Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific

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ISSN: 0066-8435
E-ISSN: 1535-8283
Frequency: Semiannual
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Asian Perspectives is the leading peer-reviewed archaeological journal devoted to the prehistory of Asia and the Pacific region. In addition to archaeology, it features articles and book reviews on ethnoarchaeology, palaeoanthropology, physical anthropology, and ethnography of interest and use to the prehistorian. International specialists contribute regional reports summarizing current research and fieldwork, and present topical reports of significant sites. Occasional special issues focus on single topics.

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  • Recent Articles
  • Ricardo’s Law of Comparative Advantage in Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Early Historic Mainland Southeast Asian Metallurgy: Copper-base Metal Production, Exchange, and Consumption Behaviours at Khao Sai On, Nil Kham Haeng, Non Pa Wai, Phromthin Tai, Sab Champa, and Tha Kae in Central Thailand
    Posted on Friday December 20, 2024

    Beyond ‘Community Craft Specialisation’ in Prehistoric Mainland Southeast Asian Metallurgy: Copper Smelting Behaviours at Khao Sai On, Nil Kham Haeng, Non Pa Wai, Phromthin Tai, and Tha Kae in Central Thailand
    Posted on Friday December 20, 2024

    Returning to Makekur: Re-evaluating the Occupational Sequence of the Early-Middle Lapita Site of Makekur (FOH), Arawe Islands, Papua New Guinea
    Posted on Friday December 20, 2024

    Maritime Linkages between the Han Dynasty and Parthian Empire: Evidence from Unearthed Persian Pottery
    Posted on Friday December 20, 2024

    Japanese Oracle Bone Divinations during the Yayoi to Heian Periods: A Review of Studies of the Last Seventy Years
    Posted on Friday December 20, 2024

    Taiwan Archaeology: Local Development and Cultural Boundaries in the China Seas by Richard Pearson (review)
    Posted on Friday December 20, 2024

    Early Theravadin Cambodia: Perspectives from Art and Archaeology ed. by Ashley Thompson (review)
    Posted on Friday December 20, 2024

    Damian H. Evans (22 September 1975–12 September 2023)
    Posted on Friday December 20, 2024

  • Single Issues
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  • Author Guidelines
  • Asian Perspectives welcomes articles on the archaeology and prehistory of Asia and the Pacific region. The Editors also consider papers on ethnoarchaeological subjects, prehistorical linguistic reconstruction, historical analyses relevant to archaeological debates, and physical anthropology and ethnography of use to the prehistorian. The Editors welcome suggestions for special issues devoted to particular theoretical topics, methodological approaches, or regions within Asia and the Pacific.

    Asian Perspectives is normally published semi-annually.

    All submissions are handled electronically – online at 

    You may contact staff for help with the online submission system at

    For initial queries or special issue proposals, email the Editors at:

    Publishers and potential book reviewers may contact the Book Review Editor at:

    Peer review

    All research articles, whether submitted by individuals or as part of a special issue proposal, are peer-reviewed by at least two suitable specialists. The peer review process generally takes 4-6 weeks from date of first submission.

    Book reviews and comments do not undergo the peer review process. Their acceptance for publication is at the discretion of the Editors.


    Submission and publication is normally free to contributors. Authors may be asked to contribute to production costs if their articles are exceptionally long (over 12,000 words) or include more than 21 total illustrations (figures and tables). Since Asian Perspectives is printed in black and white, authors must be able to obtain subvention or cover production costs out of pocket if they wish to have color plates inserted into the print issue.

    Contributors who are not fluent in written, academic English are asked to have their work edited before submission by an independent copy-editor at their own cost. Having your manuscript independently edited does not guarantee that it will be accepted for publication, however. The Editors may also require that you have your text copy-edited after revisions following acceptance for publication. 

    Permissions and Copyright

    All images and data published in AP should include source attributions unless they are the contributor’s original creations. The UHP publication agreement used by AP has the contributor warranty that “the Contribution contains no material that infringes or violates any intellectual property or contractual rights of others.”. Contributors who want to include in their figures a map, photograph, or any other image that is not their own original creation need to research and obtain written permission to use the image. You are responsible for paying any fees that accompany the permission to reproduce.

