
Paperback: $26.99
ISBN-13: 9780824802875
Published: January 1999

Additional Information

539 pages
  • About the Book
  • Father Damien, Dr. Newman, and a group of other courageous and selfless people struggle to offer hope and dignity to the inhabitants of a late-nineteenth-century leprosy colony.

  • About the Author(s)
    • O. A. Bushnell, Author

      O.A. Bushnell is the foremost historical novelist writing about Hawaii today. His other books include Molokai, The Return of Lono, The Stone of Kannon, and The Water of Kane.
  • Reviews and Endorsements
    • It searches the hearts of the doomed and damned with an intense compassion. The author has painted the background of his novel with a knowing brush.... A vivid experience for the reader.
      New York Times Book Review
  • Supporting Resources