U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal

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Additional Information

ISSN: 1059-9770
E-ISSN: 2330-5029
Frequency: Semiannual

Established in 1988, the U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, biannual publication, available in print and online that promotes scholarly exchange on social, cultural, political, and economic issues pertaining to gender and Japan. The U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal encourages comparative study among Japan, the United States, and other countries. We welcome contributions from all academic fields in the social sciences and humanities and proposals for special issues. Our mission is to foster the work of young researchers and to ensure that the achievements of established scholars are not forgotten.

Until 2000, the U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal was published in both Japanese (as Nichibei Josei Journal from 1988) and English (as a supplement from 1991). It is now published in English only.

Sponsor and Publisher: The International Institute for Media and Women’s Studies

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  • Recent Articles
  • Osaki Midori: The World of Wandering in the Realm of the Seventh Sense (Part 3) 尾崎翠・ 「第七官界彷徨」 の世界
    Posted on Friday February 14, 2025

    Rewriting the Canon: Nakajima Kyōko's FUTON as Contemporary Japanese Feminist Literature カノンの書 か き換 か え: 現代 げんだい 日本 にほん フェミニズム文学 ぶんがく として の中島 なかじま 京子 きょうこ 作 さく 『FUTON』
    Posted on Friday February 14, 2025

    Through the Oral Histories of Okinawan Women: Gendered Experiences of Migration and Settlement in Argentina after the Pacific War 沖縄人女性のオーラル・ヒストリー−ジェンダーの観点から見た戦後アルゼンチンにおける移住と定住の経験
    Posted on Friday February 14, 2025

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  • Author Guidelines
  • Author Guidelines

    Established in 1988, U.S.–Japan Women’s Journal (USJWJ) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, biannual publication, available in print and online, that promotes scholarly exchange on social, cultural, political, and economic issues pertaining to gender and Japan. We encourage comparative study among Japan, the United States, and other countries. Our mission is to foster the work of young researchers and to ensure that the achievements of established scholars are not forgotten.

    1. We welcome contributions from all academic fields in the humanities and social sciences and proposals for special issues.

    2. Manuscripts should be written in English (using American spellings and punctuation) and accessible to a wide readership. Readers of USJWJ include general readers as well as scholars in various fields.

    3. Manuscripts should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words, including the alphabetical list of Works Cited and endnotes. Notes should be kept to a minimum and should appear as endnotes rather than footnotes.

    4. Please format manuscripts using the USJWJ Style Sheet, downloadable as a PDF on this website. For general guidelines on appropriate style and format, see Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers or The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition. Please download our Style Guide.

    5. The author should include the following with their submission: (1) manuscript abstract (100-250 words), (2) 5 keywords of the manuscript, (3) short biographical sketch (around 100 words), (4) the Japanese title of the manuscript in addition to the English title, and (5) the mailing address to which to send a copy of the issue in which the article, if accepted will appear.

    6. Materials under consideration or published elsewhere will not be accepted.

    Submit manuscripts digitally to Jennifer Cullen, usjwj@hawaii.edu.

    Editorial Procedures

    Submissions will be reviewed by the USJWJ editors and anonymously by outside reviewers. The review process takes around three months.

    Please download our Style Guide


  • Editorial Board
  • Editors-in-Chief
    Noriko Mizuta
    The International Institute for Media and Women’s Studies

    Managing Editor
    Jennifer Cullen

    Former Editors
    Alisa Freedman
    University of Oregon

    Sally Hastings
    Purdue University

    Jan Bardsley
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Yoko Kawashima (Founding Editor)

    Editorial Assistant
    John D. Moore

    Editorial Advisory Board
    Jeffrey Angles
    Western Michigan University

    Jan Bardsley
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Julia Bullock
    Emory University

    Rebecca Copeland
    Washington University

    Joan Ericson
    Colorado College

    Linda Flores
    University of Oxford

    Lucy Fraser
    University of Queensland

    Sabine Frühstück
    University of California Santa Barbara

    Patrick Galbraith
    Senshu University

    Irene González-López
    Kingston University

    Sally Hastings
    Purdue University

    Jon Holt
    Portland State University

    Kojin Karatani
    Professor Emeritus

    Akira Lippit
    University of Southern California

    Seiji Lippit
    University of California Los Angeles

    Anne McKnight
    University of California Riverside

    Amanda Seaman
    University of Massachusetts Amherst

    Jordan Smith
    Josai University

    Chizuko Ueno
    University of Tokyo

    Yasuko Wachi
    The International Institute for Media and Women’s Studies

    James Welker
    Kanagawa University

    Eve Zimmerman
    Wellesley College

  • Indexes
  • This journal is indexed in the following sources:

    Association for Asian Studies–
    Bibliography of Asian Studies (Online), 1991-1997

    America: History and Life, 3/1/2005-
    Current Abstracts, 6/1/2009-
    Gender Studies Database, 1/1/1991-
    Historical Abstracts (Online), 3/1/2000-
    TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 6/1/2009-
    Women’s Studies International, 1/1/1991-

    International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Core

    University of Wisconsin at Madison * Women’s Studies Librarian–
    Feminist Periodicals (Online)

    (IBZ) International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

    (IBR) International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences