China Review International, vol. 2, no. 2 (1995)

This issue is available online at Project Muse.

Remembering Wing-tsit Chan

Wing-tsit Chan, 1901-1994: Excerpts from an Oral Autobiography, pp. 305-344
Compiled by Irene Bloom


Joshua A. Fogel, The Cultural Dimension of Sino-Japanese Relations: Essays on the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, pp. 345-354
Reviewed by John Allen Tucker

Liang Jisheng, Zhang Boling jiaoyu sixiang yanjiu (A study of Zhang Boling’s educational thought), pp. 355-359
Reviewed by Joseph W. Esherick and Ye Wa

Wang Shan, Viewing China through a Third Eye (Di san zhi yanjing kan Zhongguo), pp. 360-363
Reviewed by John Dye

An Overview of Sinological Studies in St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 363-366
By Tatiana A. Pang


Response to Jean James’ Review of Art and Political Expression in Early China, pp. 367-382
By Martin J. Powers

Reply to Martin Powers, pp. 382-383
By Jean James

Response to Deborah Del Gais Muller’s Review of Ma Hezhi and the Illustration of the “Book of Odes”, pp. 383-385
By Julia K. Murray

Reply to Julia Murray, p. 385
By Deborah Del Gais Muller


Julia F. Andrews, Painters and Politics in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1979
Reviewed by Felicity Lufkin

Bai Hua, The Remote Country of Women
Reviewed by Jason Jiang

John H. Berthrong, All Under Heaven: Transforming Paradigms in Confucian-Christian Dialogue
Reviewed by Brook Ziporyn

Bill Brugger and Stephen Reglar, Politics, Economics and Society in Contemporary China
Reviewed by Marc Blecher

Cecilia L. W. Chan, The Myth of Neighborhood Mutual Help: The Contemporary Chinese Community-Based Welfare System in Guangzhou
Reviewed by Rowena Fong

Ming K. Chan, editor, Precarious Balance: Hong Kong between China and Britain, 1942-1992
Reviewed by Derek Davies

Sucheng Chan, Entry Denied: Exclusion and the Chinese Community in America, 1882-1943
Reviewed by Karen A. Joe

Sidney H. Chang and Ramon H. Myers, editors, The Storm Clouds Clear Over China: The Memoir of Ch’en Li-fu, 1900-1993
Reviewed by Edmund S. K. Fung

Julia Ching, Chinese Religions
Reviewed by Daniel L. Overmyer

Godwin C. Chu and Yanan Ju, The Great Wall in Ruins: Communication and Cultural Change in China
Reviewed by Martine Lewi

Myron L. Cohen, editor, Asia: Case Studies in the Social Sciences: A Guide for Teaching
Reviewed by Shiping Hua

John F. Copper, Historical Dictionary of Taiwan
Reviewed by Ying-hwa Chang

Arthur Cotterell, East Asia: From Chinese Predominance to the Rise of the Pacific Rim
Reviewed by John Bresnan

Elisabeth Croll, From Heaven to Earth: Images and Experiences of Development in China
Reviewed by Gregory Veeck

J. S. Cummins, A Question of Rites: Friar Domingo Navarrete and the Jesuits in China
Reviewed by Paul Rule

Lincoln H. Day and Ma Xia, editors, Migration and Urbanization in China
Reviewed by Fei Guo

Cecil R. Dipchand, Zhang Yichun, and Ma Mingjia, The Chinese Financial System
Reviewed by Steven M. Dawson

Dong Lisheng, editor, Administrative Reform in the People’s Republic of China since 1978
Reviewed by Stephen K. Ma

Ronald C. Egan, Word, Image, and Deed in the Life of Su Shi
Reviewed by David R. McCraw

John Espey, Minor Heresies, Major Departures: A China Mission Boyhood
Reviewed by Lawrence D. Kessler

Lothar von Falkenhausen, Suspended Music: Chime-Bells in the Culture of Bronze Age China
Reviewed by Kenneth J. DeWoskin

Joseph Fewsmith, Dilemmas of Reform in China: Political Conflict and Economic Debate
Reviewed by Martine Lewi

Gregory Elihu Guldin, The Saga of Anthropology in China: From Malinowski to Moscow to Mao
Reviewed by Norma Diamond

Steven Harrell and Huang Chün-chieh, editors, Culture Change in Postwar Taiwan
Reviewed by Ichiro Numazaki

Eric Harwit, China’s Automobile Industry: Policies, Problems, and Prospects
Reviewed by Maria C. Morgan

He Yuhai, Cycles of Repression and Relaxation: Politico-Literary Events in China, 1976-1989
Reviewed by Philip F. Williams

