MĀNOA: A Pacific Journal of International Writing

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Additional Information

ISSN: 1045-7909
E-ISSN: 1527-943X
Frequency: Semiannual

MĀNOA is a unique, award-winning literary journal that includes American and international fiction, poetry, artwork, and essays of current cultural or literary interest. An outstanding feature of each issue is original translations of contemporary work from Asian and Pacific nations, selected for each issue by a special guest editor. Beautifully produced, MĀNOA presents traditional alongside contemporary writings from the entire Pacific Rim, one of the world’s most dynamic literary regions.

Launched in 1989, MĀNOA brings the literature of Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas to English-speaking readers. To date, the journal has published over sixty issues, about 10,000 pages, and over 1,200 writers, translators, reviewers, and editors.

Twice a year, MĀNOA presents outstanding contemporary writing, often in new translations, from throughout the region. Past volumes have featured new work from such places as the People’s Republic of China, Tibet, Nepal, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia, French Polynesia, the Pacific Islands, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, as well as Canada, Mexico, and South America.

Works in MĀNOA have been cited for excellence by the editors of such anthologies as Best American Short Stories, Best American Poetry, Best American Essays, Prize Stories: The O. Henry Awards, and Pushcart Prize. MĀNOA has also received national awards for its design and editorial excellence. See media reviews.

MĀNOA, meaning ‘vast and deep’ in Hawaiian, is the name of the valley in which the University of Hawai‘i and MĀNOA’s Editorial office are located.

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  • Author Guidelines
  • Thanks for your interest in MĀNOA. Our volumes concentrate on writing from particular countries, language groups, regions, and the like—primarily in Asia and the Pacific, and predominantly in translation. Work in MĀNOA is therefore selected for us by guest editors and translators. Unfortunately, we can’t consider any new work for the foreseeable future. Learn more at MĀNOA‘s website.

  • Editorial Board
  • Editor

    S. Shankar

    Managing Editor

    Amanda Galvan Huynh

    Advisory Board

    Kristiana Kahakauwila

    Noʻu Revilla

    Consulting Editor

    Sai Bhatawaedekar

    Corresponding Editors for Asia and the Pacific


    Sharon May

    Christophe Macquet

    Trent Walker


    Chen Zeping

    Karen Gernant

    Ming Di

    hong kong

    Shirley Geok-lin Lim


    John H. McGlynn


    Leza Lowitz


    Bruce Fulton

    new zealand and south pacific

    Vilsoni Hereniko

    Alexander Mawyer

    pacific latin america

    Noah Perales-Estoesta


    Alfred A. Yuson

    south asia

    Alok Bhalla

    Sukrita Paul Kumar

    western canada

    Trevor Carolan


  • Indexes
  • Articles appearing in MĀNOA are indexed and/or abstracted in:

    The American Humanities Index

    Index of American Periodical Verse

    Current Abstracts, 4/1/2003-
    Humanities International Complete, 4/1/2003-
    Humanities International Index, 4/1/2003-
    Humanities Source, 4/1/2003-
    Humanities Source Ultimate, 4/1/2003-
    MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, 4/1/2003-
    TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 4/1/2003-

    MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)

    ArticleFirst, vol.6, no.2, 1994-vol.23, no.1, 2011
    Electronic Collections Online, vol.11, no.2, 1999-vol.23, no.1, 2011
    Periodica Islamica, 1991-

    Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (Online), Selective
    MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    Professional ProQuest Central, 07/01/2011-
    ProQuest 5000, 07/01/2011-
    ProQuest Central, 7/1/2011-
    Religion Database, 07/01/2011-
    Research Library, 07/01/2011-

    Clarivate Analytics–
    Emerging Sources Citation Index
    Web of Science