New Catalogs Available: Spring 2014 New Books and 2014 Hawai‘i & the Pacific


Happy New Year! To kick off 2014, two new catalogs are now available for download as PDFs: our Spring 2014 catalog of new and forthcoming titles and our 2014 Hawai‘i and the Pacific complete list of new and in-print backlist books. Both include dozens of the latest titles from UH Press and the publishers we distribute. Click on the image above or go to:

New Catalog Available: Books for Fall 2013

Fall 2013
The UH Press Fall 2013 catalog is now available!

Highlights include:

* A beautifully illustrated guide to plants  for watersmart tropical xeriscape gardens  — The Watersmart Garden: 100 Great Plants for the Tropical Xeriscape

* A look at how current attempts to preserve Hawai‘i’s native fauna and flora are embracing the emerging paradigm of ecological restoration — Restoring Paradise: Rethinking and Rebuilding Nature in Hawai‘i

* A revised and expanded edition of a popular guidebook to East O‘ahu’s spectacular nature preserve — Exploring Hanauma Bay: Revised and Expanded

* California roll, Chinese take-out, American-made kimchi, dogmeat, monosodium glutamate, SPAM: an exploration of the other side of Asian gastronomy — Dubious Gastronomy: The Cultural Politics of Eating Asian in the USA

* A reconsideration of the sudden and dramatic emergence of aesthetic eccentricity during the Edo period — The Aesthetics of Strangeness: Eccentricity and Madness in Early Modern Japan

* Retelling and remodeling history in twentieth-century Dutch Indies and Indonesian literarature — Situated Testimonies: Dread and Enchantment in an Indonesian Literary Archive

* The first scholarly edition of a classic of Pacific history and anthropology — Mutiny and Aftermath: James Morrison’s Account of the Mutiny on the Bounty and the Island of Tahiti

* A comprehensive, empirically grounded study of the production, circulation, and reception of Japanese popular culture in Asia — Regionalizing Culture: The Political Economy of Japanese Popular Culture in Asia

* A book for those allergic to the wide-eyed superficiality of ordinary travel literature — A Faraway, Familiar Place: An Anthropologist Returns to Papua New Guinea

New Catalog Available: Asian Studies 2013

Asian Studies 2013
The UH Press Asian Studies 2013 catalog is now available! The catalog has been redesigned to showcase our new and forthcoming Asian studies titles. (All books published prior to late 2012 and currently in print can be found at our website.) To view the PDF, click on the catalog cover image to the left.

Highlights include:

* An illustrated anthology of well-known masterpieces and unusual writing from 18th-century Edo’s counterculture — An Edo Anthology: Literature from Japan’s Mega-City, 1750–1850

*Four new titles in the Spatial Habitus series — The Hermit’s Hut: Asceticism and Architecutre in India, China’s Contested Capital: Architecture, Ritual, and Response in Nanjing, Architecture and Urbanism in Modern Korea, and Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China

* Short fiction from Japan’s foremost Marxist writer, Kobayashi Takiji, including a new translation of an anticapitalist classic that became a runaway bestseller in Japan in 2008, nearly eight decades after its publication — The Crab Cannery Ship and Other Novels of Struggle

* A timely collection of essays exploring Japan’s role in global environmental transformation and how Japanese ideas have shaped bodies and landscapes over the centuries — Japan at Nature’s Edge: The Environmental Context of a Global Power

* An expansive new study on the varied roles Southeast Asia’s monumental remains (Angkor, Pagan, Borobudur, and Ayutthaya, among others) have played in the histories of its modern nations — A Heritage of Ruins: The Ancient Sites of Southeast Asia and Their Conservation

* Close description and analysis of the history, geographical whereabouts, and doctrinal positions of early schools of Buddhism by André Bareau, one of the foremost scholars of Buddhism of his generation — The Buddhist Schools of the Small Vehicle

* Two volumes in the new series Korean Classics Library — Salvation through Dissent: Tonghak Heterodoxy and Early Modern Korea and Imperatives of Culture: Selected Essays on Korean History, Literature, and Society

New Catalog Available: Hawaii and the Pacific 2013

New Books 2012-2013
The UH Press Hawai‘i and the Pacific 2013 catalog is now available! To view the 3.5M PDF, click on the catalog cover image to the left.