    Authors should acquire permissions before submitting their manuscript to the co-editors. Keep them on record in case you are asked for them by the editors. If you cannot provide permissions or a reasonable explanation for why you do not need them, the questionable images will be pulled from the article or the article will be rejected for publication until permissions are granted.

    Contributors retain copyright of their contributions, but are asked not to post them anywhere on-line for six months after publication in AP.

    Proofs and Copies

    Authors will be sent galley proofs for correction before publication. Extensive changes to proofs may be charged to authors. Lead authors are provided with one print copy of the issue in which their publication appears. We no longer provide offprints, but all co-authors are sent a pdf of their contribution as published online at MUSE.

    Types of manuscripts and length limits

    Asian Perspectives regularly publishes Research Articles, Book Reviews, and Obituaries. Comments on past articles are occasionally published. The Editors also accept proposals for Special Issues.

    Article Length

    Research articles generally range in length 8000-10,000 words, with a maximum of 12,000 words permitted including the main text, references, and up to 6 endnotes.  The Editors accept proposals for longer articles synthesizing work on important topics in Asian or Pacific archaeology that have seen little previous publication in English. Contact the Editors with a proposal before submitting an article over 12,000 words. If accepted, authors are expected to provide subvention for production costs.

    Articles should include no more than 15 figures and 6 tables or 21 illustrations total. Related images should be consolidated into as small a number of figures as possible. All figures and tables must be directly relevant to the article and discussed in the text. Do not include figures or charts that do not contribute to and support the content of the text. If all the information supplied by an image or table could be summed up in a single sentence, then write the sentence and do not include an image.

    Note that the print issue is published in black & white. Do not color-code data or submit photographs, charts, graphs, or maps containing color symbols, bars, or labels that would render the illustration unintelligible when printed in black & white. You have the option of supplying color versions for digital publication, but they must be identical in all other respects to the black & white illustrations.

    Condense table data as efficiently as possible by eliminating redundant information, nonessential words, and empty cells so it can fit on 1 published page. A table can usually fit within a single ‘portrait’ page if it is no wider than 12 columns and no longer than 50 rows. Tables set broadside/landscape can fit up to 20 columns and 25 rows on a single page. Instead of including more extensive tables, authors should cite the location of larger datasets in already published works or give the link to on-line data repositories at the author’s institution.

    Please contact the Editors if special circumstances require insertion of more than 21 figures and tables or much longer tables into your article. You will be asked to contribute to production costs for exceptionally lengthy articles and large numbers of figures and tables.

    Book review length

    Reviews of single books are limited to 2500 words including bibliographic references. Review essays discussing more than one book can be up to 5000 words including references.

    Obituary length

    Obituaries are limited to 5000 words including selected bibliographies containing no more than 30 entries.

    Comment length

    Scholarly comments on articles previously published in AP are limited to 800 words.  Comments should add significant viewpoints to issues in Asia and Pacific archaeology.

    Special issue length

    Special issue editors must keep their proposed issue within the journal’s standard page length or provide subvention to cover the cost of additional pages. To keep within budget, the maximum page limit for a special issue is 525 pages of text, figures, and tables. (This would produce approximately 350 print pages, which is the maximum for an issue of AP.)

    To estimate page totals, allot 1 page for each figure, each table, and each 250 words of text (including references and endnotes). Thus, a paper with a word-count of 8,000 (= 32 pages), 8 figures, and 2 tables would add up to approximately 42 pages.  We also ask that special issue editors factor in a brief (<10 pages or 2500 words) introduction into the total page estimate.

    How special issue editors divide up the number of papers and the page limits per article is up to them. Special issue editors do not have to abide by the 12,000 word limit for single, independently-submitted, articles.

    Since subvention costs fluctuate, consult with the journal’s Editors to make arrangements if you anticipate that your special issue will exceed the journal’s page limits or you want to include color plates.


    Before submitting a manuscript, query the Editors about the suitability of the potential contribution for publication in AP by emailing

    Having received an affirmative response, register for a user account and submit your manuscript online at:

    Click on For Authors on the submission system for detailed registration and submission instructions.

    Before starting the submission process, make sure you have formatted the text, references, figures, and tables following the guidelines below.

    Gather all the required contact information and pertinent manuscript files listed below.

