Biography, vol. 21, no. 3 (1998)

Editor’s Note, p. iii


“Just Like Rosa”: History and Metaphor in the Life of a Seventeenth-Century Peruvian Saint, pp. 275-310
Ronald J. Morgan

Jacinto Moran de Butron, the seventeenth-century hagiographer of St. Mariana de Jesus, compared his beloved “Lily of Quito” to the world-famous St. Rose of Lima. The metaphor of Rose and Lily had broader implications, however, reflecting the author’s conscious desire to advertise the merits of his native province of Quito as a worthy companion to the more affluent and esteemed Lima.

Shifting Gears in Life History Research: The Case of an Assimilated American Jewish Woman in Palestine/Israel, 1989-1991, pp. 311-327
Batya Weinbaum

Superficial identification of interests can exist across borders, lifestyles, and political beliefs. It can also leave those who collect life histories vulnerable to well-spun, inaccurate metaphors. An American Jewish feminist scholar examines her own oral history research in Israel to show how, following an initial identification, her separating herself from her subjects caused her to change her categories of analysis.


Stephens, Fishers, and the Court of the “Sultan of Zanzibar”: New Evidence from Virginia Stephen Woolf’s Childhood, pp. 329-340
Panthea Reid

The famous 1910 “Dreadnought Hoax” (in which Virginia Stephen [Woolf] was photographed wearing a beard and blackface) was preceded by another hoax. Her brother Adrian has seemed a passive participant in both. Unpublished family documents, however, suggest that, emboldened by Virginia’s example and Stephen family habits of rivalry and mockery, Adrian Stephen may have conceptualized the 1905 “Sultan of Zanzibar” hoax, thereby setting the stage for Virginia’s involvement in the later hoax.

REVIEWS, pp. 341-374


LIFELINES, pp. 413-416

CONTRIBUTORS, pp. 417-418