Highlights include:

*A revised and expanded edition of a popular guide to East O‘ahu’s spectacular nature preserve (Exploring Hanauma Bay: Revised and Expanded Edition)

* An updated classic of Chinese cookery (Mary Sia’s Classic Chinese Cookbook)

* A book of sensible, practical, and doable suggestions about how to work on your life from the founder of Constructive Living (Water, Snow, Water: Constructive Living for Mental Health)

* A fully illustrated guide to Hawai‘i’s Japanese Buddhist temples (Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawai‘i)

* A look at ecological restoration—the science and art of assisting the recovery of degraded species and ecosystems—in current attempts to preserve Hawai‘i’s native fauna and flora (Restoring Paradise: Rethinking and Rebuilding Nature in Hawai‘i)

* A collection of some of freshest and most original writing on sovereignty being done today (Sovereignty: Frontiers of Possibility)

* A book for westerners puzzled by Micronesian ways—and others struggling to make sense of cultural exchanges they don’t quite understand (Making Sense of Micronesia: The Logic of Pacific Island Culture)

* Hawai‘i author Gary Pak explores the social and psychological turmoil experienced by Korean Americans during and after the Korean War (Brothers under the Same Sky)

New Catalog Available: New Books Fall 2012-Spring 2013

New Books 2012-2013
The UH Press New Books Fall 2012-Spring 2013 catalog is now available! To view the 1.9M PDF, click on the catalog cover image to the left.

Highlights for Fall 2012 include:

* A full color guide to planting, growing, harvesting, and enjoying your own edible garden (The Small Food Garden)

* The letters of a 19th-century “American Girl in the Hawaiian Islands” (An American Girl in the Hawaiian Islands: Letters of Carrie Prudence Winter, 1890-1893)

* A comprehensive history of the ‘ukulele that places it in a broad historical, cultural, and musical context (The ‘Ukulele: A History)

* Fully illustrated guides to Hawai‘i’s Japanese Buddhist temples (Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawai‘i) and Japan’s Shinto shrines (Shinto Shrines: A Guide to the Sacred Sites of Japan’s Ancient Religion)

* A provocative new book examining the social worlds and interrelationships of trafficking activists along the Thai-Lao border (The Perfect Business? Anti-Trafficking and the Sex Trade along the Mekong)

* An engaging perspective on religion and popular visual media in Japan (Drawing on Tradition: Manga, Anime, and Religion in Contemporary Japan)

* A visually and descriptively rich account of the ways objects and artisans are received and their identities transformed in an Indian village (Making Faces: Self and Image Creation in a Himalayan Valley)

* A new edition in the best-selling Korean language textbook series (Integrated Korean: Intermediate 1, Second Edition)

* The definitive volume on loulu, Hawai‘i’s only native palm (Loulu: The Hawaiian Palm)

* The first English translation of a major work by “Japan’s Edgar Allan Poe,” Edogawa Ranpo (Strange Tale of Panorama Island)

* An accessible and clear explication of the oldest surviving Buddhist school (Theravada Buddhism: The View of the Elders)

New Catalog: Asian Studies 2012

Asian Studies 2012 catalog
The UH Press Asian Studies 2012 catalog is now available online. To view the 3.8M PDF, click on the cover image to the left.

Highlights include:

* A pioneering study of the fate of Buddhism during the communist period in Cambodia (Buddhism in a Dark Age: Cambodian Monks under Pol Pot)

* The first major work of Edogawa Ranpo (1894-1965), “Japan’s Edgar Allan Poe” (Strange Tale of Panorama Island)

* The first definitive chronicle of a remarkable phenomenon in Chinese architecture (Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China)

* A new volume in the Dimensions of Asian Spirituality series (Theravada Buddhism: The View of the Elders)

* A study of Buddhist miracle texts by one of the preeminent scholars of Chinese religion (Signs from the Unseen Realm: Buddhist Miracle Tales from Early Medieval China)

* Two new volumes in a series designed to help students learn the most frequently used Chinese characters (Remembering Traditional Hanzi 2Remembering Simplified Hanzi 2)

* Innovative studies on Japanese popular and visual culture (Passionate Friendship: The Aesthetics of Girl Culture in Japan; Drawing on Tradition: Manga, Anime, and Religion in Contemporary Japan; The Art of Censorship in Postwar Japan; Japanese Cinema in the Digital Age)

* A colorful, comprehensive guide to Hawai‘i’s Japanese Buddhist temples (Japanese Buddhist Temples of Hawai‘i: An Illustrated Guide)

