CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature

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Additional Information

ISSN: 2835-317X
E-ISSN: 2835-3188
Frequency: Semiannual

CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (formerly, CHINOPERL Papers) is published by CHINOPERL, short for the Permanent Conference on Chinese Oral and Performing Literature.

The focus of CHINOPERL is on literature connected to oral performance, broadly defined as any form of verse or prose that has elements of oral transmission or performance either formally on stage or informally as a means of everyday communication. Such “literature” includes widely-accepted genres such as the novel, short story, drama, and poetry, but may also include proverbs, folksongs, and other traditional forms of linguistic expression.

Formerly CHINOPERL Papers, number 6 (1976) through number 31 (2012); CHINOPERL News, number 1 (1969) through number 5 (1975).

Individual access to the journal is only through society membership. This option includes both print and online subscriptions to the journal. Shipping charges applicable to international addresses. An online-only option is available to forgo shipping charges.

Sponsor: CHINOPERL (Chinese Oral and Performing Literature)

Read Online:

  • Recent Articles
  • Introduction
    Posted on Friday January 03, 2025

    Staging Wang Yangming's Sagehood in Ming China
    Posted on Friday January 03, 2025

    Performative Readings of Printed Southern Arias in Late-Ming China
    Posted on Friday January 03, 2025

    Music, Words, and Moral Cultivation: A Ming–Qing Debate on Qin Songs versus Instrumental Solos
    Posted on Friday January 03, 2025

    Towers in the Void: Li Yu and Early Modern Chinese Media by S. E. Kile (review)
    Posted on Friday January 03, 2025

    The Cornucopian Stage: Performing Commerce in Early Modern China by Ariel Fox (review)
    Posted on Friday January 03, 2025

    Rulan Chao Pian's Strategy in Translating Some Musical Terms of Peking Opera
    Posted on Friday January 03, 2025

    Event Review: 100 Years of China's All-Female Yue Opera
    Posted on Friday January 03, 2025

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  • Author Guidelines
  • CHINOPERL: Guidelines for Authors (2023)

    CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature is a refereed semiannual publication that focuses on literature connected to oral transmission and/or performance, in print, on stage, and in everyday communication. This “literature” includes genres ranging from opera to storytelling, ceremonial chanting to epics, proverbs to poetry, and folksongs to hip-hop. It covers topics such as the interplay between oral and written texts and their historical and cultural contexts.

    CHINOPERL welcomes relevant research articles that are historical, descriptive, theoretical, or interdisciplinary in nature as well as translations that are prefaced by substantial introductions. The journal also publishes research notes, conference reports, and reviews of books, media, and performances.

    Peer-Review Process and Publication Ethics:

    Manuscripts are evaluated first by the CHINOPERL editorial team. When considered suitable for the journal, manuscripts are sent to at least two specialists for “double blind” peer review. The manuscript and the identities of the authors and reviewers are kept confidential by the editorial office and others involved in the peer-review process. When a decision has been made, the editor will notify authors via email. It is common for the editor to request revisions that can help authors in improving their manuscript, including those based on reviewers’ comments and suggested resources. Additional guidance on ethical practices for research, publication, and peer review is available here.

    Authors are welcome to suggest the names of referees who would be particularly suited to review the submission. The editor may suggest that revisions be made before the piece is sent out for peer review.


    Submission of Manuscripts:

    Send submissions as electronic files attached to email messages to the editor at Submission of a manuscript implies the work has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration by another journal.

    Research articles not exceeding 45 double-spaced pages are preferred. Include an abstract of approximately 500 words and a list of 4–6 keywords (names and short phrases may be used). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all quotations and for supplying complete references. 

    In the case of translations, if the original work is not readily available, please include with the submission a scanned electronic copy or a xerox of the original to facilitate review.  

    To facilitate the blind review process, minimize self-reference within the article itself until the manuscript has been refereed and accepted for publication.

    Research notes, conference reports, and reviews of books, media, and performances will not be sent out for outside review but will be published at the discretion of the editor and the editorial board. They should be submitted in the same format as article manuscripts.

    Illustrations and photos are welcome but will be included in the published article only when they add substantial value to the piece. It is presently not feasible to regularly publish photos in color. It is possible to make supplementary materials available to readers online, however. Nontext material should be submitted as separate files. Include captions citing the sources of images or data. Figures, photographs, and maps should be provided as high-resolution JPEG or TIFF files. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing illustrations, tables, or figures.