    • Author(s) Contact Information
      -Full Names (given and family names) of all co-authors
      -Email Addresses for ALL co-authors (so they may be sent the digital  version of their manuscript once it has been published)
      -Postal Address for Lead/First Author (for mailing the print copy of the issue in which the manuscript is published)
      -Work Telephone Number for Corresponding author (usually the Submitting author)
    • Cover Letter (including the job title, institutional affiliation, and email address for all co-authors)
    • Contact information (e-mail address and institutional affiliation) for 3-5 preferred Peer Reviewers
    • Title of Manuscript
    • Abstract
    • Manuscript text files –  best submitted in MSWord (doc. or .docx) formats. (Make sure “Language” is set to “English (U.S.)” via Tools->Language->Set Language).  Manuscript files can also be submitted in WordPerfect (.wpd), Open Office (.odt, .swx, etc.), plain text (.txt), or rich text format (.rtf).   DO NOT submit text files as pdfs.
    • Captions file – a separate text document listing the captions for all the figures and tables (will be submitted as ‘supplementary material’).
    • Tables – each should be submitted separately and in its original editable format such as WORD (.doc or .docx) or EXCEL (.xls, xlsx).  DO NOT submit tables as fixed images in formats such as jpg, tiff, eps, or pdf.
    • Figures/Images –Each figure image (i.e., line drawings, photographs, maps, graphs, charts) will be uploaded separately to the system. All images should be prepared in greyscale (not color) as the the print version of Asian Perspectives is published in black and white. Images must be submitted in JPG, TIFF, or EPS formats. DO NOT embed images into any of the text files or submit images in pdf, ppt or any other highly compressed formats.


    Note: Never upload pdfs to the system. The system will convert your text, image, and table files into pdfs, which you will then be asked to approve in order to complete your submission.

    If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you may be asked to prepare larger and higher-resolution figures suitable for print publication. Each photograph, line drawing, or graph must be a minimum  1200 x 1200 pixels (4”x 4”) in size and minimum 300 dpi resolution; larger images at higher resolutions (600-1000 dpi) are better for line art and required for composite figures (consisting of 2 or more drawings, photos, etc.). Although high resolution image file formats such as .tif, .jpg, or .eps are fine, provide native (original) image files created in Photoshop (.psd) or Illustrator (.ai) when possible.

    You have the option of uploading color versions of figures for digital publication. Each color image must be otherwise identical to the black and white figures intended for print publication.

    General Style Guide

    AP’s readership is highly varied, so authors should avoid using specialized or overly technical language unless absolutely required. All articles are published in English. We allow judicious use of non-English characters in the manuscript provided they are accompanied by English translations. All foreign words and terms, including place names, should be spelled with appropriate diacritical marks (e.g., glottal stop, macron). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of diacritics and characters.

    Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines outlined below; those that do not may be returned for revision before review. AP’s style generally conforms to specifications set forth for scientific publications in the  Chicago Manual of Style, Sixteenth Edition (Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 2010).  Documenting sources follows the author-date system in Chapter 15. Spelling generally follows Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. 


    All manuscripts should be submitted in English, with the text double-spaced, in a standard 12-point font.

    Margins should be 1” all round.

    Text should be justified left. Do not justify the right margin.

    Do not insert running headers or page numbers in the headers and footers.

    Use endnotes instead of footnotes in the text.

    Keep formatting to a minimum; do not attempt to make the manuscript resemble print issues of AP. Do not use the spacebar to indent paragraphs.  Either use the tab key or change the format of paragraphs using the style function in your software program. Do not use returns within paragraphs. Do not add extra lines of space between paragraphs. Do not add hyphens to break words at the end of lines.

    Headings should be in Title or Sentence style. Center headings and subheadings. Do not change font styles, sizes, or colors and do not use underscoring, bold-face, or small caps for headings and subheadings.

    Italics are usually reserved for non-English terms and titles of books and journals in the References Cited. Avoid using italics, bold-face, or underscoring functions to highlight or emphasize words in the text or data in tables.

    Do not insert bullet points or have your word processing software automatically format lists.

    Do not embed hyperlinks to external sources or internal links to figures, tables, or captions.

    Add only one space after a period or semicolon.

    Numbers. Spell out numbers from one to ten, except for decimals, fractions, and when used with units of measure. Use numerals for numbers above ten. Write out ordinal numbers (e.g., nineteenth century).

    Type the numeral “1” for one (never the small letter “l”) and the numeral”0″ for zero (never the letter “O”).

