Biography, vol. 36, no. 2 (2013)

Biography 36.2 coverEDITORS’ NOTE, iii


A Series of Dated Traces: Diaries and Film
Christian Quendler, 339

This article investigates deep conceptual affinities between diaries and cinema by reading Philippe Lejeune’s minimal definition of the diary as a “series of dated traces” against theories of film. I propose to regard written testimonial traces and filmic documentary traces as indexes of different modes and complementary semiotic orders. This view will shed light on borrowings and exchanges between filmic documents and personal testimonies, and account for the invigorating role of the diary as a genre of personal and medial explorations.
Continue reading “Biography, vol. 36, no. 2 (2013)”

Asian Theatre Journal, vol. 30, no. 2 (2013)

ATJ 30.2 dancer image
Opening dance of The Little Clay Cart by Epic Actors Workshop of New Jersey, 2010

From the Editor, iii

Color Insert follows page 361


A Kabuki Innovator, Nakamura Kanzaburō XVIII, Dies Too Young: Where Does Kabuki Go from Here?
Laurence Kominz, 267

Kabuki actor, producer, and director Nakamura Kanzaburō XVIII passed away on 5 December 2012, at age fifty-seven, of acute respiratory failure following a half-year battle with throat cancer. Kanzaburō was not just another kabuki star, he was the soul of the art for a huge number of fans, and the hope for kabuki moving in new directions in the future. The “XVIII” indicates that he was the eighteenth-generation actor to bear this name, and his branch of the Nakamura family has owned theaters, managed companies, and directed plays since the early seventeenth century, as well as occasionally providing star actors for the stage.

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Pacific Science, vol. 67, no. 4 (2013)

Pac Sci 67.4 cover
Affinities of Sponges (Porifera) of the Marquesas and Society Islands, French Polynesia
Kathryn A. Hall, Patricia R. Sutcliffe, John N. A. Hooper, Aline Alencar, Jean Vacelet, Andrzej Pisera, Sylvain Petek, Eric Folcher, John Butscher, Joel Orempuller, Nicolas Maihota, and Cécile Debitus, 493

Abstract: This article reports on a survey of sponges from the higher-island reefs and slopes of the Marquesas and Society Islands archipelagos, French Polynesia, recording presence/absence and an estimate of local abundance at 109 sites from six and eight islands within each archipelago, respectively. Continue reading “Pacific Science, vol. 67, no. 4 (2013)”

Language Documentation & Conservation, Special Publication No. 6

LD&C SP06 coverMicrophone in the Mud
By Laura Robinson (with Gary Robinson)

The Journal of Language Documentation & Conservation announces its sixth Special Publication, now available for free download.

In this account of actual fieldwork, a young woman battles armed terrorists, a kidnapper, malaria, a tsunami, and dial-up Internet as she documents the endangered languages of hunter-gatherers in the jungles of the Philippines.

Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 33 (2013)

EDITORS’ INTRODUCTION by Wakoh Shannon Hickey and C. Denise Yarbrough vii


The Contemplative Classroom, or Learning by Heart in the Age of Google
Barbara Newman, 1

The Eternal Present: Slow Knowledge and the Renewal of Time
Douglas E. Christie, 13

Contemplative Studies and the Liberal Arts
Andrew O. Fort, 23

Continue reading “Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 33 (2013)”

China Review International, vol. 18, no. 3 (2011)


Open Door for Books
By Yun Tang, 259

The “China Model”: Expounding on American Viewpoints (reviewing Philip S. Hsu, Yu-Shan Wu, and Suisheng Zhao, editors, In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus; and Kent E. Calder and Francis Fukuyama, editors, East Asian Multilateralism: Prospects for Regional Stability
Reviewed by Niv Horesh, 270

Continue reading “China Review International, vol. 18, no. 3 (2011)”

Biography, vol. 36, no. 1 (2013): "Baleful Postcoloniality"

Biography 36.1 coverEDITORS’ INTRODUCTIONS

Baleful Postcoloniality and Auto/Biography
Salah D. Hassan, 1

This Introduction suggests how the essays in this Special Issue explore the continued relevance of the term postcoloniality by critically engaging with both postcolonial studies and life writing. By understanding postcoloniality as the global condition of the current baleful historic conjuncture—as the paradoxical global condition in which classes, peoples, and nations are subject to residual and often overt manifestations of imperialism and colonialism at a time when no contemporary government, state, international or supranational body, or ideology defines itself as imperialist or colonialist—past critical practices and celebratory tendencies in postcolonial studies can be corrected to recognize the dire conditions of global politics in the present.

