Shin Buddhism: Historical, Textual, and Interpretive Studies

Hardback: $45.00
ISBN-13: 9781886439405
Published: June 2009

Additional Information

410 pages
  • About the Book
  • This collection brings together studies of the history, textual tradition, and contemporary interpretation of Shin Buddhism by leading scholars in the field of Pure Land Buddhist studies. The historical studies included here span the range of Pure Land from its origins in India through its development as a distinct system of Buddhist praxis—that is, the dialectic of doctrine and practice—in China, to its rise as a separate and self-identified “Pure Land” (Jodo) tradition in Japan. In recent decades the term “Pure Land Buddhism” has come to be used very inclusively, as a term for all forms of Buddhist praxis that involves belief in the existence of a buddha land that is in some sense the goal of practice. The focus of this collection, however, is the cultic tradition of Amitabha and Amitayus.

    Contributors: Allan A. Andrews, Joryu Chiba, Roger J. Corless, Mitsuya Dake, T. Griffith Foulk, Ruben L. F. Habito, Gilbert L. Johnston, Tetsuden Kashima, John P. Keenan, Whalen Lai, Bruno Lewin, Richard K. Payne, Ann T. Rogers, Minor L. Rogers, Hartmut O. Rotermund, Kenneth K. Tanaka, Katherine K. Velasco.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Richard K. Payne, Editor

      Richard K. Payne is Yehan Numata Professor of Japanese Buddhist Studies at the Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley.
  • Supporting Resources