China Review International, vol. 18, no. 3 (2011)


Open Door for Books
By Yun Tang, 259

The “China Model”: Expounding on American Viewpoints (reviewing Philip S. Hsu, Yu-Shan Wu, and Suisheng Zhao, editors, In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus; and Kent E. Calder and Francis Fukuyama, editors, East Asian Multilateralism: Prospects for Regional Stability
Reviewed by Niv Horesh, 270

Chun-chieh Huang, Humanism in East Asian Confucian Contexts
Reviewed by John A. Tucker, 284

Wendy Swartz, Reading Tao Yuanming: Shifting Paradigms of Historical Reception (427–1900); and Robert Ashmore, The Transport of Reading: Text and Understanding in the World of Tao Qian (365–427)
Reviewed by Nicholas Morrow Williams, 294


Letter to Editor, CRI
By James Cahill, 307

A Rejoinder to Cahill’s Letter
By Michael Chang, 309


Joel Andreas, Rise of the Red Engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China’s New Class
Reviewed by Denise Y. Ho, 310

Jack W. Chen, The Poetics of Sovereignty: On Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty
Reviewed by Hilde De Weerdt. 314

Joseph W. Esherick, Ancestral Leaves: A Family Journey through Chinese History
Reviewed by Guy Alitto, 317

Aaron L. Friedberg, A Contest for Supremacy: China, America, and the Struggle for Mastery in Asia
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 320

Meow Hui Goh, Sound and Sight: Poetry and Courtier Culture in the Yongming Era (483–493)
Reviewed by Nicholas Morrow Williams, 327

Michael Heng Siam-Heng and Ten Chin Liew, editors, State and Secularism: Perspectives from Asia
Reviewed by Peter van der Veer, 333

Margaret Hillenbrand, Literature, Modernity, and the Practice of Resistance: Japanese and Taiwanese Fiction, 1960–1990
Reviewed by Sylvia Li-chun and Christopher Ahn, 334

Paul W. Kroll, Essays in Medieval Chinese Literature and Cultural History
Reviewed by Xurong Kong, 342

Gregory B. Lee, China’s Lost Decade: Cultural Politics and Poetics 1978–1990
Reviewed by Krista Van Fleit Hang, 346

Mark Edward Lewis, China between Empires: The Northern and Southern Dynasties
Reviewed by Rafe de Crespigny, 350

Li Tang, East Syriac Christianity in Mongol-Yuan China
Reviewed by Mateo Nicolini-Zani 354

Paul T. K. Lin with Eileen Chen Lin, In the Eye of the China Storm: A Life between East and West
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 358

Perry Link, editor, The Scholar’s Mind: Essays in Honor of Frederick W. Mote
Reviewed by Sarah Schneewind, 364

Paul P. Mariani, Church Militant: Bishop Kung and Catholic Resistance in Communist Shanghai
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 370

Mary G. Mazur, Wu Han, Historian: Son of China’s Times
Reviewed by Denise Y. Ho, 375

Stephen McDowall, Qian Qianyi’s Reflections on Yellow Mountain: Traces of a Late-Ming Hatchet and Chisel
Reviewed by Allan H. Barr, 380

Eugenio Menegon, Ancestors, Virgins, and Friars: Christianity as a Local Religion in Late Imperial China
Reviewed by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, 382

Rebecca Nedostup, Superstitious Regimes: Religion and the Politics of Chinese Modernity
Reviewed by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, 387

Helen Rees, editor, Lives in Chinese Music
Reviewed by Chuen-Fung Wong, 389

Flora Sapio, Sovereign Power and the Law in China
Reviewed by Michael W. Dowdle, 392

Jonathan Schwartz and Shawn Shieh, editors, State and Society Responses to Social Welfare Needs in China: Serving the People
Reviewed by Qingwen Xu, 395

Nicola Spakowski, Mit Mut an die Front. Die militärische Beteiligung von Frauen in der kommunistischen Revolution Chinas (1925–1949)
Reviewed by Gotelind Müller, 398

Phillip Stalley, Foreign Firms, Investment, and Environmental Regulation in the People’s Republic of China
Reviewed by Jack Patrick Hayes, 403

Spring Su, Property Ownership and Private Higher Education in China: On What Grounds?
Reviewed by H. Swindall, 405

Wang Di, The Teahouse: Small Business, Everyday Culture, and Public Politics in Chengdu, 1900–1950
Reviewed by Toby Lincoln, 409

Teresa Wright, Accepting Authoritarianism: State-Society Relations in China’s Reform Era
Reviewed by Jonathan Unger, 413

Xu Xiaoqun, Trial of Modernity: Judicial Reform in Early Twentieth Century China, 1901–1937
Reviewed by R. Kent Guy, 416

Wang Zhihe (王治河) and Fan Meijun (樊美筠), Second Enlightenment 第二次启蒙
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 420