    Manuscripts should be typed in Microsoft Word in the following format:
         Times New Roman, 12-point font for the main text (double-spaced) and 10-point font for footnotes; paper size 8.5” x 11.5” (“Letter” or “US Letter”)
         SimSun font for Chinese characters
         Format paragraphs to have the same indentation for the first line for all regular body paragraphs; do not justify the paragraphs
         One inch margin on all sides; pagination at the bottom of the page and centered


    Journal Style Sheet:

     Footnotes and Bibliography
    CHINOPERL in general follows the format of source citations established in The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition), with an abbreviated form in footnotes (author’s name, shortened Romanized or English title only, page number/s), including at the first citation, and full citations provided in a bibliography.

    When citing titles of Chinese- or Japanese-language sources for a bibliography entry, include a Romanized title as well as the Chinese or Japanese characters, accompanied by an English translation in parentheses; otherwise follow the Chicago Manual. Below are sample footnote and bibliographic entries.

    English-language book citation—
    Shortened note:
    Rolston, Traditional Chinese Fiction, p. 194.

    Bibliography entry:
    Rolston, David L. Traditional Chinese Fiction and Fiction Commentary: Reading and Writing Between the Lines. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997.

    Chinese-language journal article citation—
    Shortened note:
    Song Lihua, “Fangyan,” p. 37.

    Bibliography entry:
    Song Lihua 宋莉華, “Fangyan yu Ming Qing xiaoshuo ji qi chuanbo” 方言與明清小說及其傳播 (Dialect and Ming Qing novels and their transmission). Ming Qing xiaoshuo yanjiu 明清小説研究, no. 4 (1999): 36–50.


    Chinese Characters, Romanization, Translation, and Punctuation

    Chinese characters should be inserted for passages translated from the Chinese except when the submission is primarily a work of translation. Translations from Chinese that are shorter than a complete sentence (including Chinese terms) should be followed by pinyin romanization and Chinese characters the first time they are mentioned in the manuscript. Except in the case of place names, names of institutions, and the names of persons, romanization should be italicized. Use complex (or “traditional”) Chinese characters and not simplified forms.

    Names and terms in Chinese should be Romanized in the pinyin system, without diacritical marks for tones. A convenient online resource illustrating conventions for Romanizing Chinese is “Basic Rules of Hanyu Pinyin Orthography (Summary).”[1] In the case of nonstandard Chinese dialect expressions, if it is necessary to use romanization systems other than pinyin, provide an explanation about the system of transcription used.

    Translations of Chinese expressions or titles should be given on first appearance in parentheses after the romanization and Chinese characters, as in this example: Zhongguo wenxue shi 中國文學史 (History of Chinese literature). Please note that only the first word and the beginning of proper nouns should be capitalized in the romanization of Chinese titles.

    Punctuation for texts quoted in Chinese, with the exception of the series comma (、), should use western font followed by a space. Interpolated material within quotations should be put within square brackets.

    [1] This excerpt from Chinese Romanization: Pronunciation and Orthography by Yin Binyong and Mary Felley (Beijing: Sinolingua, 1990) is posted on the Pinyin.Info website, created by Mark Swofford.

  • Editorial Board
  • Editor

    Jing Shen, Eckerd College, USA

    Consulting Editor

    David Rolston, University of Michigan, USA

    Associate Editors

    Catherine C. Swatek, University of British Columbia, Canada

    Vibeke Børdahl, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Denmark

    Margaret Wan, University of Utah, USA

    Editorial Board

    Mark Bender, The Ohio State University, USA

    Susan Blader, Dartmouth College, USA

    Claire Conceison, Duke University, USA

    Andrea Goldman, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

    GUO Yingde, Beijing Normal University, China

    HAI Zhen, National Academy of Theatre Arts, Beijing, China

    Robert E Hegel, Washington University, St Louis, USA

    Hua Wei, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

    Wilt L Idema, Harvard University, USA

    David Johnson, University of California, Berkeley, USA

    Rainier Lanselle, École Pratique des Hautes Études, France

    Kathryn Lowry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

    Colin Mackerras, Griffith University, Australia

    Victor H. Mair, University of Pennsylvania, USA

    Lindy Li Mark, California State University, East Bay, USA

    Anne E. McLaren, University of Melbourne, Australia

    Helen Rees, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

    Sue M. C. Tuohy, Indiana University, USA

    C.K. Wang, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan

    Elizabeth Wichmann-Walzcak, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA

    Bell Yung, University of Pittsburgh, USA

    Judith T. Zeitlin, University of Chicago, USA


  • Indexes
  • Articles appearing in CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature are indexed and/or abstracted in:

    Association for Asian Studies-
    Bibliography of Asian Studies (Online)

    Elsevier BV-

    Modern Language Association-
    MLA International Bibliography

    RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale)