Korean Studies, vol. 37 (2013): Urban Cultural Landscapes of Colonial Korea, 1920s–1930s


Guest Editor: Yung-Hee Kim

Guest Editor’s Introduction
Yung-Hee Kim, 1

This special issue of Korean Studies includes selected articles originally presented as papers at the ‘‘Tapestry of Modernity: Urban Cultural Landscapes of Colonial Korea, 1920s–1930s: An International Interdisciplinary Conference’’ held at the Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, February 16–17, 2012. The conference was part of the Center’s project to commemorate its fortieth anniversary.
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Asian Theatre Journal, vol. 31, no. 1 (2014)

The character of Tokio, the son in Yakiniku Dragon, acts as narrator.
The character of Tokio, the son in Yakiniku Dragon, acts as narrator. (Photo: Courtesy the Japan National Theatre)

From the Editor, v

Color Insert follows page 152


Beate Sirota Gordon: Producing Performance at the Asia Society
Kathy Foley, 1

Beate Sirota Gordon (1923–2012) of the Asia Society became a major producer, promoting Japanese and Asian performance in New York and across the United States from the 1950s through the 1990s. Her work contributed to education about Asia in the United States, garnered support for Asian artists both in their home country and in global venues, contributed to intercultural explorations in avant garde circles, and was a contributor to cultural diplomacy through performance in the Cold War era.
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Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, vol. 3, no. 1 (2014)


The Globalization of K-pop: Local and Transnational Articulations of South Korean Popular Music

Editor’s Introduction
Guest Editor John Lie (University of California, Berkeley), 1

The global pop-music sensation of 2012 was Psy’s “Gangnam Style.” I am not sure if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but the sheer proliferation of downloads and impersonations, copycat videos and parodic performances—the very constitution of virality—established K-pop (South Korean popular music) as a global pop culture phenomenon. … It is one thing to acknowledge the immense popularity of “Gangnam Style,” but would it be wise to see this as a harbinger of a larger phenomenon—namely, the globalization of South Korean popular culture?
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Coming Summer 2014: Manoa, vol. 26, no. 1, Starry Island: New Writing from Singapore

MA 26-1 cover art_for blogThe summer 2014 issue of Manoa, Starry Island: New Writing from Singapore, features work by over two dozen writers and translators. Images in the issue come from several sources: the British Library, National Archives of Singapore, National Gallery of Australia, National Library of Singapore, and contemporary photographers Nina Papiorek, Salvador Manaois III, Peter Marlow, and Stuart Franklin. Fiona Sze-Lorrain serves as guest editor.

The Contemporary Pacific, vol. 26, no. 1 (2014)

TCP 26-1 coverAbout the Artist: Visesio Poasi Siasau, vii

The Pacific Islands, viii


Climate-Change Migration in the Pacific
John R Campbell, 1

Abstract: Despite considerable debate about whether or not climate change will cause large numbers of people to migrate, there has been little consideration of how such displacement might be caused. Three effects of climate change are identified as possible drivers of migration: loss of or reduction in land security, livelihood security, and habitat security. Where these are destroyed by climate change, migration will be forced and would require the abandonment of some locations. Such community relocation is likely to be a disruptive form of climate-change migration, and past experience indicates that there are numerous social, cultural, emotional, and economic costs associated with such moves, even at relatively small distances. Where the loss of security is partial, voluntary or induced migration may be a practical adaptive response, reducing pressure on declining local life-support systems and providing remittances to supplement declining livelihoods. Most attention has been focused on atoll communities, but most Pacific communities (with the exception of Papua New Guinea) are coastal, and the security of some inland areas may be threatened by increasing magnitude and frequency of droughts. Destinations for climate-change migrants may range from locations within customary lands to foreign countries within and beyond the region. A key issue is the essential link between Pacific Islands people and their land, which poses major problems not only for those forced to leave but also for communities within the region that may be required to give up land for relocatees.
Keywords: climate change, migration, relocation, land security, livelihood security, habitat security
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Philosophy East and West, vol. 64, no. 1 (2014)