    Do not use a comma for four-digit numbers (e.g., 1000), but do use for five and more digit numbers (e.g., 10,000).

    Repeat all digits in ranges (e.g., 257-269 NOT 257-69).

    Measurements. Use metric measurements for distance and volume measures. Abbreviate measures when preceded by a quantity but do not follow by a period (e.g., 4 cm).

    Dates. Use capitals for alphas in dates, (e.g., A.D. or B.C.) Express 14C dates as conventional or calibrated dates. Calibrated dates should employ the most recent procedures as published in the journal Radiocarbon.

    Citations and References

    Author-Date Citations

    Cite references by author, date, and where appropriate, page numbers. Page numbers follow the colon with no space.

    Do not insert a comma between author name and year.

    Use ‘and’ (not ampersand ‘&’) when citing sources with two authors.

    Use ‘et al.’  (no italics) when citing sources with more than two authors.

    Citations following quoted text must include the page number of the text quoted.  The citation comes after the closing quotation marks, before the final period.

    Page citations should be as specific as possible. Do not include broad page ranges in citations (i.e., for a whole journal article or chapter in a book).

    Two or more citations by the same author(s) are arranged chronologically and separated by commas. Distinguish multiple citations by the same author in the same year by alpha in italics (Smith 2008a, 2008b) and make sure they match the references.

    Separate citations by different authors using semicolons. Arrange alphabetically by author’s family names.

    Unauthored sources are cited by the institutions or organizations that produced the text.  Long institutional names should be shortened to a few words or acronyms.


    Griffin and Solheim (1990) discuss Agta hunter-gatherers in the Philippines.

    Fortified sites have been located in the Phimai region of Thailand (Welch and McNeil 1990).

    People relate historical narratives to construct “a meaningful universe” for their collective membership (Friedman 1992:837).

    Landscape “is one of the central elements in a cultural system, for as an ordered assemblage of objects, a text, it acts as a signifying system through which a social system is communicated, reproduced, experienced and explored” (Duncan 1990:183-184).

    A previous report identified brick shrines in the area (CMDNST 1985).

    Archaeologists found ritual deposits in the area (Chengdu and Beijing 2002; Chengdu Institute 2006;  Zhu et al. 2003).

    Similar artifacts have been found at other sites in the region (Barrera 1972; Brumfiel and Earle 1987; Emory et al. 1969; Li 1988, 1989; Welsch 1989a, 1989b, 2009; Welsch et al. in press).

    References Cited

    All citations in the main text and endnotes and source citations in table and figure captions must have a corresponding complete reference in the References Cited list. 

    Also, every reference listed must be cited somewhere in the manuscript.  

    As much publication information as is available should be supplied for electronic sources and images in the public domain (i.e., on-line journal articles, governmental and museum archives on dedicated websites, satellite base maps, etc.).  Simply supplying an URL is insufficient.

    List references in alphabetical order by name of first author.

    Write out the given names of authors as they appear in the original reference (i.e., don’t abbreviate given names to initials unless that is how they appeared in the publication).

    List first or only author by family name followed by a comma and given name, and any middle initials.  If the first author’s name is listed in the original publication with the family name to the left of the given name (as is standard in many parts of Asia), don’t insert a comma between the family name and given name.

    Cite all subsequent authors by given name, middle initial, and family name (again unless their names were published family name first).  

    Do not list multi-authored works with only the first author’s name followed by et al. in the references.

    Group multiple publications by same author(s) in chronological order.

    Italicize journal titles or book titles. If publication is part of a monograph series, italicize the title of the monographic work.

    Although this is not required, it is helpful to provide English translations for titles of works and institutions (that are standing in for authors) when the original references were not published in English.  Translations should be in square brackets.  Also provide complete institutional titles in square brackets following the short form or acronym under which they were cited.


    Borič, Dusan

    2003  Deep time metaphor: Mnemonic and apotropaic practices at Lepenski Vir. Journal of Social Archaeology 3(1):46-74.

    Brantingham, P. Jeffery

    1999 Astride the Movius Line: Late Pleistocene Lithic Technological Variablility in Northeast Asia. Ph.D. diss. University of Arizona, Tucson.

