China Review International, vol. 10, no. 1 (2003)

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More “Mencius-on-Human-Nature” Discussions: What Are They About? (reviewing Alan Kam-leung Chan, editor, Mencius: Contexts and Interpretations)
Reviewed by Michael LaFargue, 1

Roman Malek, S.V.D., editor, Western Learning and Christianity in China: The Contribution and Impact of Johann Adam Schall von Bell, S.J. (1592–1666)
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 28

Edward J. M. Rhoads, Manchus and Han: Ethnic Relations and Political Power in Late Qing and Early Republican China, 1861–1928
Reviewed by Chia Ning, 40

Y. M. Yeung and David K. Y. Chu, editors, Fujian: A Coastal Province in Transition and Transformation
Reviewed by Murray A. Rubinstein, 59


Muthiah Alagappa, editor, Taiwan’s Presidential Politics: Democratization and Cross-Strait Relations in the Twenty-First Century
Reviewed by Vincent Kelly Pollard, 79

Élisabeth Allès, Musulmans de Chine: Une anthropologie des Hui du Henan
Reviewed by Zvi Aziz Ben-Dor, 84

Gordon S. Barrass, The Art of Calligraphy in Modern China
Reviewed by Stephen J. Goldberg, 86

Kathryn Bernhardt, Women and Property in China, 960–1949
Reviewed by Robert J. Antony, 90

Umberto Bresciani, Reinventing Confucianism: The New Confucian Movement
Reviewed by John Berthrong, 93

Marianne Bujard, Le sacrifice au Ciel dans la Chine ancienne: Théorie et pratique sous les Han occidentaux
Reviewed by Griet Vankeerberghen, 98

Hua Cai, A Society without Fathers or Husbands: The Na of China
Reviewed by C. Fred Blake, 103
Zong-qi Cai, Configurations of Comparative Poetics: Three Perspectives on Western and Chinese Literary Criticism
Reviewed by Tim Chan, 107

Leo T. S. Ching, Becoming “Japanese”: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation
Reviewed by Douglas Fix, 114

David J. Clarke, Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization
Reviewed by Jason C. Kuo, 120

Warren I. Cohen, The Asian American Century
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 124

Shuqin Cui, Women Through the Lens: Gender and Nation in a Century of Chinese Cinema Reviewed by Gina Marchetti, 129

Bruce J. Dickson and Chien-min Chao, editors, Assessing the Lee Teng-hui Legacy in Taiwan’s Politics: Democratic Consolidation and External Relations
Reviewed by Cal Clark, 132

Frank Dikötter, Crime, Punishment and the Prison in Modern China, 1895–1949
Reviewed by Thomas Buoye, 136

Naifei Ding, Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei
Reviewed by Giovanni Vitiello, 139

Michael Du Pont, Foreign Direct Investment in Transitional Economies: A Case Study of China and Poland
Reviewed by Yanrui Wu, 144

Judith Farquhar, Appetites: Food and Sex in Post-socialist China
Reviewed by Maris Gillette, 146

Marc S. Gallicchio, The African American Encounter with China and Japan: Black Internationalism in Asia, 1895–1945
Reviewed by Vincent Kelly Pollard, 150

Liangyan Ge, Out of the Margins: The Rise of Chinese Vernacular Fiction
Reviewed by Qiancheng Li, 155

Jane Geaney, On the Epistemology of the Senses in Early Chinese Thought
Reviewed by Brian Bruya, 157

Merle Goldman and Leo Ou-fan Lee, editors, An Intellectual History of Modern China Reviewed by Mary G. Mazur, 165

David A. Graff, Medieval Chinese Warfare, 300–900
Reviewed by Winston W. Lo, 169

Gilles Guiheux, Les grands entrepreneurs privés à Taiwan: La main visible de la prospérité (The great private entrepreneurs of Taiwan: Prosperity’s visible hand)
Reviewed by Vincent Kelly Pollard, 173

Mette Halskov Hansen, Lessons in Being Chinese: Minority Education and Ethnic Identity in Southwest China
Reviewed by Scott Éliot Simon, 177

Hsiao Li-hung, translated by Michelle Wu, A Thousand Moons on a Thousand Rivers
Reviewed by Shu-ning Sciban, 181

Jamie Hubbard, Absolute Delusion, Perfect Buddhahood: The Rise and Fall of a Chinese Heresy
Reviewed by Linda Penkower, 186

Graham Hutchings, Modern China: A Guide to a Century of Change
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 191

Yung Sik Kim and Francesca Bray, editors, Current Perspectives in the History of Science in East Asia
Reviewed by Mary Tiles, 193

Dorothy Ko, Every Step a Lotus: Shoes for Bound Feet
Reviewed by Linda B. Arthur, 195

Philip A. Kuhn, translated by Pierre-Etienne Will, Origins of the Modern Chinese State Reviewed by Susan Mann, 196

Lothar Ledderose, Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art
Reviewed by Anne de Coursey Clapp, 203

Jeonghee Lee-Kalisch, Das Licht der Edlen (Junzi zhi guang): Der Mond in der chinesischen Landschaftsmalerei
Reviewed by Annette Bügener, 208

Cheng Li, China’s Leaders: The New Generation
Reviewed by Steven J. Hood, 211

Liu Kang, Aesthetics and Marxism: Chinese Aesthetic Marxists and Their Western Contemporaries
Reviewed by Tina Mai Chen, 213

Xin Meng, Labour Market Reform in China
Reviewed by Sarah Cook, 216

David R. Meyer, Hong Kong as a Global Metropolis
Reviewed by Victor F. S. Sit, 218

Joseph Needham, assisted by Lu Gwei-Djen, edited by Nathan Sivin, Science and Civilisation in China. Volume 6, Biology and Biological Technology. Part 6, Medicine
Reviewed by Mary Tiles, 220

Peimin Ni, On Confucius
Reviewed by Joanne D. Birdwhistell, 222

Yuri Pines, Foundations of Confucian Thought: Intellectual Life in the Chunqiu Period 722–453 B.C.E.
Reviewed by James D. Sellmann, 227

Mu-chou Poo, In Search of Personal Welfare: A View of Ancient Chinese Religion
Reviewed by Erica Brindley, 233

Michael J. Puett, The Ambivalence of Creation: Debates Concerning Innovation and Artifice in Early China
Reviewed by John Lindsay Dye, 239

Nanxiu Qian, Spirit and Self in Medieval China: The Shih-shuo hsin-yü and Its Legacy
Reviewed by Keith N. Knapp, 242

John Ravenhill, APEC and the Construction of Pacific Rim Regionalism
Reviewed by Maria N. DaCosta, 247

Edmund Ryden, Just War and Pacifism: Chinese and Christian Perspectives in Dialogue Reviewed by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, 250

David Shambaugh, editor, The Modern Chinese State
Reviewed by Christopher A. McNally, 254

Sheng Lijun, China and Taiwan: Cross-Strait Relations under Chen Shui-bian
Reviewed by John F. Copper, 259

Patricia Sieber, editor, Red Is not the Only Color: Contemporary Chinese Fiction on Love and Sex between Women, Collected Stories
Reviewed by Feng-ying Ming, 262

Su Zhiliang, Weianfu yanjiu (Studies on the comfort women); Su Zhiliang, Rijun xingnuli: Zhongguo “weianfu” zhenxiang (Sex slaves of the Japanese troops: A true account of Chinese “comfort women”)
Reviewed by Pan Yihong, 266

Liming Wang and John Davis, China’s Grain Economy: The Challenge of Feeding More than a Billion
Reviewed by Tian Weiming, 270

Dee Mack Williams, Beyond Great Walls: Environment, Identity, and Development on the Chinese Grasslands of Inner Mongolia
Reviewed by Elizabeth Endicott, 272

Ming Xia, The Dual Developmental State: Development Strategy and Institutional Arrangements for China’s Transition
Reviewed by Wong Yiu-chung, 277

Victor Xiong, Sui-Tang Chang’an: A Study in the Urban History of Medieval China
Reviewed by Charles Benn, 280

Ippei Yamazawa, editor, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation [APEC]: Challenges and Tasks for the Twenty-First Century
Reviewed by John Ravenhill, 283

Shuhui Yang, Appropriation and Representation: Feng Menglong and the Chinese Vernacular Story
Reviewed by Philip F. Williams, 286

Po-Ching Yip, The Chinese Lexicon: A Comprehensive Survey
Reviewed by Robert Sanders, 289

Pauline Yu, Peter Bol, Stephen Owen, and Willard Peterson, editors, Ways with Words: Writing about Reading Texts from Early China
Reviewed by Jui Lung Su, 293

Xueping Zhong, Masculinity Besieged? Issues of Modernity and Male Subjectivity in Chinese Literature of the Late Twentieth Century
Reviewed by Allan H. Barr, 298

Books Received