China Review International, vol. 12, no. 1 (2005)

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Scott Cook, editor, Hiding the World in the World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi
Reviewed by Bryan W. Van Norden, 1

Tackling the Translation of an Invaluable Primary Source that No One Person
Would Dare Face Alone (reviewing Ding Wenjiang and Zhao Fengtian, original compilers, Ryō Keichō nenpu chōhen ([annotated Japanese translation of] Liang Qichao nianpu changbian = Chronological biography of Liang Qichao, full edition)
Reviewed by Joshua A. Fogel, 15

Jason C. Kuo, Transforming Traditions in Modern Chinese Painting: Huang Pin-hung’s Late Work
Reviewed by An-yi Pan, 29


Response to John Allen Tucker’s Review of Spiritual Titanism: Indian, Chinese, and Western Perspectives
By Nicholas F. Gier, 53


Tani E. Barlow, The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism
Reviewed by Yuk-Lin Renita Wong, 57

Zong-qi Cai, editor, Chinese Aesthetics: The Ordering of Literature, the Arts, and the Universe in the Six Dynasties
Reviewed by Xiaofei Tian, 62

Stuart Chandler, Establishing a Pure Land on Earth: The Foguang Buddhist Perspective on Modernization and Globalization
Reviewed by Jason Clower, 67

Wm. Theodore de Bary, Nobility and Civility: Asian Ideals of Leadership and the Common Good
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 71

Frank Dikötter, Lars Laamann, and Zhou Xun, Narcotic Culture: A History of Drugs in China
Reviewed by Kathleen L. Lodwick, 74

Rolf Elberfeld, Phänomenologie der Zeit im Buddhismus: Methoden interkulturellen Philosophierens
Reviewed by Wing-Cheuk Chan, 76

B. J. Elder, The Oriole’s Song: An American Girlhood in Wartime China
Reviewed by Cristina Zaccarini, 84

Stephen Eskildsen, The Teachings and Practices of the Early Quanzhen Taoist Masters
Reviewed by Russell Kirkland, 88

James A. Flath, The Cult of Happiness: Nianhua, Art, and History in Rural North China
Reviewed by Craig Clunas, 97

Joshua Fogel, editor, The Role of Japan in Liang Qichao’s Introduction of Modern
Western Civilization to China

Reviewed by Lu Yan, 100

Marián Gálik, Influence, Translation and Parallels: Selected Studies on the Bible in China
Reviewed by Chloë Starr, 103

Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song, China: New Engine of World Growth
Reviewed by Thomas P. Lyons, 106

Howard Giskin and Bettye S. Walsh, editors, An Introduction to Chinese Culture through the Family
Reviewed by Stevan Harrell, 112

Peter Hays Gries and Stanley Rosen, editors, State and Society in 21st-century China: Crisis, Contention, and Legitimation
Reviewed by Lisa Fischler, 117

Ho Che Wah 何志華, «文子»著作年代新証 (The new evidence pointing to the date of the Wenzi)
Reviewed by Paul van Els, 121

Peter Ho, Jacob Eyeferth, and Eduard B. Vermeer, editors, Rural Development in Transitional China: The New Agriculture
Reviewed by Gregory Veeck, 123

Yasheng Huang, Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment during the Reform Era
Reviewed by Andrew Wedeman, 126

Hilary K. Josephs, Labor Law in China
Reviewed by Virginia E. Harper Ho, 130

François Jullien, A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking
Reviewed by Christiaan Mitchell, 134

Anne Behnke Kinney, Representations of Childhood and Youth in Early China
Reviewed by Cynthia L. Chennault, 140

Richard Curt Kraus, The Party and the Arty in China: The New Politics of Culture
Reviewed by James Gao, 144

Michael Lackner and Natascha Vittinghoff, editors, Mapping Meanings: The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China
Reviewed by Susan Mann, 147

Lam Wai-man, Understanding the Political Culture of Hong Kong: The Paradox of Activism and Depoliticization
Reviewed by Mobo C. F. Gao, 152

Li Qiancheng, Fictions of Enlightenment: Journey to the West, Tower of Myriad Mirrors and Dream of the Red Chamber; Zhou Zuyan, Androgyny in Late Ming and Early Qing Literature
Reviewed by Louise Edwards, 154

Lydia H. Liu, The Clash of Empires: The Invention of China in Modern World Making
Reviewed by John Schrecker, 157

Xin Liu, editor, New Reflections on Anthropological Studies of (greater) China
Reviewed by Susan D. Blum, 161

