Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research

Open Access

This journal is an open-access and peer reviewed online-only journal.

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Additional Information

E-ISSN: 2997-0164
Frequency: Annual

The Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research serves as a forum to bring together important research and conversations around archaeology, history, and heritage management in Polynesia, and aims to align several shared goals of its two sponsority societies that include:

Encouraging research and dialogue about Polynesian archaeology, historic preservation, and public outreach among researchers, heritage professionals, and other stakeholders

Encouraging public education and appreciation of the aims and limitations of archaeological research, particularly through ethical archaeological practices and collaborative work with communities

Advocating for and assisting with the preservation, interpretation, and respectful treatment of archaeological sites and material culture

The editors will review manuscripts submitted through the journal’s submission system, Inquiries should be sent via e-mail to the Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research editors at

Sponsors: Easter Island Foundation (EIF) and the Society for Hawaiian Archaeology (SHA)

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

The Journal of Polynesian Research and Archaeology publishes fully open access content, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited. Authors retain copyright of their material.

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  • Recent Articles
  • Front Matter
    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

    Archaeological Approaches for Understanding the Marquesan Stone Pounder ke’a tuki popoi
    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

    Report on Midden Exposed by Coastal Erosion in Lapakahi State Historical Park, North Kohala District, Hawai‘i Island
    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

    EDXRF Analysis of Lithics from Lapakahi State Historical Park, Kohala District, Hawai‘i Island
    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

    Bottling Paradise: The Future of Glass Bottle Archaeology in Hawai‘i
    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

    Terevaka Archaeological Outreach (TAO) 2022–2023 Field Report: Program Expansion
    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

    Paul Horley. Rongorongo: Inscribed Objects from Rapa Nui. Viña del Mar: Rapanui Press, 2021 (Book Review)
    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

    Chelsea H. Meloche, Laure Spake, and Katherine L. Nichols, eds. Working with and for Ancestors: Collaboration in the Care and Study of Ancestral Remains. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2020
    Posted on Saturday December 30, 2023

  • Pricing Guide
  • The Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research is an open-access and peer reviewed online-only journal.

    Submission and publication are normally free to contributors. Authors may be asked to contribute to production costs if their articles are exceptionally long (over 10,000 words) or include more than 15 figures.

  • Author Guidelines
  • Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research

    Guidelines for Authors

    The Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research publishes peer-reviewed research articles, commentaries, and reviews that are of relevance to stakeholders and practitioners of archaeology and related research in Polynesia. Article manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and should be 3000 to 9000 words in length. Reviews and commentaries are not peer-reviewed, and should be 1000 to 6000 words in length. We welcome submissions from scholars across Oceania, North and South America, and beyond.

    Inquiries should be sent via e-mail to the Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research editors at Submissions accepted at


    Submission and publication are normally free to contributors. Authors may be asked to contribute to production costs if their articles are exceptionally long (over 10,000 words) or include more than 15 figures.

    Contributors who are not fluent in written, academic English are asked to have their work edited before submission by an independent copy-editor at their own cost. Having your manuscript independently edited does not guarantee that it will be accepted for publication, however. The Editors may also require that you have your text copy-edited after revisions following acceptance for publication.

    File Format and Manuscript structure

    Manuscripts should be double-spaced with margins of at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) on each side, and submitted as a single Microsoft Word (or similar) file with the following structure:

    1. Article title
    2. Author’s name(s) and contact details for publication
    3. Abstract
    4. Keywords 3-6
    5. Text
    6. Acknowledgements
    7. References
    8. Figures with captions
    9. Tables with captions


    Please do not embed graphics within the text of the document, rather append them to the end of the file. Plates and figures (including maps and graphs) should be as clear and simple as possible. Use uniform lettering on figures and ensure that the text on all figures accords with the Journal of Polynesian Archaeology and Research’s text preparation guidelines below. Maps and plans must include an accurate scale and north arrow. If your paper is accepted for publication following the peer-revision process, you will be asked to provide separate high-resolution, publication-quality graphics. Resolution should be 300 dpi or higher and image dimensions should be either half-page width (2 1/2 in) or full-page width (5 in). Please keep this in mind when preparing your initial submission. Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for previously published imagery and other people’s photographs and illustrations.


