China Review International, vol. 4, no. 1 (1997)

This issue is available online at Project Muse.


Christina Kelley Gilmartin, Engendering the Chinese Revolution: Radical Women, Communist Politics, and Mass Movements in the 1920s
Reviewed by Deborah Buffton — p. 1

Chun-chieh Huang and Erik Zürcher, editors, Time and Space in Chinese Culture
Reviewed by John Allen Tucker — p. 5

Stephen Owen, editor and translator, An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1911
Reviewed by H. R. Lan — p. 23

Xiaobing Tang, Global Space and the Nationalist Discourse of Modernity: The Historical Thinking of Liang Qichao
Reviewed by David D. Buck — p. 29

Tu Wei-ming, editor, The Living Tree: The Changing Meaning of Being Chinese Today
Reviewed by Lionel M. Jensen — p. 33

Zhu Weizheng, Yindiao weiding de chuantong (A tradition without a definite tone)
Reviewed by Q. Edward Wang — p. 51


William P. Alford, To Steal a Book Is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization
Reviewed by Randy Peerenboom — p. 55

Isabelle Ang and Pierre-Étienne Will, editors, Nombres, Astres, Plantes et Viscres: Sept Essais sur l’Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques en Asie Orientale (Numbers, stars, plants, and viscera: Seven essays on the history of the sciences and techniques in East Asia)
Reviewed by Lowell Skar — p. 62

Martyn Atkins, Informal Empire in Crisis: British Diplomacy and the Chinese Customs Succession, 1927-1929
Reviewed by Steve Tsang — p. 66

Bryan S. Bachner and H. L. Fu, Commercial Laws in the People’s Republic of China: Regulation and Reform Affecting the Market
Reviewed by Brian Daly — p. 134

Geremie R. Barmé, Shades of Mao: The Posthumous Cult of the Great Leader
Reviewed by Chang-tai Hung — p. 68

Marie-Claire Bergre, Sun Yat-Sen
Reviewed by Eduard B. Vermeer — p. 71

Barbara K. Bundy, Stephen D. Burns, and Kimberly V. Weichel, editors, The Future of the Pacific Rim: Scenarios for Regional Cooperation
Reviewed by Rex Li — p. 73

Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Le système politique de la Chine populaire
Reviewed by Richard Desjardins — p. 79

Feng Chen, Economic Transition and Political Legitimacy in Post-Mao China: Ideology and Reform
Reviewed by Hung-chao Tai — p. 82

Chen Jian, China’s Road to the Korean War: The Making of the Sino-American Confrontation
Reviewed by Richard C. Kagan — p. 86

Jie Chen and Peng Deng, China since the Cultural Revolution: From Totalitarianism to Authoritarianism
Reviewed by R. David Arkush — p. 88

Xiaomei Chen, Occidentalism: A Theory of Counter-Discourse in Post-Mao China
Reviewed by Chenshan Tian — p. 90

Tun-jen Cheng, Chi Huang, and Samuel S. G. Wu, editors, Inherited Rivalry: Conflict across the Taiwan Straits
Reviewed by Anthony J. Kane — p. 99

Eva Shan Chou, Reconsidering Tu Fu
Reviewed by David McCraw — p. 102

John F. Copper, Words across the Taiwan Strait: A Critique of Beijing’s “White Paper” on China’s Reunification
Reviewed by Liu Bolong — p. 111

Deborah Davis and Stevan Harrell, editors, Chinese Families in the Post-Mao Era
Reviewed by Wen-Hui Tsai — p. 112

Sophia Delza, The T’ai-Chi Ch’uan Experience: Reflections and Perceptions on Body-Mind Harmony
Reviewed by David Waterhouse — p. 114

John Dent-Young and Alex Dent-Young, translators, The Broken Seals: Part One of The Marshes of Mount Liang
Reviewed by H. Laura Wu — p. 116

Kenneth J. DeWoskin and J. I. Crump, Jr., translators, In Search of the Supernatural: The Written Record
Reviewed by Robert Ford Campany — p. 118

David Faure and Helen F. Siu, editors, Down to Earth: The Territorial Bond in South China
Reviewed by C. P. Lo — p. 121