* The latest books in a popular Korean language textbook series (Integrated Korean: Intermediate 1, Second Edition, Textbook, Workbook)

* A richly illustrated look at the artisans of Himachal Pradesh and their work (Making Faces: Self and Image Creation in a Himalayan Valley)

* An insider’s view of the sex trade on the Lao-Thai border (The Perfect Business? Anti-Trafficking and the Sex Trade along the Mekong)

New Catalog: Hawaii and the Pacific 2012

Hawaii and the Pacific 2012 catalog
The UH Press Hawai‘i and the Pacific 2012 catalog is now available. To view the 4.6M PDF (the catalog is available online only), click on the cover image to the left.

Highlights include:

* An illustrated history of the ‘ukulele (The ‘Ukulele: A History)

* A handy guide to “power foods”: fruits, vegetables, and nuts that could save your life (Eat Smart, Stay Well)

* The story behind the conservation of the Big Island’s King Kamehameha statue and its meaning for the residents of Kapa‘au (The Painted King: Art, Activism, and Authenticity in Hawai‘i)

* Two histories of Kaluapapa/Makanalua: (Kalaupapa: A Collective Memory) and (Ma‘i Lepera: A History of Leprosy in Nineteenth-Century Hawai‘i)

* An illustrated compilation of traditional Hawaiian design (Links to the Past: The Work of Early Hawaiian Artisans)

* Two works offering invaluable insights into Hawaiian culture: (No Na Mamo: Traditional Contemporary Hawaiian Beliefs and Practices) and (I Ulu I Ke Kumu: The Hawai‘inuiakea Monograph)

* The autobiography of legendary Hawai‘i jazzman Gabe Baltazar Jr. (If It Swings, It’s Music: The Autobiography of Hawai‘i’s Gabe Baltazar Jr.)

* A trek into the past with Hawai‘i hiking expert Stuart Ball (Native Paths to Volunteer Trails: Hiking and Trail Building on O‘ahu)

* The most comprehensive and thoroughly illustrated treatment of loulu, the Hawaiian palm (Loulu: The Hawaiian Palm)

* A look at the complex interaction between lived sexualities and socio-legal mores at the turn of the 20th century (Queer Compulsions: Race, Nation, and Sexuality in the Affairs of Yone Noguchi)

* A posthumous work detailing the spiritual journey of a young Japanese scholar who immersed himself in Australian Indigenous culture (Gurindji Journey: A Japanese Historian in the Outback)

New Catalog Available: New Books Fall 2011-Spring 2012

New Books 2011-2012
The UH Press New Books Fall 2011-Spring 2012 catalog is now available! To view the 5.4M PDF, click on the catalog cover image to the left.

Highlights for Fall 2011 include:

* A handy guide to “power foods”: fruits, vegetables, and nuts that could save your life (Eat Smart, Stay Well)

* The story behind the conservation of  the Big Island’s King Kamehameha statue and its meaning for the residents of Kapa‘au (The Painted King: Art, Activism, and Authenticity in Hawai‘i)

* John Clark’s history of traditional Hawaiian surfing (Hawaiian Surfing: Traditions from the Past)

* The second Mina Beckwith and Ned Manusia murder mystery from Victoria Kneubuhl (Murder Leaves Its Mark)

* A penetrating, personal look at the effects of colonialism, poverty, and drug addiction in Hawai‘i (Big Happiness: The Life and Death of a Modern Hawaiian Warrior)

* An illustrated compilation of traditional Hawaiian design (Links to the Past: The Work of Early Hawaiian Artisans)

* A work celebrating the philosophy and way of life of Native Hawaiian culture (No Na Mamo: Traditional and Contemporary Hawaiian Beliefs and Practices)

* An exploration of the cultural logic behind the custom of burning paper money in China and elsewhere (Burning Money: The Material Spirit of the Chinese Lifeworld)

* The history of one of the most important movements in modern Japanese art (Maximum Embodiment: Yoga, and the “Western Painting” of Japan, 1912-1955)

* A literary introduction to the Vietnamese-American experience (My Viet: Vietnamese-American Literature in English, 1962–Present)

* A long-awaited work that uncovers the richness and diversity of Japanese philosophy in a single volume (Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook)

New Catalog Available: Asian Studies 2011

Asian Studies 2011
The UH Press Asian Studies 2011 catalog is now available! To view the 2.3M PDF, click on the catalog cover image to the left.

