Biography, vol. 22, no. 4 (1999)

Editor’s Note, p. iii


Specimen Daze: Whitman’s Photobiography, p. 477
Sean Meehan
Whitman’s use of photography throughout his career plays a key role in the conception of his work’s autobiographical nature. Focusing on and around his prose autobiography Specimen Days (1882), this essay argues that Whitman incorporates photography (in both image and word) to produce a faithful version of his autobiography, but at the same time, that Whitman writes with an understanding of the dy-namic play of the process of photographic representation that serves to question the accuracy and completion presumed in photographs. In Specimen Days, Whitman thus uses photography against its own positivist grain, provoking the recognition of the relationship between the positive identity represented and the means of its representation.

The Hero as Woman of Letters: Anna Jameson Revises Her Girlhood, p. 517
Judith Johnston
In Anna Jameson’s “A Revelation of Childhood” she revises her childhood to accord with the current ideology of the day, but also to construct herself as a professional writer in competition with Ruskin and Carlyle. She uses two conventions of biography and auto-biography to achieve this: hagiography and the concept of piety.

Annual Bibliography of Works about Lifewriting, 1998–1999, p. 533
Phyllis E. Wachter and William Todd Schultz


Figuring Age: Women, Bodies, Generations, edited by Kathleen Woodward, p. 605
W. Andrew Achenbaum

Auto/Ethnography: Rewriting the Self and the Social, edited by Deborah E. Reed-Danahay, p. 608
Susan Lepselter

The Story of All Things: Writing the Self in English Renaissance Narrative Poetry, by Marshall Grossman, p. 611
Mark Heberle

Samuel Johnson: The Life of an Author, by Lawrence Lipking, p. 614
Stephen Fix

Royal Representations: Queen Victoria and British Culture, 1837–1876, by Margaret Homans, p. 618
Mary Jean Corbett

The Self and the Sacred: Conversion and Autobiography in Early American Protestantism, by Rodger M. Payne, p. 621
Stephen R. Yarbrough

Presenting the Past: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Misremembering, by Jeffrey Prager, p. 624
Stephen Frosh

Trespassing Through Shadows: Memory, Photography, and the Holocaust, by Andrea Liss, p. 627
Vincent A. O’Keefe

Masking Selves, Making Subjects: Japanese American Women, Identity, and the Body, by Traise Yamamoto, p. 630
Shiamin Kwa

The Stars Are Not Enough: Scientists—Their Passions and Professions, by Joseph Hermanowicz, p. 633
Gale E. Christianson

Excerpts from recent reviews of biographies, autobiographies, and other works of interest

IN MEMORIAM: Alan MacGregor, p. 675

Upcoming events, calls for papers, and news from the field

INDEX TO VOLUME 22, p. 679