John R. Faust and Judith F. Kornberg, China in World Politics
Reviewed by George P. Jan — p. 124

Joshua A. Fogel, The Literature of Travel in the Japanese Rediscovery of China, 1862-1945
Reviewed by Nanyan Guo — p. 127

Edward Friedman, editor, The Politics of Democratization: Generalizing East Asian Experiences
Reviewed by Kate Xiao Zhou — p. 131

Howard Gensler and Jiliang Yang, A Guide to China’s Tax and Business Laws
Reviewed by Brian Daly — p. 134

Karen Gernant, Imagining Women: Fujian Folk Tales
Reviewed by C. Fred Blake — p. 136

Howard Goldblatt, editor, Chairman Mao Would Not Be Amused: Fiction from Today’s China
Reviewed by Holly Shi — p. 138

Merle Goldman, Sowing the Seeds of Democracy in China: Political Reform in the Deng Xiaoping Era
Reviewed by Fritz Gaenslen — p. 141

Bryna Goodman, Native Place, City, and Nation: Regional Networks and Identities in Shanghai, 1853-1937
Reviewed by Parks M. Coble — p. 145

Stevan Harrell, editor, Chinese Historical Microdemography
Reviewed by Robert André LaFleur — p. 149

Tom Hart and Torbjörn Lodén, editors, Wei Jingsheng and the Prospects for Democracy in China
Reviewed by James C. F. Wang — p. 153

Ruth Hayhoe and Lu Yongling, editors, Ma Xiangbo and the Mind of Modern China, 1840-1939
Reviewed by Robert Entenmann — p. 159

Martin W. Huang, Literati and Self-Re/presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth-Century Chinese Novel
Reviewed by Pin P. Wan — p. 162

J. Bruce Jacobs and Ouyang Yu, translators, Bitter Peaches and Plums: Two Chinese Novellas on the Recent Chinese Student Experience in Australia
Reviewed by Lily Xiao Hong Lee — p. 166

T. Christopher Jespersen, American Images of China: 1931-1949
Reviewed by Eileen P. Scully — p. 170

Ha Jin, Ocean of Words: Army Stories
Reviewed by Jack J. Gerson — p. 175

Linda Cooke Johnson, Shanghai: From Market Town to Treaty Port, 1074-1858
Reviewed by Kerrie L. MacPherson — p. 177

Jane Khanna, editor, Southern China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: Evolution of a Subregional Economy
Reviewed by Peter W. Colm — p. 181

Lo Chi Kin, Suzanne Pepper, and Tsui Kai Yuen, editors, China Review 1995
Reviewed by Gaye Christoffersen — p. 186

Terry F. Kleeman, A God’s Own Tale: The Book of Transformations of Wenchang, the Divine Lord of Zitong
Reviewed by Julian F. Pas — p. 189

Gary Klintworth, New Taiwan, New China: Taiwan’s Changing Role in the Asia-Pacific Region
Reviewed by Karl J. Fields — p. 192

Jon Eugene von Kowallis, The Lyrical Lu Xun: A Study of His Classical-Style Verse
Reviewed by Jan Walls — p. 194

Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power
Reviewed by Matei P. Mihalca — p. 196

Chin-Chuan Lee, editor, China’s Media, Media’s China
Reviewed by Daojiong Zha — p. 198

Jane C. Y. Lee and Anthony B. L. Cheung, editors, Public Sector Reform in Hong Kong
Reviewed by Peter Nan-shong Lee — p. 201

Cui-Rong Liu and Mark Elvin, editors, Ji jian suo zhi: Zhongguo huanjingshi lunwenji (Sediments of time: Environment and society in Chinese history)
Reviewed by Bin Lin — p. 203

Liu Xiaomeng, Ding Yizhuang, Shi Weimin, and He Lan, Zhongguo zhiqing shidian (Encyclopedia of “educated youth”)
Reviewed by Pan Yihong — p. 207

Kathleen L. Lodwick, Crusaders against Opium: Protestant Missionaries in China, 1874-1917
Reviewed by Margo S. Gewurtz — p. 211

