The Dragon’s Underbelly: Dynamics and Dilemmas in Vietnam’s Economy and Politics

Paperback: $50.00
ISBN-13: 9789815011395
Published: January 2024

Additional Information

392 pages
  • About the Book
  • This book shows why Vietnam has not become the dragon it is often touted to be. The team of authors include both long-time observers and junior scholars who present cutting-edge research on the latest trends as well as major challenges facing the country’s economy and political system. As Vietnam seeks to escape from poverty and the legacies of mistaken socialist policies, its economy has become fully integrated into the global economy. Yet, without an effective and far-sighted leadership, it is still occupying a low position in the global value chains and becoming increasingly dependent on China. Politically, after three decades of reform, the Vietnamese Communist Party’s grip on power has well adapted to the market economy, but is confronting deep vulnerabilities as observed in its eroding ability to control workers, the media, public universities, and state-owned enterprises. The book also includes a section that applies formal and statistical methods to compare Vietnam with China in two critical areas of political accountability and anti-corruption policy.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Nhu Truong, Editor

      Nhu Truong is Assistant Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Affairs at Denison University, a Mansfield-Luce Asia Scholars Network Fellow, a Rosenberg Institute Scholar, and a Center For Khmer Studies Senior Research Fellow.
    • Tuong Vu, Editor

      Tuong Vu is Professor and Head of the Political Science Department at the University of Oregon.