Na Inoa Hoku: Hawaiian and Pacific Star Names

Paperback: $39.00
ISBN-13: 9780954086756
Published: August 2015

Additional Information

272 pages
  • About the Book
  • In 1975, Hawaiian scholars Rubellite Kawena Johnson and John Kaipo Mahelona published Nā Inoa Hōkū, a Catalogue of Hawaiian and Pacific Star Names. Though long out of print, Nā Inoa Hōkū is still widely regarded as a definitive source of reference for anyone interested in the use of astronomy in Polynesian voyaging or the nature and development of ritual and calendrical practices throughout the Pacific. Working together with British archaeoastronomer Clive Ruggles, the authors have extensively revised and extended the catalogues and transformed the discussion of their wider context and significance, resulting in a much stronger focus upon the rich historical legacy of the Hawaiian Islands themselves. This new edition of Nā Inoa Hōkū is completely overhauled, vastly expanded, and includes new translation of many key primary Hawaiian sources from the mid-nineteenth century onwards.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Rubellite Kawena Johnson, Author

    • John Kaipo Mahelona, Author

    • Clive Ruggles, Author

      Clive Ruggles is emeritus professor of archaeoastronomy in the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom.
  • Supporting Resources