Highlights include:
* A richly illustrated work that examines the coalescing of Chinese traditional architecture and the Beaux-Arts school (Chinese Architecture and the Beaux-Arts)
* The first sustained effort in English to discuss Japan’s post-Meiji visual revolution (Since Meiji: Perspectives on the Japanese Visual Arts, 1868-2000)
* A look at the shojo manga (girls’ comics) industry as a site of cultural storytelling (Straight from the Heart: Gender, Intimacy, and the Cultural Production of Shojo Manga)
* A new edition of a popular textbook on learning kanji (Remembering the Kanji 1: A Complete Course on How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Japanese Characters, Sixth Edition)
* New titles in the series Dimensions of Asian Spirituality (Karma); (Sikhism); (Neo-Confucian Self-Cultivation)
* A nuanced study and English translation of the first written transcription of Ainu oral narratives by an ethnic Ainu (Ainu Spirits Singing: The Living World of Chiri Yukie’s Ainu Shin’yoshu)
* A compelling, firsthand account by a Japanese fisherman of the Bikini nuclear test and its aftermath (The Day the Sun Rose in the West: Bikini, the Lucky Dragon, and I)
* New titles in the series Southeast Asia: Politics, Meaning, and Memory (Refiguring Women, Colonialism, and Modernity in Burma); (Luc Xi: Prostitution and Venereal Disease in Colonial Hanoi)

New Catalog Available: Hawaii & the Pacific 2011

Hawai‘i & the Pacific 2011
The UH Press Hawai‘i & the Pacific 2011 catalog is now available! To view the 3.4M PDF, click on the catalog cover image to the left. To view and print a 10.2M version, go to our catalogs page:

Highlights include:
* A history of surfing compiled by John R. K. Clark and narrated primarily by native Hawaiians who wrote for the Hawaiian-language newspapers of the 1800s (Hawaiian Surfing: Traditions from the Past)
* A illustrated review of environmental concerns in Hawai‘i with an eye toward resolution by focusing on “place-based” management (Living on the Shores of Hawai‘i: Natural Hazards, the Environment, and Our Communities)
* The inaugural volume of the Race and Ethnicity in Hawai`i series (Haoles in Hawai`i)
* An eye-opening look at the relationship between surfing and colonialism in Hawai‘i (Waves of Resistance: Surfing and History in Twentieth-Century Hawai‘i)
* A new anthology of contemporary Polynesian poetry in English, co-edited by Albert Wendt (Mauri Ola: Contemporary Polynesian Poems in English)
* A collection of short stories by Wakako Yamauchi,“ one of the foremothers of Asian American writing” (Rosebud and Other Stories)
* A text that raises key questions about the capacity of pattern across the Pacific to bind and sustain ideas about place, body, and genealogy (Lines That Connect: Rethinking Pattern and Mind in the Pacific)

New Catalog Available: New Books Fall 2010-Spring 2011

New Books 2010
The UH Press Fall 2010-Spring 2011 catalog is now available! To view the 4.1M PDF, click on the catalog cover image to the left.

Highlights include:
* A timely collection of essays on the current state of Hawai`i addressing topics such as education, the environment, tourism, political culture, government, and poverty (The Value of Hawai`i: Knowing the Past, Shaping the Future)
* A fully illustrated coursebook that provides comprehensive instruction in the history and practical techniques of Chinese calligraphy (Chinese Writing and Calligraphy)
* A lavishly illustrated volume that traces the life and work of Hart Wood (1880-1957), an outspoken leader in the development of a Hawaiian style of architecture (Hart Wood: Architectural Regionalism in Hawaii)
* The inaugural volume of the Race and Ethnicity in Hawai`i series (Haoles in Hawai`i)
* New titles in the series Southeast Asia: Politics, Meaning, and Memory (In Buddha’s Company: Thai Soldiers in the Vietnam War; Refiguring Women, Colonialism, and Modernity in Burma)
* An analysis of the origins, development, and distinctive features of Japan’s public spaces (Parkscapes: Green Spaces in Modern Japan)
* A new student-oriented dictionary in the ABC Chinese Dictionary series (ABC English-Chinese, Chinese-English Dictionary)
* A comic novel from the author of one of China’s most famous works of fiction, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (The Three Sui Quash the Demons’ Revolt)
* An introduction to the principle of dharma, the latest in the Dimensions of Asian Spirituality series (Dharma)

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