Xing Lu, Rhetoric of the Chinese Cultural Revolution: The Impact on Chinese Thought, Culture, and Communication
Reviewed by Howard Goldblatt, 170

Qian Ma, Feminist Utopian Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Chinese and English Fiction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Reviewed by Ban Wang, 173

Colin Mackerras, editor, Ethnicity in Asia
Reviewed by Hazel J. Lang, 178

Roman Malek, editor, The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ
Reviewed by Patrick Fulian Shan, 180

Iona D. Man-Cheong, The Class of 1761: Examinations, State and Elite in Eighteenth Century China
Reviewed by Benjamin Elman, 184

Melanie Manion, Corruption by Design: Building Clean Government in Mainland China and Hong Kong
Reviewed by Julia Kwong, 191

Martino Martini, S.J, Opera Omnia
Reviewed by Giovanni Vitiello, 194

James Miller, Daoism: A Short Introduction
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 197

Rana Mitter, A Bitter Revolution: China’s Struggle with the Modern World
Reviewed by Philip A. Kuhn, 201

Barbara Mittler, A Newspaper for China? Power, Identity, and Change in Shanghai’s News Media, 1872–1912
Reviewed by Chang-tai Hung, 203

James C. Mohr, Plague and Fire: Battling Black Death and the 1900 Burning of Honolulu’s Chinatown
Reviewed by Ka-che Yip, 206

Ning Qiang, Art, Religion and Politics in Medieval China: The Dunhuang Cave of the Zhai Family Reviewed by Susan Whitfield, 209

Roderich Ptak, China, the Portuguese, and the Nanyang: Oceans and Routes, Regions and Trade (c. 1000 to 1600)
Reviewed by George Modelski, 213

Eric Reinders, Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 215

Karl Joseph Rivinius, Das Collegium Sinicum zu Neapel und seine Umwandlung in ein Orientalisches Institut: Ein Beitrag zu seiner Geschichte
Reviewed by Lydia Gerber, 219

Harold D. Roth, editor, A Companion to Angus C. Graham’s Chuang Tzu
Reviewed by Paul Kjellberg, 222

Anthony L. Schmieg, M.D. Watching Your Back: Chinese Martial Arts and Traditional Medicine
Reviewed by Stanley E. Henning, 226

Wartime Experience, Collective Memories, and Hong Kong Identity (reviewing Philip Snow, The Fall of Hong Kong: Britain, China and the Japanese Occupation)
Reviewed by Jung-fang Tsai, 229

Patrick Taveirne, Han-Mongol Encounters and Missionary Endeavors: A History of Scheut in Ordos (Hetao) 1874–1911
Reviewed by Kathleen L. Lodwick, 247

Bill Taylor, Chang Kai, and Li Qi, Industrial Relations in China
Reviewed by Kun-Chin Lin, 249

Seventeenth-century European Images of China (reviewing Friederike Ulrichs, Johan Nieuhofs Blick auf China (1655–1657): Die Kupferstiche in seinem Chinabuch und ihre Wirkung auf den Verleger Jacob van Meurs; Pascale Girard, Le voyage en Chine d’Adriano de Las Cortes S.J. (1625); Ernst van den Boogaart, Het verheven en verdorven Azië: Woord en beeld in het Itinerario en de Icones van Jan Huygen van Linschoten; Sun Ying, Wandlungen des europäischen Chinabildes in illustrierten Reiseberichten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts)
Reviewed by Nicolas Standaert, 254

Wang Gungwu, Ideas Won’t Keep: The Struggle for China’s Future
Reviewed by Margherita Zanasi, 260

Andrew H. Wedeman, From Mao to Market
Reviewed by Marion E. Jones, 264

Philip F. Williams and Yenna Wu, The Great Wall of Confinement: The Chinese Prison Camp through Contemporary Fiction and Reportage
Reviewed by Richard King, 270

Andrew R. Wilson, Ambition and Identity: Chinese Merchant Elites in Colonial Manila, 1880–1916
Reviewed by Richard T. Chu, 273

Shujie Yao and Xiaming Liu, editors, Sustaining China’s Economic Growth in the Twenty-first Century
Reviewed by Frank R. Gunter, 279

Naiying Yuan, Haitao Tang, and James Geiss, Classical Chinese: A Basic Reader
Reviewed by Yongping Zhu, 284

Zhang Yongjin, China’s Emerging Global Businesses: Political Economy and Institutional Investigations
Reviewed by Flemming Christiansen, 288

Suisheng Zhao, A Nation-State by Construction: Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism
Reviewed by David D. Buck, 290

Books Received