Asian Theatre Journal
Individual Subscriptions
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Additional Information
Asian Theatre Journal is dedicated to the performing arts of Asia, focusing upon both traditional and modern theatrical forms. It aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge throughout the international theatrical community for the mutual benefit of all interested scholars and artists. This engaging, intercultural journal offers descriptive and analytical articles, original plays and play translations, book and audiovisual reviews, and reports of current theatrical activities in Asia. Full-color plates and black-and-white photographs illustrate each issue.
Sponsor: Association for Asian Performance (AAP) of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)
AAP Secretary-Treasurer: Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr., LMU
- Recent Articles
From the Editor
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Speaking of the Spiritual: An Exploration of Knowledge and Pedagogy in Performing Arts in Malang, East Java
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Celebration and Remembrance in Kalibo’s Ati-Atihan: Mythmaking, Devotion, and Cultural Memory
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024The Past in the Present: The Religious and Royal Dimension of Newar Traditional Dance Theatre, Nepal
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Decolonizing and Producing Working-class Theatre in Pakistan: The Poetics and Politics of Sangat Theatre’s Chog Kusumbhey Di (Picking Safflower)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Ethos of Yajña Ritual: Mapping Girish Karnad’s The Fire and the Rain
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Inventing the Tradition: Hybrid Gudianwu Training and Ambiguous Chineseness
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Understanding Reality Through Science Fiction and Digitalization: The Hybrid Theatrical Space in Sun Xiaoxing’s Rhinoceros (2020)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024The Performers’ Brush: A Case Study of Scene Twelve “Composing the Score” (“Zhipu”) in a Mid-Qing Stage Script of Changsheng dian (Palace of Everlasting Life)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024A Babel of Nature: The English-Language Sources of Zheng Junli’s “Tan biaoyan” (On Acting, 1936)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Performance Cultures as Epistemic Cultures, Volume I: (Re)Generating Knowledges in Performance and: Performance Cultures as Epistemic Cultures, Volume II: Interweaving Epistemologies by Erika Fischer-Lichte et al (review)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Shakespeare & East Asia by Alexa Alice Joubin (review)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024K-Pop Dance: Fandoming Yourself on Social Media by Chuyun Oh (review)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024The Legend of Prince Golden Calf in China and Korea by Wilt L. Idema and Allard M. Olof (review)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Kabuki, A Mirror of Japan: Ten Plays That Offer a Glimpse Into Evolving Sensibilities by Matsui Kesako and David Crandall (review)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024Re-Purposing Suzuki: A Hybrid Approach to Actor Training by Maria Porter (review)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024A Guru’s Journey: Pandit Chitresh Das and Indian Classical Dance in Diaspora by Sarah Morelli (review)
Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024 - Single Issues
- Volume 32, Number 2, Fall 2015
- Special Section: Women in Asian Theatre
- Volume 32, Number 2, Fall 2015
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Asian Theatre Journal welcomes articles on Asian theatre and on the relations and mutual influences between Asian and Western theatre. All articles are printed in English. If the contribution is in another language, the original and an English translation are requested. The recommended length for manuscripts is 6,000-8,000 words for articles (including endnotes), 4,000-5,000 words for reports, 800-1,500 for reviews.
Authors are requested to submit a digital copy via e-mail to Siyuan Liu. Manuscript should be typed and double-spaced throughout, including notes and references cited, and in conformance with The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition. Manuscripts should be prepared with endnotes typed in to the text file and follow the author-date (or parenthetical reference) system of documentation. Theatrical forms (noh, wayang wong, xiqu) should be printed in lowercase letters and italicized. Foreign titles (of plays as well as reference works) should be italicized and, wherever possible, provided with an English translation following the original.
As ATJ is a refereed journal, authors are advised to supply their names only on the cover page and not in the text proper. Authors should submit photos and illustrations only after the text has been accepted and not as part of the original file. When they are eventually submitted images are clearly identified and provided with helpful captions as well as photo credits. Please examine a recent issue for examples of ATJ style and format.
All manuscripts and inquiries should be sent to Editor Siyuan Liu. Persons wishing to review books should send their requests to the Book Editor David Jortner.
Download Submission and Style Guidelines from Asian Theatre Journal here.
Siyuan Liu, University of British Columbia
Associate Editors
Claudia Orenstein, Hunter College, CUNY
Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei, University of California, Los Angeles
Book Review Editor
David Jortner, Baylor University
Editorial Assistant
Yuning Liu
Area Editors
Elizabeth Wichmann-Walczak, University of Hawai‘i
Xing Fan, University of Toronto
Josh Stenberg, University of Sydney
Kevin J. Wetmore Jr., Loyola Marymount University
M.W. Shores, University of Sydney
Jan Creutzenberg, Ewha Womans University (Seoul)
Kee-Yoon Nahm, Illinois State University
South Asia
David Mason, Rhode College
Radhica Ganapathy, West Virginia University
Southeast Asia
Matthew Isaac Cohen, University of Connecticut
Kathy Foley, University of California, Santa Cruz
Articles appearing in Asian Theatre Journal are indexed and/or abstracted in:
Association for Asian Studies–
Bibliography of Asian Studies (Online), 1984-
Book Review Index
Canada in Context, 03/2000-
Clarivate Analytics–
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Current Contents
Web of Science
De Gruyter Saur–
Dietrich’s Index Philosophicus
IBZ – Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
Academic Search Alumni Edition, 1/1/2001-
Academic Search Complete, 1/1/2001-
Academic Search Elite, 1/1/2001-
Academic Search Premier, 1/1/2001-
Academic Search Ultimate, 1/1/2001-
Academic Search: Main Edition, 1/1/2001-
Advanced Placement Source, 1/1/2001-
Current Abstracts, 1/1/2001-
Humanities International Complete, 1/1/2001-
Humanities International Index, 1/1/2001-
Humanities Source, 1/1/2001-
Humanities Source Ultimate, 1/1/2001-
Index Islamicus Online
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text, 1/1/1984-
MainFile, 1/1/2001-
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, 1/1/2001-
Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 1/1/2001-
Elsevier BV–
Scopus, 2002-
Academic OneFile, 03/2000-
Advanced Placement Fine Arts and Music, 03/2000-
Book Review Index Plus
Expanded Academic ASAP, 03/2000-
Fine Arts and Music Collection, 03/2000-
General OneFile, 03/2000-
InfoTrac Custom, 3/2000-
InfoTrac Student Edition, 03/2000-
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
Shakespeare Collection, 3/2000-
Student Resources in Context, 03/2000-
ArticleFirst, vol.17, no.1, 2000-vol.28, no.2, 2011
Electronic Collections Online, vol.17, no.1, 2000-vol.28, no.2, 2011
Arts Premium Collection, 4/1/1998-
Index Islamicus Online
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
Music & Performing Arts Collection, 4/1/1998-
Performing Arts Periodicals Database, 4/1/1998-
Professional ProQuest Central, 04/01/1998-
ProQuest 5000, 04/01/1998-
ProQuest Central, 4/1/1998-
Research Library, 04/01/1998-