Hawaiian Legends of Tricksters and Riddlers

Paperback: $14.99
ISBN-13: 9780824813024
Published: November 1990
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104 pages
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  • About the Book
  • According to some of the oldest and least-known of Hawaii's legends, man became a trickster to survive, and later became a riddler to win a place for himself in society. Vivian Thompson's tales, written for youngsters, are based on some of the earliest recorded versions of these legends; they instruct and delight readers of today as the oral traditions of old captivated their audiences. The first voyagers to Hawaii were filled with terror of the unknown terrain inhabited by evil spirits. Fearless fellows, tricksters – those who could match wits not only against nature, spirits, and monsters but also against chiefs and kings who held the power of life and death – became the heroes of the common people. As trickster legends emerged from primitive Hawaii, so riddler legends grew from later Hawaii, where mental as well as physical skills were admired.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Vivian L. Thompson, Author

      Vivian L. Thompson, a long-time resident of Hawaii, heard her first Hawaiian legend from a guide on a mule-back trip during a visit to the Big Island of Hawaii. This sparked her interest and soon after she began collecting and retelling Hawaii's many tales and legends, hoping to preserve a rapidly disappearing heritage of folklore. Her many years of research in the subject have led to the publication of five books of Hawaiian myths, legends, and tales beautifully retold for today's readers; picture storybooks for young children; and plays for children's theater.
    • Patricia A. Wozniak, Illustrator

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