Managing Globalization in the Asian Century: Essays in Honour of Prema-Chandra Athukorala

Paperback: $56.00
ISBN-13: 9789814762274
Published: November 2016
Hardback: $99.00
ISBN-13: 9789814762304
Published: November 2016

Additional Information

537 pages
  • About the Book
  • The global centre of gravity continues to shift to the Asia-Pacific, the most dynamic region in the world. These economies have generally grown faster for longer periods of time than any other major region in world history. Their embrace of globalization has been a central feature, and driver, of their dynamism. The management of Asia-Pacific economic integration and globalization is crucial not only for the countries themselves but also for the state of the global economy, including importantly latecomer developing economies who look to the region for analytical and development policy lessons. Twenty-eight leading international authorities in the field, drawn from nine countries, provide a comprehensive examination of the causes, consequences and challenges of globalization, in a volume that celebrates the distinguished career of Professor Prema-Chandra Athukorala.

    Among the major issues examined are the region’s distinctive approach to trade liberalization, the effects of economic growth on poverty reduction and the labour market, the special challenges of by-passed regions, the role of ideas in influencing policy making, the modalities of connecting to global production networks, and the importance of remittances in economic development. Several country case studies provide in-depth analyses of development processes and outcomes. These include episodes in economic development, the challenges faced by transition economies, the macroeconomics of adjusting to slower growth and rising debt in advanced economies, and the so-called middle-income trap phenomenon.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Hal Hill, Editor

      Hal Hill is the H. W. Arndt Professor Emeritus of Southeast Asian Economies at the Australian National University.
    • Jayant Menon, Editor

      Jayant Menon is Visiting Senior Fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore, following his early retirement from the Asian Development Bank, where he was Lead Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist.
  • Supporting Resources