China Review International, vol. 1, no. 2 (1994)

This issue is available online at Project Muse.



Notes on the Daozang tiyao
Judith M. Boltz, 1

Patricia Buckley Ebrey and Peter N. Gregory, Religion and Society in T’ang and Sung China
Reviewed by Ned Davis, 34

Stephen Owen, Readings in Chinese Literary Thought
Reviewed by Richard John Lynn, 43

Zhou Enlai in the Sinological Arts of East and West
Ronald C. Keith, 58


Yanjie Bian, Work and Inequality in Urban China
Reviewed by Wang Feng, 73

Michael Harris Bond, Beyond the Chinese Face: Insights from Psychology
Reviewed by Frederick Leong, 75

Timothy Brook, Quelling the People: The Military Suppression of the Beijing Democracy Movement
Reviewed by Perry Link, 78

Jo-shui Chen, Liu Tsung-yuan and Intellectual Change in T’ang China, 773-819
Reviewed by Edwin G. Pulleyblank, 79

Peter C.Y. Chow and Mitchell H. Kellman, Trade–The Engine of Growth in East Asia
Reviewed by David McClain, 84

Anne De Coursey Clapp, The Painting of T’ang Yin
Reviewed by Richard Vinograd, 86

Ralph N. Clough, Reaching Across the Taiwan Strait: People-to-People Diplomacy
Reviewed by Lauren Moriarty, 89

Benjamin A. Elman, Classicism, Politics, and Kinship: The Ch’ang-chou School of New Text Confucianism in Late Imperial China
Reviewed by Anne D. Birdwhistell, 91

Eugene Chen Eoyang, The Transparent Eye: Reflections on Translation, Chinese Literature and Comparative Poetics
Reviewed by Peide Zha, 97

Cheng Fang, Nicai zai Zhongguo (Nietzsche in China)
Reviewed by Chiu-yee Cheung, 104

Jicai Feng, The Three Inch Golden Lotus
Reviewed by C. Fred Blake, 108

Peter Ferdinand, Communist Regimes in Comparative Perspective: The Evolution of the Soviet, Chinese and Yugoslav Models
Reviewed by Corinna-Barbara Francis, 112

R. Bates Gill, Chinese Arms Transfers: Purposes, Patterns, and Prospects in the New World Order
Reviewed by Thomas Bickford, 114

A.C. Graham, Two Chinese Philosophers: The Metaphysics of the Brothers Ch’eng
Reviewed by John Allen Tucker, 116

Gregory Eliyu Guldin, Urbanizing China
Reviewed by C.P. Lo, 119

Chad Hansen, A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought
Reviewed by David L. Hall, 122

Liyi He with Claire A. Chik, Mr. China’s Son: A Villager’s Life
Reviewed by Gertraude Roth Li, 135

Dennis Van Vranken Hickey, United States-Taiwan Security Ties: From Cold War to Beyond Containment
Reviewed by Martin L. Lasater, 141

Qingzhao Hua, From Yalta to Panmunjom: Truman’s Diplomacy and the Four Powers, 1945-1953
Reviewed by Robert Barrett, 143

Raphael Israeli, Islam in China: A Critical Bibliography
Reviewed by Dru C. Gladney, 148

Hsin-sheng C. Kao, Nativism Overseas: Contemporary Chinese Women Writers
Reviewed by Ming-Bao Yue, 153

Deborah A. Kaple, Dream of a Red Factory: The Legacy of High Stalinism in China
Reviewed by Eric Harwit, 156

Thomas P. Kasulis, Roger T. Ames, and Wimal Dissanayake, Self as Body in Asian Theory and Practice
Reviewed by Kwok-kan Tam, 158

Dieter Kuhn, Status und Ritus: Das China von den Anfangen bis zum 10. Jahrhundert nach Christus
Reviewed by Peter Golas and Conrad Schirokauer, 161

George Kuwayama, New Perspectives on the Art of Ceramics in China
Reviewed by Mary Tregear, 168

D. C. Lau, Confucius: The Analects (Lun yü)
Reviewed by Roger T. Ames, 170

Wai-yee Li, Enchantment and Disenchantment: Love and Illusion in Chinese Literature
Reviewed by Jing Wang, 173

Perry Link, Evening Chats in Beijing: Probing China’s Predicament
Reviewed by Tongqi Lin, 180