What Can Activist Scholars Learn from Rumi?
Radha D’Souza, 1

The neoliberal restructuring of higher education everywhere is accompanied by a distinctive branch of knowledge known as activist scholarship. Drawing from a number of disciplines including education, sociology, social anthropology, social theory, law, and human rights, activist scholarship proclaims as its core mission Marx’s imperative that philosophy should transform the world. Activist scholars affirm human emancipation as the goal of scholarship and set themselves the task of building bridges between theory and practice. There is a spectrum of views on the theory-practice nexus. Regardless, they all share certain common grounds that affirm (1) a nexus between theory and practice; (2) a relationship between knowledge and action; (3) knowledge as a condition for emancipation and freedom; (4) the affirmation of love and solidarity for social change; (5) the importance of everyday life; and (6) the role of the activist scholar in social change. These themes form part of a long and entrenched tradition in dissident Eastern philosophies, in particular the poet-saint traditions. Here each of the themes in activist scholarship is interrogated using the works of Mawlana Jalal al Din Rumi, the thirteenth-century Persian poet. What can activist scholars learn from Rumi?
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China Review International, vol. 19, no. 1 (2012)


“Visiting Humanists” and Their Interpreters: Ricci (and Ruggieri) in China (reviewing Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia, A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci 1552–1610)
Reviewed by Elisabetta Corsi, 1

Who Was Homer Lea (1876–1912) and Why Should We Care? Myth and History in the “American Century” (reviewing Lawrence M. Kaplan, Homer Lea: American Soldier of Fortune)
Reviewed by Roger R. Thompson, 9

Whose Hong Kong? Views and Movements Local and Global (reviewing Stanley S. K. Kwan with Nicole Kwan, The Dragon and the Crown: Hong Kong Memoirs; Janet W. Salaff, Siu-lun Wong, and Arent Greve, Hong Kong Movers and Stayers: Narratives of Family Migration; Leo Ou-fan Lee, City between Worlds: My Hong Kong)
Reviewed by Ming K. Chan, 23
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China Review International, vol. 18, no. 4 (2011)


The Life and Death of an Artisan Community in Modern China (reviewing Jacob Eyferth, Eating Rice from Bamboo Roots: The Social History of a Community of Handicraft Papermakers in Rural Sichuan, 1920–2000)
Reviewed by Pauline Keating, 429

From Secularization to Categorization: A New Paradigm for the Study of Religion in Modern China (reviewing Vincent Goossaert and David A. Palmer, The Religious Question in Modern China)
Reviewed by J. Brooks Jessup, 432

A New View of the Huainanzi (reviewing John S. Major, Sarah A. Queen, Andrew S. Meyer, and Harold D. Roth, translators, The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China)
Reviewed by Nathan Sivin, 436
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Biography, vol. 36, no. 3 (2013)

Bio 36-3 coverDEDICATION
In Loving Memory: Jayne Cortez, iii


“He the One We All Knew”
Njoroge Njoroge, 485

This issue is dedicated to an examination of the life and thought of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. The contributors explore different facets of the biography, legacy, and memory of Malcolm X and his relevance to contemporary politics. By introducing new research and building on previous scholarship, this volume seeks to expand and elaborate upon the complicated life narrative of the man we know as Malcolm X.
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Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, vol. 2, no. 2 (2013)


Urban Chinese Living

Editor’s Introduction
Guest Editor Wen-hsin Yeh (University of California, Berkeley), 211

“Urban Chinese Living” speaks to a vibrant field of research in recent years. The essays grouped here examine aspects of Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They build on what we know of these cities in history and expand on the conception of the city as a particular site of discourse formation.
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Pacific Science, vol. 68, no. 1 (2014)

PS 68-1 coverSoils and Paleosoils of the Galápagos Islands: What We Know and What We Don’t Know, A Meta-Analysis
Georges Stoops, 1

Abstract: Accessible information on Galápagos soils is very limited. Much of the existing, although still scarce, information is several decades old and not easily retrieved. The aim of this paper is to present a critical synthesis. Continue reading “Pacific Science, vol. 68, no. 1 (2014)”