Biography, vol. 34, no. 4 (2011)

Biography 34-4 cover



“My Eyes Ended Up At My Fingertips”: Antoine, Autobiographical Documentary, and the Cinematic Depiction of a Blind Child Subject
Isabel Pedersen and Kristen Aspevig, 639

Antoine, an independent film by Canadian Laura Bari, gives voice to a blind, five-year-old boy, Antoine Houang, who narrates his life with stories, memories, and imaginative compositions. We argue that because of its basis in collaboration, Antoine extends the genre of autobiographical documentary. It is an autobiography by Houang, but it is also a documentary by Bari. The film uses tactics of each genre to construct a portrait of a blind subject that is enabling rather than constraining. Ultimately, Antoine affords both Houang and Bari the opportunity to create a film that pushes the boundaries of these genres to portray the life of a differently-abled subject who might have been barred from such a practice.

Andy Warhol’s Deaths and the Assembly-Line Autobiography
Charles Reeve, 657

By examining Andy Warhol’s autobiographical publications in relation to his other literary and artistic production, his entourage’s memoirs, and the larger historical/cultural context, this article shows that he constructed his written self as a precursor to coming notions of the distributed, fragmented and saturated subject.

Annual Bibliography of Works about Life Writing, 2010–2011
Phyllis E. Wachter and Aiko Yamashiro, 676

Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives, by Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson, and Memoir: An Introduction, by G. Thomas Couser
Reviewed by Margaretta Jolly, 817

Burdens of Proof: Faith, Doubt, and Identity in Autobiography,
by Susanna Egan
Reviewed by Meghan Rosatelli, 822

Compelling Confessions: The Politics of Personal Disclosure,
edited by Suzanne Diamond
Reviewed by Julie Rak, 824

Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories, by Wanda M. Corn and Tirza True Latimer
Reviewed by Linda Simon, 826

Writing the South through the Self: Explorations in Southern Autobiography, by John C. Inscoe
Reviewed by Jennifer Ritterhouse, 830

Letting Stories Breathe: A Socio-Narratology, by Arthur W. Frank
Reviewed by Jarmila Mildorf, 833

The Biographer and the Subject: A Study on Biographical Distance,
by Rana Tekcan
Reviewed by Julian North, 837

Building Their Own Waldos: Emerson’s First Biographers and the Politics of Life-Writing in the Guilded Age, by Robert D. Habich
Reviewed by Bonnie Carr O’Neill, 839

A Living Man from Africa: Jan Tzatzoe, Xhosa Chief and Missionary, and the Making of Nineteenth Century South Africa, by Roger S. Levine
Reviewed by Vertrees C. Malherbe, 842

E. T. A. Hoffmann and Alcohol: Biography, Reception and Art, by Victoria Dutchman-Smith
Reviewed by Hilda Meldrum Brown, 844

Ruskin’s Educational Ideals, by Sara Atwood
Reviewed by Sharon Aronofsky Weltman, 847

Excerpts from recent reviews of biographies, autobiographies, and other works of interest, 850


INDEX TO VOLUME 34 (2011), 916