The Hawaiian Journal of History
Individual Subscriptions
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Additional Information
The Hawaiian Journal of History is an annual journal devoted to original articles on the history of Hawai‘i, Polynesia, and the Pacific area. Each issue includes articles on a variety of subjects; illustrations; book reviews; notes and queries; and a bibliography of recent Hawaiiana titles of historical interest. Individuals may receive the journal by joining the Hawaiian Historical Society.
Sponsor: Hawaiian Historical Society
- Recent Articles
He Mo‘olelo Hō‘ike: Curators in Conflict at Hawai‘i’s Bishop Museum
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024The European Suitors of Queen Emma
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024When Women Ruled the Pacific: Power and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Tahiti and Hawai‘i by Joy Schulz (review)
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024He Leta Mai Iapana Mai: A Native Hawaiian Hansen’s Disease Patient Leaving for Japan in the Late Nineteenth Century
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024Kumukanawai ame na rula o ka Ahahui Kaahumanu
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024Connecting the Kingdom: Sailing Vessels in the Early Hawaiian Monarchy, 1790–1840 by Peter R. Mills (review)
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024Ke Kumu Aupuni: The Foundation of Hawaiian Nationhood by Samuel Mānaiakalani Kamakau (review)
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024Narrating Humanity: Life Writing and Movement Politics from Palestine to Mauna Kea by Cynthia G. Franklin (review)
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024Beneath Heavy Pines in World War II Louisiana: The Japanese American Internment Experience at Camp Livingston by Hayley Johnson and Sarah Simms (review)
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024Aloha Compadre: Latinxs in Hawai‘i by Rudy P. Guevarra, Jr. (review)
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024Imperial Material: National Symbols in the US Colonial Empire by Alvita Akiboh (review)
Posted on Wednesday December 11, 2024 - Pricing Guide
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- Author Guidelines
- Editorial Board
Kelli Y. Nakamura, Kapi’olani Community College
Blaine Namahana Tolentino, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
HHSOffice@hawaiianhistory.orgAssociate Editors
DeSoto Brown
Historian, Bishop Museum ArchivesThomas S. Dye,
T.S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists, Inc.Emily A. Hawkins
Associate Professor of Hawaiian Language (retired), University of Hawai‘i at MānoaKerri A. Inglis
Associate Professor of History, University of Hawai‘i at HiloCarol MacLennan
Professor of Anthropology, Michigan Technological UniversityMichael E. Macmillan
Publications Manager, Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawai‘i at MānoaHolly McEldowney
Archaeologist, Division of State Parks, Hawai‘i State Department of Land and Natural ResourcesNancy J. Morris
Curator Emerita, Jean Charlot Collection, Hamilton Library, University of Hawai‘i at MānoaM. Puakea Nogelmeier
Professor, Hawaiian Language, University of Hawai‘i at MānoaAmy K. Stillman
Professor of Music and American Culture, University of Michigan
book review editor and bibliographerJodie Mattos
Librarian, Hawaiian Collection, Hamilton Library, University of Hawai‘i at MānoaAssistant to the Editors
Barbara E. Dunn
Administrative Director and Librarian, Emerita Hawaiian Historical Society - Indexes
Content from the journal is abstracted or indexed in:
Academic Search Alumni Edition, 11/1/2003-
Academic Search Complete, 11/1/2003-
Academic Search Elite, 3/1/2003-
Academic Search Premier, 11/1/2003-
Academic Search Ultimate, 11/1/2003-
Academic Search: Main Edition, 3/1/2003-
Advanced Placement Source, 3/1/2003-
America: History and Life, 11/1/1967-
Current Abstracts, 3/1/2003-
Historical Abstracts (Online), 11/1/1971-
History Reference Center, 3/1/2003-
MainFile, 3/1/2003-
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), 3/1/2003-
OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson), 3/1/2003-
Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 3/1/2003-Gale–
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)
US History in Context, 01/2015-(IBZ) International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences
(IBR) International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences
Periodicals Index Online
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)South Pacific Periodicals Index