Damien by Aldyth Morris Back in Print

“A moving, theologically perceptive monologue delivered by Father Damien. In fervent, plain-spoken language, Morris’ play evokes the strength and spirituality of this complex man of God whose life of service to ‘a festering mass of flesh’ was assailed by contemporary detractors and also by his own inherently self-doubting nature.” —Booklist

The acclaimed Hawai‘i Public Television production of Morris’ play, starring Terence Knapp as Father Damien, received a Peabody Award in 1978.

Also available from University of Hawai‘i Press:

Holy Man: Father Damien of Molokai by Gavan Daws

“May be the best biography of Damien yet written. Carefully researched and reported, the author’s fascination with the man and the disease is transmitted to the reader.” —Library Journal

Leper Priest of Molokai: The Father Damien Story by Richard Stewart
“Rather than portraying his subject as a plaster saint, Stewart provides a full-bodied portrait of an inspirational, yet admittedly flawed, human being.” —Booklist

Molokai by O. A. Bushnell
This absorbing historical novel set in the late 1800s in Kalaupapa, where Damien ministered, “searches the hearts of the doomed and damned with an intense compassion. The author has painted the background of his novel with a knowing brush. . . . A vivid experience for the reader.” —New York Times Book Review

Father Damien will be canonized on October 11, 2009.