    Chang, Kwang-chih

    1986 The Archaeology of Ancient China, 4th ed. New Haven: Yale University Press.

    Chengdu and Beijing [Chengdu Shi Wenwu Kaogu Yanjiusuo 成都市文物考古研究所 and Beijing Daxue Kaogu Wenboyuan 北京大學考古文博院]

    2002    Jinsha taozhen – Chengdu Shi Jinshacun yizhi chutu wenwu 金沙淘珍 – 成都市金沙村遺址出土文物 [Panning for treasure at Jinsha – Artifacts excavated from the Jinsha village site in Chengdu City]. Beijing 北京: Wenwu chubanshe 文物出版社.

    Daw, Nyi Nyi Myint

    1998 Report on recent archaeological findings in Budalin Township: Sagaing division. Paper presented at the conference on Myanmar culture and society: Traditional spirit and path to modernity. 22-24 July 1998, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.

    Earle, Timothy

    1978 Economic and Social Organization of a Complex Chiefdom: The Halelea District. Kaua’i, Hawai‘i. Anthropological Papers of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan 63. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

     FAD [Fine Arts Department]

     2003 The Bronze Kettle Drums in Thailand. Bangkok: Fine Arts Department.

    Gosden, Chris

    1991 Towards an understanding of the regional record from the Arawe Islands, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea, in Report of the Lapita Homeland Project: 205-216, ed. J. Allen and C. Gosden. Occasional Papers in Prehistory 20, Department of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific Studies. Canberra: Australian National University.

    Green, Roger C.

    1991 The study of open settlements in New Zealand prehistory, in The Archaeology of the Kainga: A Study of Precontact Maori Undefended Settlements at Pouerua, Northland, New Zealand: 23-32, ed. D. G. Sutton. Auckland: Auckland University Press.

    Hutterer, Karl

    1976 An evolutionary approach to the Southeast Asian cultural sequence. Current Anthropology 17:221-242.

    Longacre, William A.

    1981 Kalinga pottery: An ethnoarchaeological study, in Pattern of the Past: Studies in Honour of David Clarke: 49-66, ed. I. Hodder, G. Issac, and N. Hammond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    McGarigal, K., S.A. Cushman, M.C. Neel, and E. Ene        

    2002  FRAGSTATS v3: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical Maps. Computer software program produced at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. URL:

    Nam, A. Wichienkeeo, T.T. Minh, and T.M. Hong

    2010 Climate as a Contributing Factor in the Demise of Angkor, Cambodia. Online Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  URL:

    Solheim, Wilhelm G. II

    1965 The functions of pottery in Southeast Asia from the present to the past, in Ceramics and Man: 254-273. ed. Frederick R. Matson. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 41. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.

    1968 Possible routes of migration into Melanesia as shown by statistical analysis of methods of pottery manufacture, in Anthropology at the Eighth Pacific Science Congress: 139-166, ed. Wilhelm G. Solheim II. Asian and Pacific Archaeology Series 2. Honolulu: Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii.

    Stuiver, Minze, Paul J. Reimer, Edouard Bard, J. Warren Beck, Geoffrey S. Burr, Konrad A. Hughen, Bernd Kromer, F. Gerry McCormac, Johannes van der Plicht, and Marco Spurk

    1998 INTCAL98 Radiocarbon age calibration 24,000-0 cal BR. Radiocarbon 40: 1041-1083.

    Tuggle, H. David, and Karl L. Hutterer, eds.

    1972 Archaeology of the Sohoton Area, Southwestern Samar, Philippines. Leyte-Samar Studies 6(2).

    Wen Guang and Jing Zhichun

    1992  Chinese Neolithic jade: A preliminary geoarchaeological study. Geoarchaeology 7(3):251-275. 

    Information for publishers

    Please check with the Book Review Editor regarding your book before sending to ensure it is within the journal’s scope and we can assign a suitable reviewer.

