Oceanic Linguistics, vol. 48, no. 2 (2009)


Palauan Historical Phonology: Whence the Intrusive Velar Nasal?
Robert Blust, 307

One of the more striking features in the historical phonology of Palauan is the addition of a velar nasal before word-initial vowels. Because final vowels were unstressed, and almost always disappeared, it is difficult to determine whether a velar nasal would also have been added after final vowels had they been retained. However, a number of loanwords, mostly from Spanish and English, show the addition of a velar nasal after word-final vowels. The change in native vocabulary is exceptionless, while that in loanwords is irregular. Moreover, the two changes appear to be historically disconnected, yet they suggest a common canonical target that persisted over many generations of speakers.

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Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications in JSTOR

JSTOR logoElectronic facsimiles of all out-of-print volumes of Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications are now available online in the Arts & Sciences Complement of the JSTOR journal archive. The titles still in print and available from University of Hawai‘i Press are hyperlinked by number and by title to the Press’s website. The rest are linked to JSTOR.

35. Bill Palmer. 2008. Kokota Grammar. 448 pp.

34.Thomas John Hudak. 2008. William J. Gedney’s Comparative Tai Source Book. 232 pp.

33. Nicholas Thieberger. 2007. A Grammar of South Efate: An Oceanic Language of Vanuatu. 416 pp.

32. Otto Dempwolff; tr. & ed. by Joel Bradshaw and Francisc Czobor. 2005. Otto Dempwolff’s Grammar of the Jabêm Language in New Guinea. 132 pp.

31. Terry Crowley. 2004. Bislama Reference Grammar. 206 pp.

30. Juliette Blevins. 2001. Nhanda: An Aboriginal Language of Western Australia. 170 pp.

29. Videa P. De Guzman and Byron W. Bender, eds. 2000. Grammatical Analysis: Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics. 298 pp.

28. Graham Thurgood. 1999. From Cham to Modern Dialects: Two Thousand Years of Language Contact and Change. 498 pp.

27. Terry Crowley. 1998. An Erromangan (Sye) Grammar. 294 pp.

26. John W. M. Verhaar. 1995. Toward a Reference Grammar of Tok Pisin: An Experiment in Corpus Linguistics. 470 pp.

25. Midori Osumi. 1995. Tinrin Grammar. 304 pp.

24. Jerold A. Edmondson and Kenneth J. Gregerson, eds. 1993. Tonality in Austronesian Languages. 178 pp.

23. Robert Parkin. 1991. A Guide to Austroasiatic Speakers and Their Languages. 198 pp.

22. Samuel H. Elbert. 1988. Echo of a Culture: A Grammar of Rennell and Bellona. 306 pp.

21. Charles Randriamasimanana. 1986. The Causatives of Malagasy. 684 pp.

20. Veneeta Z. Acson and Richard L. Leed, eds. 1985. For Gordon H. Fairbanks.

19. Paul A. Geraghty. 1983. The History of the Fijian Languages. 484 pp.

18. Frantisek Lichtenberk. 1983. A Grammar of Manam. 648 pp.

17. James Patrie. 1982. The Genetic Relationship of the Ainu Language. 174 pp.

16. Videa P. De Guzman. 1978. Syntactic Derivation of Tagalog Verbs. 414 pp.

15. Fang Kuei Li. 1977. A Handbook of Comparative Tai. 390 pp.

14. John E. Reinecke, Stanley M. Tsuzaki, David DeCamp, Ian F. Hancock, and Richard E. Wood, comps. 1975. A Bibliography of Pidgin and Creole Languages. 804 pp.

13. Philip N. Jenner, Laurence C. Thompson, and Stanley Starosta, eds. 1976. Austroasiatic Studies, Part I (pp. 1–692) and Part II (pp. 693–1344).

12. Timothy M. Manley. 1972. Outline of Sre Structure. 240 pp.

11. Morice Vanoverbergh. 1972. Isneg-English Vocabulary. 640 pp.

10. Leatrice T. Mirikitani. 1972. Kapampangan Syntax. 264 pp.

09. Susumu Nagara. 1972. Japanese Pidgin English in Hawaii: A Bilingual Description. 322 pp.

08. Lawrence A. Reid, ed. 1971. Philippine Minor Languages: Word Lists and Phonologies. 242 pp.

07. David D. Thomas. 1971. Chrau Grammar. 258 pp.

06. David R. Counts. 1969. A Grammar of Kaliai-Kove. 170 pp.

05. Albert J. Schütz. 1969. Nguna Grammar. 188 pp.

04. Albert J. Schütz. 1969. Nguna Texts. 326 pp.

03. Richard E. Elkins. 1968. Manobo-English Dictionary. 356 pp.

02. Lawrence Andrew Reid. 1966. An Ivatan Syntax. 160 pp.

01. Stanley M. Tsuzaki and John E. Reinecke. 1966. English in Hawaii: An Annotated Bibliography. 62 pp.