Richard M. W. Ho, Ch’en Tzu-ang: Innovator in T’ang Poetry
Reviewed by Shawn Eichman

Roger B. Jeans, editor, Roads Not Taken: The Struggle of Opposition Parties in Twentieth-Century China
Reviewed by J. Bruce Jacobs

Jia Hao and Lin Zhimin, editors, Changing Central-Local Relations in China: Reform and State Capacity
Reviewed by Charles Burton

William A. Joseph, editor, China Briefing, 1994
Reviewed by Flemming Christiansen

Dorothy Ko, Teachers of the Inner Chambers: Women and Culture in Seventeenth-Century China
Reviewed by Patricia Ebrey

Malcolm Lamb, Directory of Officials and Organizations in China: A Quarter-Century Guide
Reviewed by Kenneth Lieberthal

Laifong Leung, Morning Sun: Interviews with Chinese Writers of the Lost Generation
Reviewed by Perry Link

John W. Lewis and Xue Litai, China’s Strategic Seapower: The Politics of Force Modernization in the Nuclear Age
Reviewed by Paul H. B. Godwin

Li Hong, Zhongguo qiche gongye jingji fenxi (An economic analysis of the Chinese automobile industry)
Reviewed by Maria C. Morgan

Li Shujiang and Karl W. Luckert, Mythology and Folklore of the Hui, a Muslim Chinese People
Reviewed by Arienne M. Dwyer

Zhiling Lin and Thomas W. Robinson, editors, The Chinese and Their Future: Beijing, Taipei, and Hong Kong
Reviewed by Danny S. L. Paau

Richard Madsen, China and the American Dream: A Moral Inquiry
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo

Donald H. McMillen and Michael E. DeGolyer, editors, One Culture, Many Systems: Politics in the Reunification of China
Reviewed by J. Bruce Jacobs

Karen Minden, Bamboo Stone: The Evolution of a Chinese Medical Elite
Reviewed by Marta Hanson

D. E. Mungello, The Forgotten Christians of Hangzhou
Reviewed by Peter Fleming, S.J.

Lynn H. Nelson and Patrick Peebles, editors, Classics of Eastern Thought
Reviewed by John M. Koller

Ching-Hsi Perng and Chiu-kuei Wang, editors, “Death in a Cornfield” and Other Stories from Contemporary Taiwan
Reviewed by Philip F. Williams

Pitman B. Potter, editor, Domestic Law Reforms in Post-Mao China
Reviewed by Gerald W. Berkley-Coats

John Roderick, Covering China
Reviewed by Daojiong Zha

Dennis A. Rondinelli, editor, Expanding Sino-American Business and Trade: China’s Economic Transition
Reviewed by Oded Shenkar

Tony Saich, The Origins of the First United Front in China: The Role of Sneevliet (Alias Maring)
Reviewed by Gerald W. Berkley-Coats

Kristofer Schipper, The Taoist Body
Reviewed by David C. Yu

Jörg Schumacher, Über den Begriff des Nützlichen bei Mengzi
Reviewed by Griet Vankeerberghen and Dietrich Tschanz

Etô Shinkichi and Harold Z. Schiffrin, editors, China’s Republican Revolution
Reviewed by Joan Judge

Tu Wei-ming, editor, China in Transformation
Reviewed by William A. Callahan

David Der-wei Wang and Jeanne Tai, editors, Running Wild: New Chinese Writers
Reviewed by Kirk A. Denton

Robert P. Weller, Resistance, Chaos and Control in China: Taiping Rebels, Taiwanese Ghosts and Tiananmen
Reviewed by John A. Rapp

Xie Mian, Xin shiji de taiyang: Ershi shiji Zhongguo shichao [The sun of a new era: Currents in twentieth-century Chinese poetry]
Reviewed by Michael Hockx

Susumu Yabuki, China’s New Political Economy: The Giant Awakes
Reviewed by Xiaobo Lu

Yan Ruizhen and Wang Yuan, Poverty and Development: A Study of China’s Poor Areas
Reviewed by Shelly K. Habel

Linda W. L. Young, Crosstalk and Culture in Sino-American Communication
Reviewed by Yung-O Biq

Renqiu Yu, To Save China, to Save Ourselves: The Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance of New York
Reviewed by Gregory Yee Mark

Min Zhou, Chinatown: The Socioeconomic Potential of an Urban Enclave
Reviewed by Bryan D. Y. Man

Charles E. Ziegler, Foreign Policy and East Asia: Learning and Adaptation in the Gorbachev Era
Reviewed by James Clay Moltz

BOOKS RECEIVED, pp. 605-606