Biography, vol. 23, no. 4 (2000)

Editor’s Note, p. iii


Jane Campion Frames Janet Frame: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young New Zealand Poet, p. 651
Suzette A. HenkeIn her 1989 film An Angel At My Table, Jane Campion boldly imbricates into her cinematic adaptation of Janet Frame’s Autobiography scenes and details borrowed from Frame’s novel Faces in the Water. By strategically amalgamating fact with autofiction, Campion expands Frame’s textual self-disclosure and produces a poignant cinematic portrait that reinforces the testimonial impact of her protagonist’s life story.

Multiple Passings and the Double Death of Langston Hughes, p. 670
Juda Bennett

Critics and biographers have represented Langston Hughes as enigmatic, childlike, and asexual. In searching for a productive way into the controversy over the poet’s homosexuality, this essay examines the poet’s repeated use of the theme of racial passing, asking what this literature tells us about the poet, his work, and his sexuality.

Annual Bibliography of Works about Life Writing, 1999-2000, p. 694
Phyllis E. Wachter and William Todd Schultz


Postcolonialism and Autobiography, edited by Alfred Hornung and Ernstpeter Ruhe, p. 756
Reviewed by Elleke Boehmer

Saints’ Lives and the Rhetoric of Gender: Male and Female in Merovingian Hagiography, by John Kitchen, p. 758
Reviewed by Bruce L. Venarde

Reflections on Biography, by Paula R. Backscheider, p. 762
Reviewed by Ira B. Nadel

Virginia Woolf Icon, by Brenda R. Silver, p. 767
Reviewed by Catherine W. Hollis

The Mourning of John Lennon, by Anthony Elliott, p. 772
Reviewed by Kevin M. Burke

Five Euphemias: Women in Medieval Scotland, 1200-1420, by Elizabeth Sutherland, p. 775
Reviewed by Kathleen Ashley

Black Lives: Essays in African American Biography, edited by James L. Conyers, Jr., p. 777
Reviewed by Yvonne Johnson

The Unvarnished Truth: Personal Narratives in Nineteenth-Century America, by Ann Fabian, p. 781
Reviewed by James A. Good

Excerpts from recent reviews of biographies, autobiographies, and other works of interest

Upcoming events, calls for papers, and news from the field


INDEX, p. 847