Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society -Volume 10: 1 (2017)

The UJSEALSniversity of Hawai’i Press is pleased to work with the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society to publish the Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society.

For additional information about the journal please visit the journal home page.

The first five articles are now available online for volume 10, number 1 (2017). Additional content will be posted online at:

Phonological Sketch of the Sida Language of Luang Namtha, Laos by Nathan Badenoch and Hayashi Norihiko

On the Number of Voices in Madurese by Helen Jeoung

Biliteracy across Scripts: Implications for Language Development in Southeast Asia by Christina Page

An evaluation of So language vitality in Thailand by Thomas M. Tehan and Linda Markowski

A Phonological Comparison of Gamale, Sheram and Ghusbang – Three Kham Varieties by  Christopher P. Wilde

JSEALS is an open access publication. All journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

Sponsor: Southeast Asian Linguistics Society

Language Documentation & Conservation, vol. 10 (2016)

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The latest edition of the National Foreign Language Resource Center’s free and open-access journal Language Documentation & Conservation volume 10 contains the following scholarly works:


Chirila: Contemporary and Historical Resources for the Indigenous Languages of Australia Claire Bowern, 1

Language Acquisition and Language Revitalization William O’Grady & Ryoko Hattori, 45

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