Kathlyn Maurean Liscomb, Learning From Mount Hua: A Chinese Physician’s Illustrated Travel Record and Painting Theory
Reviewed by Kenneth Ganza, 193

Shiu-hung Luk Joseph Whitney, Megaproject: A Case Study of China’s Three Gorges Project
Reviewed by Liangwu Yin, 199

Edward J. Machle, Nature and Heaven in the Xunzi: A Study of the Tian Lun
Reviewed by Jeffrey Riegel, 201

Michael J. Moser and Winston K Zee, China Tax Guide (Second Edition)
Reviewed by David C. Yang, 203

Julia K Murray, Ma Hezhi and the Illustration of the Book of Odes
Reviewed by Deborah Del Gais Muller, 205

So Kam Ng, Brushstrokes: Styles and Techniques of Chinese Painting
Reviewed by Susan Bush, 211

Ravi Arvind Palat, Pacific-Asia and the Future of the World-System
Reviewed by Won Bae Kim, 212

Randall P. Peerenboom, Law and Morality in Ancient China: The Silk Manuscripts of Huang-Lao
Reviewed by Sarah A. Queen, 214

Lisa Raphals, Knowing Words: Wisdom and Cunning in the Classical Traditions of China and Greece
Reviewed by Chad Hansen, 219

James Reardon-Anderson, Pollution, Politics, and Foreign Investment in Taiwan: The Lukang Rebellion
Reviewed by Steven J. Hood, 229

Thomas W. Robinson, Democracy and Development in East Asia: Taiwan, South Korea, and the Philippines
Reviewed by James F. Moriarty, 231

Heiner Roetz, Confucian Ethics of the Axial Age: A Reconstruction Under the Aspect of the Breakthrough Toward Postconventional Thinking
Reviewed by Griet Vankeerberghen, 233

Henry Rosemont, Jr., Chinese Texts and Philosophical Contexts: Essays Dedicated to Angus C. Graham
Reviewed by Paul Kjellberg, 237

Harold D. Roth, The Textual History of the Huai-nan Tzu
Reviewed by James D. Sellmann, 243

Michael R. Saso, Buddhist Studies in the People’s Republic of China: 1990-1991
Reviewed by Linda Penkower, 249

Conrad Schirokauer, A Brief History of Chinese Civilization
Reviewed by Jerry H. Bentley, 255

Stuart R. Schram, Mao’s Road to Power: Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949, Volume 1, The Pre-Marxist Period, 1912-1920
Reviewed by Chenshan Tian, 256

Richard J. Smith and D. W. Y. Kwok, Cosmology, Ontology, and Human Efficacy: Essays in Chinese Thought
Reviewed by Hoyt Cleveland Tillman, 258

Jonathan D. Spence, Chinese Roundabout: Essays in History and Culture
Reviewed by Lily Xiao Hong Lee, 262

Lynn A. Strave, Voices From the Ming-Qing Cataclysm
Reviewed by Benjamin A. Elman, 266

Youli Sun, China and the Origins of the Pacific War 1931-1941
Reviewed by Stephen Uhalley, Jr., 268

Hoyt Cleveland Tillman, Confucian Discourse and Chu Hsi’s Ascendancy
Reviewed by John Allen Tucker, 270

Kathryn Ann Tsai, Lives of the Nuns: Biographies of Chinese Buddhist Nuns From the Fourth to Sixth Centuries: A Translation of the Pi-ch’iu-ni chuan
Reviewed by John Kieschnick, 273

Steve Tsang, In the Shadow of China: Political Developments in Taiwan Since 1949
Reviewed by Alvin So, 276

Jing Wang, The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and The Journey to the West
Reviewed by Stanislaus Fung, 278

Odd Arne Westad, Cold War and Revolution Soviet-American Rivalry and the Origins of the Chinese Civil War
Reviewed by Jianwei Wang, 281

Jing-nuan Wu, Ling Shu or the Spiritual Pivot
Reviewed by Charles Benn, 285

Ningkun Wu, A Single Tear: A Family’s Persecution, Love and Endurance in Communist China
Reviewed by King-fai Tam, 288

Longxi Zhang, The Tao and the Logos: Literary Hermeneutics, East and West
Reviewed by Eugene Eoyang, 294

Songqino Zhao, Geography of China: Environment, Resources, Population, and Development
Reviewed by Sendou Chang, 297