Sāmoan Odyssey: A Life Story

Hardback: $40.00
ISBN-13: 9781877484292
Published: May 2017
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386 pages | b&w photographs, map of Samoa islands, family tree diagrams
  • About the Book
  • Sāmoan Odyssey takes us on a journey through the Pacific diaspora. Throughout the second half of the twentieth century thousands of Sāmoans left their island homes to live in far-flung countries. They went for self-betterment although they were among their nation’s best. Semisi Ma‘ia‘i was one of the first of his generation to make this journey. Here, he tells his life story.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Semisi Ma'ia'i, Author

      Born in the village of Leifiifi on the island of `Upolu, Semisi Ma`ia`i is a doctor of medicine and holds the Samoan orator's title, Papaali`i. He emigrated to New Zealand in 1954 and, after graduation from medical college, married Jenny, a Pakeha New Zealander who was then working as a nurse in Wellington. They moved first to New Plymouth and then to Auckland, where they raised two children. Semisi wrote his Samoan dictionary Tusi 'Upu Samoa over this period. Forty years later, in 2010, it was published by Little Island Press, the first such dictionary to be written by a Samoan. Semisi and Jenny now live in Wellington, where Semisi continues to write.
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