Journals: Buddhist-Christian Studies, Journal of Korean Religions + More

Buddhist-Christian Studies

Volume 44 (2024)

Editors Thomas Cattoi and Kristin Johnston Largen introduce this issue:

[T]he articles in this issue include several that offer a variety of perspectives on the thought of Thich Nhat Hanh for the sake of a more peaceful and just world. Another article examines whether and how certain interpretations of Theravāda Buddhist doctrines can lead to racist practices and policies. Yet another article looks at the current realities of Buddhist chaplains in the United States, both what they can offer in terms of a unique perspective on spiritual care and also the ways in which they are discriminated in a system that has been so dominated by Christian practitioners. And this is only the beginning. We hope that you will enjoy the breath of perspectives—scholarly, reflective, and practical —evidenced by this issue’s outstanding authors.

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