Goddess on the Rise: Pilgrimage and Popular Religion in Vietnam

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Hardback: Original price was: $62.00.Current price is: $5.00.
ISBN-13: 9780824826482
Published: March 2004
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Paperback: $27.00
ISBN-13: 9780824828011
Published: March 2004

Additional Information

344 pages
  • About the Book
  • Since the early 1990s, the shrine of Ba Chua Xu, the Lady of the Realm, has become the most visited religious site in southern Vietnam, receiving more than a million visitors annually. Mother, benevolent creditor, healer, relationship advisor, business consultant, the Lady of the Realm is one of a group of goddesses whose shrines attract devotees from all corners of rural and urban society. Goddess on the Rise follows these pilgrims' pathways, taking readers on a journey through a cultural landscape of popular rites, beliefs, and exegesis into a world where female deities reign supreme.

    Philip Taylor's in-depth study of pilgrimage introduces readers to the practical expectations, passions, and controversies that surround the goddesses, bringing to life the effervescence, creativity, and flux of modern Vietnamese religion. He offers important insights into people's everyday experience of the profound economic, cultural, and social transformations underway in this socialist country.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Philip Taylor, Author

      Philip Taylor is Senior Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the Australian National University.
  • Supporting Resources