Representing Baleful Specters and Uncanny Repetitions: Life Writing and Imperialism’s Afterlives
David Álvarez, 10

The articles in this Special Issue scrutinize life writing that provides varied evidence of balefulness—in the sense of a harm-causing force and a painful subjective condition—as a constitutive trait of the not-quite post-colonial present. Addressing themselves to a variety of sites, conjunctures, and texts from around the globe, the essays deploy, test, interrogate, and revise the term, as they analyze forms of life writing that are shaped by or that shape imperialism’s afterlives in the present. Singly and jointly, the articles shed light on the historical and contemporary structures that assail us, and on the possible contingencies that might counter them. Together, they convey the appositeness of “baleful postcoloniality” and the resistances to it as signs of and signposts to the dark yet hopeful times we inhabit.
Continue reading “Biography, vol. 36, no. 1 (2013): "Baleful Postcoloniality"”

U.S.–Japan Women's Journal, no. 44 (2013)

Distributed for Jōsai International Center for the Promotion of Art and Science, Jōsai University

p. 1

Gendered Interpretations of Female Rule: The Case of Himiko, Ruler of Yamatai
Akiko Yoshie, Hitomi Tonomura, Azumi Ann Takata, pp. 3-23
— 古代日本の女王ヒミコをめぐるジェンダー言説

More “Ordinary Women”: Gender Stereotypes in Arguments for Increased Female Representation in Japanese Politics
Emma Dalton, pp. 24-42
— 「普通の女性」を政治の場に: 日本の女性議員を増やそうという主張にみられる性的固定観念

Women and Political Life in Early Meiji Japan: The Case of the Okayama Joshi Konshinkai (Okayama Women’s Friendship Society)
Marnie S. Anderson, pp. 43-66
— 明治前期における女性と政治生活: 岡山女子懇親会を中心に

Meiji Women’s Educators as Public Intellectuals: Shimoda Utako and Tsuda Umeko
Linda L. Johnson, pp. 67-92
— パブリック知識人として明治女子教育者: 下田詩子と津田梅子

Opportunities and Constraints for Late Meiji Women: The Cases of Hasegawa Kitako and Hasegawa Shigure
Mara Patessio, pp. 93-118
— 明治後期の女性の機会と制約: 長谷川喜多子と長谷川時雨の場合

U.S.–Japan Women's Journal, no. 43 (2013)

Distributed for Jōsai International Center for the Promotion of Art and Science, Jōsai University

Women Writing, Writing Women: Essays in Memory of Professor Satoko Kan
Amanda C. Seaman, pp. 3-10

Why a Good Man Is Hard to Find in Meiji Fiction: Tamura Toshiko’s Akirame (Resignation)
Timothy J. Van Compernolle, pp. 11-32

Sexualization of the Disabled Body: Tanabe Seiko’s “Joze to tora to sakanatachi” (Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish)
Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase, pp. 33-47

Oases of Discontent: Suburban Space in Takahashi Takako and Abe Kōbō
Amanda C. Seaman, pp. 48-62

BL (Boys’ Love) Literacy: Subversion, Resuscitation, and Transformation of the (Father’s) Text
Tomoko Aoyama, pp. 63-84

Romantic Adventures in Prose: Ren’ai Shōsetsu (Romance Novels) by Yuikawa Kei
Eileen B. Mikals-Adachi, pp. 85-105

The Destinations of “Women’s Friendships”: Imperializing Education in The Women’s Classroom
Satoko Kan, Lucy Fraser, Takeuchi Kayo, pp. 106-125
(Note correction)

Journal of World History, vol. 24, no. 2 (2013)


The Rise and Global Significance of the First “West”: The Medieval Islamic Maghrib
Fabio López Lázaro, 259

Evidence exists that the first historically verifiable use of the term “West” as a self-ascriptive political construct occurred in the medieval Almohad Muslim empire that united al-Andalus (Iberia) and North Africa in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Known as the Maghrib in Arabic, this hegemonic label served successfully as a strategic synecdoche for the Almohads’ ideological reformulation of their African-European society. While surrounding polities admired and imitated the Almohad West, its philosophical underpinnings created an intellectual revolution that threatened both Islamic and Christian elites and ultimately undermined Islamic toleration of Christian and Jewish subjects. Comprehending the Maghrib’s complex role in the creation of Western civilization clarifies the dialectical relationship of its two political heirs, modern Islamic North Africa and Christian Europe.

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