Journal of World History, vol. 28, no. 2 (2017)

The March issue of  Journal of World History volume 28 number 2 features the following articles and a special forum by world history scholars:


  • Why Do Only Some Places Have History? Japan, the West, and the Geography of the Past
    By Julia Adeney Thomas
  • Cross-Cultural Friendship and Legal Pluralities in the Early Pacific Salt-Pork Trade
    By Alecia Pru Simmonds
  • We are Not Pirates: Portugal, China, and the Pirates of Coloane (Macao), 1910
    By Robert J. Antony

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#LookItUP: U.S. Policy, Economics, and International Relations in UHP Journals


upweekiconThis is Part 2 in a series of University of Hawai`i Press blog posts celebrating University Press Week and highlighting scholarship published by UH Press journals in the past year. Read our introductory blog post here. Our hope is that this series will shed new light on how UH Press “sells the facts,” so to speak, and the value our 24 journals bring to our very existence. Links to each journal and article are provided below.*

U.S. Policy, Economics, and International Relations


The Hawaiian Journal of HistoryVolume 50, 2016
Article: “Jeeps, Communists, and Quonset Huts: World War II Surplus Disposal in the Territory of Hawai‘i” by Gwen Sinclair

Context: The effects of militarization and colonialism in Hawai’i are brought into focus with a historical analysis of how the U.S. government took ownership of and dispersal of supplies after World War II. The market produced by these historic events continues to affect the current Hawai’i-U.S. mainland political climate, and are exasperated by comments from the 45th president about “boycotting” Hawai’i.


Journal of World HistoryVolume 28, Number 1, March 2017
Article: “Cotton and the Global Origins of Capitalism” by Sven Beckert

Context: While politicians on both sides of the U.S. election toted arguments of a lost domestic economy to industries overseas, the history of capitalism in the U.S. has always stretched beyond the nation’s borders. From his World History Association keynote address, Sven Beckert sets the tone for this issue’s special forum, which also makes a call for better understandings: “Commodity-focused histories are one powerful way to move toward a history beyond the nation-state, partly because they give empirical specificity to far-flung connections, partly because they allow us to bring the lessons of social history into global history, partly because they provide audiences for global history, and partly because, if done right, they can help us better understand some of the largest questions of world history.”

jj_2016_cover6HRReview of Japanese Culture and SocietyVolume 28, 2016
Special Section: Postwar Recovery, Affluence, and Its Critique

Context: What does reconstruction look like in a nation that lost a war and suffered two nuclear attacks? The Review of Japanese Culture and Society compiled a section of articles from Japanese photographers, architects, advertisers, and designers to share perspectives on the past and present postwar landscape.


untitledKorean Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal on Korea and Koreans AbroadVolume 41, 2017
Article: “Informal Empire: The Origins of the U.S.–ROK Alliance and the 1953 Mutual Defense Treaty Negotiations” by Victor D. Cha

Context: In a search for validity, scholar Victor D. Cha unpacks a rare archival account of the 1953 mutual defense treaty negotiations that led to the creation of the U.S.-Republic of Korea (ROK) alliance.


jdsJournal of Daoist Studies, Volume 10, 2017
Article: “The American Transformation of Daoist Cultivation” by Livia Kohn

Context: Livia Kohn studies the Chinese influence on American healthcare, including cognitive therapy and stress relief: “Since 1965, when the Immigration Act was changed to allow Asians to immigrate to the United States, Chinese healing and longevity methods have become increasingly popular in America.”

*Institutional access to online aggregators such as Project MUSE may be required for full-text reading. For access questions, please see the Project MUSE FAQ available here or contact your local library.

UHP-primarylogo-2cEstablished in 1947, the University of Hawai`i Press supports the mission of the university through the publication of books and journals of exceptional merit. The Press strives to advance knowledge through the dissemination of scholarship—new information, interpretations, methods of analysis—with a primary focus on Asian, Pacific, Hawaiian, Asian American, and global studies. It also serves the public interest by providing high-quality books, journals and resource materials of educational value on topics related to Hawai`i’s people, culture, and natural environment. Through its publications the Press seeks to stimulate public debate and educate both within and outside the classroom.

For more information on the University of  Hawai`i Press and our publications, visit To receive table-of-contents email alerts for these publications, please click here to sign up at Project MUSE.