Y. F. Luk, Hong Kong’s Economic and Financial Future
Reviewed by Peter W. Colm — p. 181

Joel Marks and Roger T. Ames, editors, Emotions in Asian Thought: A Dialogue in Comparative Philosophy
Reviewed by Griet Vankeerberghen — p. 216

Barry Naughton, Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978-1993
Reviewed by Calla Wiemer — p. 219

Peter Nolan, China’s Rise, Russia’s Fall: Politics, Economics and Planning in the Transition from Stalinism
Reviewed by Thomas P. Bernstein — p. 221

Roxann Prazniak, Dialogues across Civilizations: Sketches in World History from the Chinese and European Experiences
Reviewed by Edward L. Farmer — p. 224

Colin A. Ronan, The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China: An Abridgement by Colin A. Ronan of Joseph Needham’s Original Text. Volume 5
Reviewed by John S. Major — p. 226

Ruan Ming, Deng Xiaoping: Chronicle of an Empire
Reviewed by Thomas Kampen — p. 227

Tony Saich, editor, The Rise to Power of the Chinese Communist Party: Documents and Analysis
Reviewed by R. Keith Schoppa — p. 229

Ralph D. Sawyer, translator, Sun Pin: Military Methods
Reviewed by Harro von Senger — p. 233

Keith Schoppa, Blood Road: The Mystery of Shen Dingyi in Revolutionary China
Reviewed by Katherine K. Reist — p. 236

Stuart R. Schram, editor, Mao’s Road to Power: Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949. Volume 3, Establishment of the Jiangxi Soviets, July 1927-December 1930
Reviewed by C. L. Chiou — p. 238

David Shambaugh, editor, Greater China: The Next Superpower?
Reviewed by William A. Callahan — p. 244

Clarence F. Shangraw and Claudia Brown, A Chorus of Colors: Chinese Glass from Three American Collections
Reviewed by Margaret Carney — p. 247

Shen Congwen, Imperfect Paradise: Stories by Shen Congwen
Reviewed by Lydia Liu — p. 250

Lawrence R. Sullivan, editor, China Since Tiananmen: Political, Economic, and Social Conflicts
Reviewed by Pingchao Zhu — p. 253

Stephen Teiser, The Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism
Reviewed by Chi-chiang Huang — p. 256

S. Bernard Thomas, Season of High Adventure: Edgar Snow in China
Reviewed by Marilyn A. Levine — p. 261

Hung-mao Tien, editor, Taiwan’s Electoral Politics and Democratic Transition: Riding the Third Wave
Reviewed by Cal Clark — p. 265

Hoyt Cleveland Tillman, Ch’en Liang on Public Interest and the Law
Reviewed by John H. Berthrong — p. 268

Shih-shan Henry Tsai, The Eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty
Reviewed by Kenneth J. Hammond — p. 271

Steve Tsang, editor, A Documentary History of Hong Kong. Volume 1, Government and Politics
Reviewed by Leo F. Goodstadt — p. 275

James and Ann Tyson, Chinese Awakenings: Life Stories from the Unofficial China
Reviewed by Matei P. Mihalca — p. 196

Paul U. Unschuld, Learn to Read Chinese
Reviewed by Nigel Wiseman — p. 279

Wang Wen-hsing, Family Catastrophe
Reviewed by Sung-sheng Yvonne Chang — p. 281

Yunxiang Yan, The Flow of Gifts: Reciprocity and Social Networks in a Chinese Village
Reviewed by Zhang Yanhua — p. 283

Yu Hua, The Past and the Punishments
Reviewed by Laifong Leung — p. 288

Judith Zeitlin, Historian of the Strange: Pu Songling and the Chinese Classical Tale
Reviewed by Katherine Carlitz — p. 290

Zha Jianying, China Pop: How Soap Operas, Tabloids, and Bestsellers Are Transforming a Culture
Reviewed by Ming-Bao Yue — p. 293

Zhang Boshu, Marxism and Human Sociobiology: The Perspective of Economic Reforms in China
Reviewed by Josephine Smart — p. 296

David Zweig and Chen Changgui, China’s Brain Drain to the United States: Views of Overseas Chinese Students and Scholars in the 1990s
Reviewed by William Wei — p. 298