Language Documentation & Conservation, vol. 11 (2017)

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The latest edition of the National Foreign Language Resource Center’s free and open-access journal Language Documentation & Conservation volume 11 contains the following scholarly works:

LD&C 10th Anniversary Articles

LD&C possibilities for the next decade by Nick Thieberger

The Founding of Language Documentation & Conservation by Kenneth L. Rehg


Language Vitality among the Mako Communities of the Ventuari River by Jorge Emilio Rosés

Earbuds: A Method for Analyzing Nasality in the Field by Jesse Stewart & Martin Kohlberger

Some principles for language names by Martin Haspelmath

The IATH ELAN Text-Sync Tool: A Simple System for Mobilizing ELAN Transcripts On- or Off-Line by Lise M. Dobrin & Douglas Ross

Toward a linguistically realistic assessment of language vitality: The case of Jejueo by Changyong Yang, William O’Grady & Sejung Yang

Motivating the documentation of the verbal arts: Arguments from theory and practice by Colleen M. Fitzgerald

New Technologies, Same Ideologies: Learning from Language Revitalization Online by Irina Wagner

Putting practice into words: The state of data and methods transparency in grammatical descriptions by Lauren Gawne, Barbara F. Kelly, Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker & Tyler Heston

Find the full text of the issue at the LD&C webpage

About the Journal

Language Documentation & Conservation is a free open-access journal on issues related to language documentation and revitalization.


Instructions for submission can be found on the Language Documentation & Conservation‘s website.