Pacific Science, vol. 70, no. 4 (2016)

From Identity and Distribution of Introduced Slugs ( Veronicellidae) in the Hawaiian and Samoan Islands in this issue. Photographs and drawings of three veronicellid species dissected to show structures used to distinguish them. 1: Veronicella cubensis (representative specimen from Hawai‘i); 2: Laevicaulis alte (representative specimen from Hawai‘i); 3: Sarasinula plebeia [no live specimen was available for dissection; this illustration is of the “plesiotype” of Thomé (1971) in the Muséum nationale d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, mnhn 21307]. Key reproductive structures that differ among the species: a, penis; b, digitiform gland papilla; c, digitiform tubules.

Pacific Science, vol. 70 no. 4 is now available and contains the following articles:

  • Spatial Scale, Genetic Structure, and Speciation of Hawaiian Endemic Yeasts by Marc-André Lachance, Julie D. Collens, Xiao Feng Peng, Alison M. Wardlaw, Lucie Bishop, Lily Y. Hou, and William T. Starmer
  • Alien Insects Dominate the Plant-Pollinator Network of a Hawaiian Coastal Ecosystem by Kimberly Shay, Donald R. Drake, Andrew D. Taylor, Heather F. Sahli, Melody Euaparadorn, Michelle Akamine, Jennifer Imamura, Doug Powless, and Patrick Aldrich
  • Avian Abundances on Yap, Federated States of Micronesia, after Typhoon Sudall by W. Douglas Robinson and Tara R. Robinson
  • Habitat Use and Status of the Bokikokiko or Christmas Island Warbler (Acrocephalus aequinoctialis) by Eric A. VanderWerf, Ray Pierce, Ratita Bebe, and Katareti Taabu
  • Temporal Variation in Macro-Moth Abundance and Species Richness in a Lowland Fijian Forest by Siteri Tikoca, Simon Hodge, Sarah Pene, John Clayton, Marika Tuiwawa, and Gilianne Brodie
  • Seasonal Growth Fluctuations of Four Species of Neritid Gastropods in an Upper Mangrove Estuary, Ishigaki Island, Japan by Yoshitake Takada
  • Identity and Distribution of Introduced Slugs (Veronicellidae) in the Hawaiian and Samoan Islands by Jaynee R. Kim, Kenneth A. Hayes, Norine W. Yeung, and Robert H. Cowie
  • Eleotris bosetoi ( Teleostei: Gobioidei: Eleotridae), a New Species of Freshwater Fish from the Solomon Islands by Marion I. Mennesson, Philippe Keith, Brendan C. Ebner, and Philippe Gerbeaux
  • First Record of Bryozoan Amathia (= Zoobotryon) verticillata (Bryozoa: Vesiculariidae) from Taiwan by Dan Minchin, Ta-Kang Liu, and Muhan Cheng

Find the full text of the issue at BioOne

About the Journal

Appearing quarterly since 1947, Pacific Science is an international, multidisciplinary journal reporting research on the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific basin. It focuses on biogeography, ecology, evolution, geology and volcanology, oceanography, paleontology, and systematics.


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