Journal of World History, vol. 28, no. 1 (2017)

The March issue of  Journal of World History volume 28 number 1 features the following articles and a special forum by world history scholars:


  • The Global Renaissance
    by Peter Burke, Luke Clossey, and Felipe Fernández-Armesto
  • The Jesuit Heresiological Discourse as an Enlightenment Project in Early Modern China
    by Qiong Zhang
  • Japanese Colonialism in Comparative Perspective
    by Anne Booth and Kent Deng

Special Forum: Commodity and the Global History of Capitalism: A discussion about Sven Beckert’s Empire of Cotton

  • Editor’s Introduction
    by Eric Vanhaute
  • Cotton and the Global Origins of Capitalism
    by Sven Beckert
  • Empire of Cotton and the Global Countryside
    by Ulbe Bosma
  • Cotton, Capitalism, and Coercion: Some Comments on Sven Beckert’s Empire of Cotton
    by Peer Vries

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 28, no. 1 (2017)”

Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 4 (2016)

The December issue of  Journal of World History volume 27 number 4 features the following articles by world history scholars:

  • S.A.M. Adshead on China, World Institutions, and World History
    by Brian Moloughney
  • From Siam to Greenland: Danish Economic Imperialism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
    by Janina Priebe
  • The New Asia of Rash Behari Bose: India, Japan, and the Limits of the International, 1912–1945
    by Joseph McQuade
  • Surveying Africa in World History: A View from the South (Part 2)
    by Leslie Witz
  • Book Reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 4 (2016)”

CFP: Journal of World History Special Issue on Gender and Empire

JWH26_1_cvr_imgSpecial Issue

Gender and Empire: Intimacies, Bodies, Detritus

The Journal of World History seeks submissions on the topic of Gender and Empire. For more than three decades scholars have incorporated gender studies
into traditional imperial histories to draw attention to the myriad ways in which imperial projects co-created modern gender identities. Emerging from scholarship on the major European empires of the 19th and 20th centuries (British, French, German, and Dutch), studies of gender and empire now include the United States, Russia, and Japan. Similarly, scholarship on colonized areas around the globe now includes Latin America, both postcolonial and  neo-colonial, in addition to Africa and Asia. The range of research topics has also expanded considerably from literal intersections between gender and empire, as seen in policing prostitution and anti-miscegenation laws, to other less literal but no less body-saturated nanny/child relations; transnational foodways; and automobility to name a few. Regardless of foci, these approaches  investigate formations of embodied race and gender identities as central to the  ideology of imperialism as well as to the daily functioning of colonialism on the ground, with special attention to how the latter undercut the former. Continue reading “CFP: Journal of World History Special Issue on Gender and Empire”

Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 3 (2016)

From the Stefan Hübner article, “Images of the Sporting “Civilizing Mission”: The Far Eastern Championship Games (1913–1934) and Visions of Modernization in English-Language Philippine Newspapers” in this issue. Le Petit Journal’s cartoon “En Chine” was published on 16 January 1898 shortly after China accepted Germany’s lease of Jiaozhou Bay.

The March  Journal of World History volume 27 number 3 special issue “Preaching the Civilizing Mission and Modern Cultural Encounters” features the following articles by world history scholars:

  • Sartorial Settlement: The Mission Field and Transformation in Colonial Natal, 1850–1897
    by T.J. Tallie
  • Civilization and Russification in Tsarist Central Asia, 1860–1917
    by Ulrich Hofmeister
  • Singing the Civilizing Mission in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms: The Fisk Jubilee Singers in Nineteenth-Century Germany
    by Kira Thurman
  • From Transformation to Negotiation: A Female Mission in a “City of Schools”
    by Julia Hauser
  • Images of the Sporting “Civilizing Mission”: The Far Eastern Championship Games (1913–1934) and Visions of Modernizing in English-Language Philippine Newspapers
    by Stefan Hübner
  • “Not Far from the Kingdom of God”: Shamanism and Colonial Control in Russia’s Eastern Borderlands, 1853–1917
    by Jesse D. Murray
  • Book Reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 3 (2016)”

Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 2 (2016)

Double carpet- page with swimming fishes. Pentateuch. Sana’a (Yemen), 1469. London, British Library, Ms. Or. 2348, fols. 38v–39. © The British Library Board. Patterns of Artistic Hybridization in the Early Protoglobalization Period*
Double carpet-page with swimming fishes from Patterns of Artistic Hybridization in the Early Protoglobalization Period this issue. Pentateuch. Sana’a (Yemen), 1469.
© The British Library Board.

March’s  Journal of World History volume 27 number 2 features the following articles by world history scholars:

  • The Kingdom of Kongo and the Thirty Year’s War by John K. Thornton
  • Patterns of Artistic Hybridization in the Early Protoglobalization Period by Luís U. Afonso
  • The Global Origins of a “Paraguayan” Sweetener: Ka’a He’e and Stevia in the Twentieth Century, by Bridget María Chesterton and Timothy Yang
  • Reconsidering the Yokohama “Gold Rush” of 1859, by Simon James Bytheway and Martha Chaiklin
  • The Global Construction of International Lay in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of Arbitration, by Steven M. Harris
  • Book Reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 2 (2016)”

Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 1 (2016)

March’s  Journal of World History volume 27 number 1 features the following articles by history scholars:

  • “Lord Cromer’s Shadow”: Political Anglo-Saxonism and the Egyptian Protectorate as a Model in the American Philippines, by Patrick M. Kirkwood
  • The Sundry Acquaintances of Dr. Albino Z. Sycip: Exploring the Shangai-Manila Connection, circa 1910-1940, by Phillip Guingona
  • “Real Problems to Discuss”: The Congress for Cultural Freedom’s Asian and African Expeditions, 1951-1959, by Roland Burke
  • The Ming Rejection of the Portuguese Embassy of 1517: A Reassessment, by James Fujitani
  • Book Reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 1 (2016)”

Journal of World History, vol. 26, no. 4 (2015)

Journal of World History volume 26 number 4 is a special issue edited by Gareth Curless, Stacey Hynd, Temilola Alanamu, and Katherine Roscoe. Titled “The British World as World History: Networks in Imperial and Global History,” this dedicated issue features imperial historians inspired by the “cultural turn” and the rise of global history. Instead of accounts that focus on a metropolitan center and a colonial periphery, scholars now advocate

a decentered approach to the study of empire, which emphasizes the importance of paying close attention to the multiple networks of capital, goods, information, and people that existed within and between empires. While these networked treatments of empire have added much to our understanding of imperialism, the articles in this special issue argue that historians must remain sensitive to the specifics of the imperial experience, the limits of imperialism’s global reach, and the way in which imperialism could lead to new forms of exclusion and inequality.

Articles in the special issue include:

  • The Establishment of the Tongwen Guan and the Fragile Sin-British Peace of the 1860s, by Melissa Mouat
  • “Home Allies”: Female Networks, Tensions, and Conflicted Loyalties in India and Van Diemen’s Land, 1826-1849, by Felicity Berry
  • Settler Historicism and Anticolonial Rebuttal in the British World, 1880-1920, by Andam Behm
  • The “Truth” about Kenya: Connection and Contestation in the 1956 Kamiti Controversy, by Katherine Bruce-Lockhart
  • “Tropical Allsorts”: The Transnational Flavor of British Development Policies in Africa, by Charlotte Lynia Riley
  • Functions and Failures of Transnational Activism: Discourses of Children’s Resistance and Repression in Global Anti-Apartheid Networks, by Emily Bridger
  • Book reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 26, no. 4 (2015)”

Journal of World History, vol. 26, no. 3 (2015)

The Journal of World History volume 26 number 3 features the following works by world history scholars:

  • Female Rule in the Indian Ocean World (1300–1900), by Stefan Amirell
  • Scaling the Local: Canada’s Rideau Canal and Shifting World Heritage Norms, by Aurélie Elisa Gfeller and Jaci Eisenberg
  • How Shall We Live?: Chinese Communal Experiments after the Great War in Global Context, by Shakhar Rahav
  • Anthony Sherley’s Spanish Writings and the Global Early Modern, by Jesús López-Peláez Casellas
  • Cholera, Colonialism, and Pilgrimage: Exploring Global/Local Exchange in the Central Egyptian Delta, by Stephanie Anne Boyle
  • Locating Africans on the World Stage: A Problem in World History, by Patrick Manning
  • Book Reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 26, no. 3 (2015)”

Journal of World History, vol. 26, no. 2 (2015)

The Journal of World History volume 26 number 2 features the following articles by world history scholars:

  • Nutritional Standards of Living in England and the Yangtze Delta (Jiangnan), circa 1644-circa 1840: Clarifying Data for Reciprocal Comparisons, by Kent Deng and Patrick O’Brien
  • The Soviet Union, the United States, and Industrial Agriculture, by Aaron Hale-Dorrell
  • Collective Learning: A Potential Unifying Theme of Human History, by David Baker
  • On the Precipice of Ruin: Consumption, Sumptuary Laws, and Decadence in Early Modern Portuguese India, by Nandini Chaturvendula
  • Book Reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 26, no. 2 (2015)”

Journal of World History, vol. 26, no. 1 (2015)

Sir Walter Lamb and Zhuang Shangyan (Chuang Shang-yen) checking cases as they arrive at Burlington House. This image is featured in Ilaria Scaglia’s article, “The Aesthetics of Internationalism,” in this new issue of The Journal of World History. © Royal Academy of Arts, London.

The Journal of World History volume 26 number 1 features the following articles by world history scholars:

  • The Repugnant Other: Soldiers, Missionaries, and Aid Workers as Organizational Migrants, by Leo Lucassen and Aniek X. Smit
  • “Town of God”: Ota Benga, the Batetela Boys, and the Promise of Black America, by Karen Sotiropoulos
  • Collective Learning: A Potential Unifying Theme of Human History, by David Baker
  • The Aesthetics of Internationalism: Culture and Politics on Display at the 1935-1936 International Exhibition of Chinese Art, by Ilaria Scaglia
  • Special Forum: The Afterlife of Geoffrey Parker’s Global Crisis, with contributions by Geoffrey Parker, Lauren Benton, Daniel Headrick, Joseph C. Miller, and Carla Gardina Pestana
  • Book Reviews

Continue reading “Journal of World History, vol. 26, no. 1 (2015)”