Manoa, vol. 22, no. 1 (2010): Andha Yug: The Age of Darkness

Andha Yug coverPresented by Manoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing

Andha Yug: The Age of Darkness, a play by Dharamvir Bharati

Frank Stewart, vii

Defending the Sacred in an Age of Atrocities
Alok Bhalla, xi

Andha Yug: The Age of Darkness
Dharamvir Bharati
Prologue, 5
Act One: The Kaurava Kingdom, 7
Act Two: The Making of a Beast, 22
Act Three: The Half-Truth of Ashwatthama, 36
Interlude: Feathers, Wheels, and Bandages, 55
Act Four: Gandhari’s Curse, 59
Act Five: Victory and a Series of Suicides, 83
Epilogue: Death of the Lord, 99

The Mahabharata and Andha Yug: A Brief Summary
Frank Stewart, 111

Ahimsa in the City of the Mind
Alok Bhalla, 115

A Persian Mahabharata: The 1598–1599 Razmnama
Yael Rice, 125

List of Illustrations, 132

Glossary, 137

About the Playwright and Translator, 142