Review of Japanese Culture and Society

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1 Year Online Access

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1 Year Online Access

Additional Information

ISSN: 0913-4700
E-ISSN: 2329-9770
Frequency: Annual

The Review of Japanese Culture and Society (RJCS) is devoted to the scholarly examination of Japanese culture in a trans-Pacific context. The journal engages culture broadly defined, exploring discursive and figurative activities in a range of signifying forms both historical and emergent. Each issue features a guest edited section that addresses a particular theme and provides diverse perspectives by putting into conversation the work of scholars, public intellectuals, artists, and critics, in Japan and beyond.  A key commitment of the journal is to provide a forum for new translations of Japanese-language research, literature, and criticism, as well as original scholarship in English.

Available in digital format only beginning with issue 32, 2020.

Sponsors: East Asian Studies Center and the Shinso Ito Center for Japanese Religions and Culture at the University of Southern California.


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  • Author Guidelines
  • Find the Submission Guidelines for the Review of Japanese Culture and Society here.

  • Editorial Board
  • Editor in Chief

    Miya Elise Desjardins

    Interim Editorial Board

    Ken Ito, Andre Haag, Nancy Stalker, John Szostak

    Section Editor (Art in Focus)

    Reiko Tomii

    Section Editor (Japan in Los Angeles)

    Rika Hiro

    Section Editor (Literature)

    Andre Haag

    Production Editor

    Natta Phisphumvidhi

    Editorial and Administrative Assistant

    Miho Tajima

  • Indexes
  • (IBZ) International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences; (IBR) International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences