Journal of World History, vol. 27, no. 3 (2016)

From the Stefan Hübner article, “Images of the Sporting “Civilizing Mission”: The Far Eastern Championship Games (1913–1934) and Visions of Modernization in English-Language Philippine Newspapers” in this issue. Le Petit Journal’s cartoon “En Chine” was published on 16 January 1898 shortly after China accepted Germany’s lease of Jiaozhou Bay.

The March  Journal of World History volume 27 number 3 special issue “Preaching the Civilizing Mission and Modern Cultural Encounters” features the following articles by world history scholars:

  • Sartorial Settlement: The Mission Field and Transformation in Colonial Natal, 1850–1897
    by T.J. Tallie
  • Civilization and Russification in Tsarist Central Asia, 1860–1917
    by Ulrich Hofmeister
  • Singing the Civilizing Mission in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms: The Fisk Jubilee Singers in Nineteenth-Century Germany
    by Kira Thurman
  • From Transformation to Negotiation: A Female Mission in a “City of Schools”
    by Julia Hauser
  • Images of the Sporting “Civilizing Mission”: The Far Eastern Championship Games (1913–1934) and Visions of Modernizing in English-Language Philippine Newspapers
    by Stefan Hübner
  • “Not Far from the Kingdom of God”: Shamanism and Colonial Control in Russia’s Eastern Borderlands, 1853–1917
    by Jesse D. Murray
  • Book Reviews

Find the full text of the issue at Project MUSE

About the Journal

The Journal of World History publishes research into historical questions requiring the investigation of evidence on a global, comparative, cross-cultural, or transnational scale. It is devoted to the study of phenomena that transcend the boundaries of single states, regions, or cultures, such as large-scale population movements, long-distance trade, cross-cultural technology transfers, and the transnational spread of ideas.


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