘founder’ article, written by Julie Iezzi, focuses on Jonah Salz, who stands out, in comparison to other founders profiled in this series, as a Western theatre director, producer, teacher, scholar, and translator primarily based in an Asian country, in his case Kyoto, Japan. Among Salz’s wide-ranging accomplishments, Iezzi focuses on his co-founded Noho Theatre Group that has produced hundreds of shows and toured internationally over forty years; his co-established Traditional Theatre Training (TTT) program that since 1984 has trained hundreds of artists in noh, kyōgen, and nihon buyō; and his research and publications, most notably as editor-in-chief of A History of Japanese Theatre, a monumental achievement via international collaboration.

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Journal of World History

Special Issue: Global Travel, Exploration, and Comparative Study of Empire

Volume 34, Number 1 (2023)

In this new special issue Guest Editor Scott C. M. Bailey discusses the fascinating study of long-distance travelers during the late nineteenth century in this introduction:

This special issue addresses what can be gained from a comparative examination of long-distance travelers during the age of empire. Questions to address include: to what extent did the individual identities, personalities, and backgrounds of elite travelers relate to their opinions on the state of colonial or imperial affairs which they observed in their travels? Were imperial travelers’ observations representative of the imperial core’s opinions and assumptions about imperial spaces, including peripheral ones? To what degree did individual travelers who were traveling to destinations which were under the control of a rival imperial power provide descriptions or impressions which confirmed or rejected assumptions about the colonial or imperial relationship? Can travelers’ descriptions (those travelers from outside or competing empires) be used to provide an objective view of the nature of competing empires? How did factors like the occupations, educational backgrounds, class identifications, gender, life experiences, race, identity, or cultural backgrounds of individual travelers define or shape their descriptions? How did the purposes of these travels relate to the kinds of observations which were made? The articles in this special edition address these important questions, while also highlighting reasons why this era saw an increase in the volume and frequency of international long-distance travel.

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Journal of World History Special Issue: Global Travel, Exploration, and Comparative Study of Empire

A new special issue from the Journal of World History is now available to readers on Project MUSE. 

This new special issue features guest editor Scott C. M. Bailey. Since 2018, Bailey has been fortunate to have support of a research grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). This has allowed him to explore the history of travel and exploration in a global context. He is now focusing on this topic in relation to the area around the Sea of Okhotsk and am preparing a book manuscript now on this topic.

We had the opportunity to speak to Bailey about this special issue:

University of Hawai‘i Press: Tell us how this special issue came together and why is this issue different from what JWH has published in the past?

Scott C. M. Bailey: My idea for this special issue originated in spring 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. As countries closed borders and international travel was drastically curtailed, it led me to think more about the history of long-distance travel. I wanted to understand better how the international movement of people for business, tourism, research pursuits, and many other reasons today, which has become so routinized (and was also so disrupted during the pandemic), existed in an earlier form in the late nineteenth century world.

I thought that a comparative global analysis of the accounts of travelers from the “age of imperialism” in the late nineteenth century could forward our collective understanding of empires of the time, while also shining light on the degree to which long-distance travel reflected inequalities while also being done to serve commercial and political elites’ interests. I was fortunate that the colleagues who approached me with their ideas for papers each had very interesting examples from their own research backgrounds to work with, and that they were all excited to explore their topics through a new comparative framework.

“‘Mr Dooley’ on Sir Aleck”, New York Times February 3, 1907. Public domain.  Featured in "Passing the Torch? Anglo-American Encounters in the British West Indies and Negotiating White Supremacy, c. 1865–1914" by Alex Goodall.
“‘Mr Dooley’ on Sir Aleck”, New York Times February 3, 1907. Public domain. Featured in “Passing the Torch? Anglo-American Encounters in the British West Indies and Negotiating White Supremacy, c. 1865–1914” by Alex Goodall.

UHP: What were some of the challenges with this issue? Is the pandemic still an issue with the creation of these articles and research?

SB: The pandemic has of course made historical research more difficult in many ways, curtailing travel to some locations and restricting access to materials that need to be accessed in person. But to some degree the technological changes which the pandemic brought have helped make some research easier, since so many rare historical sources that could only be found in specific archives or libraries are becoming available to access online, as many institutions have moved or are moving towards digitization of their collections in the last few years. I think the pandemic has made us all adapt in many ways to the new circumstances, and our research has been in some ways strengthened by that. Regardless, I think most historians are happy that they can get back to in person research again. There’s no replacement for the unique experience of being in libraries and archives.

UHP: Is there anything that is not to miss in this volume?

SB: I think when you read this collection of articles together, you will find that each of them highlights these issues well. This special issue will probably be very interesting for those in more traditional area studies backgrounds, too, since each article has a regional focus of sorts (although always with external/global examples to compare those regional examples with).

 UHP: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know?

SB: I hope that readers will continue the work that our authors in this special edition have done with employing a comparative lens to the study of late nineteenth century travel. As I mention in my introductory piece for the special edition, I think that there is potential for many more studies that take a similar approach, given the high volume of existing travel accounts from that era. I hope some will be inspired by this collection to locate aspects of their own research topics that could benefit from taking this kind of comparative approach. I would be very pleased to read future articles in the Journal of World History which take this comparative approach to exploring the relationships between empire and long-distance travel.

Read the special issue here on Project MUSE.

Mutiny and Aftermath: James Morrison’s Account of the Mutiny on the Bounty and the Island of Tahiti

Smith&Thomas-Mutiny-and-AftermathThe mutiny on the Bounty was one of the most controversial events of eighteenth-century maritime history. Mutiny and Aftermath publishes a full and absorbing narrative of the events by one of the participants, the boatswain’s mate James Morrison, who tells the story of the mounting tensions over the course of the voyage out to Tahiti, the fascinating encounter with Polynesian culture there, and the shocking drama of the event itself. It is based directly on a close study of Morrison’s original manuscript, one of the treasures of the Mitchell Library in Sydney, Australia.

The editors, Vanessa Smith and Nicholas Thomas, assess and explain Morrison’s observations of Islander culture and social relations, both on Tubuai in the Austral Islands and on Tahiti itself. The book fully identifies the Tahitian people and places that Morrison refers to and makes this remarkable text accessible for the first time to all those interested in an extraordinary chapter of early Pacific history.

“Morrison’s Account of the Mutiny on the Bounty has been known to scholars and students through Owen Rutter’s 1935 edition. Smith and Thomas draw on all the relevant scholarship in the seventy-five years since this edition, as well as their own distinguished research and expert understanding of Pacific cultures, to provide readers with an impeccable work of scholarship that will be an essential point of reference for all future writing on Tahiti at the time of first contact as well as on the Bounty mutiny itself.”—Rod Edmond, University of Kent

October 2013 / ISBN 978-0-8248-3676-4 / $45.00 cloth