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  • Editorial Board
  • Editors-in-Chief

    East Asia Editor: Francis Allard, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

    South and Southeast Asia Editor: Bérénice Bellina-Pryce, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), University of Paris-Nanterre

    Pacific Islands Editor: Julie S. Field, Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University

    Book Review Editor 

    Cristina Cobo Castillo, University College London, Institute of Archaeology

    Managing Editor

    Jaida Samudra

    Editorial Board

    Melinda S. Allen, University of Auckland

    Gina L. Barnes, University of London

    Peter Bellwood, Australian National University

    Mike T. Carson University of Guam

    Nathaniel L. Erb-Satullo, Cranfield University

    Fang Hui, Shandong University

    Rowan K. Flad, Harvard University

    Jean-Christophe Galipaud, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development

    Junko Habu, University of California, Berkeley

    Charles Higham, University of Otago

    Laura L. Junker, University of Illinois Chicago

    Nam C. Kim, University of Wisconsin

    Patrick V. Kirch, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

    Gyoung-ah Lee, University of Oregon

    Kathleen D. Morrison, University of Pennsylvania

    Rasmi Shoocongdej, Silpakorn University

    Carla M. Sinopoli, University of New Mexico

    Monica Smith, University of California, Los Angeles

    Miriam T. Stark, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

    Glenn R. Summerhayes, University of Otago

    Anne Underhill, Yale University

    Joyce C. White, University of Pennsylvania

  • Indexes
  • Articles appearing in Asian Perspectives are indexed and/or abstracted in:

    Association for Asian Studies–
    Bibliography of Asian Studies (Online), 1969-

    Book Review Index

    Clarivate Analytics–
    Arts & Humanities Citation Index (beginning with vol. 55)
    Current Contents/Arts & Humanities
    Zoological Record Online

    De Gruyter Saur–
    Dietrich’s Index Philosophicus
    IBZ – Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
    Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur

    CIRS-International Center for Scientific Research

    Academic Search Alumni Edition, 3/1/2000-
    Academic Search Complete, 3/1/2000-
    Academic Search Elite, 3/1/2000-
    Academic Search Premier, 3/1/2000-
    Academic Search: Main Edition, 3/1/2000-
    Advanced Placement Source, 3/1/2000-
    Anthropological Index Online
    Anthropological Literature (Online)
    Art & Architecture Complete, 3/1/2000-
    Art & Architecture Index, 3/1/2000-
    Art & Architecture Source, 1/1/1983-
    Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), 1/1/1983-
    Art Index (H.W. Wilson), 1/1/1983-
    Biography Index: Past and Present (H.W. Wilson), vol.36, 1997-vol.43, no.2, 2004
    Biomedical Reference Collection: Corporate Edition, 3/1/2000-
    Biotechnology Source, 3/1/2000-
    Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), Jun.1995-
    Current Abstracts, 3/1/2000-
    Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), 4/15/1995-
    Humanities Index (Online), 1995/06-
    Humanities International Complete, 3/1/2000-
    Humanities International Index, 3/1/2000-
    Humanities Source, 4/15/1995-
    Humanities Source Ultimate, 4/15/1995-
    MainFile, 3/1/2000-
    MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), 4/15/1995-
    OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson), 4/15/1995-
    Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
    Science and Technology Collection, 3/1/2000-
    TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 3/1/2000-

    Elsevier BV–
    Scopus, 1993-


    Academic OneFile, 03/1996-
    Book Review Index Plus
    Expanded Academic ASAP, 03/1996-
    General OneFile, 03/1996-
    General Reference Center Gold, 03/1996-
    General Reference Centre International, 3/1996-
    General Science Collection, 03/1996-
    InfoTrac Custom, 3/1996-
    MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    World History in Context, 03/1996-

    Anthropological Index Online
    ArticleFirst, vol.39, no.1/2, 2000-vol.49, no.1, 2011
    Electronic Collections Online, vol.39, no.1/2, 2000-vol.49, no.1, 2011
    Humanities Index (Online), 1995/06-

    Periodica Islamica, 1991-

    Earth, Atmospheric, & Aquatic Science Database, 10/1/1997-
    Ethnic NewsWatch, 10/01/1997-
    International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Core
    MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
    Natural Science Collection, 10/1/1997-
    Periodicals Index Online, 1/1/1966-1/1/1966
    Professional ProQuest Central, 10/01/1997-
    ProQuest 5000, 10/01/1997-
    ProQuest Central, 10/1/1997-
    ProQuest Earth Science Collection, 10/01/1997-
    Research Library, 10/01/1997-
    SciTech Premium Collection, 10/1/1997-

    Royal Anthropological Institute–
    Anthropological Index Online

    Sage Publications, Inc.–
    Abstracts in Anthropology (Online)

    South Pacific Periodicals Index