    References in the text

    Use footnotes and endnotes sparingly. Indicate footnotes in the text by a bracketed number (e.g. “[Footnote 2]”). List the footnotes at the end of thetext of the manuscript.

    Please do not use passim, op. cit, ibid.

    Example in-text citations

    Type of reference Text citation Notes
    Single author (Hunt 2007:10)  
    Two authors (Bahn & Flenley 1992)  
    Three or more authors (Stevenson et al. 2006)  
    More than one work by same author (Hunt 2007, 2009)  
    More than one work by different authors (Stevenson et al. 2006; Hunt 2007) In chronological order
    More than one work by one author and different authors (Bahn & Flenley 1992; Hunt 2007, 2009) In chronological order
    Personal communication pers. comm.  

    Please ensure that all references cited in the text are included in the bibliography.

    References in the bibliography

    Full references should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. For detailed guidance please see the example references below.

    References with the same first author should be given in the following order: Sole-authored publications in chronological order, followed by those with one co-author (in chronological order), then those with 2 or moreco-authors (in chronological order).

    Use the minimum forms of page numbers, i.e. the shortest way one could speak the figures: 23-4, 13-14, 115-16, 200-201.

    Please ensure that all references listed in the bibliography are cited in the text.

    Example references

    Reference Type In-text citation Reference format Notes
    Book Bahn & Flenley 1992 Bahn, P.G. & J. Flenley. 1992. Easter Island EarthIsland. London: Thames and Hudson.  
    Book with a volume no. Scottsberg 1956 Scottsberg, C. 1956. The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island. Volume 1. Uppsala: Almsquist and Wiksells.  
    Journal article Hunt 2007 Hunt, T.L. 2007. Rethinking the fall of Easter Island. American Scientist 94(5):415-419. Avoid abbreviations or acronyms
    Book chapter Wozniak 1998 Wozniak, J. 1998. Settlement patterns and subsistence on the northwest coast of Rapa Nui. In Easter Island in Pacific Context. South SeasSymposium. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Easter Island and East Polynesia. C.M. Stevenson, G. Lee & F.J. Morin (eds.):161-175. Los Osos: Easter Island Foundation.  
    Edited book Kirch & Rallu 2007 Kirch, P.V. & J. Rallu. (eds.) 2007. The Growth and Collapse of Pacific Island Societies. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.  
    Book in a numbered series Buck 1957 Buck, P.H. (Te Rangi Hiroa). 1957. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii. B.P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 45. Honolulu: Bishop Museum (reprinted 1964).  
    Unpublished dissertation Ayres 1973 Ayres, W.S. 1973. The Cultural Context of Easter Island Religious Structures. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Tulane University. Title is not in italics as it is unpublished
    Online publication Good 2008 Good, K. 2008. The 1958 Fuller Sonaband Recordings. Video Clip. Home/collections – collectors/fuller-tapes  
    Unpublished report Ayres n.d. Ayres, W.S. n.d. Calibrated radiocarbon dates from Easter Island. Unpublished manuscript on file with the author. Title is not in italics as it is unpublished
    Unpublished conference paper Love n.d. Love, C.M. n.d. The Easter Island cultural collapse. Paper presented at the VII International Conference on Easter Island and the Pacific, Gotland, Sweden, 2007.  
  • Editorial Board
  • Editors

    Mara A. Mulrooney, Pacific Legacy, Hawai‘i
    Jillian A. Swift, Pacific Legacy, Hawai‘i

    Editorial Board

    Emilie Dotte, University of Western Australia
    Patrick V. Kirch, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
    Thegn N. Ladefoged, University of Auckland
    Sean Mallon, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
    Lisa Matisoo-Smith, University of Otago
    Mark McCoy, Southern Methodist University
    Peter Mills, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo
    Guillaume Molle, Australian National University
    Seth Quintus, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
    Cristian Moreno Pakarati, Rapanui Pioneers Society
    Ty P. Kawika Tengan, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
    Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA

  • Indexes